George HOFIUS, SR.

23 Mar 1773
Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania
18 Sep 1842
Hickory Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania
Hickory Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Pine Hollow Cem.
Westmorland Co., Pennsylvania
Paul Vaughan Hofius Family Records
                   RELATIONSHIPS-WILL: of George Hofius, Will Book2,pg 351, Mercer
Co.,Pa.,mentions wife Jane and their children
BIOGRAPHY:Pers.Knowledge or Mary S. Zahllar Speidel regarding her 2 Gr
Grandfather. History of Mercer Co., 1888, V.2, p866.
MILITARY SERVICE: Soldier War of 1812

Occupation: Farming.

Education: Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Military Servics: Was a soldier in the War of 1812-14.  His first tour of duty was with Captain Thomas M. Miller's Company a part of the 135 Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia doing duty at Erie, Pa., in 1813 under command of Lt. Col. Andrew Christy by order of Major General David Mead dated 7/25/1813, as a Private and served from 7/28/1813 to 8/12/1813 (15 days) and was paid $10.00 per month.  George served again under the same command by order of Major General David Mead dated 1/1/1814, again as a Private and served from 1/2/1814 to 2/12/1814 (1 month and 12 days) and was again paid $10.00 per month.  During this period of service his name was spelled George Hovis like it appears in the 1820 census.

Work Experiencs: Farming & Soldiering.

He was born in Westmoreland County in the area that became Washington County when it was formed in 1781.  He then came to Hickory Corners, Hickory Twp., now known as Hermitage, Pa., in 1800 (the same year Mercer County was formed and two years before Congress admitted Ohio as a new state) with his father Johan, mother Nancy, his wife Jane and oldest son Henry who was approximately 1 year old at the time.  They were one of the Pioneer Families of Hickory Township when the County of Mercer was almost all forest.  This government Western Land (Indian Territory) was selling for $20.00 an acre.  They settled on his 150 acres with two camps of Cornplanter Indians - one located at the mouth of Pine Run above where Sharpsville now is and the second camp where Wheatland now is.  Kiondoshwa, their well-known Chief was a frequent visitor at the farm.  George was well known among the early settlers.  He was a taxable of Pymatuning Twp., in 1802 which after removing Hickory Township from Pymatuning Twp., in 1833, this taxable property then became part of Hickory Township.

He took part in the War of 1812 that ended for all time the menace of the England-Indian Alliance and the Indian menace in both the Northwest and Southwest.  The political independence from England had been won by the American Revolution and this War of 1812 was not a "Second War for Independence", but the war that markedly accentuated the divorcement of the two countries with American commerce on the high seas nolonger molested, and American manufaturing, from the trade restrictions, promoted a degree of economic independence from England that the United States had never known before.

Like his father he remained on the farm until his death in 1842.  This homestead over the years consisted of a log cabin in the rear, a little frame house in the center and the main house (located along what is now Hofius Lane in Hermitage, Pa).  George received the deed for the first 150 acres from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on 3/11/1811 after making the improvements required in the Land Act of 3/4/1792.  On 8/25/1814 he purchased an additional 150 acres from Thomas Stokely and next 3 acres from Samuel Fergerson.  On 10/13/1846 his estate made the final land purchase of 210 acres from Samuel Stokely.  This 513 acre farm was subdivided after George Sr., death with his 6 sons obtaining the land.

It is believed that George was buried in Pine Hollow Cemetery in Hickory Twp., Pennsylvania a small cemetery donated by his wife Jane's parents Henry and Margaret (Black) Clark which originally was part of the Clark homestead.

He and his wife Jane Clark had 12 children - 6 sons and 6 daughters.  George's family in the 1820 census is shown as 13 members (at this point their youngest son George was not born until 1822) located in Pymatuning Township and his name was shown as Hovis.  In the 1830 census his family is listed as 8 members in Pymatuning Township and his name is still given as Hovis.

