11 Jun 1796
Jamshog, Blekinge, Sweden
28 Jan 1878
Jamjo, Blekinge, Sweden
Family Records
Internet IGI (Feb 2005)
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
                   Jons Svensson married to Karna Olsson.  Sealed to her 14 Nov1961. Jons and Carin were not married as their children are listed asilligitimate.  Their children Carl and Ingrid was sealed 27 Feb 1953 to Carin's second husband Salomon Salomansson andCarin.

We sealed Carl Ferdinand and Ingrid to Jons Svensson and CarinSvensdotter on 22 Aug 2000 in SDIEG since Jons was the biological father.
18 Oct 1822
Walby, Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden
20 Oct 1822
Walby, Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden
27 Apr 1907
Circleville, Piute, Utah
29 Apr 1907
Circleville, Piute, Utah
                   Sources of Information: 1.  Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden Parish Register 1800-1825, page 234 (FHL#129489) 2.  Jj, Blekinge, Sweden Clerical Surveys 1846-1870 (FHL #86174, 198353,198354, 198355, 198356)

Jons Svensson and Carin Svensdotter were engaged, but were never married.However, as their engagement had been publicly announced, they wererequired to be legally divorced prior to entering into another marriage.They were legally divorced prior to Carin's marriage to SolomonSolomonson, as noted in their marriage record and in subsequent cleircalsurveys.

Someone had Carin's baptism done by proxy 26 Mar1948. Carin is listed as a mother but no father listed when she had Carl andIngrid.  The farm was Walby and the mother was 26 when she gave birth.The Godparents were the widow Kjerstin Danielsdotter and a bachelor JohanJonasson in Walby

CHRISTENING: Brought to Christening by HakanAndersson'swife Kjerstin Svensdotter in Walby

DEATH: Alt death date;  28 Jan 1878

Ramdala Clerical Survey page

Resealed to parents 19 Apr 2000 SDIEG
2 Apr 1847
Walby, Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden
22 Dec 1934
Fort Morgan, Morgan, Colorado
7 Jan 1873
Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario,  
                   Source of Information: 1. Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden, Births 1847-1860 (FHL198635) 2.  Jj, Blekinge, Sweden Clerical Surveys 1846-1870 (FHL #86174, 198353,198354, 198355, 198356)

Carl Ferdinand Jonsson's  biological parents, Jons Svensson and CarinSvensdotter were engaged, but were never married. However, as theirengagement had been publicly announced, they were required to be legallydivorced prior to entering into another marriage. They were legallydivorced prior to Carin's marriage to Solomon Solomonson, as noted intheir marriage record and in subsequent cleircal surveys.  This may bequestionable.

Children were illegitimate in records.  Both children were sealed toSalmon Salomonson and Carin Svensdotter after theirmarriage.

Carl Ferdinand Jonsson was sealed to Salomon Salomonson 27 Feb1953.

Brother to Ingrid Sophia Jonsson.   He and Ingrid Sophia were sealed toreal parents by us on 22 Aug 2000.  the date listed SP is sealing toSolomonsson and Carin Salomansson Carin Svensson's second relationship and 1sthusband. The children have thus been sealed to real father Jons and to father whoraised Solomonsson.

Brother to Ingrid Sophia Jonsson. Question as to Place of Birth:Ramdalaor Karlshrona.  Question as to date of Christening 3 Apr or 6Apr.

Sealing date of children to Salomonson and Carin:  27 Feb 1953  SLC Theyare left on both records for thisresason. Carin was sealed to Salomon Salomonsoon  8 July 1892Manti

26 Aug 1970 - Sealings and endowment were ratified and reconfirmed forIngrid Sopia Jonsson 22 Aug 2000 children also sealed to Jon Svensson andCarin Sealing of children to Solomonsson approved by Robert D. Young  SLC
29 Apr 1849
Walby, Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden
2 Dec 1927
Manti, Sanpete, Utah
13 Sep 1867
Jamjo, Blekinge, Sweden 
                   Source of Information: 1. Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden, Births 1847-1860 (FHL198635) 2.  Jj, Blekinge, Sweden Clerical Surveys 1846-1870 (FHL #86174, 198353,198354, 198355, 198356)

Ingird Sophia  was listed on the FGR archive sheet as Ingrid SophiaJonsdotter, daughter of Jons Svensson and Carin Svensdotter. This isincorrect. From her birth record, she was an illegitmate child. Herfather was not listed. Her mother was listed as Carin Svensdotter. Onclerical surveys she was always listed as Salomon Salomonsson's daughter.Her marriage record listed her as Ingrid SophiaSalomonsdotter.

Ingrid Sophia and her brother Carl Ferdinard was the children of JonsSvensson and Carin Svensson.   This was a common Law marriage. Jons wasmarried to Karna Olsson first and was later sealed to her 14 Nov1961. Carin was married to Salomon Salomansson 15 Aug 1851 and Sealed to him 8Jul 1892.  Ingrid and Carl were sealed to them 27 Feb 1953 SLAKETEMPLE.So sealing listed is to Salomon. We then sealed Ingrid and Carl to real father Jon Svensson and Carin on22 Aug 2000 For some reason  baptism was done the second time for Ingrid 26 Aug 1970.
FamilyCentral Network
Jons Svensson - Carin Svensdotter

Jons Svensson was born at Jamshog, Blekinge, Sweden 11 Jun 1796. His parents were Sven Jonsson and Ingeborg Jonsdotter.

He married Carin Svensdotter . Carin Svensdotter was born at Walby, Ramdala, Blekinge, Sweden 18 Oct 1822 daughter of Sven Mansson and Ingrid Mansdotter .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Carl Ferdinand Jonsson born 2 Apr 1847.
Ingrid Sophia Jonsson born 29 Apr 1849.

Jons Svensson died 28 Jan 1878 at Jamjo, Blekinge, Sweden .

Carin Svensdotter died 27 Apr 1907 at Circleville, Piute, Utah .