16 Sep 1757
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
11 Nov 1821
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
THE TRIBE OF RAIL by Dorothy Taylor.  Copy in possession of Ellis Charles Rail.
Lawrence Brainerd Report  Served was a patriot and served as a private in the Revolutionary War, the offical record  Muster Roll of Capt. Smuller's Compnay, Lancaster county Militia, 1778, Private Third Class, John Mohler;  ( His uncle John Mohler, was lieutenant of hthis company.
Muster Roll same company, 1779,. Private Thired Class, John Mohler
Muster Roll of Capt. Andrew Ream's company, of the Third Battalion, Lancaster Militia, 1780, Private Third Class, John Mohler
Muster Roll of Capt. andrew Ream's Company, Lieut. co.l, Fether's Regt., 1781 Private of the Third class, John Mohler.  (Penn. State Archives, Fifth servies. Vol 7 pp. 225, 255-257, 882-3, 886-7-8.  In 1801-1802 served as a representative in the Pennsylvania Assembly or Legislature from his county.  A Biological History of Lancaster co., PA (Harris, 1872) page 396

The Last Will and Testament of John Mohler
This is a retype from a xerox of the original will as recorded in Will Book N, p 86, Lancaster County, PA 

In the name of God Amen 
I John Mohler of Cocalico Township, in the county of Lancaster, being at present of good health and sound mind, memory and understanding, blessed be God for the same and I considering the uncertainty of this transitory life make this my last Will and Testament in manner following. 
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann as much of my household and kitchen furniture, wash tubs, casks, linen and beds as she shall want and take thereof for her use and also one horse, two cows, all my meat, and the one half of all my grain thrashed or in the straw, as the same may be, and my riding chair, the house clock with the case and all my flax hemp and tow, and also the sum of five hundred pounds of lawful money of Pennsylvania, to be paid to her in the following manner, two hundred pounds one year after my decease, two hundred pounds five years after my decease & the remaining sum of one hundred pounds in nine years after my decease if my wife shall remain a widow, untill the said payment becomes due, but in the case she should, contrary to my expectation, marry again, then she shall not have the said payments, which will come due after her marriage, but if my executors should think she shall want the same for her support they shall have the right to give her the same or such part thereof as they may think proper. 
Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann, out of my real estate as follows, she shall have the same two rooms in the lower story, and the two rooms in the upper story of my house where we at present live on the south side thereof for her widow seat and the right in the cellar, kitchen, bakeoven & spring as much as is necessary for her and to pass and repass to and from the same and she shall have yearly & every year after my decease to commence on the first day of April, fifteen bushels of good wheat, nine bushels of rye three bushels of buckwheat or fifteen shillings in lieu thereof, twelve bushels of Indian corn, a fat hog to weigh at least 160 pounds, and all the fat and sausages thereof, 80 pounds of good beef, nine pounds of tallow, two cows and one horse kept in good fodder and pasture for her summer and winter, and if she will keep a hog, she is to have a stable, firewood cut and split fit for her use and brought to her house as much as she shall want, one half used in the stove to be hickory, and she shall have one half part of the garden near the said house, and she shall have one half of an acre of land every year for flax and potatoes, which shall be sowed and planted for her as she shall direct, and to have as many winter apples put in the cellar as she may want, if any on the place and yearly two or three barrels of cider if there is apples on the place to make cider, and six pots full of apple butter and to take apples out of the orchard, in the fall, as many as she may want for her use, and one third part of the eggs found on the place, and the right to take of the pears, piches and cherries on the place, and yearly twenty five bushels of oats, and ten hens for killing them, and yearly the sum of twenty dollars in money, all which she shall have out of my real estate in lieu of a dower as long as she shall remain a widow, but if in the case my son shall build her a good and convenient dwelling house for her use she shall take and use the same instead of her right in the aforesaid house, and she shall also have six pounds of good washed wool and fifteen pounds of hackled flax and the tow thereof every year during her widowhood. 
Item: I give and bequeath to my son John Mohler all of my plantation or tract of land, whereon we now live, being the same what I got of my father, excepting the nine acres and one hundred perches adjoining the burying ground and the five acres and one hundred and thirteen perches adjoining the lands I purchased of Joseph Groff according to the draught made thereof, the remainder being about one hundred forty two acres neat measure to hold to him my said son John Mohler, his heirs and assigns forever provided that my said son John Mohler, his heirs and assigns shall allow, render and deliver all and every the rights and incomes out of and on the same to my widow during her widowhood as before mentioned, and also shall pay for the same the sum of four thousand, one hundred & forty pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania in manner following, that is to say, the sum of four hundred he shall keep and retain thereof on account of his portion out of my estate, and twelve hundred pounds shall remain charged thereon during the widowhood of my widow, to enable him to give to her what is given to her out of the same and on the first day of April, after my decease, the sum of one hundred pounds and then yearly and every year next following on the first day of April, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five pounds untill the whole is paid off and discharged, and out of the 1200 pounds which is charged thereon aforesaid I give and bequeath the sum of three hundred pounds thereof unto my said son John Mohler, and the remaining 900 pounds he shall pay after the decease or marriage of my widow in six annual payments of 150 pounds each to commence one year after her decease or marriage. 
