
User Submitted
10 May 1670
Old Rappahannock, Virginia
7 Oct 1748
of King George, Virginia
10 Aug 1690
Old Rappahannock, Virginia 
      Will of Thomas Bartlett in PAF notes
      Death date is the Will Proved date
Note: 1. DNA studies proved Thomas Bartlett of Essex Co., VA was not related to Thomas Bartlett of Talbot Co., Maryland. 2. Documents in Essex Co., VA stated Thomas Bartlett was Thomas Bartlett, Jr.  3. Thomas may or may not be Thomas Bartlett who died in 1748 in King George, VA.  Thomas was very prominent, and it seems unusual that documentation is not available for him.  It is speculated that he moved to King George, VA and remarried.  His will there only mentions two daughters, no sons.  4. One record stated he died in Spotsylvania Co., VA.

King George Co., VAWill Book A-1, pp. 206-207In the name of God Amen. I Thomas BARTLETT of the Paris h of Hanover being very sick and weak of body but of perfec t memory thanks be to Almighty God; and calling to remembra nce the uncertainty of this life and that all flesh must yi eld unto death when it shall please God to call, do make co nstitute ordain and declare this my last will & Testament i n manner and form following revoking and anulling all and e very Testament and Testaments, Will and Wills, heretofore b y me made and this to be taken for my last Will and Testame nt and none other.First: I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth CAM ERON Ten Pounds when she comes in person to receive the sam e.Also, I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary MARSHAL L one Negro girl named Phillis to be delivered at my deceas e to her and heirs.Also, I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah CALL on e Negro boy named Ned to be delivered at my decease to he r and her heirs, also one feather bed and furniture and on e cow and calf to be delivered at my decease.Also all the rest of my Negroes and Estate I give and b equeath to my loving wife during her natural life and afte r her decease to be equally divided between my two daughter s Mary MARSHALL and Sarah CALL.Also, I do appoint and ordain my loving Wife, William M ARSHALL, Junr. And Isaac CALL, Junr. Executrix and Executor s of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereo f I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twen ty fourth day of August 1748.Thos. BARTLET {Seal}Witness -Samuel WEATHERSEdward MARSHALLJohn THORNLEY
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