Marmaduke VICKERY

Abt 1715
of Randolph, North Carolina
6 Dec 1787
Randolph, North Carolina
Abt 1738
of Virginia
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
Ordinance Index - Version 1.02
Internet IGI (May 2006)
                   Birth record from Mae Lang, 110 S. Main St., St. Joseph IL.
Will dated 26 Dec 1787, Randolph Co., NC. Will Book 1, p. 66, Raleigh, NC Arch.
In the Name of God amen
I Marmaduke Vickrey Senior of the County of Randolph and State of North
Carolina planter being sick and weake in body but of perfect mind and memry
thanks be given unto God for the same  Calling to mind the mortallity of my
Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make ordain
and appoint this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows
first of all I Recomend my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to
be Buryed in Christan burial at the Discration of my here after named
executors and as tuching my worly Estate where with God hath pleased to Bless
me with in this life I give dismiss and dispose of the same in the following
manner and form.
Item  I give unto my well Beloved wife Elisabeth Vickrey the full possession of
my dwelling house with all my house hould goods and furniture during her
Natural life and at her decease to be dissposed of in manner and form as
Item  I give and Bequeath to my beloved son Samson Vickrey all my Lands and
tenements except that part conveyed to my grandson Marmaduk Vickrey Junior bydeed of gift bearing date December the twenty fifth day one thousand seven
hundred and eighty seven.
Item  I give and bequeath to my son Samson Vickrey all my personnal estate of
every kind quallity and spaci to be pusesd By him with all the benefits there
unto belonging and I do appoint the said Sampson Vickrey and him alone to be my
Executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have set my
hand and seal this twenty sixt day of december and in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.
Signned Sealed Confairmed and
delivered in the presents of us       Marmaduke (his mark) Vickrey (Seal)
Christopher Vickrey)
Marmaduke Vickrey  )

Randolph Co., NC, December 1788 Inventory Estate of Marmaduke Vickrey, Senior
One hundred acres of land, one horse & one mare, five head cattle, 2 beds and
furniture, 1 Cubbard & Table, 2 pots, 1 oven, a note of hand four pounds, puter
tins and chairs, wearing clothes, 1 Saddle, 1 Bridle, 1 pr. plow irons, 1 ax, 1
hoe, 2 pr horse chains, 1 log chain, 1 pr stillard, 1 skillet, 2 iron pots,
rack, 1 pr. fire tongs, 2 pails, 1 churn, 1 spinning wheel, 1 Drawing knife,
knives & forks, 1 trunk, 1 wheel, 1 picking fork
Returned by executor Sampson Vickory of said estate.

The name Vickrey is of English origin. Analysis shows "vicar" to mean minister,
while "rey" refers to the king, originally meant "minister to the king."
There are many variations, Vickory, Vickery, Vicary, Vickrey, Vicaree, Vickery.
Tradition says the family was from England and that Marmaduke came to North
Carolina by way of Virginia and possibly Mass.  He was in Rowan County, North
Carolina in 1752-53 and serving as a witness or chain-bearer for a surveyor.

At old corthouse in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, 22 February 1759,
Deed book 4, Part I, p. 133, are records that Marmaduke Vickory purchased 151
acres on both sides of Deep River.  He lived there the remainder of his life.
Over the years that same land was in Rowan, Guilford, Orange and Randolph
counties as the county boundaries changed.
Elizabeth NATION
Abt 1718
of Randolph, North Carolina
                   Birth estimated as about 21 years when married.
No legal records have been found as to Elizabeth's maiden name.  Some have
assumed that her name was Swaim and that name was placed in N.S.D.A.R records
by Nina Nation, a reputable genealogist.  However, she stated that she had no
proof.  Others have claimed there are indications that her name was Nation.
Abt 1739
of Randolph, North Carolina
Randolph, North Carolina
Abt 1765
of Randolph, North Carolina 
                   Estimated birth, probably born in Frederick, VA.  John's wife may have died
early as she is not shown on any available records.
One sorce indicated John's will was dated 7 Feb 1833.  Another sorce says his
Inventory of Estate in Randolph Co., NC, was Mar 1832.

