19 Oct 1816
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
9 Aug 1899
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
User Submitted
3 May 1821
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
8 Feb 1894
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
                   02/09/1894 - Friday - Mrs. Sarah PLETCHER, wife of Michael PLETCHER, died
   at her home near Howard yesterday morning (Feb 8) aged 72 years.  An age
d husband and five sons survive.  Burial in Schencks Cemetery.
17 Dec 1842
11 Dec 1930
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
26 Jan 1847
Howard, Centre, Pennsylvania
21 Jan 1927
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
16 Jan 1872
                   "07/21/1927 - Henry S. PLETCHER, a Civil War veteran and a prominent resid
ent of Howard, died at his home on Monday afternoon from dilation of the
heart, at the age of 80 years and 5 months.  Mr. PLETCHER was born in How
ard Township and was a son of Michael and Susan PLETCHER.  He was married
   to Lyda MEESE, who survives with these children:  Alice, at home; Mrs. M
abel C. IRVIN, of Long Horn, PA; Eugene, of Philadelphia; Emma R. of Howa
rd and George R of Philadelphia.  These brothers also survive:  David, Na
thaniel, Christian and Lynn all of near Howard.  Funeral services were he
ld Wednesday afternoon; interment in the Schenck cemetery.  Mr. PLETCHER
was retired from the New York Central force in 1917."
Centre County, Pennsylvania 1880 Newspaper Obits
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
                   "11/04/1927 - Nathaniel G. PLETCHER died at his home at Howard on Saturday
, October 22, as the result of a stroke of paralysis sustained two weeks
previous, aged 77 years.  He was a native of Howard township and had live
d there all his life.  During his early life he followed carpentering but
   of late years had been engaged in farming.  He was twice married, his fi
rst wife having been Miss Emily MANN, of Romola.  Four children, all livi
ng, were the result of this union, Harry and Lewis PLETCHER of Howard tow
nship; Thomas A., of Howard, and Charles of Curtin.  Following the death
of his first wife he married Miss Alice MILLER, of Beech Creek, who survi
ves with three children, Herbert of Detroit, MI; Blair and Trena at home.
    He also leaves three brothers, David and Christ PLETCHER, of Howard and
   Linn of Howard township.  Mr. PLETCHER was an elder in the church of Chr
ist and the funeral services on Tuesday afternoon of last week were held
in the Christian chapel.  Rev. M. S. Blair, of Wellsboro was in charge an
d was assisted by Revs. David Neilson and J. F. Smith.  Burial was made i
n the Schenck cemetery."  Centre County,PA 1880 newspaper obits
13 May 1854
Abt 13 Jul 1939
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
                   "07/13/1939 - Christian H. PLETCHER, retired carpenter and Howard's second
   oldest resident died at 9 o'clock yesterday morning at the Teah Hospital
, Lock Haven, where he had been undergoing treatment since Saturday after
noon.  Death was attributed to a complication of diseases incident to adv
anced years.  Mr. PLETCHER, a son of Michael and Susan HOLTER PLETCHER, w
as born in Howard township on May 3, 1854 making his age at time of death
    85 years, 2 months and 9 days.  He was united in marriage with Silence
TAYLOR, who passed away about 8 years ago.  Surviving are these children:
    Asbury, Fred V. and Marion PLETCHER, and Mrs. A. D. GLEDHILL, all of Ho
ward; Mrs. Susan MARTIN of Lancaster; Miss Flora PLETCHER of Brooklyn, N
Y; Irvin B., Turtle Creek, and Mrs. Edith BENNISON of Indianapolis, IN.
Mr. PLETCHER was the last member of his immediate family.  Funeral arrang
ements had not been completed last night, but interment is to be made in
the Schenck cemetery, Howard." Centre County, Pennsylvania 1880 newspaper obits
10 May 1859
Howard, Centre, Pennsylvania
Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania
16 Jan 1894
Centre, Pennsylvania 
                   "09/07/1933 - HOWARD COUPLE DIE WITHIN A WEEK - Mr. and Mrs. Jacob PLETCHE
R would have observed golden anniversary in January - Wife succumbs after
   funeral of husband - Virtually on the eve of their golden wedding annive
rsary a highly respected elderly Howard couple passed away within five da
ys of each other.  Jacob Linn PLETCHER died at 8:30 o'clock on Wednesday
evening of last week after an illness with a complication of diseases and
   his wife Laura Amelia HOLTER PLETCHER passed away at 4 o'clock on Monday
   morning.  She had been in failing health for some time and the shock of
her husband's death hastened the end.  Mr. and Mrs. PLETCHER were united
in marriage on January 16, 1894, and had they lived until the coming Janu
ary would have observed their 50th wedding anniversary.  Mr. PLETCHER was
   a son of Michale and Susan HOLTER PLETCHER and was born at Howard on May
   10, 1859, hence was aged 74 years 3 months and 20 days.  Some time ago o
ne of his legs became infected and six weeks ago he went to the Lock Have
n hospital where the member was amputated.  Complications arising from th
e infection and operation were given as the cause of his death.  He lived
   all his life and died in the same house, which was built by his father.
   Mr. PLETCHER had been a member of the Fairview Evangelical church for th
e past 44 years and also was an active member of the Howard Grange, No. 2
97.  Funeral services ere held on Sunday from the church in charge of Rev
. W. E. Yingling and Rev. J. F. Winklebleck.  Interment was made in Howar
d.  Mrs. PLETCHER, too, was a native of Howard, having been born there 71
   years 9 months and 10 days ago.  She was a daughter of Benjamin F. and M
ollie HOUSER HOLTER.  Funeral services were held yesterday at the Evangel
ical church of which she had been a lifelong member.  Services were condu
cted by the pastor; Rev. W. E. Yingling assisted by the Rev. Mr. Winklebl
eck and interment was made beside the grave of her husband.  Mr. and Mrs.
   PLETCHER are survived by the following children:  Sallie A. MILLER of Bl
anchard; Irene M. PLETCHER, Oscar M. PLETCHER of Howard; Michael H. PLETC
HER of Lancaster; Josephine M. SCHENCK and Rosella PLETCHER of Howard, an
d five grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren.  In addition, Mr. PLETCH
ER is survived by a brother, Christian H. PLETCHER of Howard, and Mrs. PL
ETCHER is survived by two brothers and four sisters: Ambrose HOLTER of Cl
intondate; Elmer and Fannie HOLTER of Williamsport; Mary HOLTER of Roarin
g Springs; Maggie KANE of Howard, and Sue HOUSTON of Roaring Springs.  Un
til ill health prevented him from working, Mr. PLETCHER had tilled the fa
rm on which he and his wife had lived all their lives.  They were well kn
own and well liked in the Howard vicinity."  Centre County Pennsylvania
1880 newspaper obits
Abt 1863
Bef 1894
FamilyCentral Network
Michael Pletcher - Susan Holter

Michael Pletcher was born at Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania 19 Oct 1816. His parents were Henry Pletcher and Magdalena Schenk.

He married Susan Holter . Susan Holter was born at Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania 3 May 1821 .

They were the parents of 6 children:
David W. Pletcher born 17 Dec 1842.
Henry Shuman Pletcher born 26 Jan 1847.
Nathaniel G. Pletcher born 1852.
Christian h Pletcher born 13 May 1854.
Jacob Lynn Pletcher born 10 May 1859.
Clara Pletcher born Abt 1863.

Michael Pletcher died 9 Aug 1899 at Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania .

Susan Holter died 8 Feb 1894 at Howard Twp, Center, Pennsylvania .