
                   Family Records of Jayne Hibbert Crawley Grant, now deceased.
Joe was married to Myra for many years.
30 Dec 1868
Nephi, Juab, Ut, Usa
4 Mar 1904
                   Family Records

Old Church Records No. 981 pg. 41

Alice died when Aunt Belle was 3 and Lionel was 4 of tuberlosis. Joe Ovard married several times after, wives all died. Alice was the love of his life.
18 Jul 1900
Eureka, Juab, Utah
                   Dean married Helen Cannon Ovard before Lavell died, "Aunt Belle"
                   Endowed twice 13 Jan 1996 - Denver, Dick and Yvonne

I want to write about Alice Linton who was the sixth child of Samuel Linton and Ellen Sutton. (My Grandmother, Julia, whom even the grandchildren called Judy because she didn't like the name Julia, was the 7th child.) Alice was born 30 Dec.1868 in Nephi, Juab, UT. She married Joe Ovard probably when she was endowed on the 23 Nov. 1898 in the Manti Temple.They had two children, Lionel Dean Ovard and LaVelle Ovard (My Aunt Belle. I will explain the relationship later.) Alice died on the 4th of March 1905. Joe farmed his children out to various relatives. Finally, my grandparents took Belle into their family.Since my mother, Helen Crawley Holden was the only girl they thought it would be good for them both to be raised as sisters. I cannot give you a date when this happened, but I know that Aunt Belle was kind of a wild kid who was a load of fun. However, Grandmother Judy had a time making sure her daughter Helen and Aunt Belle were both raised as little ladies; a goal which was never completely achieved. Everyone loved Belle, especially my mother, and from that time on Belle totally became a part of Thomas and Julia's family. Judy, Aunt Belle and Mother were very close. I can remember every time we were together, which was often there was plenty to laugh about, and I can remember Aunt Belle sitting at the piano and hammering out all the old popular songs and singing at the top of her voice.Now I want to tell you about Dean, Belle's brother. I first must say Belle loved Dean dearly. I cannot tell you anything about his life after his mother died. I think he was passed around to relatives and possibly others. I don't think his life was easy. But he was a survivor. He was baptized 28 Oct. 1910, but I don't think he was ever really active in the church until he married his second or third wife, Helen Cannon. I think they were finally sealed and Dean received his endowment in the Los Angeles Temple on the 4th of November 1970. He died in Mexico in 1975.La Velle Ovard (Belle) was born 27 Oct. 1901. She was married to Samuel James Blackburn and their only child is Helen La Velle (Not Ovard) Blackburn. Aunt Belle died of the effects of cancer. I can remember visiting her along with my parents after her surgery for removal of the cancer. I can remember the smell of the room, and I can remember her treatment with radiation thereafter. She had much pain and suffering, but I only remember her making fun of her situation. She had a colostomy for the rest of her life which she immediately named Tojo after the prime minister of Japan. During the war, everyone hated this man who had much to do with the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. I guess this was Aunt Belle's feeling for her colostomy. She died 18 December 1976, and is buried in a cemetery called Rose Hills near Whittier where they lived.Now let me tell you about my cousin, Helen. I don't know if it is true, Bubs, please fill in here, but I was told she blew very large bubbles as a baby. I know I always called her, "Bubbles." I have heard I was the first to call her that, but I suspicion this is not true knowing Aunt Belle. Anyway, since Bubs was born on the 10th of April 1925, she was a few years older than I, and she kind of watched out for me. I always knew that I was loved, and still do. One Christmas when I was taking a typing class in school, I opened a Christmas Gift from Bubs, and it was her typewriter. I knew this was a great sacrifice for her. I don't think I have ever received a gift that I appreciated more. Bubs and I later went to BYU together, and she like her mother was such fun she soon became very popular with all who knew her. She met William Ray Duffin in a ski class where she fell down a mountain andended up hanging from a tree. This was something that I would expect from her. She broke her leg, however, but as usual, she had lots of fun doing it. Bubs and Bill were later married in the Salt Lake Temple. I don't have the date. (Bubs, can you fill me in?) There were four children born of the marriage, Ronald Ray Duffin, born 25 May 1953, Susan Duffin, born 15 Nov 195
4, Tim William Duffin born 18 July 1956, and Kelly C. Duffin born 6 Mar 1958. Ron has a child, and Sue has three children. Ron is now divorced, and Sue is now married to "Shorty" Larson. (Bubs, could you please fill us in on the names and birth dates? of your grandchildren?} These would be the last of Alice Linton's descendants.Bubs and Bill have been long since divorced, and Bill died last year) Bubs, helpI should add that Bubs real name is Helen, after my mother, and Betty Headman and Peter and I are the only ones permitted to call her by that rather unbecoming name.Bubs, this fulfills an assignment Larry Linton, Colette's Dad, gave me about Alice Linton's descendants. If you can remember anything I left out, could you write it to us? I love you.Well, that is part of the assignment. I will fill you in on the rest of Julia's family for the Linton Family History that you are compiling. How lucky can we be. Thanks so much for doing this.Betty, I think you should receive this too. Can you comment. As I told you I am going to write about the rest of the family, and send it to you and Pete to correct and add to it unless I can talk you into writing the first draft. I love you.We send love, Dick
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