Samuel LINTON, (X)

27 Jun 1828
Murben, Tyrone, County, Ireland
21 May 1916
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
26 Apr 1858
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut, Usa
                   Family Records
Monument15-3-B, VLine Bluff Cemetery, Nephi, Utah "Resting in hope of a glorious
Index Card to Endowment House Temple Records No 209 Book B Page 11
Ellen SUTTON, (X)
22 Jan 1832
St Helena, Lancheshire, England
1 Apr 1909
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
4 Apr 1909
Vine Bluff
                   Family Records

Index card to Endowment House Temple Records, No. 1813, Book A, p.65

Old Church Records 1832 No. 975 pg. 41

Vine Bluff Cemetery
29 May 1855
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
8 Nov 1865
                   Family Records in possession of Richard C. Holden of Colorado Springs, CO. and
LDS Church archives - Microfische.

Sarah Ellen was the daughter of Ellen Sutton and her first husband, Charles
McKetchney.  Her baptismal date was one month short of 8 years and therefore
questionable.  She was later sealed to Samuel Linton and Ellen Sutton.
Old Church Records of the City of Nephi call Samuel Linton her father. No. 977
pg 41.
6 Apr 1859
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut, Usa
12 Dec 1928
                   Family Records

BURIAL: Headstone
Index Card to St. George Temple Records No.324 Book A Page 16

Baptized by Salmuel Linton 6 Apr. 1867, Ordained Elder 22 Feb. 1877 in Old
Church Records 976 pg 41

Rebaptized and reconf. 27 Nov. 1884, Pg. 288 Bk B
Lucilla LINTON
16 Oct 1861
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
29 Apr 1863
Nephi, Juab, Ut
                   Family Records

Old Church Record No. 978 pg. 41
11 Feb 1865
Nephi, Juab, Ut
16 Mar 1951
Salt Lake City, Utah
9 Apr 1903
                   Family Records
Index Card to Logan Temple Records No. 6711, Book A Page 187 Old Church Records
No. 979 pg. 41

Internment Record #77378 - Mary Linton Morgan, burried Mar 19 1951, died Mar 16
1951. age 86, 1216 East 13th So, SLC - cause Arteriosclerosis, loc. X-3-42-W5

Funeral Slated for widow of church official. D.N. 17 Mar 1951 Sat :4B
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Linton Morgan, 86, of 777 Fourth Ave., widow of
John Hamilton Morgan, former member of the First Council of Seventy, Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will be conducted Monday at 11 a.m. at 36
East Seventh South St. Etc. She was a member of the American Genealogical
Soceity and the Utah Genealogical Society.

My family visited Aunt Mary at her apartment in Salt Lake, next to the Temple Square Hotel. She lived in a small apartment and devoted herself to Temple work and Genealogy. She was personally aquainted with Heber J. Grant and many general authorities. Because she was at the Temple so much. Dad said she was a poligamus wife, and was set aside when it was against the law. He didn't care for her son Rulon because he didn't take care of his mom, I think. She was a small lady with long hair in a knot. Very ;nice and happy to see us. I know nothing of her second husband.
7 Jan 1867
Nephi, Juab, Ut
1 Apr 1944
Manti, Sanpete, Ut
                   Family Records
Index Card to Manti Temple Records - No 991, Book A lvg Page 28

Old Church Records No. 980 pg. 41
30 Dec 1868
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
4 Mar 1904
                   Family Records

Old Church Records No. 981 pg. 41

Alice died when Aunt Belle was 3 and Lionel was 4 of tuberlosis. Joe Ovard married several times after, wives all died. Alice was the love of his life.
4 Feb 1873
Nephi, Juab, Utah
26 May 1945
LaCanada, Los Angeles, California
16 Jun 1897
Manti, Sanpete, Utah 
                   Family records of Helen Crawley Holden now deceased.
I was there, as were the Holdens and Mom, Dad, Patti, when grandma died in our
home in La Canada. She had a celebrial hemmorage three days before she died.

Old Church Records. No. 982 pg. 41
Family records of Helen Crawley Holden now deceased.
I was there, as were the Holdens and Mom, Dad, Patti, when grandma died in our
home in La Canada. She had a celebrial hemmorage three days before she died.
Old Church Records. No. 982 pg. 41
Grandma states she was baptized by Charles Price and confirmed the next day by Wm. H. Warner in Nephi according to the Fast Meeting Record of 1881. pg 119 Book B.

