Richard TILDEN

Abt 1510
of Beneden, Kent, England
15 May 1565
Tenterden, Kent, England
Abt 1540
of Beneden, Kent, England
1998 Ancestral File
                   Historical notes and obituary included in notes

Obituary: The Will of Richard Tylden of Tenterden in the County of Kente, yeoman, 22 January 1565/6. My body to be buried in the parish where I die. To the poor people of Tenterden. To my wife Elizabeth half of my household stuff, and various articles, including barley due me from Wyllyam Gerrys, live stock, all woolen cloth not made into garments, and angle noble, a double ducat, and 20s. The residue of my household stuff to my four daughters, Julyan, Agnes, Thomasen, and Mary Tylden, equally divided, and to each 30 pounds at marriage of age of twenty years. To servant John Mills 30 pounds in satisfaction of an account between him and me, and a cloak. To son John Tylden four pairs of hose, two coats, one of marbyll and another of russet, two hats, two new leather jerkins, a dublet of chamblett, and my white dublet. To Thomas Tylden my son a coat to be had of Peter Peyrs, my next best hat and a pair of hose. To Richard Adams of Benynden a coat dublet and a pair of hose of Winchester russet. To Richard Peyris's widow. To Thomas Berry. To George Pellond. To Henry Meryote, Mother Crotholl, and John Ilverd. To my servant Richard Cheseman. To Richard Peyrs, son of Richard Peyrs of Tenterden deceased, Myldren Pyers, and Thomas Berry son of Thomas Berry. The residue of my moveable goods to son John Tylden, and I make him and Walter Bygge of Tenterden, tailor, my executors; my son not to meddle in the execution of my testament until he come to the age of four and twenty years, except it fortune Walter Bygge to die. If son Jone die before that age, son Thomas to have his legacy and take his place as executor. If both sons die before said age, then to my daughters. To Walter Bygge for his pains 20s. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerk and curate of Tenterden, Robert Ashenden, Wyllyam Marden yonger, and Peter Pyerse. This is my last will concerning my lands in Tenterden and Benynden. My wife Elizabeth to have during her widowhood the occupation of my parlor and buttery adjoining, two chambers over them, and the garret loft over, the buttery next the hall door, with use of bakehouse, brewhouse, malt house, the head of my barn called the tan house, east garden, and water (rights ???) of the pits or ponds. Also I give her eight loads of wood and two hundred faggots. My garden called new garden and fve pieces of land or wood containing twenty acres at the back side of my messuage in Tenterden, and three other pieces called pigge holes, containing seventeen acres of land and wood,to my wife until my son John Tilden shal1 accomplish the age of four and twenty years, if she remain my widow so long, and not else. Son John to have the said lands at the said age and pay to my wife 6 pounds 13s. 4d. a year during her life. I give to my wife toward the keeping of my children 6 pounds to be paid out of my lands in Tenterden until my youngest child come to the age of twelve years, and if she die before that time, then Walter Bygg my executor to have the bringing up of my children. To Thomas Tilden my son all my lands and tenements in the parish of benynden, when he shall accomplish the age of four and twenty years. My executor to take the residue of aU profits of my lands and tenements in Tenterden and Benynden until my son John come to his said age toward the performance of my will and paying my debts, and when son John accomplish the said age, then he to receive all the profits of the foresaid lands in Tenterden and Benynden before willed to Thomas Tilden until the said Thomas accomplish his said age, and the Johm to pay to Thomas 50 pounds. My executors shall take own and sell the long houses along the street of my tenement in Benynden, and make a pale and gate for the passage into said tenement, and build a barn there at my house where it stood before thirty-six feet by twenty feet. If either of my two sons die before the age of four and twenty years without lawful issue, the survivor shal1 pay to my daughters then living 20 pounds apiece. If all my children die without lawful issue, then the said lands and tenements in Tenterden to John Mills 
and his heirs, and my lands and tenements in Benynden as follows: to my brother-in-law Thomas Glouer of Benynden two pieces of land called Barnfild and Oxenlease lying betwwen a lane ther and his house, and the residue of my lands and tenements in Benynden to the relief of the poor of Tenterden and Benynden, to be letten and the profits distributed by the church wardens. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerke, Curate of Tenterden, Robert Asshenden, William Mardin yonger and Peter Pyers. Proven 15 May 1566 by Walter Bygge, on of the executors named in the will, with power reserved to grant a like probate of John Tilden the other executor names, at the age limited in the will. (Archdeaconry of Cantebury, Vol. 39, fo. 169)" (English Origins of New England Families, publised by NEGHS.)Ca 1540 Richard married Elizabeth Glover, daughter of Thomas Glover & Thomasine Hand. Born ca 1515. Elizabeth died at Cranbrook, Kent, on 30 Dec
Elizabeth GLOVER
Abt 1515
of Beneden, Kent, England
30 Dec 1585
Cranbrook, Kent, England
Abt 1545
of Beneden, Kent, England
29 Jan 1625/26
23 Jan 1569
St. Mildred's Church, Tenterde 
Abt 1546
of Tenterden, Kent, England
6 Jun 1617
Wye, Kent, England
13 Nov 1593
Tenterden, Kent, England 
Abt 1548
of Beneden, Kent, England
21 Jun 1568
Beneden, Kent, England 
Abt 1550
of Beneden, Kent, England
14 Feb 1568
Tenterden, Kent, England 
Thomasen TILDEN
Abt 1552
of Beneden, Kent, England
                       Line 1884 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
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    Line 790 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
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Catherine TILDEN
30 Sep 1554
Beneden, Kent, England
8 Jun 1556
Beneden, Kent, England
6 Apr 1559
Beneden, Kent, England
30 Sep 1560
15 May 1561
Beneden, Kent, England
FamilyCentral Network
Richard Tilden - Elizabeth Glover

Richard Tilden was born at of Beneden, Kent, England Abt 1510. His parents were Richard (or John) Tylden and Joan .

He married Elizabeth Glover Abt 1540 at of Beneden, Kent, England . Elizabeth Glover was born at of Beneden, Kent, England Abt 1515 .

They were the parents of 9 children:
John Tilden born Abt 1545.
Thomas Tilden born Abt 1546.
Julian Tilden born Abt 1548.
Agnes Tilden born Abt 1550.
Thomasen Tilden born Abt 1552.
Catherine Tilden christened 30 Sep 1554.
Mary Tilden christened 8 Jun 1556.
Alice Tilden christened 6 Apr 1559.
Mary Tilden christened 15 May 1561.

Richard Tilden died 15 May 1565 at Tenterden, Kent, England .

Elizabeth Glover died 30 Dec 1585 at Cranbrook, Kent, England .