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth, the wife of Samuel Fass, twenty acres of land I purchased of Joseph Groff to include the buildings thereon agreeable to a survey and draught made thereof and also five acres of timberland I have in Berks County, to hold the same unto her my said daughter Elizabeth, her heirs and assigns forever, for which I charge her the sum of 725 pounds lawful money of Pa. which she shall have for and on account of her portion out of my estate. 
Item: I give and bequeath unto my eight daughters, Nancy the wife of Philip Weist, Salome the wife of John Eicholtz, Susanna the wife of Benjamin Riegle, Mary the wife of John Merckle, Hannah the wife of Samuel Landis, Catharine, Esther, and Rebecca all the remainder of land what I have in Cocalico township, being the nine acres at the burying place, excepting thereof which is or belongs to the burying place about 20 perches and the 24 acres I purchased of the executors of Michael Kniesly deceased and about 25 acres of the tract I purchased of Joseph Groff, and the five acres and 113 perches I excepted out of the tract given to my son John, to hold all the said several tracts of land unto my above mentioned eight daughters, their heirs and assigns forever as tenants in common in equal parts provided that they shall pay for each and every acre thereof the sum of thirty pounds of lawful money of Pa., which shall be charged to them for the same on account of their portion out of my estate & I order and impower my executors to sell all the said land given to my said eight daughters, in such lots or parts as they may think proper and to give and execute good and lawful deeds for the same, and to pay and divide the money and the profits thereon arising out of the same to and amongst my said eight daughters or their legal representatives in eight equal shares. 
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Salome the wife of John Eicholtz, six acres of timberland I have in York County, as the same is marked off on the draught, to hold the same unto my said daughter Salome, her heirs and assigns forever, provided that she shall pay for the same the sum of 144 dollars, which is to be charged to her for the same on account of her portion out of my estate. 
Item: it is my will and I order that my executors shall rent or lease my plantation to my son-in-law John Merckle which I have in Cumberland County, for the term of three years from the first day of April AD 1819, the rent to be one third part of the summer grain and one half part of the winter grain, which he shall raise and get thereon, and after the expiration of the said three years, if the said John Merckle is willing to take the said place I have in Cumberland County, at and for the same price and upon the same terms of payment as I have bought it and paid for, then my executors shall give him a deed for the same, which deed I acknowledge 
shall be as good and valid in law as if I had given the same in my lifetime, but in case the said John Merckle should refuse to rent or buy the said place in Cumberland County, or if he should take it for three years and then refuse to buy it as aforesaid, in either case then my executors shall sell my said place in Cumberland County at private sale or public vendue and I do hereby impower my said executors to give and execute a good and lawful deed for the same, which deed I acknowledge 
shall be as good and valid in law as if I had given the same in my lifetime. 
Item: it is my will and I order that my executors shall sell all the remainder of my timberland, what I have in the County of Berks and in the County of York at public vendue or private sale as they may think best, and I do impower them to give and execute good and lawful deeds for the same, which deeds so given by my executors for said lands I acknowledge shall be as good and valid in law as if I had given the same in my lifetime. 
Item: it is my will and I order that all the remainder of my personal estate not given to my wife, shall be sold by my executors, out of which they shall pay for saddles, bridles & chests for my three single daughters if I should not pay and give it to them in my lifetime 
Item: it is my will and I order that all the money arising out of the sale of my real and personal estate & whatsoever I have charged any of my children for the land, to them herein given and all Legacies and whatsoever I have given to my children which is charged to them in my Book for that purpose shall be added together and divided in twelve equal shares so that out of the whole, each of my children shall have one equal twelfth part thereof, but those of my children which have received in land or otherwise more than some of the others, shall not receive any more untill those who have received less, shall have an equal sum with them, and then when they are all equal, the two eldest shall receive the first payment, one year and so on according to their age until each has his full share. 
And lastly I nominate, constitute and appoint my three sons Daniel Mohler, Henry Mohler and John Mohler and my son-in-law Samuel Landis and the survivors or survivor of them to be the executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former and other wills by heretofore made and declaring this and no other as my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the third day of January in the year of our Lord 1818. 
Witnesses: Peter Martin and John Becker 
Will probated 24 November 1821
22 Apr 1760
of Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
16 Aug 1822
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Ephrata, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
THE TRIBE OF RAIL by Dorothy Taylor.  Copy in possession of Ellis Charles Rail.
Lawrence Brainerd, (Genealogist)  9 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. 1922)
14 Dec 1780
