Joseph West SMITH

6 Sep 1859
Minersville, Beaver, Utah
22 Dec 1944
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
24 Dec 1944
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
29 Oct 1886
St. George, Washington, Utah
Family Records
Ordinance Index - Version 1.02
Internet IGI (Mar 2005)


DEATH: The Family of Jesse N. Smith, Lib. Cong. Cat. Card 78-62813
               Family records poss. by Menlo F. Smith
    B  Church Archive Record dated 27 Oct 1970 w/ MFS
    E      "            "            "         "      "    "      "           "
    SS    "            "            "         "       "   "      "           "

Orig. source doc. poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Family records poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Fam. Ped. Chart by Lillian F. Smith 6 Aug 1969 poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Journal of Jesse N. Smith, Deseret News Pub. Co. 1953
Family of Joseph Fish, Pub. 1970 by J. Grant Stevenson, Provo, UT
I.G.I. 1994 Edition

See Journal of Joseph West Smith
Catherine Delphine FISH
29 Jun 1864
Parowan, Iron, Utah
17 Jun 1934
Snowflake, Navaho, Arizona
    Delphine aka Della

DEATH:  Family of Joseph Fish, Pub. 1970 by J. Grant Stevenson, Provo,

LDS ORD: Church Archive Record 27 Oct 1970 w/ Menlo F Smith

Family records poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Fam. Ped. Chart by Lillian F. Smith 6 Aug 1969 poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Journal of Jesse N. Smith, Deseret News Pub. Co. 1953
Family of Joseph Fish, Pub. 1970 by J. Grant Stevenson, Provo, UT
I.G.I. 1994 Edition
The Family of Jesse N. Smith, Lib. Cong. Cat. Card 78-62813