20 Jul 1779
Philadelphia, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania
8 Oct 1870
Hickory Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania
10 Oct 1870
Morefield Cem., Hickory, Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
Paul Vaughan Hofius Family Records
                   RELATIONSHIPS-WILL: of George Hofius, Will Book2, pg 351, Mercer Co.Pa.
mentions wife Jane and names the children.
CENSUS:1850, Hickory Twp,Mercer, Pa,p. 82, October lists Jane as head of
household dwelling# 244, Household # 249, age 72 b Penna.
CENSUS:1860, Hickory Twp, Mercer, Pa,p. 96 has Jane Hofius 80,F, living
with George & Elizabeth Hofius on 11 Jul,dwelling # 677,Household #
BIOGRAOPHY:Notes on Notepaper of Hofius File believed written by FritzSchmidt
mentions Jane's Aunt Lottie went to Ohio to live. George & Jonathan both
married girls from Ohio.(Also Henry-so there was an Ohio connection.)
History of Mercer Co.,1888, Vol. 2, p. 866.
This history says she died at age 91, had an uncle who served in
Washington's army & killed at Long Island. Member of Sharon Baptist
Church..  At death had 12 children, 93 grandchildren, 163 g. grandchild.,&
11 g g grandchildren

Occupation: Homemaker.


Work Experiences:

Jane Clark's father Henry came from Ireland (Born 1745) several years before the Revolutionary War and served in that war for three years.  He suffered a bad leg wound in the war.  His residance at the time was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  After the War he came to Westmoreland County and after living there a number of years, being impelled by a desire to go further West, he came to Mercer County and purchased 143 acres of land near Pine Hollow, in what was then Pymatuning Township.  He paid a sum of $14 or about 10 cents an acre.

Jane's brother James Clark lived on the family farm near Pine Hollow until     his death in 1857 at the age of 72 years.  James's wife Nancy Beggs died three days after his death at the age of 70 years.  This original homestead that bounded on Pine Hollow Cemetery was later sold to General James Pierce.  At the time of this sale a strip of land extending back of the old burying ground was reserved for Clark Reunions which were held starting on 6-15-1878 involving picnics, playing croquet and fighting off bugs.

Jane died at the advance age or 91 - retaining her facialties to a remarkable degree to the last.  She could give a vivid and thrilling account of the pioneer & frontier life & was familiar with the incidents connected with that ill-fated expedition that resulted in the burning of Col. Crawford.

She had an uncle who served in Washington's Army, & was killed in the battle of Long Island.  For many years she was a consistent member of the Sharon Baptist Church.  She and her husband George Sr. had 12 children - 6 sons and 6 daughters.

The Pine Hollow Cemetery is also called the Clark Graveyard, Pine Hollow Burying Ground and the Trout Island Cemetery. It is located on the West Side of Trout Island Road - 2/10 mile North of Walnut Street Extension (Route  518) Hermitage, Pa.  This cemetery was donated to the area by Jane's father Henry.

Jane's mother's name was Margaret.  She and Henry had seven children, five girls - Mary, Margaret, Ann, Nancy and Jane and two boys -  James and William.

Henry Clark and wife Margaret's daughter Mary was married to Jonathan Dunham in 1801.  Jonathan Dunham was the first owner of the land where the original lots of Sharpsville were layed out in 1837 by James Sharp.

Henry Clark was a taxable of Pymatuning Twp., Mercer County, Pennsylvania in 1802.  He was also an overseer of Pymatuning Twp., in 1811, 1812, and 1813. In 1815 Henry was a constable of Pymatuning Township

Jane was buried in Section 7, Row 1, Grave Site 9 in Morefield Cemetery.
31 Mar 1799
Washington, Pennsylvania
10 Nov 1866
Hickory Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, At Home.
15 Dec 1853
Boardman Twp., Mahoning Co., O 
                   CENSUS:1860, Hickory Twp.,Mercer, Pa,p.112 gives Henry as 60yrs. old.
Will of George Hofius, Will Book2, pg 351, Mercer,Pa, lists Henry as one
of the children.
Note that in the 1860 census there is a 7 yr f. living with his family by
the name of Tracey or Lucey Dunlap.(Grandchild?)
BIOGRAPHY:Father of 7 children, 4 sons & 3 daughters-all by 1st marr.

Henry was born in Washington County and brought by his parents to Hickory Twp., when he was about 1 yr., old.  Raised on the homestead farm, received a common school education, principally under the tutorage of the well-known teacher, Master Hays. In 1823 he married Mary Reno a daughter of Charles Reno one of the early settlers of Sharon.  They settled on the West half of the homestead willed, by his father George, to he and his brother John.  This property of approximately 210 acres was located in Hickory Township,  Pennsylvania.  Henry remained on this part of the homestead until his death.  Later his son George C., took over the farm.