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
15 Feb 1853
                   last will and testament of John Mohler father
1850 census Lake twp Stark Co., Ohio pg1
Lawrence Brainerd Report
15 Jun 1782
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
15 Aug 1849
                   Listed in Fathers last will and testament
Lawrence Brainerd Report
4 Dec 1784
Cocalico Twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
22 Sep 1857
                   Lawrence Brainerd Report lists her as Anna
Fathers Will and Testament lists her as Nancy
17 Oct 1786
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
18 Feb 1865
                   last will and testament of John Mohler father
Lawrence Brainerd Report
6 Aug 1788
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
11 Feb 1789
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Lawrence Brainerd Report
11 Dec 1789
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
24 Sep 1869
                   Lawrence Brainerd Report lists her as Sarah
Fathers Last Will and Testament lists her a Salome
26 Sep 1791
Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, Pennsylvania
25 Nov 1853
Birmingham, Van Buren, Iowa
18 Feb 1813
THE TRIBE OF RAIL by Dorothy Taylor.  Copy in possession of Ellis Charles Rail.
Visual sighting of tombstone in Old Birmingham Cemetery by Ellis Charles Rail
in July 1994.
1849 census  5 in household Van Buren county, DM twp
20 Jul 1793
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
5 Sep 1849
                   Lawrence Brainerd Report listed as Maria
Fathers last will and testament lists her as Mary
20 Oct 1795
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
12 Nov 1876
                   Lawrence Brainerd Report
Fathers last will and testament
4 Mar 1798
                   last will and testament of JOhn her father not listed as married
11 Jul 1779
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
1 May 1849
Allen twp, Cumberland, Pennsylvania
                   last will and testament of John Mohler father
The Last Will and Testament of Daniel Mohler  In the name of God Amen. I Daniel Mohler of Allen Township, Cumberland County Pennsylvania, Farmer, being in health and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding. Blessed be God for the same but calling to mind the uncertainty of life and that I may be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit. My body to the earth in the hopes of a Glorious resurrection to be buried at the discretion of my executors. And as to such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to entrust me I dispose of the same as follows. I direct all my just debts, funeral and other incidental expenses to be paid as soon after my decease as convenient. I direct that all my personal effects be sold at public sale to the best advantage and all outstanding debts be collected by my executors as soon as convenient.  I give and devise to my son Solomon that part of my mansion farm including the mansion house and improvements and marked in the annexed diagram as No. 1A containing one hundred and seventy six acres strict measure be the same more or less to which diagram I refer as forming a part of this my will. To have and to hold to him the said Solomon Mohler his heirs and assigns for ever. Subject as hereinafter provided as to valuations.  I give and devise to my son Jacob Mohler and his heirs and assigns forever the farm or tract of land on which he now resides adjoining Michael Hoover's heirs, land devised to my daughter Polly intermarried with Jacob Landis, lands devised to my daughter Hannah, intermarried with Moses Miller and others containing one hundred and thirty acres be the same more or less to be held by him his heirs and assigns forever by the lines as now marked on the ground and held and occupied by him and as for such estate as I now hold the same. I also give and devise to my said son Jacob six acres of woodlands formerly part of my mansion tract and now divided off as per the annexed diagram marked as No 2B will more fully appear and the lines marked on the ground as corresponding therewith to hold to him the said Jacob Mohler, his heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless to the valuation hereinafter mentioned.  I give and devise to my daughter Polly intermarried with Jacob Landis, her heirs and assigns all that farm or tract of land now occupied by said Landis adjoining lands of James Graham, lands herein devised to my son Jacob Mohler, lands herein devised to my daughter Hannah intermarried with Moses Miller and others containing one hundred acres be the same more or less to be held by her heirs and assigns forever by the lines now fixed and marked on the ground by actual survey and draft and as held and occupied by her subject nevertheless to the valuation hereinafter mentioned and as for such estate as I hold the same.  I give and devise to my daughter Hannah intermarried to Moses Miller, her heirs and assigns the farm or tract of land now occupied by said Miller adjoining lands of James Graham, William Harness, lands herein devised to my son Jacob, lands devised to my daughter Polly intermarried with Jacob Landis and others, containing eighty acres be the same more or less to be held by her, her heirs and assigns forever by the lines now fixed and marked on the ground by actual survey and Draft and as now held and occupied by her and as for such estate as I hold the same. I also give and devise to my said daughter Hannah intermarried with Moses Miller and to her heirs and assigns Ten acres of woodlands formerly a part on my mansion tract but now divided off the same as per the annexed diagram marked as No. 3C and lines on the ground adjoining David Hursh and others to be held by her the said Hannah her heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless to the valuation hereinafter mentioned.  I give and devise to my daughter Nancy intermarried with Jacob Stewthebaker, her heirs and assigns all that farm or tract of land whereon the said Jacob now re