2nd wife. 1st wife: Sarah E. "Nellie" Marsden.  The families of both wives
were raised on adjoining lots in Snowflake, AZ. It was said that the two
wives could not have been closer if they had been sisters. It was the
unwritten but well followed rule that no one in either family ever
expressed any word of criticism about members of the other family. They
loved one another as if they were all one immediate family.
Her father related in his journal (Chapt. 24) that she was named
"Delphine for one of Clark Fabub's daughters and Catherine for her
grandmother Steele. We soon decided this was too long a name to be
handy and abbreviated it to Della."
21 Jul 1888
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
30 Jul 1913
                   Married Lawrence M. Monson 30 Jul 1913.  Lived most of adult years in
Salt Lake City, UT.  Lawrence who worked for the U.S. Post Office was
killed in a streetcar accident during the mid-30's and Mary raised the
family by herself from that time on with help from her brother J. Fish
and her older children.  Oldest son Kenneth was given a job in the post
office because of his father's employment there. Despite her heavy
burdens, she always appeared to me as good natured and I knew her as a
loving and caring aunt. She also showed great love for my mother which I
always perceived as reciprocal despite their differring religious beliefs.
17 May 1891
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
4 Dec 1981
Menlo Park, San Mateo, California
24 Aug 1924
Monte Vista, Rio Grande, Color 
    Burial: Alta Mesa Cemetery, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, CA
    B  Family records poss. by Menlo F. Smith
    E  Proxy: Menlo F Smith
    SS  Source Doc Call # 1553536 Batch L330049
Orig. source doc. poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Fam. Ped. Chart by Lillian F. Smith 6 Aug 1969 poss. by Menlo F. Smith
Journal of Jesse N. Smith, Deseret News Pub. Co. 1953
I.G.I. 1994 Edition
The Family of Jesse N. Smith, Lib. Cong. Cat. Card 78-62813
23 Sep 1893
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
14 Sep 1923
                   MARRIED OLIVE PEARL NEWMAN,  14 SEP 1923.
Worked on the railroad as a machinist most of his life. Lived for years in
Albuquerque, NM and then transferred to Kansas City, KS until his
retirement. His son Jack became an attorney and resided most of his life
in Albuquerque, NM.
19 Oct 1895
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
15 Dec 1970
                   Married Dorothy S. Cook 24 Jun 1939. They were never blessed with
children.  He was a favorite uncle and made numerous trips to SLC to
visit with the family.  He had a nickname for each niece and nephew,
mine being Sitting Bull. He never explained it but this apparently
reflected his perception of either my activity level or intransigence; I
never dared ask. His name for my mother was "The Queen" which to me
seemed perfectly appropriate. He was best known as "Andy", an
appellation he was given as a result of coaching football at Grossmont
High School where he taught debate. This was taken from a famous Univ.
of Calif. football coach named Andy Smith. He apparently preferred this
to Lazelle and even adopted the name to the extent of identifying himself
as L. A. Smith.  He was much loved as a teacher and produced many
champion debate teams in national competition.  He was extraordinarily
good natured and injected humor into every situation, usually
tongue-in-cheek but never at anyone's expense.  Out of respect and
admiration for Uncle Andy, we elected to name our youngest son after
him, having no idea at the time that he was born on Uncle Andy's
birthday.  This seemed to be especially touching to him and he
subsequently established a college fund for "Drew" which we credit for
providing important incentive to him to seek after a college education.
Mary Jean and I always felt particularly honored that he and Aunt
Dorothy attended our wedding.  A few years subsequently, he suffered a
head injury which resulted in a stroke which significantly incapacitated
him for his remaining years.  Aunt Dorothy continued teaching english at
Grossmont H.S. until her retirement. She had a special attatchment to
Drew. We stayed in touch with her through the years and always had
great love for her which was reciprocal.
27 Mar 1898
Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona
14 May 1996
1 Sep 1920
                   Married Lula Palmer 1 Sep 1920. Spent his career as a railway mail
clerk. His children: Guy, Rozele, Terry, Deril and Barry were the general
ages or our family and we spent many good times together. One summer,
Anadel and I were left with Uncle Henry's family in Albuquerque for
several weeks which we enjoyed immensely. Terry was my age and to
this day I consider him to be a special cousin for whom I've always had
great fondness.  Uncle Henry is the "Raconteur Laureate" of the family
and even at the present age of 97 he can retell endless stories of the
family and early life in Snowflake with great wit and style. Special
memories include the summer of about 1950 which he spent with one or
two of his boys working under my supervision in the Fruzola Co. plant in
SLC. Despite being then retired, he kept up with or exceeded anyone else
in any work that was to be done.  Subsequent to the death of Aunt Lula,
he remarried and he and Eileen came to the Philippines for a visit while I
was presiding over the Baguio Mission.  We took them with us on one of
our trips which they have always remembered fondly.  He is the last
remaining of his siblings and despite various ailments including a broken
femur in his late years and an extended bout with cancer, he does not
give up. True pioneer stock.
                   Married Mary Ann Young 2 Apr 1927.  Youngest son in the family,
evidently did not take well to school and appeared to suffer for that
throughout his life which generally seemed quite difficult.  For a time he
struggled on a farm owned by my father south of Snowflake. In about
1940, Dad purchased a nearly new stake-body truck and sent it to Ernan
so he could move his family to Alamosa Colorado and operate the farm
owned by my mother's parents.  He did that for a number of years. He was
not afraid of hard work and apparently not of wild animals. One one
occasion he was in the barn yard and found himself facing a bear which
had apparently come in from the mountains. The bear appeared menacing
so he proceded to kill it with the pitchfork he had in his hands.  He later
suddenly disappeared from the farm with the truck and his family and
was not heard from for a number of years. I well remember the day he
showed up at Dad's factory in SLC.  Dad greeted him as if nothing had
ever happened and proceeded to help him in every way he could, even
providing him with employment.  That act of brotherly love and charity
made a special impression on me and I then vowed I would strive to
emulate it, although I've not always done so with great success.
                   Married Curtis Patrick Miller 4 May 1932. Shared both her mother's name
and appearance.  Spent some extended time living with our family during
the difficult times of the 1930's depression.  Always showed love and
concern for us children.  On one occasion I jumped off a porch railing,
tripped over the back of a high back bench and skidded across the
concrete floor on my face.  She took it upon herself to keep the abrasion
dressed and cared for, determined that I would not live with the large
scar that would have otherwise resulted.
FamilyCentral Network
Joseph West Smith - Catherine Delphine Fish

Joseph West Smith was born at Minersville, Beaver, Utah 6 Sep 1859. His parents were Jesse Nathaniel Smith and Margaret Fletcher West.

He married Catherine Delphine Fish 29 Oct 1886 at St. George, Washington, Utah . Catherine Delphine Fish was born at Parowan, Iron, Utah 29 Jun 1864 daughter of Joseph Fish and Mary Campbell Steele .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Mary Smith born 21 Jul 1888.
Joseph Fish Smith born 17 May 1891.
Albert Snow Smith born 23 Sep 1893.
Lazelle Andrew Smith born 19 Oct 1895.
Henry Aikens Smith born 27 Mar 1898.

Joseph West Smith died 22 Dec 1944 at Snowflake, Navajo, Arizona .

Catherine Delphine Fish died 17 Jun 1934 at Snowflake, Navaho, Arizona .