He was quite a prominent military man in the days of the old State Militia having been commissioned Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel - his commissions bearing the signatures of Governors Shulze, Wolf & Shunk.  In the Military Commission Book (Militia Book) Volume 6 for 1827-1833 Henry was in the Third Brigade of the Sixteenth Division - Greenville Volunteer Regiment - Sharon Volunteer Batalion as a Major.  In these books for 1842-1845 Volume 8 he was in the Second Brigade as a Captain - Shenango Sharpshooters.  In the same books for 1845-1848 Volume 9 he was in the Second Brigade Volunteers, Fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers as a Lieutenant Colonel.  Henry was 5 times elected justice of the peace, holding the office at time of his death.

He also took an active part in political issues of the day and in latter years great interest in the Sabbath and common schools.  During his lifetime the Morefield Cemetary was layed out as early as 1808.  Not layed out with and regularity.  On 4/18/1853 it was chartered Morefield Cemetery Assn., by the legislature.  Henry Hofius Esquire was one of the corporators.  When Mary Reno died in 1851 he married Charlotte Austin of Mahoning County, Boardman Twp., Ohio in 1853.

Henry had land holdings of 120 acres in Section 18, Town 91 and Range 29 in Humboldt County, Iowa (Dakota City) at least in the years 1861 through 1863. He paid taxes of about $6.00 per year on the land.

He had 7 children by his first wife four sons and three daughters and none by his second wife.  In the 1830 census his name was spelled Hofis and he is shown living in Shenango Township with 5 members in the family.  In the 1840 census his name is spelled Hofus and he then is shown as living in Hickory Township with 7 in the family.  In the 1850 census his name is spelled Hofius and was living in Hickory Township with 5 in the family.  In the 1860 census his name is spelled Hofins and was living in Hickory Township with a family of four.  His real estate was valued at $4,500 and his personal property at $1,235.

Henry was buried in Section 7, Row 1, Grave Site 17 in Morefield Cemetery.

Henry's will was drawn up on 6/1/1861 and registered on 11/28/1866 and witnessed by John Hofius and John S. Hofius.
16 Mar 1801
Salem Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
Jun 1873
Mercer, Pennsylvania 
                   CENSUS:1850, Sandy Lake, Mercer, Pa.,25 July,p.253.
RELATIONSHIPS-WILL: of George Hofius, Will Book 2, pg 351, Mercer Co. Pa,
mentions "Polly" Porter as one of his daughters.Polly was used as anickname for
Mary often in those days.William Porter mentioned also in the papers
connected with the will.
BIOGRAPHY:Personal Knowledge of G Granddaughter,Mary S. Zahllar Speidel.
CENSUS:1870, page 69, dwell 120, fam 120, shows her at age 69 living
with William C. Dean & wife, Mary P. (Porter) Dean.

Twin of brother John Hofius.  She married William Porter.

Her father willed Mary and her five sisters all his personal property together with all money due to him per his will dated 9/20/1842 and registered on 12/6/1842 in Mercer County Pennsylvania.  Her father called her Polly and she died before 1888.

Mary and William had at least seven children, 3 sons and 4 daughters.

Myra (Porter) Morford a teacher who taught in a small town about 75 miles East of Kingsley, Iowa was Mary (Hofius) Porter's daughter.  Later Myra lived in Pomona, California.
16 Mar 1801
Salem Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
17 Jul 1874
Hickory Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania
17 Feb 1846
Mercer, Pennsylvania 
                   CENSUS:1850,Hickory Twp,Mercer,Pa.,20 Sep.,p.73 ,gives age as 48
DEATH:Record, Mercer County Courthouse, Mercer,Pa.,Volume 8,Pg 200
RELATIONSHIP-WILL: of Father,George Hofius, Will Book2, pg 351, Mercer,Pa.
CENSUS:1860,Hickory twp,Mercer,Pa,p.235,11 Jul, gives age as 59 yrs.
Twice married & the father of a large family

John the second son of George was born in 1801 and raised on the homestead farm.  He and his brother Henry were willed the west half of the homestead, by their father George - approximately 210 acres.  The Ormsby Works #1 was sunk in 1859 on John's farm by Enoch Filer for J.W. Ormsby & Pierce a 115 ft., shaft with a hoisting apparatus that was the first where steam was used in the valley.  The coal was taken to the canal by a tram road until 1865 when a "T" rail was laid on the track and a locomotive put on.  The coal was then shipped by the Erie & Pittsburgh Railway and the canal until the canal was abandoned about 1871.  This bank became exausted in 1871 the year a terrible accident occured at the shaft.  Five were decending when the wire rope broke and 4 were killed in the fall with the fifth who recovered.

