Ref: Gen. Notes by Goodwin, 1856, p. 255, B8 G4; Conn. F 1 b. b. 1 pt. 2. Randall And Allied Families by Frank Alfred Randall, p358.
May have been known as Ann. Was of Hartford, Hartford, Conn. Md (1) John Pantry 1649. She was sealed to him 6 Mar 1951 SLAKE. Children by Thomas Welles were sealed to her and her first husband 28 Sep 1960 SLAKE, as shown.
Md 18 Aug 1680 James Judson. Sealing to Parents is to mother and mother's 1st husband, John Pantry.
Md 1689 Mary Blackleach, Jr. Sealing to Parents is to mother and mother's 1st husband, John Pantry.
Sealing on 28 Sep 1960 was to her mother, Hannah Tuttle, and the first husband, John Pantry.
Md 4 Sep 1684 Sarah Way. Sealing on 28 Sep 1960 was to his mother, Hannah Tuttle, and the first husband, John Pantry.
Md Ruth Judson. Sealing on 28 Sep 1960 was to his mother, Hannah Tuttle, and the first husband, John Pantry.
Sealing on 28 Sep 1960 was to his mother, Hannah Tuttle, and the first husband, John Pantry.
Md Elizabeth Way. Sealing on 28 Sep 1960 was to his mother, Hannah Tuttle, and the first husband, John Pantry.
He married Hannah Tuttle 23 Jun 1654 . Hannah Tuttle was born at England Dec 1632 daughter of William Tuttle and Elizabeth .
They were the parents of 7
Rebecca Welles
born May 1655.
Thomas Welles
born Oct 1657.
Sarah Welles
born 1659.
Icabod Welles
born Nov 1660.
Samuel Welles
born Oct 1662.
Jonathan Welles
born Sep 1664.
Joseph Welles
born Apr 1667.
Thomas Welles died Jun 1668 at Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut .
Hannah Tuttle died 9 Aug 1683 .