
User Submitted
Margaret LINTON
2 Aug 1825
Merben, Tyrone, Ireland
10 Jan 1855
                   Family Records in possession of Richard C. Holden of Colorado Springs, CO. and
LDS Church archives - Microfische. Temple work repeated:  B=21 Apr 1944,  E=10 Jan 1945
Sealed to Parents 9 Apr 1946

Margaret Linton Born 1825Married John McGlinchie. We don't know more about him and their family.  Margaret probably remained in Canada since she would have been around 25 years old, and didn't travel with the family in 1850 to join Samuel and Sara Jane in Philadelphia.  Samuel arrived in Philadelphia in 1848, and Sara Jane arrived in 1849.  Samuel said onlyin his journal, "the remainder of the family arrived there in 1850", and we only know thru the efforts of Larry Linton's family (See the Family Monthly Newsletter, Volume 5 which has been dedicated to bringing togehter the posterity of Samuel and Ellen Sutton Linton) at the time of the 1880 US Census, six of the eight living children were still living in Philadelphia. William(father) died in 1851.  We know that the family is buried near Philadelphia.  See notes of William.  Samuel made sure her temple work was done before he died.  The work was probably done at Manti.
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