He died in 1874 and was buried in Oakwood Cemetary, Sharon, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Mary Dugan had 8 children - 3 sons and 5 daughters. He was twice married.  His second marriage was to Maria Bears.  By this marriage he had 6 children - 1 son and 5 daughters.

In the 1830 census his name was spelled Hofis and he was living in Shenango Township with a family of 5.  In the 1840 census his name was spelled Hofus and he was living in Hickory Township with a family of 10.  In the 1850 census his name was spelled Hofius and he was living in Hickory Township with a family of 7.  In the 1860 census his name was spelled Hofins and was living in Hickory Township with a family of 6.  At the time his real estate was valued at $5,000 and his personal property at $490.  In the 1870 census his name was spelled Hofius and was living in Hickory Township with a family of six.

His very nice home where he and Mariah lived is shown in the first addition of the Mercer County, Pennsylvania History Book.  It was still standing up into the 1950 at then the corner of route 62 and route 18.  It was removed to make way for a service station and presently is the site of               Bank.

John H. Hofius was the twin brother of Mary Hofius.
16 Dec 1803
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
23 Feb 1891
Hickory Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
Mercer Co., Pennsylvania 
                   RELATIONSHIPS-WILL: of George Hofius, Will Book 2,p 351,Mercer,Pa,mentions
Annie Titus as one of his six daughters.
CENSUS:1850, Hickory Twp.,Mercer,Pa,28 Sep,p.79 lists Ann Titus, age 46
as the wife of William Titus.
CENSUS:1860, Hickory Twp,Mercer Pa, 11 Jul, lists Ann Titus, wife of
Wiliam Titus as age 54.
BIOGRAPHY:1888 History of Mercer Co, pp 866-867

Her father referred to her as Anne in his will.  In this will Ann and her five sisters inherited all of his personal property together with all money due to him per this will dated 9/20/1842 and registered on 12/6/1842 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.  She was a mother of a large family of children and grandchildren.  She and her husband had nine children per her death notice.

Anna according to the Sharon Herald on 2/27/1891 was the oldest resident of Hickory Twp at death, at her son Hiram's Home.  She was 88 years old.  Her death was consequent on the infirmities of extreme age.  At her death her only sister still living was Sarah (Hofius) Haun and two brothers, Jonathan and George Hofius.

According to the 1860 Census of Mercer County Ann and William had atleast 6 children - 4 sons and 2 daughters.
12 May 1806
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
14 May 1890
Bridgeport, Jackson Co., Iowa, Usa
Jul 1851
Jackson Co., Iowa 
                   Will of George Hofius, Will Book 2, p 351, Hickory Twp,Mercer,Pa,
Mentions William as one of his sons.
Letter written in Jan, 1926 by Sarah Rice Monross,g dau of Mary
Priscella Hofius Porter, telling about family.
1888 History of Mercer Co.,Pa, pp 866-867 states he moved to Iowa
1847-48, twice married, with large family also.

William the 3rd son of George was born in Hickory Twp., & spent the early years of his life on the homestead farm & was engaged in farming.  He and his brother James later were willed the south half of the homestead. He married Martha Dugan daughter of Thomas Dugan of Trumbull County, Ohio.  Martha died after 1845 leaving 7 children two boys and five girls, Seth, Azariah, Jonathon, Hilda, Marilda, Mary and Martha.  In 1845 he moved to Jackson County, Iowa locating near Old Springbrook, Iowa until the death of his first wife which occurred shortly after their arrival in Iowa.  In July 1851 he married his second wife Mrs. Mary Vaughn and they had one child George.  At this time the earliest record showing William had settled in Jackson County in the year 1850.  William had a grandaughter named Lydia Thompson who had lived in Iowa.  From Carol Wells' letter of 7/3/94 her grandmother was Mabel Hofius who was a decendent of Azariah Hofius and Azariah was a son of William Hofius who's father was George Hofius Sr.

While in the Hickory area William was a member of the Hays Class of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Sharpsville.  This Class was organized in 1836 and William and his wife Martha were part of the original members.

