Abt 1841
of Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
24 Jul 1891
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
2 Jul 1870
                   Birth,Marriage and Death records in the possession of Richard C. Holden of
Colorado Springs, CO.
In Aunt Gerts note she said John Hugh Molloy was bedridden after his wife's
death with arthritis and died shortly after she died.  Mary Molloy was ll yrs.
of age at the time of her mothers death.  I have heard she was an orphan.  I
don't know anything about the story between this time and the time she married
Grandfather Holden....James Francis. I was baptized and did the initiatory work
for him in the Denver Temple on the 22nd of April 1994 and his endowment the
15th of November of that same year.

27 June 2002  Genealogist, Judy Wight, reveals my Grandmother, Mary Agnes Molloy's father was named Hugh Molloy not John Hugh Molloy.  She also found another child, Mary who was born 19 Dec 1870 smf forf 26 Aig 1871.  She was 8 months and 7 days at her death.  It is often Irish custom to name the next child, My Grandmother, by the same name.
Abt 1843
30 Dec 1886
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
                   Birth,Marriage and Death records in the possession of Richard C. Holden of
Colorado Springs, CO.

Aunt Gert said Mary Kenney's name was not Kenney, but Kennedy???   She said
when she died, Mary Molloy was only ll years old.  If the records are correct
Mary Molloy was 16 when her father died, and I guess she fended for herself
until she was married. I baptized Yvonne and Yvonne did the initiatory work on
the 22nd of April 1994 in the Denver Temple. We returned the next day and
Yvonne finished the endowment.
Patrick KANE
Abt 1869
of Lowell, Middlesex, Mass
                   Not sure of relationship of this person.  I think he must have been the
son of Mary Kenney by a previous marriage.  He has not been sealed to
Hugh Molloy and Mary Kenney.   Aunt Gert said he was a half brother to
my Grandmother, Mary Molloy, so the above must be true. I was baptized and did
the initiatory work for his endowment in the Denver Temple on the 22 of April
1994.  I felt he accepted the work.
28 Dec 1874
                      from a letter written by Aunt Gert Martin. I know nothing about this uncle.
When I was baptized and did the initiatories for him, I felt nothing.  I look
forward to knowing more about him. During the work for his endowment  I felt
very good.  I hope he accepts this work.

From family records his name was James F.  These birth records say James H.  He was born 7 months before my grandmother.  I am not sure it is the same person, but for now I will call him the brother.
See E-mail of 17 March 2003 from Judy Wight in file.  Sponsors were John Costello who could have been a relative of Ally Costello, Peter Felix Holden's mother and Ann McAndrew.
14 Jul 1875
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
6 Jun 1907
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
24 Dec 1889
Lowell, Middlesex, Massachuset 
                   BIRTH-MARRIAGE: information from family records given to Richard C. Holden
of Colorado Springs, CO
DEATH: Personal knowledge  of  Richard C. Holden.  Grandmother died of TB
(consumption).  Dad was six when she died.  He remembers her very ill
and in bed.  She had alittle covered can into which she would cough and
expectorate.  There is a common Holden Grave at St. Patrick's Cemetary in
Lowell, MA where she is buried.  I  think little George and Catherine were
buried there also. Dad told me she was about 5'3" with long dark brown hair to
her hips. Her picture looks as if she had reddish hair.  Dad said she was
slightly built.  Dad had a memory of living in an upper flat in Lowell when
he was ill with pneumonia.  He was only a very small child, but he vividly
remembered his mother holding him in her arms.  He remembered the anxiety of
his parents when he was sick, and he remembers their relief when he began to
get well again.  She died within 6-8 months after being diagnosed with TB .
Aunt Gert wrote me a letter in which she said her mother was born in 1875 and
died 32 years later. She also said her mother was ll years old when her mother,
Mary Kenney or Mary Kennedy died. I have decided to go with 1875 date.  I feel
it is accurate.  Aunt Gert also told me Mary Molloy had a brother whom I have
overlooked.  I will amend the family group record.  According to Aunt Gert,
grandmother was deeply religious and was educated in parochial schools.

   Her sponsors at her baptism were Patrick and Mary Hehes which the genealogist, Judy Wight, feels is a corruption of the surname Hughes
FamilyCentral Network
Hugh Molloy - Mary Kenney

Hugh Molloy was born at of Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts Abt 1841.

He married Mary Kenney 2 Jul 1870 . Mary Kenney was born at Abt 1843 .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Patrick Kane born Abt 1869.
James F. Molloy born 28 Dec 1874.
Mary Agnes Molloy born 14 Jul 1875.

Hugh Molloy died 24 Jul 1891 at Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts .

Mary Kenney died 30 Dec 1886 at Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts .