Thomas Jefferson CARR

15 Sep 1852
19 Sep 1888
18 Oct 1882
Van Buren, Iowa
                   Family record pages containing Carr family data in Bible in possession of Ellis Clark Rail as of Jun 1995
Hisotry of Jefferson County  s. J. clarke Publishing co. Chicago 1912 Vol II pg 125
Copy of Newspaper obituary found in family Bible together withother handwritten notes confirming info
Handwritten entries found in Family Bible in possession of Ellis Clark Rail as of Jun 1995 reporting marriage of Mont to Martha Cronick as well as birth and death info originial bible appears to have belonged to Thomas Jefferson Carr and Julia Jospehine Tower carr as it reports only info about them and their children.
Beulah, Pueblo Co., Colorado in 1882
1 Oct 1881 signed autograph book of Julia Carr
Julia Josephine TOWER
20 May 1854
Delaware, Ripley, Indiana
27 Jun 1930
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
                   1900 census Lick Creek, Van Buren, Iowa
1910 census Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA mother of 3, 1 alive
1930 census Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California living with sister Emma Bishop
1 Mar 1884
of Beulah, Pueblo, Colorado
1 Mar 1884
of Beulah, Pueblo, Colorado
                   - Handwritten notes found in Family Bible in possession of Ellis Clark
Rail as of June 1995.

- Handwritten entries found in Family Bible in possession of Ellis Clark
Rail as of June 1995, reporting marriage of Mont to Martha Cronick, as well as
birth and death information. Original bible appears to have belonged to Thomas
Jefferson Carr and Julia Josephine Tower Carr as it reports only information
about them and their children

Family living in Beulah, Pueblo, Colorado in 1883
2 Jan 1886
4 Jan 1916
18 May 1910
                   -History of Jefferson County (S.J. CLARKE Publishing Co., Chicago, 1912), Vol.
II, p.125.)

- Handwritten entries found in Family Bible in possession of Ellis Clark
Rail as of June 1995, reporting marriage of Mont to Martha Cronick, as well as
birth and death information. Original bible appears to have belonged to Thomas
Jefferson Carr and Julia Josephine Tower Carr as it reports only information
about them and their children
had no children
1895 census Lick Creek, Van Buren, Iowa
1900 census Lick Creek, Van Buren, Iowa living with grandparents
of Beulah, Pueblo, Colorado, USA
Glen Everett CARR
5 Jul 1888
15 Dec 1888
                   - Handwritten notes found in Family Bible in possession of Ellis Clark
Rail as of June 1995.

- Handwritten entries found in Family Bible in possession of Ellis Clark
Rail as of June 1995, reporting marriage of Mont to Martha Cronick, as well as
birth and death information. Original bible appears to have belonged to Thomas
Jefferson Carr and Julia Josephine Tower Carr as it reports only information
about them and their children
FamilyCentral Network
Thomas Jefferson Carr - Julia Josephine Tower

Thomas Jefferson Carr was born at IA 15 Sep 1852. His parents were Clabourn M. Carr and Martha Ellen Plasket.

He married Julia Josephine Tower 18 Oct 1882 at Van Buren, Iowa . Julia Josephine Tower was born at Delaware, Ripley, Indiana 20 May 1854 daughter of Joseph Hunter Tower and Philena Melvina Burton .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Carr born 1 Mar 1884.
Mont Orville Carr born 2 Jan 1886.
Glen Everett Carr born 5 Jul 1888.

Thomas Jefferson Carr died 19 Sep 1888 .

Julia Josephine Tower died 27 Jun 1930 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California .