In the 1830 census his name was spelled Hovis and he was living in Pymatuning Township with a family of 3.  In the 1850 census he was listed as a farmer and appeared on his mothers record with his name spelled Hoffius in Mercer County, Hickory Township.  In the 1860 census for Jackson County, Maguaketa Township, Iowa he was listed as a farm laborer with a $200.00 estate and personal property of $50.00.  His Obit states he was the father of 10 children and 53 grand-children as well as 19 great-grand-children.

Prior to his death he was a helpless invalid for 19 months and for the last few weeks was a terrible sufferer, but he bore his suffering with courage.
8 Aug 1808
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
15 May 1877
Clarksville, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
                   Will of George Hofius,Will Book 2,p.315,Mercer Co,Pa, mentions Nancy
Reard as one of his six daughters.

Twin sister of James Hofius.  Nancy's married name is in question.  In her mothers bible (Jane (Clark) Hofius's bible) she has her married name as Nancy Reichart.  In her father's will (George Hofius Sr.,) the spelling of her married name is Nancy Rheard.  Also, some work that the Hofius - Hovis reunion pulled together has Nancy as Nancy Reater and married to Jake Reater. At this time I am carring Nancy as married to a Reichart.

In her father's will Nancy and her five sisters inherited all of his personal property together with all money due to him per this will dated 9/20/1842 and registered on 12/6/1842 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.

It has now been found that Nancy married Isaac Reeher and they had 10 children per article in the Sharon Herald dated 9/24/1926.
8 Aug 1808
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
Dayton, Richland Co., Wisconsin, Usa
Abt 1854
Pennsylvania, Usa 
                   Will of George Hofius, Will Book2, p.315,Mercer, Pa, mentioning James
as one of the sons.
1850 Census, Hickory Twp,~Mercer, Pa, p.83, October, gives age of James
Hofius as 42.
1888 History of Mercer Co., Pa, pp866-867, stated he  moved to Wisc.
1855 & died there leaving a family.

Twin brother of Nancy Hofius.  After his fathers death he and his brother William were willed the south half of the homestead in Hickory Township.  He moved to Wisconsin about 1855.  On 8/5/1861 he sold his farm in Hickory Township to brothers George and Jonathan for $1,410.  At the time he and his wife Eliza were living in Dayton, Richland County Wisconsin.  The deed was recorded in the clerks office in Richland Center, Wisconsin on June 4, 1862.  The deed was later recorded At Mercer County Court House in Pennsylvania on July 1, 1862 and is in Deed Book L Volume 2 Pages 612 and 613.  The town of Dayton is now located in Green County, Wisconsin.

In the 1830 census James's name was spelled Hofis and was living in Shenango Township with a family of 3.  In the 1840 census his name was spelled Hofus and was living in Hickory Township with a family of 2. In the 1850 census his name was spelled Hoffius and he was living in Hickory Township with a family of nine.  In this census his occupation was given as a farmer and had $1,000 worth of Real Estate.

Present records show he died in Wisconsin leaving a family.

In the 1850 census for Mercer Co., PA James is shown with no wife but did show the following children, Theodre, Fletcher, Jemmu, Margaret, Sarah, Mary, Caroline, James and Nancy.
3 Nov 1811
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
12 Mar 1881
Delaware Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania
                   Will of George Hofius, Will Book 2,p 351, Mercer, Pa.,mentions Peggy
Ferguson as one of his six daughters. Peggy is a nickname for Margaret.

Margaret is buried in the then Clarksville Citizens Cemetary in Clark, Pa. Her father called her Peggy.  In her father's will Margaret and her five sisters inherited all of his personal property together with all money due to him per his will dated 9/20/1842 and registered on 12/6/1842 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.

Margaret and Mathew had atleast 7 children - 1 son and 6 daughters.
18 Jan 1815
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
11 Feb 1862
                   Priscilla from her father's will dated 9/20/1842 was listed as Priscilla Hofius and it would appear she had not married James Thompson yet.  In this same will her father willed Priscilla and her five sisters all of his personal property together with all money due to him.  This will was registered on 12/6/1842 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.