All land records are found in Randolph County Court:  Book l, p. 136, (copied
by Mrs. Polly Vickory Maus) "Know ye that we, in consideration of 50 shillings
for every 100 acres paid into our treasury by John Vickory, have given and
granted unto the said John Vickory land containing 500 acres lying between our
county of Randolph on both sides of Pole Cat Creek, beginning at the Black Jack
tree on John Clark's line together with all woods, water, mines, minerals,
heredtaments and appurtenances of the said hold forever...and paying
such sums as the General Assembly may direct.  "In testimony thereof we have
cause the Great Seal to be hereunto affixed.  Witness Alexander Martin Esq.,
our Govenor, Captain, General Commander in Chief at Fairfield in the 23rd day
of October in the seventh year of our Independence in the year of our Lord
       Book 1, p. 136, 1787--State conveys another grant of 300 acres to John.
       Book 12, p. 136, 1789--Marmaduke Vickory and Pethal deed fifty acres to
            John Vickory, Sr. This may be the same fifty acres left to Marmaduke,
            Jr. by his grandfather.  (Asheboro Court) Book 1, p. 68, December 1787
            Marmaduke Vickory, Sr., Gives to his grandson, Marmaduke, Jr., eldest
            son of John Vickory, a planter and both of Randolph County--50 acres
            on the south side of Deep River. Wit: John & Christopher Vickory.
       Book 12, p. 23 dated 1811--John Vickory to Abner Vickory deed for forty-
            four acres of land.
       Book 12, p 24, 1811--John Vickory to Abner Vickory deed to 50 1/2 acres.
Abt 1741
of Randolph, North Carolina
19 Apr 1841
North Carolina
7 Dec 1826
Randolph, North Carolina 
11 May 1750
Augusta, Virginia
3 Sep 1833
Randolph, North Carolina
19 May 1767
North Carolina 
                   Probably born in VA or Guilford Co. NC                                         .
Abt 1752
of Augusta, Virginia
Abt 1754
of Augusta, Virginia
30 Jul 1849
Eaton, Preble, Ohio
Abt 1770
of Rowan, North Carolina 
                   MAY HAVE BEEN JERETA.
25 Nov 1755
Randolph, North Carolina
12 Jan 1772
Guilford, North Carolina 
1 Dec 1757
Rowan, North Carolina
Abt 1780
of Rowan, North Carolina 
1 Feb 1760
Guilford, North Carolina
8 Dec 1850
Decatur, Adams, Indiana
Abt 1785
North Carolina 
                   Her birth, death and marriages from "The Pioneers from Vickory to Vickrey," by
Mae Elizabeth Lang, 110 S. Main St., St. Joseph, IL 61873 and Genealogy &
History, Washington D.C., #14,522 Item 1, Issue 106, Vol 12, #4 p. 104.
FamilyCentral Network
Marmaduke Vickery - Elizabeth Nation

Marmaduke Vickery was born at of Randolph, North Carolina Abt 1715. His parents were Hezekiah Vickery and Mercy Holland.

He married Elizabeth Nation Abt 1738 at of Virginia . Elizabeth Nation was born at of Randolph, North Carolina Abt 1718 daughter of John Nation and Elizabeth Bethiah Robins .

They were the parents of 8 children:
John Vickery, Sr. born Abt 1739.
Christopher Vickery born Abt 1741.
Elizabeth Vickery born 11 May 1750.
Charity Vickery born Abt 1752.
Jereter Vickery born Abt 1754.
Dorcas Earkes Vickery born 25 Nov 1755.
Sampson Vickery born 1 Dec 1757.
Bethiah Vickery born 1 Feb 1760.

Marmaduke Vickery died 6 Dec 1787 at Randolph, North Carolina .