sides situate in Fairview Township, York County containing one hundred and nine acres be the same more or less to be held by her my said daughter Nancy her heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless to the valuation hereinafter mentioned.  The parts of my mansion farm marked in the annexed diagram No 4D containing twelve acres strict measure and No 5E containing forty acres and one hundred and forty three perches strict measure, together with all my other Real estate wheresoever situated and not herein otherwise devised I hereby order and direct to be sold by my executors hereinafter named at public sale within one year after my decease to the best advantage or should they be able to effect a sale to advantage privately or the time limited be too short they are authorized to use their best judgment in the same and I hereby authorize my said executors to execute all deeds necessary for the full granting and confirming the said estate to the purchaser or purchasers or heirs in fee and I also empower my son Solomon to make a deed to my son Jacob and my son Jacob to make a deed to my son Solomon.  As it is my intention in the first place to give to each of my six children including what I have advanced them or may hereafter advance them (of which advancement my book kept for the purpose is to be evidence) the sum of four thousand dollars. I hereby declare is to be my will that the several devisees herein named shall take and hold their respective premises at the following valuation viz my son Solomon shall take the lands and premises to him devised at the sum of nine thousand three hundred and twenty eight dollars. My son Jacob shall take the lands and premises to him at the sum of six thousand eight hundred dollars. My daughter Polly shall take the lands and premises to her at the sum of five thousand eight hundred dollars. My daughter Hannah shall take the lands and premises to her at the sum of four thousand one hundred dollars. My daughter Nancy shall take the lands and premises to her at the sum of five thousand seven hundred and seventy seven dollars. And in the equalization of my said children or heirs I direct that those of my children to whom I have devised real estate the value of which together with their advancements made or to be made amounting to more than four thousand dollars shall out of such devises retain the sum of four thousand dollars and shall pay the excess over that sum to my executors in six equal payments without interest commencing on the 1st day of April after my decease (If I shall not have otherwise arranged it by executing of Deeds & taking from them obligations in my lifetime) And that my executors shall pay to those of my children whose devises as valued above together with their advancements as aforesaid do not amount to the sum of four thousand dollars within one year after my decease (if not otherwise arranged as above) So much as will with their several devises & advancements as aforesaid make up the said sum no interest to be computed in making such equalizations. I order and direct that within one year of my decease when the said equalization of four thousand dollars shall have been made all the rest and residue of my estate real and personal in the hands of my executors shall be equally divided between my six children to wit John, Solomon, Jacob, Polly, Hannah and Nancy or their heirs. But it is also my will and I hereby direct that out of the distributive share or one sixth part of the residue of my estate above mentioned which would be coming to my daughter Hannah now intermarried with Moses Miller the sum of seven hundred dollars be set apart when it becomes due and payable (for the use of her son Jacob Gantz by a former husband) the interest on the said sum of seven hundred dollars to be paid to his said mother and I hereby give and bequeath to him the said Jacob Gantz the said sum of seven hundred dollars with its accumulation of interest from the time he is fourteen years of age to be paid to him on the 1st day of April next after he shall have arrived at the age of twenty 
one years. And as to my said daughter Hannah I give and bequeath the balance only of the said one sixth after deducting the said seven hundred dollars. It is further my wish that the residue of my estate payable by the devisees annually into the hands of my executors as well as any other money not due at the first distribution before directed shall be by the said executors annually distributed among all my six children share and share alike (deducting the said seven hundred dollars from the share of Hannah) until the whole is distributed.  Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my two sons Solomon Mohler and Jacob Mohler the executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made and declaring this and this only to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have to this my last will and testament written on one sheet of paper and comprising four pages with the diagram annexed set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of September AD one thousand eight hundred and forty seven.  Daniel Mohler  Signed, Sealed and declared by the said Daniel Mohler as and for his last will & testament in our presence who at his request & in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses. The word "devised" in the 9th line of 3 page interlined before signing.  Levi Merkel and M Bitner.   The 40 acres were sold to Levi Merkel 2-K-524 on 6 April 1850 and then sold back to Solomon for the same price $1635.75, on 8 May 1850, recorded 2-K-516.  The land willed to Solomon was transferred to him Deed 2-K-512, on 2 April 1851.  The land willed to Nancy & Jacob Struthebaker was deeded to them 2 April 1851, York Co deed bk 13-O-379. This same land was sold by widow Nancy Studebaker, of Mechanicsburg for $10,661.03 on 23 Aug 1875, York Co. deed 3-N-443. I failed to record buyer. This land had been bought by Daniel in 1830 from Jacob Reeser, York Deed 3-L-125.  The land willed to Mary & Jacob Landis was transferred to Jacob in trust for the children 2 April 1851, Cumb Co Deed 10-I-570, since Mary had died intestate.  I could find no deed for the land willed to Jacob.  The land willed to Hannah & Moses Miller, deed 2-R-358, 2 April 1851.		           <1883jaco.htm> <1883jaco.htm>      	

Initial 40 acres	$1,328	
Solomon paid 	$9,328	
Jacob Mohler paid	$6,800	
Jacob Landis paid	$5,800	
Moses Miller paid 	$4,100	
Jacob Studebaker paid	$5,777	
TOTAL	$33,441	
Divide by 6 equals	$5,573	

	Only other surviving child was John Mohler who was living in Medina Co. Ohio at this time. Hence he received money and not land. His release was in deed 2-K-525
13 Oct 1800
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
9 Jan 1878
                   last will and testament of JOhn her father not listed as married
5 Oct 1802
Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   last will and testament of JOhn her father not listed as married
FamilyCentral Network
John Mohler - Ann Bollinger

John Mohler was born at Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 16 Sep 1757. His parents were Henry Mohler, Jr. and Mrs. Elizabeth Mohler.

He married Ann Bollinger . Ann Bollinger was born at of Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 22 Apr 1760 .

They were the parents of 13 children:
Henry Mohler born 14 Dec 1780.
Elizabeth Mohler born 15 Jun 1782.
Nancy Mohler born 4 Dec 1784.
John Mohler, Jr. born 17 Oct 1786.
Sarah Mohler born 6 Aug 1788.
Salome Mohler born 11 Dec 1789.
Susanna Mohler born 26 Sep 1791.
Mary Mohler born 20 Jul 1793.
Hannah Mohler born 20 Oct 1795.
Catharine Mohler born 4 Mar 1798.
Daniel Mohler born 11 Jul 1779.
Esther Mohler born 13 Oct 1800.
Rebecca Mohler born 5 Oct 1802.

John Mohler died 11 Nov 1821 at Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania .

Ann Bollinger died 16 Aug 1822 at Cocalico twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania .