Samuel R. HARRY

18 Mar 1852
Woodford County, Illinois
12 Aug 1941
Allegan County, Michigan
16 Dec 1879
Livingston County, Illinois
                   Occupation: Lawyer

Notation: Living in Milford, Iroquois, Illinois 1880

BIOGRAPHY: THOMAS S. HARRY, an early settler of Illinois, who makes hishome in Watseka, claims Kentucky as the State of his nativity. He wasborn in Christian County, on the 31st of August, 1823, and is a son ofSamuel Harry. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, no event of specialimportance occurring during his childhood. After he had attained tomature years, he was married on time 2d of October, 1844, in the countyof his nativity, to Miss Irena J., daughter of Ralph Compton, and anative of Christian County, who was born December 11, 1823.

BIOGRAPHY: In 1847, they came to Illinois and settled in McLean County,where Mr. Harry was engaged in farming for a time. He afterward removedto Woodford County, and in the spring of 1865 became a resident ofLivingston County, locating on a farm near Chatsworth. By his union withMiss Compton eight children were born, six of whom are yet living at thiswriting: Eliza A. became the wife of M. B. Lewis and died in 1872; MaryR. is the wife of W. H. Vreeland and resides in Morris, Iowa; Jesse T.wedded Miss Minnie Miller, and makes his home in Montana, near WhiteSulphur Springs; Thomas Milton married Miss Flora Wright, and is livingon a farm at Palisade, Hitchcock County, Neb.; Samuel R. wedded MissLaura T. Vail, of Chatsworth, and is engaged in the law and abstractbusiness in Watseka, with his brother, William H., who wedded Miss MaryA. Vail, and is the senior member of the firm of Harry Brothers; JasperC. married Miss Lillie Bailey, of Fairbury, Livingston County, andresides in Lexington, McLean County, Ill.; Irene, the youngest, died atthe age of two years.

BIOGRAPHY: Mr. Harry continued to carry on his farm, which is a valuableone of one hundred and sixty acres situated near Chatsworth, until thespring of 1883, when he leased it and removed to Watseka, which has sincebeen the home of himself and wife. This worthy couple have beenconsistent members of the Christian Church for many years and are highlyrespected by all who know them. Mr. Harry was a very enthusiasticRepublican in early life, and gave a patriotic support to the war for theUnion. He was also a great admirer of Horace Greeley, and in 1872 joinedthe Greeley movement and has since voted with the Democratic party. Hislife has been an active and useful one and has been characterized byintegrity and those qualities that command respect and esteem from timemost worthy people of the community where he has resided.

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Laura T. VAIL
Bef 1930
Casco, Allegan, Michigan
                   For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
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                   For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
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                   For personnal research purposes only. No other use allowed,
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FamilyCentral Network
Samuel R. Harry - Laura T. Vail

Samuel R. Harry was born at Woodford County, Illinois 18 Mar 1852. His parents were Thomas Smith Harry and Irena J. Compton.

He married Laura T. Vail 16 Dec 1879 at Livingston County, Illinois . Laura T. Vail was born at IL 1854 .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Lando C. Harry born 1883.
Walter S. Harry born 1887.

Samuel R. Harry died 12 Aug 1941 at Allegan County, Michigan .

Laura T. Vail died Bef 1930 at Casco, Allegan, Michigan .