Will of George Hofius, Will Book 2,p315, Mercer ,Pa.,mentions Priscella
as one of his six daughters.
Letter of Sarah Rice Monross,Jan 22, 1926 telling about the 12 children
of George Hofius. Sarah was the daughter of Nancy Porter Rice, the g'dau
of George Hofius. She said Priscella was married to a Thompson.
12 May 1817
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
27 Oct 1898
Hickory Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, Usa
23 Sep 1858
Trumbull Co., Ohio 
                   1850 Census, Hickory Twp.,~Mercer,Pa.,20 Sep, p.73
Death record, Mercer County, Volume 8, pg 201
Will of George Hofius,Will Book 2, p 315,Mercer, Pa.mentions Jonathan as
one of his sons.
1860 Census, Hickory Twp, Mercer, Pa, 11 July, p. 97, gives age as 42.
1888 History of Clermont County, pp 866-867

Jonathan had no children by either of his two wives.  He and his brother George were willed the north half of his fathers homestead.  In this will dated 9/20/1842 and registered in Mercer County, Mercer, Pennsylvania on 12/6/1842 he also received the three acres of land his father had purchased from Samuel Furgison years earlier.

He lived his whole life on the farm (built his own home and outbuildings) which later adjoined his brother George's land.  It was on Clarksville Road, Sharpsville, Pa. now called Hermitage, Pa. When he passed away he willed the farm to his niece Nancy Amelda and when she married John G. Adams it became known as the Adams Farm. He was 81 years old at death and had pneumonia.

In his younger days he was connected with the Sate Militia holding the position of sergeant in the Shenango Sharpshooters as shown in Militia book 1845-1848 Volume 9.  He was attached to the 2nd Brigade.

Jonathan was Vice President along with his brother George of the annual Henry Clark Reunion for several years in the late 1870's and early 1880's.  This reunion was held at Pine Hollow then a part of Pymatuning Township.

His wife Nancy and he were members of the Baptist Church of Sharon, Pa.

In the 1860 census his name was spelled correctly and was living in Hickory Township with his family of 2.  In the 1870 census his name was spelled correctly and was living in Hickory Township with his family of 2.

Jonathan and Nancy did have a foster son, a nephew, Daniel Artherholt Fitzell who lived with them.  It appears that this nephew's mother was Cordelia (Artherholt) Fitzell who was born on June 13, 1832 and died on February 16, 1857.
2 Oct 1819
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
30 Dec 1901
Trumbull Co., Ohio, Usa
Sep 1842
                   Will of George Hofius, Will Book 2, p.315, Mercer, Pa, mentions Sally
Hofius as one of his six daughters. She was not married in Sep,1842
Letter from Nancy Rice Monross,daughter of Nancy Porter Rice who was
the g'dau of Mary Priscella Hofius Porter, names Sally as "Sarah" Hann.
Notes on notebook paper, written by Fritz Schmidt we think, tells of
Jacob Hann marrying Sallie as  his second wife.
1888 History of Mercer Co.,Pa, pp 866-867 states she was alive in 1888
& widow of late George Haun

Sarah was the mother of a large family.  Her father called her Sally in his will. It appears that she had not married George Haun at the time as she was referred to as Sally Hofius.  The will is dated 9/20/1842 and was registered in Mercer County, Mercer Pennsylvania on 12/6/1842.   Sarah and her five sisters inherited all of her fathers personal property together with all money due to him.

In the Glenwood Cemetary in Clark, Pennsylvania she is layed to rest in Section A Row 18 grave site 5.

As given in the 1860 census of Mercer County Sarah and George had atleast 5 children - 4 sons and 1 daughter.

At the time of her death she was one of the oldest residents of Trumbull county, Ohio.  She died at the home of her daughter Mrs. James Messersmith, near Weldon at the age of 82.  About a week before her death she was injured by a fall and failed to rally from the shock.
22 Jul 1822
Pymatuning Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
1 Sep 1904
Hickory Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania, Usa
24 Nov 1853
Mercer, Pennsylvania 
                   Will of George Hofius, Will Book 2, p 351, mentions George as one of his
Letter from Sarah Rice Monross, dau of Nancy Porter Rice who was the
g'dau of Mary Priscella Hofius Porter mentioning the 12 children of
George Hofius.
1860 Census, Hickory Twp.,Mercer,Pa.p.96,11 Jul,gives George as 38 yrs.
1850 Census, Hickory Twp,Mercer,Pa,p.82,in the household of Jane
Hofius, giving his age as 28.
1888 History of Mercer Co., pp866-867
Religion: Members of The Baptist Church of Sharpesville

Occupation: Farming.

Education: Educated in Hickory Township.

Work Experience: Farmed on the homestead all his life.

He was raised and educated in Hickory Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. He and his brother Jonathan were willed the north half of his fathers homestead.  In this will dated 9/20/1842 and registered in Mercer County, Mercer, Pennsylvania on 12/6/1842 he also received one iron gray colt which was one year old in the spring of that year.

George Jr. and his brother Jonathan were Vice Presidents of the annual Henry Clark Reunion held during the late 1870's and early 1880's.  This reunion was held at Pine Hollow, at the time in Hickory Township, on a small parcel of land originally belonging to Henry Clark's Estate.

George Jr. was willed the part of the homestead where he and the earlier members of George Sr.'s family grew up.  His mother Jane (Clark) Hofius lived with George Jr. and his wife Betsy until her death in 1870.  Brother Henry's son Socrates, during his young life, lived with George Jr. and Betsy on the homestead and helped farm the land.

George married Elizabeth "Betsy" Artherholt and they had 4 children - 2 sons who were twins and 2 daughters (Luther Wayne, Leonard Clark, Mary Ella and Nancy Amelda).  Both were members (14 total) of the Baptist Church in Sharpsville, on Baptist Hill when it was formed in 1871 by Rev. J.T. Griffiths.  He was also deacon of the church.  Prior to that time they had attended the Baptist Church in Sharon, Pennsylvania.

It appears Rev. J.T. Griffiths was a over pious minister.  With this a tragic family life began.  Betsy forsook family, friends and all normal ways of life to give all her time to the church.  She became a fanatic - truly insane and was know in the community as "crazy Betsy."  George Jr., could not control her, the four children forsook her, along with pulling out of church and to some extent withdrew in shame and took to ways of living that really drove her to insanmity and crushed her busband and father.

George did his farming on part of the old homestead located on Hofius Lane, Sharpsville, Pa., adjoining his brother Jonathan's farm on Clarksville Road in Sharpsville, Pa., which is now Hermitage, Pa.  It was a good farm and supplied quite a comfortable income for the family.  Once the two boys and daughter Ella had gotten all of George Jr.'s money all  that was left was the farm.  In the end Luther, Leonard and Ella joined together and kept Amelda from getting her share.  However, Ella was the shruder of the three and ended up with the farm.

His death was due to old age and he died a crushed old man.  And so ended a generation which had every reason to have made something of their lives, but did't.  It appears Betsy was to blame for most of the failures.  All her children were healthy in body and of extra brilliant minds.  Seh took it upon herself to order their lives according to her radical beliefs.  The harder she worked at it the more they resisted and total failure resulted.  The world she was so sure was soon to be destroyed still exists and her very life was destroyed in her insane efforts.

In the 1850 census his name was spelled Hofius and lived in Hickory Township on the homestead.  In the 1860 census his name was spelled Hofius and was living in Hickory Township with his family of 5 plus his mother Jane and nephew Socrates.  His real estate was worth $3,750 and personal property of $630.  In the 1870 census his name was spelled Hofius and was living in Hickory Township with his family of 6 and his mother Jane.
FamilyCentral Network
George Hofius, Sr. - Jane Clark

George Hofius, Sr. was born at Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania 23 Mar 1773. His parents were Johan Theodor Hofius and Nancy Baker.

He married Jane Clark at Westmorland Co., Pennsylvania . Jane Clark was born at Philadelphia, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania 20 Jul 1779 daughter of Henry Clark and Margaret Black .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Henry Hofius born 31 Mar 1799.
Mary "Polly" Hofius born 16 Mar 1801.
John H. Hofius born 16 Mar 1801.
Ann Hofius born 16 Dec 1803.
William Hofius born 12 May 1806.
Nancy Hofius born 8 Aug 1808.
James Hofius born 8 Aug 1808.
Margaret "Peggy" Hofius born 3 Nov 1811.
Priscilla Hofius born 18 Jan 1815.
Jonathan Hofius born 12 May 1817.
Sarah Hofius born 2 Oct 1819.
George Hofius, Jr. born 22 Jul 1822.

George Hofius, Sr. died 18 Sep 1842 at Hickory Twp., Mercer, Pennsylvania .

Jane Clark died 8 Oct 1870 at Hickory Twp., Mercer Co., Pennsylvania .