Grandma's hair turned white almost over night. (As did my Dads, when she died) We have a picture taked after Grandpa's death with her remaining children. They were a great family with a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and the Restored Gospel given through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Dick: Since Aunt Jayne was a school teacher, Judy was there to take care of Betty and Patty and to manage the home. She also lived with us, much of the time, and we shared a room. She would read to me often, and I can remember going to sleep and waking up some time later and she would still be reading to me. For those who didn't know her she could seem distant or cool. Actually she was just the oposite. I love her dearly. She was a hard worker, and Mother would often say that Judy could work circles around her. She was of average size and weight. When she was young she had jet black hair and brown eyes. When I knew her she had mother put blueing in her white hair to give it a blue or purple cast. She set her hair in waves around her head. She wore dentures. After Grandad died she went on bravely, but from that time on, she wanted to go to him and be with him. She had high blood pressure I can remember her goilng to bed for this purpose. I can remember Bishop/Patriarch Hoaglund giving her a remarkable blessing in which she was permitted to see all of her family who had gone on before. She said they were assembled in a beautiful rose garden and were anxiously awaiting her arrival. I can remember her leaving with Mom and Dad for an adult family birthday celebration to Tlim's house she suffered a massive stroke and died one week later. I can remember her lying there unconscious. The nurse, Monte Barron told us she would be leaving us within the hour. I had hoped and prayed for her recovery. I can remember running outside crying until I was tired. When I got back she was gone. I will always miss her and look forward to seeing her again soon. Mother wrote the following at the end of Grandmothers record.
"Mother Dear passed away May 26, 1945 at 20 minutes before noon on Saturday at Loraines lovely home in La Canada. We had been all together enjoying supper top celebrate Loraine and Lyman's birthday. Mother seemed very happy and was so full of life and fun. It is all very hard to realize she is gone from this world. The funeral services were held in Glendale at 12 noon on Thursday. May 29th and on account of Decoration Day we could not go to the cemetery until Thursday. Our good friend Jack West, dedicated the grave and the family all went to Heber and Fay Lintons for the afternoon. God bless her and keep her.

Julia Linton Crawley was a great woman. Not only was she great because she was our grandmother, she was an outstanding example of womanhood. She came from a home of greatness. Samuel Linton, her father, was known as a leader in his community. His family immigrated originally from Murbin, Tyrone, Ireland. In the book, "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah," page 1007- 1008 it gives the important dates of Samuels life as a prominent man and pioneer. Ellen Sutton, Julia's mother, came also from an outstanding family who were also pioneers from St. Helens, Lancashire,England. It is my understanding they were handcart pioneers. I can sometimes imagine this small little lady along with her sisters and brothers and parents pushing a heavy handcart filled with all of their earthly possessions. The families were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also called Mormons. They had testimonies of the truthfulness of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and were willing to place their lives on the line in order to do their bit to establish the kingdom of God and find freedom of religion in the Rocky Mountains of the western part of the United States of America. We have Samuel Linton's Diary of his early life, but only Aunt Mary, Grandmothers older sister, says the following of her Mother: ' Mother was a hard worker. She could take the wool and shorn, wash, dry and send it to the machines to be made into rolls, spin it into yarn which was made into skeins. Then gather rabbit brush, steep into tea, dip the skeins in this, then in blue dye to make the different colors for shirts, dresses, etc. Dear mother was a patient sufferer. I wonder that she lived as long as she did. She was affable and kind. All loved her who knew her."Julia, or Judy as we always called her since this was her desire, was born 4 February 1873. She was the seventh child, fourth daughter of the ten children born to Samuel and Ellen Sutton Linton. I really cannot remember Judy telling much of her early life, but I know she grew up in a loving, gospel oriented home with sisters and brothers who loved her, and whom she in turn loved. By reading the writings of Samuel Linton, one must establish the fact that he was well educated. Grandmother was also well educated. I can remember no grammatical error in her speech, and she wrote and read well. As a child I can remember her very often reading to me. We shared the same room when she lived with us. (She lived part of the time with Aunt Jayne and Uncle Lorraine [Tim] where she could take care of Patti and Betty and keep house since Aunt Jayne was an educator. I can remember going to sleep and then awaking much later and Grandmother was still reading. When I was in the eighth grade, I had what was called a bear of a class called Hermans English. I was failing and grandmother rescued me. Every day she would sit down with me and make sure I understood my homework. She was wonderful, and so knowledgeable. I worked my grade from failing to an "A." I will always be grateful and in awe as to how she could drill that into my hard head so easily and lovingly. I have heard that Grandmother taught school in her younger years before she married our Grandfather, Thomas William Crawley. I have also heard she was a principle of a school.My Mother, Helen Crawley Holden, often said, there was no way she could keep up with Judy. Judy could work circles around just about anyone. She went about doing good. After she died there were so many people who came up to us and told us stories of how she would suddenly appear and do the ironing or clean the house or cook a meal when they were in need.Grandmother had an unusual way of seeming disinterested when she actually was very interested. I can think of no other way of saying this. I think this was from a somewhat stern family background which was often found among the early Mormon Pioneers. An example of this could be illustrated by our family dog, Cappy. She would often complain of "that dog" because he got in the way or shed too much hair and got the house dirty. But I can re
member often coming around a corner when she didn't expect me, and here she was talking gently and loving and petting Cappy. I think she had this general attitude. I really can't remember her loving and kissing me, but there was no doubt that she loved me, I always knew that.Grandmother was widowed on the twenty-first of May, 1922. When Tom died, a part of Grandmother died with him. Tom had asthma. This was the reason they moved from Utah to California. Granddad worked for the railroad before he died, but had a hard time earning a living because of his health. The whole family including Grandmother went to work. Grandmother had earlier lost Carlyle, her first son, in an Influenza Epidemic, and then losing her husband was very difficult for her. There is a family picture taken shortly after Granddads death. Grandmother is seated clothed in black with the remainder of her children around her. Her face is somber, determined, lonely. The rest of her life, she longed to be with Tom, and often looked forward to the time when they could be reunited. I can remember Bishop Hogland giving Grandmother a blessing. As I recall, the scene where the blessing took place was behind the curtain of the stage in the old Woman's Bell Club in Highland Park California where our ward met. During the blessing, I can remember Grandmother looking up toward the ceiling with her white hair tinted with bluing and her beautiful brown eyes wide open. The scene is very vivid in my mind. After my Mother asked her what she was looking at, and she told us it seemed as if the heavens were opened and she could see her Mother and Father and Tom and Carlyle and many of the others of the family who had left this life standing in a beautiful rose garden. From that moment on this was in her mind, and she was not afraid in any way of dying. She actually welcomed it.Grandmother lived until she was 73 years old. She died on the twenty-sixth of May 1945 after a severe cerebral accident. She was living with Uncle Tim and Aunt Jayne at the time. The children of her family had just left after a family party. They said they all had such a good time, and Judy was laughing and joking with them. Tim said he heard a crash and went running into her room to find her on the floor. She didn't regain consciousness. She lingered for several days and then her breathing became more labored. The Nurse, our dear friend Monty Baron, told us she was now dying and would be gone very soon. Just before she left us, her beautiful eyes opened wide in recognition. We knew Granddad was there to get his sweetheart, and then she was gone. We all were there around her bed, and the memory is still vivid in our minds.We look forward in our turn to see our Judy again.This is a great tribute Dick Holden wrote to our grandmother. I will always treasure it.
29 Sep 1876
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
8 Feb 1918
Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
31 Jul 1908
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah 
                   Family Record

Old Church Records No. 983 pg. 41 and pg. 288 Book B.

Birth of Willis, William Ranchman
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
                   Foulnd in search. Peter already knew about the twins.
Timothy LINTON
Abt 1878
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
Abt 1878
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
FamilyCentral Network
Samuel Linton, (X) - Ellen Sutton, (X)

Samuel Linton, (X) was born at Murben, Tyrone, County, Ireland 27 Jun 1828. His parents were William Linton, (X) and Elizabeth Selfridge.

He married Ellen Sutton, (X) 26 Apr 1858 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut, Usa . Ellen Sutton, (X) was born at St Helena, Lancheshire, England 22 Jan 1832 daughter of John Sutton, (X) and Mary Ellison, (X) .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Sarah Ellen McKetchney born 29 May 1855.
John Sutton Linton born 6 Apr 1859.
Lucilla Linton born 16 Oct 1861.
Mary Ann Linton born 11 Feb 1865.
Samuel Jr. Linton born 7 Jan 1867.
Alice Linton born 30 Dec 1868.
Julia Linton born 4 Feb 1873.
William Linton born 29 Sep 1876.
Titus Linton
Timothy Linton born Abt 1878.

Samuel Linton, (X) died 21 May 1916 at Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa .

Ellen Sutton, (X) died 1 Apr 1909 at Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa .