Buchias DUSTIN
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Bechies /DUSTIN/ (AFN:2PNC-GH) and /HURLBUT OR HERLBERT/ (AFN:2PNC-HN) Bechias /DUSTIN/ (AFN:3P85-HM) and /HERLBERT (HURLBUT)/ (AFN:3P85-JS)
This individual has the following other parents in the Ancestral File: Buchias /DUSTIN/ (AFN:4FPS-6J) and Aseneth /HERLBERT/ (AFN:4FPS-7P)
He married Aseneth Herlbert 1816/17 . Aseneth Herlbert was born at Hartland, Genesee, New York Abt 1795 .
They were the parents of 10
David Dustin
born 15 Feb 1818.
Buchias Dustin
born 1822.
Seth Dustin
born 21 Oct 1825.
Joseph Dustin
born Abt 1827.
Franklin Dustin
born Abt 1835.
Christopher Dustin
born Abt 1837.
Aseneth Cecilla Dustin
born 25 Feb 1850.
Roxana Mahala Dustin
born 3 Jul 1833.
Fortunatus Dustin
born 17 Feb 1820.
Rocksena Mahalia Dustin
born 3 Jul 1833.
Buchias Dustin died 6 Nov 1874 at Bloomington, Bear Lake, id .
Aseneth Herlbert died 11 Mar 1875 at San Bernardino, California .