John Kimball SKINNER

Abt 22 Feb 1799
30 Jul 1875
Brewer, Penobscot, Maine
23 Sep 1824
Salem, Massachusetts
                   Microfilm 0010580-Lineage of Brewer 1743-1841  Book 1, page 152
Death certificate of Carrie M. Moor (nee Skinner), wife of Orlando Moor, lists john K. Skinner as her father Lineage of Brewer-Book no. 1, page 152 lists the John K. Skinner family.  The record also notes that John K. Skinner and wife Hannah admitted to Brewer  Ch from Salem Ch june 11 ( May 5) 1837
One could assume that children born after 1837 were born in Brewer.  Other town records showing marriages list family members as being"of Brewer
Birth date derived from death records in city of Brewer which list death date as July 30, 1875, and age at that timeas 76 years, 5 months, and 8 days.  Hisoccupation is listed as toll-gatherer,  That my be clue to how his daughter Carrie and her husband Orlando Moore happened to know one another as Orlando was also a toll-gatherer in Brewer.  This individaul's middle name dterminedto be kimball based on son's appearance as John K. Skinner Jr. on birth recor as father of infant Skinner on 20 Apr 1864
Marriage to Sarah Folsom of Bangor obtained from same microfilm, marriages and intentions, Book 2 1839-1854, page 35

Microfilm 0803447-1860 Federal Census for Town of Brewere, County of Penobscot, State of Maine-pages250-251-dwelling 109, family 114
John K. Skinner 61  Male Toll Gathereer New Hampshire
Sarah Skinner 52  Female  Maine
Martha A. Skinner 27  Female Maine
Alvah Skinner 13 Male Maine
Sarah E.Skinner 7  Female Maine
Albert F. Folsom 17 Male
Hannah P. ROWELL
8 Nov 1807
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Aug 1841
                   Microfilm 0010580n Lineage of Brewer, 1743-1841  Book 1, page 152
Other sources also identify Hannah P. Skinner as daughter of Hannah Rowell and john K. Skinner
Christening date from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachuseets to the End of the Year 1849" Published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts,  They cite sourcsas C. R. 6 (Church Record, South Church) Vol. II  births, Pag 254
Under heading Rowell (see also Rabell, Ravel, Ravell, Rewel, Rowel)
Rowell, Hannah d. of John and Hannah, bp. Nov 8, 1807
Presuming this Hannah Rowell to be the same person as Hannah P. Ravel, married to John K, Skinner ( p. 239 Vol IV)   because of marriag entry found for Hannah Pitman and John  Rowell (p. 200 vol. IV)  September 5, 1802 and the fact that John K. Skinner and Hannah have a daughter named Hannah Pitman Skinner.
Marriage date for John K. Skinner and Hannah P. Ravel taken from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts cited above", but Volume IV marriages, pg 239"
It is also o interest that on same page as marriage of Hannah P. Ravel, and John K. Skinner, it also lists the marriage ofRavel, Adam, and Eliza (beth)
Pickering.  This same Elizabeth Pickering shows in Vol. II (births pg. 170 as wife of Adam Ravell. Vo. V (Deaths) pg 203 reports the death of Betsey Dennis a wwidow of Will (is)m, d. Adam Rowell, consuption at Danvers, Sept. 11, 1846, a 72 years. In Volume III pg. 291, her marriage to William Dennis on Sept3, 1797 lists her as Betsy Ravel.  Adam Ravell, shows on page 222 of Vol II (Births)  as being born May 15, 1752.  This entry cites (P. R. 462), the same source that identifies ElizabethPickering as Adam's wife and reports her birth as Feb. 1757.
29 Mar 1825
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
5 Aug 1847
Brewer, Penobscot, Maine 
23 May 1827
Salem, Massachusetts
27 Jun 1857
Brewer, Penobscot, Maine 
                   Information on spouse and child derived from birth and deaths listed in city

Source: Microfilm  0010580 Lineage of Brewer, 1743-1841, Book 1, Page 152
Information on spouse and child derived from births and deaths listed in city
records of Brewer, Maine,which showed father John K. Jr. as having been
born in Salem, Mass. This consistent with records showing John Kimball
Skinner's father and mother being admitted to Brewer Church from Salem Church
in 1837, being about 10 years after the birth date of John Kimball Skinner.
See also History of Brewer Orrington - Holden - Eddington.

Occupation listed as carpenter.

