Johann Martin HERRE

27 May 1720
Zillhausen, Hesse, Germany
30 Aug 1788
Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
Aug 1788
Lutheran Burian Ground, Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
8 Aug 1742
Zillhausen, Germany
                      DOCUMENTATION: Baptism Record from Zillhausen, Germany
                               List of Hagerstown Cemetery.
                               Immigration Lists: Krebs: Annotations to Strassbuerger & Hinke.
                               Hanss Martin Herre
                                           W: Anna Marie Sassler
                                           with 3 children
                               To America 1749: on Sailing Vessel: Fane from Rotterdam under command of
                               Captain William Hyndman.
                               Signed the Oath of Allegience:  Manchester, York Co. PA Sep 24, 1763 at
                               court held in Philadelphia the capital of the American Colony.
                               Court held in Philadelphia, Sept. 24 1763 - Naturalization - Martin Harry of
                               Manchester,  York, Co. (having resided 7 years & upward in some of His
                               Majesty's plantations.  PA Archives, 2nd seres.  Vol 2, page 383.
                               WILL: naming wife Elizabeth & 7 sons - names: Jonathan, David, Charles, Martin,
                               Jacob, John, Andrew,
          CENSUS: 1776 Frederick Co. Maryland
                           Harry, Martin       56
                                    Mary         46
                                    Jonathan   31
                                    Dorothea   27
                                    David        25
                                    Martin       20
                                    Jacob       19
                                    John        16
                                    Andrew     9
                                    Mary         3
        EMPLOYMENT: Farmer (Annapolis 1779)  Tavernkeeper - with wife Annamaria (Annapolis 1777)
                             Moved to Hagerstown, MD & established "Mary Ann Town" named for his
                             wife.  Mary Ann Town & Elizabeth Town (named for Elizabeth Hager) later
                             combined to become Hagerstown.   He was a Tavern Keeper & land owner in
                             the area.
                             Will on file in Hagerstown, MD courthouse & National  Genealogical Society -
                             records in Appendix 1 or Nat'l Gen  Mag Vol XVIII page 31.
                             Volume 1: Pennsylvania German Pioneers by Strassburger: "At the Court House at Philadelphia, Tuesday the 17th of  October 1749.  Present: Thomas Lawrence, Mayor; The                                      Foreigners whose names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Fane, Capt. William Hyndman, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England, did this day take the usual Oaths to the Government.  Palantine, Wurtenger, Rottenstein. By the list 119 persons."
Krebs, Dr. Friedrich:  "Einige Amerika-Auswandere des 18.  jahrhunderts aus wuerttember,:  The article translation: "A hasty examination of the records of the records of the government of Wuerttemberg for 1749-1750, now on file   at State Archieves in Ludwigsburg, revealed a number of entries concerning persons who had expressed the desire to emigrate to America, i.e.,
Pennsylvania. Hans Martin Here, from Zillhausen, county of Balingen, son of the local magistrate & tax collector Simon Herre.  According to a record date 6 May 1765 Hans Herre had married in 1743 Anna Marie Sassler.   In 1749 they & three children 'had emigrated to the American island of Pennsylvania.'  'Hans Martin Herr' arrived in October 1749 on the ship Fane:  Oathe of Allegience 17 Oct. 1749.  In 1765 Hans Herre re-visited his old home, to get his share in the settlement of an estate."
          MILITARY: Served in Revolutionary War.

Will: Will of Martin Harry, Senior, of Elizabeth Town.
Will dated 28 February 1787: wife Elizabeth, sons Jonathan, David,Charles,
Martin, Jacob, John and Andrew. Wit. Alexr. Clagett, Elie Williams, Peter
Baker. Proved 6 September 1788. Recorded Washington Co. Will Book A:84.
[taken from much more complete abstract in Western Maryland Genealogy10:84
(April 1994)]

Notation: Elizabeth, widow of George Scholtz, married a second time toMartin Harry.

Notation: Children of George SCHOLTZ and Elizabeth _____:
      i.   Daughter.
      ii.  Daughter.
      iii. Dauthter.
      iv.  Mary, b. ?, d. after 1814, m. Henry Sites.
      v.   George, b. 1751, d. June 18, 1810, m. Christiana ______.
      vi.  David, b. Sept. 16, 1763, d. 1843, m. ______.

For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
contact originator for other uses.
Anna Maria SASSLER
1 Jan 1720
2 Jul 1780
Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
Jul 1780
St. John's Lutheran Church, Hagerstown, Fredericks, Maryland
                      DOCUMENTATION: Immigrated to America with husband and 3 children in 1749.
                               Ref ships & Passengers: 4203  Pg 241.

