James Francis HOLDEN

12 Apr 1870
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
26 Apr 1870
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
29 Feb 1948
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Holy Cross Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
24 Dec 1889
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
                   BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden. Grandad was buried at the
Holy Cross Cemetary, near his home in Inglewood, Los Angeles, CA.  He
was married after gradmother died to Mable Raymond Fitzgerald who is also
buried at Holy Cross. I can remember
my Grandfather as a stout (abt 300 #s), cigar smoking,slightly protruding blue
eyes which were quite large. Dad called him "PA". He had been a millionaire
in the days before prohibition. At one time he owned extensive property
encluding a beautiful house on Florence Ave in Lowell. Dad said they only lived
in this beautiful house one year.  This is the house was saw and took
pictures of.  It is beautiful today.  Dad remembers a circular staircase,
the stained glass window, a beautiful library, and a maid with smelly feet.
The house is located in a suburb called The Highlands.  Dad attended
the Bartlet School which we saw a couple of blocks away.  There was also
a house on Stevens St in Lowell, I Think.  We saw and took a picture of this
house and the house where Peter Felix and Catherine Coyne lived when they
came from Ireland on Salem St.  Grandad also owned a hotel in Lowell and a
Movie Theater in Detroit, Michigan. They also talked of Grandad owning a movie
Theater in Wydandott, Canada.  Grandad walked with his head to one side...a
family trait.  My Dad did also, and I think I might walk this way as well. Dad
can remember lots of wealth. When his mother was ill, Grandad was earning lots
of money, and Dad remembers him coming home and throwing pockets full of money
on the bed beside her.  After Florence Ave the family moved to Walker Ave which
Dad said was a come-down from Florence Ave.  He married Mable Fitzgerald on
Feb 3, 1908 eight months after Mary Molloy died. Dad remembers waiting for
his Dad on Florence Ave when he got off the streetcar. He remembers running to
Grandad when he got off the streetcar, and Grandad saying,George, you are
always running.   Dad also remembers Grandad bringing home many pairs of
shoes.  He would put them on the floor and the boys would grab the ones they
liked. This led to seriously malformed feet for my Dad.  He had toes which
layed over one another. James Francis loved hats. He would go below the bar
where he worked as a bartender, and come up with a silly expression and various
hats.  He always had a beautiful big car. I would watch the tail lights when
he and Mabe, who drove, left, and I would think, someday I will have a car like
that. 5 June 1900 Census shows James Francis and Mary Molloy, also called
Minnie, living at 93 Salem St with their children, Gertrude, Walter, and Harden
(the Irish name for Harold. Peter Felix and Catherine Coyne also lived their.
Aunt Gert said her father was born April 13,1877. Dad said it was 1870.
Grandad was a gambler.  He also owned a liquor store, a bar,  a comb, barrette
and a suspender factory in Lowell. Grandad lost his money due to a Sandwich Law
which made it necessary to give a free sandwich with a glass of beer.
Dad came out to California with his Dad. In those days there were few roads
and I don't think major highways existed.  They drove their own car, and Dad
told of sleeping in haystacks, and one night in a cemetery  without knowing it
until the next morning.  Before they left for California, Grandad spent much
time in Detroit.  Their first apartment in Los Angeles was called the Gaviotta
Apartment (If I can read my writing) located at 2nd and Diamond in Downtown LA.
Next they moved sto 124 Beaudry Ave, and then to Venice where Grandad worked as
a bartender for $22.50/wk.  Times were tough, but Dad said they loved
California.  Aunt Gert even worked as a film star for one of the studios.

When Granddad was baptized as a child into the Catholic Church his sponsors (Or godparents) were Michael Conlon..(surname in question according to Judy Wight..maybe it was illegible) could this be Michael Coyne, his mothers brother and Anna Follard ( Catherine Coyne's sister).

Certificate of birth from the City of Lowell  lists Granddad's birth as 13 April 1870  (Copy in Filing Cabinet.)
Mary Agnes MOLLOY
14 Jul 1875
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
6 Jun 1907
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
7 Jun 1907
St. Patrick Cemetery, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
                   BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.  Grandmother died of TB
(consumption).  Dad was six when she died.  He remembers her very ill
and in bed.  She had alittle covered can into which she would cough and
expectorate.  There is a common Holden Grave at St. Patrick's Cemetary in
Lowell, MA where she is buried.  I  think little George and Catherine were
buried there also. Dad told me she was about 5'3" with long dark brown hair to
her hips. Her picture looks as if she had reddish hair.  Dad said she was
slightly built.  Dad had a memory of living in an upper flat in Lowell when
he was ill with pneumonia.  He was only a very small child, but he vividly
remembered his mother holding him in her arms.  He remembered the anxiety of
his parents when he was sick, and he remembers their relief when he began to
get well again.  She died within 6-8 months after being diagnosed with TB .
Aunt Gert wrote me a letter in which she said her mother was born in 1875 and
died 32 years later. She also said her mother was ll years old when her mother,
Mary Kenney or Mary Kennedy died. I have decided to go with 1875 date.  I feel
it is accurate.  Aunt Gert also told me Mary Molloy had a brother whom I have
overlooked.  I will amend the family group record.  According to Aunt Gert,
grandmother was deeply religious and was educated in parochial schools.

   Her sponsors at her baptism were Patrick and Mary Hehes which the genealogist, Judy Wight, feels is a corruption of the surname Hughes
9 Aug 1890
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
23 Apr 1985
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
                   BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.
5 Sep 1891
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
21 Oct 1891
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
                   BIRTH: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.
16 Dec 1892
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
26 Feb 1963
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma

BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.

Uncle Walter was married to Alice Murningham. They were the parents of on
child, a daughter whos name was Barbara. She married Nelson Knowles.  There
address in 1993 is:  316 Fairmount St. Lowell, MA 01852
Catherine HOLDEN
14 Aug 1895
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
28 Sep 1896
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
                   BIRTH: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.
30 Jun 1898
Lowell, Middlesex, Ma
8 Jul 1960
San Diego, California
                   BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.

Uncle Hal was married to Ada Niendorf.  They were divorced, and he was
married a second time to Eula Holden.  I don't remember her maiden name.
She was a very good artist and always had Uncle Hal busy with various projects
like knocking out walls and modifying their home in San Diego. He had one son
by Ada Niendorf.  His name was Jimmy (James?).  He had been in a terrible
accident, I think, and was on crutches.  I saw him when I was very young.
Uncle Hal was a small man by Holden standards.  He was a gifted window
trimmer.  He worked, as did Uncle Les at Benbough's, a beautiful furniture
store in San Diego for many years.
                   BIRTH: LDS baptism certificate in possession of Richard C. Holden of Colorado
springs, CO
MARRIAGE: certificate of marriage in possession of Richard C. Holden of
Colorado Springs, CO
I once wrote this about my Dad."Dad was a convert to the Church and his
committment to the Gospel was less than Momma's.  He was a fine example of
truth and honor and happiness.  Even thru the roughest experiences he was
'a fool' as Mother used to say.  Dad gave Jewish Dialect readings.  Most of
them were based upon Bible stories--ie Sampson and Delilah, Hadam and Heve,etc.
Everyone loved Dad and his talents. He loved the Theater.  He really could have
made professional status, but felt the more stabile life would be secure for
his family." He was about 6ft tall, and weighed about what I do and of similar
stature except for his legs which were toothpicks.  His toes were crossed and
bunched together.  This was due to the fact that his Dad would go out and buy
a bunch of shoes for his sons, and they would scramble to get the shoes that
looked the best.  Often they wouldn't fit, and Dad would wear them anyway. Dad
also had a roman nose which gave him a Jewish appearance.  He went to night
school and became a textile engineer which qualified him to be manager of the
textile (yardage) dept. at Coulters, 5600 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.  He
later qualified to become the Mens Dept Manager.  He took many trips to the
East--New York.  There he was "Wined and Dined" as a buyer for an exclusive
Beverly Hills Dept Store.  I can remember often the excitement of picking Dad
up at the RR station..The Super Chief, or later at the airport.  I loved my
Dad, and I loved his fun and whit, though often I got bored with it.  I
thought it was a shame that Mother often had to nag him  to motivate him.  I
didn't like that and determined to be different.  On the 19th of July 1986
when I looked for the last time upon the body of my dear Father,  I thought
of all the sacrifice and love he had given me throughout my life.  I thought
of the last time I saw him alive.  he was a little old man living I am not
proud to say in a nursing home.  His mind was gone.  He couldn't joke or talk,
his hygene was neglected.  He was being fed by a feeder in the middle of a
circular table with 4 or 5 people around it like little birds.  I came into the
room, and Dad looked up and saw me, and he smiled that wonderful smile.
                   BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.

Uncle Lester was married to Marguerite A. Snow of England.  I called her Aunt
Rita.I remember her as a very sweet happy person.  Uncle Lester had an
illegitimate Son, but I never knew him or his name. As I recall, it occurred
during his marriage to Aunt Rita.  Poor Aunt Rita. Somehow Uncle Les' temple
work was accomplished during his lifetime.  I don't know how this happened,
but I have to laugh abit when I think how surprised he will be
FamilyCentral Network
James Francis Holden - Mary Agnes Molloy

James Francis Holden was born at Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts 12 Apr 1870. His parents were Peter Felix Holden and Catherine Coyne.

He married Mary Agnes Molloy 24 Dec 1889 at Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts . Mary Agnes Molloy was born at Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts 14 Jul 1875 daughter of Hugh Molloy and Mary Kenney .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Gertrude Alice Holden born 9 Aug 1890.
George Holden born 5 Sep 1891.
Walter Francis Holden born 16 Dec 1892.
Catherine Holden born 14 Aug 1895.
James Harold Holden born 30 Jun 1898.

James Francis Holden died 29 Feb 1948 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California .

Mary Agnes Molloy died 6 Jun 1907 at Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts .