Totnes, Devonshire, England
17 Mar 1561
St. Omer, Pas de Calais, France
Devonshire, England
Lille, Nord, France
                   New england Historical and Genealogical registry Apr 1941pg 180-181
apr 1896 pg 219 lived in Kingsweare called Kittery Point to this day and which still contains the Manor House, which was probably the residence of that family, and naturally when the  family went to the new home in new England the old name was perpetuated in that of the new town.  there is not a trace of the name of Alexander Shapleigh in any of theold papers relating to the hisory or records of Totnes which is a very old town about ten miles up the dart river, but there are many other members of the family, some of whom were mayors o the same, Although not sucessful in my search at Totnes, I wwas somewhat so in looking over the records of Dartmouth, where I did find five references to Mr alexander Shapleigh, merchant, of Kingsweare, He is so spoken of in an acknowlegemnet of a contribution of money in 1620 1621 colonial Familis of the Uniteds States of America by Mac Kenzie volume II
Genelaogical pu 1966 pg 489 Came to America circa 1635 in his own ship Benediction and settled in Kittery, Maine, where he built the first home returned to England and there died was agent for Sir Ferdinando Gorges
Marguerite BLOEDEL
Abt 1565
St. Omer, Pas de Calais, France
                   New England Journal apr 1941 pg 180-181
Abt 1600
Kingswear, Brixham, Devon, England
Bef 30 May 1676
Aft 1654
                   New England Journal April 1941 pg 180-181
New England Historical and Genealogical Registry April 1941 pg 180-181
Colonial Families of the United States of America by Mackenzie  Volum III
Genealogical pub 1966  pg 489  Came to America circa 1635 , in his own ship,
"Benediction," and settled in Kittery, Maine, where he built the first home.
Returned to England and there died..  Was agent for Sir Ferdinando Gorges.

New England Journal April 1941 pg 180-181

New England Historical and Genealogical Registry April 1941 pg 180-181
Colonial Families of the United States of America by Mackenzie  Volum III
Genealogical pub 1966  pg 489  Came to America circa 1635 , in his own ship,
"Benediction," and settled in Kittery, Maine, where he built the first home.
Returned to England and there died..  Was agent for Sir Ferdinando Gorges.
FamilyCentral Network
Alexander Shapleigh - Marguerite Bloedel

Alexander Shapleigh was christened at St. Omer, Pas de Calais, France 17 Mar 1561. His parents were Robert Shapleigh and Marie Blakon.

He married Marguerite Bloedel 1597/98 at Lille, Nord, France . Marguerite Bloedel was born at St. Omer, Pas de Calais, France Abt 1565 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Katherine Shapleigh born Abt 1600.

Alexander Shapleigh died 1649 at Devonshire, England .