Christening date from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to the End of the
Year 1849" published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts.  They cite
source as C.R. 6 (Church Record, South Church). Volume II - Births, p. 295.
1860 census Brewer, Penobscot, Maine
Harriet Francis SKINNER
23 Jul 1829
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
                   Christening date from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to the End of the
Year 1849" published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts.  They cite
source as C.R. 6 (Church Record, South Church). Volume II - Births, p. 295.
This record shows her middle name as being spelled Francis with an "i" whereas
the records in Corinth, Maine, show it spelled Frances with an "e".  I am using
the "i" spelling because the surname Francis appears as spouse of sisters to
Hariet's mother Hannah, and Harriet's brother and sisters also have middle
names that correlate to surnames of spouses of aunts.
Elizabeth Dennis SKINNER
21 Mar 1831
Salem, Massachusetts
20 Feb 1832
Salem, Massachusetts
                   Source: City Records, Brewer, Maine.   Microfilm 0010580

Microfilm 0010580 - Lineage of Brewer 1743-1841, Book 1, Page 152

Christening date from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to the End of the
Year 1849" published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts.  They cite
source as C.R. 6 (Church Record, South Church). Volume II - Births, p. 295.
Middle name Dennis obtained from this record.  Entry  also lists, an Elizabeth
Skinner, Feb 8, 1831 but from a different source (P.R. 603) but does not name
Mary Ann Pitman SKINNER
4 Mar 1832
Salem, Massachusetts
                   Source: City Records, Brewer, Maine.   Microfilm 0010580

Microfilm 0010580 - Lineage of Brewer 1743-1841, Book 1, Page 152

Christening date from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to the End of the
Year 1849" published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts.  They cite
source as C.R. 6 (Church Record, South Church). Volume II - Births, p. 295.
Martha Ann Derby SKINNER
4 Mar 1832
Salem, Massachusetts
16 Apr 1912
Hancock, Hancock, Maine
                   Microfilm 0010580 - Lineage of Brewer 1743-1841, Book 1, Page 152

            0010581 - Brewer - Births/Deaths 1864-1915 lists Martha's death with
occupation as Teacher, birth place as Brewer, and death place at Hancock.

Christening date from "Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to the End of the
Year 1849" published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts.  They cite
source as C.R. 6 (Church Record, South Church). Volume II - Births, p. 295.

Since the church record lists christening in Salem, I am supposing that the
person reporting the death may have erred, as the Brewer records show the
family transferred from the Salem Church in 1837.  I am also questioning the
1833 christening year here, as her twin sister Mary was christened on the same
date in 1832.

Lineage of  Brewer-Book No. 1, page 152 lists the John K. Skinner family.
The record also notes that John K. Skinner and wife Hannah admitted to Brewer
Ch from Salem Ch June 11 (May 5) 1837.
One could assume that children born after 1837 were born in Brewer.  Other town
records showing marriages list family members as being "of Brewer.

The question of birthplace continues as the 1860 census shows Martha's
birthplace as Maine. Microfilm 0803447 - 1860 Federal Census for Town of Brewer,
County of Penobscot, State of Maine - pages 250/251 - dwelling 109, family 114.

Name              Age  Sex  Occupation       Birthplace

John K. Skinner   61    M   Toll Gatherer    New Hampshire
Sarah      "      52    F                    Maine
Martha A.  "      27    F                    Maine
Alvah      "      13    M                    Maine
Sarah E    "       7    F                    Maine
Albert F. Folsom  17    M                    Maine
1880 census Brewer, Penobscot, Maine living with Alvah step brother
13 Oct 1834
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
22 Feb 1854
Brewer, Penobscot, Maine 
Sarah Ellen SKINNER
12 Jan 1837
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
                   Microfilm from LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
0010580 - Maine-Penobscot-Brewer Lineage of Brewer 1743-1841  Book 1, Page 152
21 Aug 1839
Brewer, Penobscot, Maine
5 May 1875
Brewer, Penobscot, Maine
17 Sep 1869
Bangor, Penobscot, Maine 
                   Microfilm 0010580 - Lineage of Brewer 1743-1841, Book 1, Page 152.
John K. Skinner family.
Verified correct family by computing back from death date of 5 May 1875 less
age at death of 35 years, 8 months, 14 days as reported on Death Certificate
of Carrie M. Moor.  Death certificate does not give birthplace, however death
report of Carrie and Orlando's stillborn child on Microfilm 0010581 lists
birthplace of mother as Brewer. Died of blood poisioning.

Skinners from Massachusetts served in revolutionary war
and later moved to Corinth, Maine where a plantation was set up.  Efforts to
locate Orlando's father, Seth, indicate that a Seth Moore lived in the
plantations at time of 1820 Census.
FamilyCentral Network
John Kimball Skinner - Hannah P. Rowell

John Kimball Skinner was born at NH Abt 22 Feb 1799.

He married Hannah P. Rowell 23 Sep 1824 at Salem, Massachusetts . Hannah P. Rowell was born at Salem, Essex, Massachusetts 8 Nov 1807 daughter of John Rowell and Hannah Pitman .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Hannah P. Skinner born 29 Mar 1825.
John Kimball Skinner, Jr. born 23 May 1827.
Harriet Francis Skinner born 23 Jul 1829.
Elizabeth Dennis Skinner born 21 Mar 1831.
Mary Ann Pitman Skinner born 4 Mar 1832.
Martha Ann Derby Skinner born 4 Mar 1832.
Olive Augusta Skinner born 13 Oct 1834.
Sarah Ellen Skinner born 12 Jan 1837.
Caroline McIntire Skinner born 21 Aug 1839.

John Kimball Skinner died 30 Jul 1875 at Brewer, Penobscot, Maine .

Hannah P. Rowell died Aug 1841 .