For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
contact originator for other uses.t
26 Nov 1742
Zillhausen, Hesse, Germany
Hagerstown, Fredrick, Maryland
                      DOCUMENTATION: Signed Oath of Fidelity 1787  Nat Gen Mag Vol VI page 12-20                   # 118
       EMPLOYMENT: Hatter/Merchant
Simon David HERRE
15 Jul 1744
Zillhausen, Hesse, Germany
                      DOCUMENTATION: Signed oath of Fidelity 1787  Nat Gen Mag Vol VI page 12-20                   #122
14 Jul 1806
Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
13 Nov 1779
Hagerstown, Fredrick Co., Md 
                      DOCUMENTATION: Will Probated Jul 25 1806 in Hagerstown.  His wife was still living.
         RELIGION: Member St. John's Lutheran - Hagrstown, MD
       OCCUPATION: Merchant/farmer -- reported to be quite prosperous
             Info: Betty Huddleston Hayter

For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
contact originator for other uses.
Johann Martin II HERRE
8 Mar 1748
Zillhausen, Hesse Co. Germany
                      DOCUMENTATION: Came to America "island of Pennsylvania"  sailing on the                      Ship Fane, Capt. William Hyndman, from Rotterdam.                             Passengers were from Palatine, Wurtenberg, Rottenstein with                   119 passengers.  (*note* this area is probably in Bavaria)
                   He signed the Oath of Allegience Oct 17 1769.  He returned                    to Germany in 1765 to get his share in the settlement of an                   estate.  (It was probably from his father's estate - this                     would give a death date of about 1764 for Simon David.)
                   They were first settled in York Co., PA  first son born here                  was David.  Johan Martin was naturalized in Philadelphia Sep                  24, 1793.  Name of Johann is often dropped.  His will has                     only the name of Martin.
                   Was a prison Guard during the Revolutionary War at Ft.    Fredrick  27 Jan 1779  DAR record 328
13 Nov 1750
Manchester, York, Pennsylvania
18 Mar 1843
Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
8 Jun 1773
Hagerstown, Washington, Maryla 
         EMPLOYMENT: Wagonmaker
               MILITARY:  2nd Lt. (commissioned Sep 26, 1776) Flying Camp, Washington Co. MD  Was in
                               Capt. Peter Bell's Co. Washington Co. MD.  He enlisted in  Philadelphia,
                               PA.  HX says that he was a Sgt & was at Valley Forge. (Wilson Foundation
                               HARRY HX - 1926)
                RELIGION: Lutheran  St. John's Lutheran in Hagerstown, MD
         AFFILIATIONS: Master Mason.  Member Mt. Moriah Lodge - Hagerstown, MD
                              1821 on the list of Officers & Members of Mt. Moriah Lodge place in the
                              cornerstone of the new Masonic Hall, Town Hall & Market House
                              Tax collector of Washington Co. MD
                               Buried in Hagerstown.  Have record of Cemetery with dates.
                               Historic Graves of Maryland: Has flat stone with wife.
                               "Monument to the memory of DAVID HARRY, a Revolutionary Soldier, who died
                                in 1843 at the advanced age of 92 years 4 mos. 5 days."
                                The Masonic Emblem is on the stone.
                                Birth of Children listed in records of St. John's Church, Evangelical Lutheran
                                            Congregation in Hagerstown,
                                Have copy of will. Names:  Son: Martin Harry's heirs (so he was probably already
                                            dead --his children are not listed -- darn)
                          Son: John Harry
                          Son: David Harry, Jr. (an Executor)
                          Daughter: Margaret Huffies (Husband Benjamin - an Executor)
                          Granddaughter: Henrietta Geiger Decket (Probably the Daughter of Anna Marie who
                                                 had already died, as probably had her husband)

For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
contact originator for other uses.

Master Mason,  member of Mt. Moriah Lodge Hagerstown, MD
Evangelical Luthern Church

Rev War
1776/77 -6th Milita, Washington Co. Pvt. Capt.Peter Beal's company 1st Battalion

1778 -Oath of Allegiance before Hon. Henry Schnebley Hagerstown MD

Rendered patriotic service by assisting in apprehension of Isaac & Christian Shockly ( counterfeiters)
Commissioned 2nd Lt in Flying Camp, Washington MD. was in Capt. Peter Bell's company.

1780 - 22 July Dacid Harry Wagaon maker takes and apprentice 6 yrs old. Hagerstown Records

1780      John Jacob born 26 Sept 1780 - batismal records - St. John's Luthern Church

1783 John born 7 March 1783 - batismal records - St. John's LuthernChurch

1786 Anna Margaret born 14 Feb 1786 - batismal records - St. John'sLuthern Church

1794 Anna Maria born 15 Feb 1794 - batismal records - St. John's Luthern Church

1790 1st Census of United States, Washington Co, MD - David Harry  - 5 free white males over 16, 4 free white females, 1 free white maleunder 16, 1 slave.

1791 - David Harry among trustees and managers of St. John's Luthern Church.

1796 Confirmation Record of Martin Herre, aged 17

1798 David Harry executor of the estate of Jacob Bishop.  Washington Co. ProbateRocords

1800 - 1805 Residents of Hagerstown - David Harry, wagonmaker.

1807  - David Harry member of Fire Department

1815-1816 - David Harry commissioner

1817 David Harry - property Director
11 Aug 1760
Hagerstown, Washington Co. Md - America
Apr 1843
Cedar Co. Iw
Jul 1786
                      DOCUMENTATION:  Harry HX, named in his father's will
11 Aug 1752
Frederick County, Virginia
Apr 1843
Cedar County, Iowa
Jul 1786
                   Notation: A maker in memory of Charles E. Harry was placed in the lobbyof Tipton High School on November 26, 1946 by Open Prairie Chapter of TheDaughters of The American Revolution.
Hagerstown, Frederick, Maryland
Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
2 Oct 1778
Hagerstown, Fredrick Co., Md,  
                      DOCUMENTATION:  Signed Oath of Allegience
                    Served in Rev. War about 1782
                    Lutheran Burial Record   Nat'l Gen Soc.
       EMPLOYMENT:  Farmer/Merchant
8 Mar 1748
29 Jul 1790
Hagerstown, Washington County Maryland
2 Oct 1778
Washington County, Maryland 
18 Feb 1760
York, York Co. Pa - America
Abt 1801
Cross Keys, Rockingham County, Va.
4 Jul 1783
Washington Co. Md 
                      DOCUMENTATION:  Historical Society Record of Christ Lutheran Church of York, PA.
                                          Marriage Record Vol VII Washington Co. MD
                                          PA Archives, 2nd series. Vol 17 page 306 lists List of foreigners imported in the
                                          Fane, Capt. Wm Hyndman.  Qualified Oct 17 1749. Joh. Martin Heer
                                          Christ Lutheran Church of York, PA 1760 John Herris son of Martin & Anna Marie
                                          Herris born 3:AM, Feb 18 1760: baptized Apr 6, 1760.  Witnesses Carl & Eva
                                          Margaret Albert.
            EMPLOYMENT:  Merchant - ran a tavern & was a hatter
                                           From: Charles Taylor - 10 -11 children in Rockingham Co. VA
According to the Rockinham Co. Minute Book 2, page 74, he applied for an ordinary (tavern) license, but was not granted because he lacked having a bond.  The license was granted at a later court.  Location was Swift Run Gap Road.  East of Elkton ( Land book 1822 - page 12)  In Minute Book 1 page 468, Elizabeth Harry (widow of John) was granted a license to keep Ordinary in this county for 1 year (Sep 1803-04) Location was Swift Run Gap Road East of Elkton (same location as above.)  John was granted a license for retailing good 28 Apr 1798.  Smith Lefland paid to John $15.  On page 36 John is listed among persons having Ordinary Licenses - $10

28 Feb 1819 between Eli Harry & wife Sally, John & Mary his wife, Jessee Thompson & Peggy his wife - which Eli, John & Peggy are 3 of the children & heirs of John Harry dec'd, for $500 24 A at Cross Keys to John Harry dec'd from John Keplinger 21 Apr 1799

For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
contact originator for other uses.
John Adam HARRY
1 May 1762
York, York Co. Pa America
                      DOCUMENTATION: Historical Society Record - Christ Lutheran Church of York,  PA.  Must have died
                               before 1795 as he is not listed in father's estate distribution.
                               Christ Lutheran Church of York, PA  John Adam Herris, son of John Martin & Anna
                               Maria, b. 5/1/1762, bapt. 5/3 - Wits: John Kuckes & Mary Eliz.
Oct 1766
Hagerstown, Fredrick Co. Md America
24 Feb 1857
Clermont County, Ohio
                   DEATH: Deaths from the Clermont Sun by Jennie Marshall
Reported in the year of 1857

DEATH: Feb 24 1857

DEATH: Died, at the residence of his son, near the town of Williamsburg,in this county, on the 27th day of January, Andrew Harry, in the 93d yearof his age. The deceased was one of the few remaining pioneers of thecounty. He was born in Pennsylvania, October 1766 and emigrated to Ohioin the spring of 1806.

BIRTH: 1880 census states Andrew's Birth place as Germany

For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
contact originator for other uses.
FamilyCentral Network
Johann Martin Herre - Anna Maria Sassler

Johann Martin Herre was born at Zillhausen, Hesse, Germany 27 May 1720. His parents were Simon David Herre and Lucia Haag.

He married Anna Maria Sassler 8 Aug 1742 at Zillhausen, Germany . Anna Maria Sassler was born at Germany 1 Jan 1720 .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Jonathan Harry born 26 Nov 1742.
Simon David Herre born 15 Jul 1744.
Jacob Harry born 1745.
Johann Martin II Herre born 8 Mar 1748.
David Harry born 13 Nov 1750.
Charles E. Harry born 11 Aug 1760.
Charles Harry born 11 Aug 1752.
Martin Harry born 1755.
Martin Harry, Jr. born 8 Mar 1748.
John B. Harry born 18 Feb 1760.
John Adam Harry born 1 May 1762.
Andrew Harry born Oct 1766.

Johann Martin Herre died 30 Aug 1788 at Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland .

Anna Maria Sassler died 2 Jul 1780 at Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland .