Levi Sowers WITWER

4 Sep 1818
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
28 Jan 1887
Twin Lakes, Marshall, Indiana
Mackelrath Cem, Marshall, Indiana
5 Jul 1840
Harrisburg, Stark, Ohio
    Dr. Levi Sowers WITWER
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
Elizabeth STAMBACH
14 Jan 1821
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
9 Sep 1841
Stark, Ohio
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.
2 Mar 1842
Stark, Ohio
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.

4 May 1844
Stark, Ohio
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. There first house was in Twin Falls Ind. where they bought 40 acres. They sold out profitably in 1877. They moved to Lafayette Ind. where they bought an 80 acre farm. They did well sold again and moved to Marshall Co. Ind. where they bought another 80 acre farm in Pretty Lake Ind. in 1895 Mrs. Hamptons health was failing they moved to Plymouth the count seat. of Marshall Co. Mrs. Emeline Witwer Hampton was called to rest Sept 1896 in Mackelrath Cem. near Twin Lakes Ind.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
6 Feb 1846
Stark, Ohio
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. Daniel Stuck was a carpenter and farmer. They started out in Twin lakes but got Kansas fever and sold it all to go try Kansas. It was not to there liking and they moved back to try Twin Falls again. They did well back at home and bought 40 acres by the Mackelrath Cemetary. They did well and were very respected citizens, Daniel died in April of 1907.
17 Sep 1847
Stark, Ohio
Burr Oak Ind 
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. Cyrus Warner was a soldier in the 100 day service, he enlisted Feb. 14 1865, in Co. K, of 151st Regiment, Indianapolis Infantry. He was discharged Sept. 19 1865. He became a farmer. They lived two mile north of Burr. Oak, Ind. they were well respected. Louisa had a bad hip, this made her movements difficult.
20 Apr 1849
Stark, Ohio
22 Mar 1874
Marshall, Indiana 
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. Henry was a railroad man. Started as a brakeman and worked on different roads. Worked the I.P.and C. Road running from Peru to Michigan City, Ind. then worked another from Elkhart to Chicago. He was the oldest conducter on that road and ran the best trains showing his value to the railroads. He was conservative and yet generous he had a nice home on Hickory street  in Elkhart Ind.

17 Jun 1851
Stark, O
Mishawaka, Indiana 
                   Elias was 6 years old when his family moved to Marshall Co. Ind. When he was 12 he worked at the local saw mill till 17 when he got the Kansas fever with his sister and moved to Kansas to get rich. He came back busted but wiser, soon after he moved to Ohio were he met his future wife he worked at the local bank for over 12 years. After several moves Elias ended up with the Dodge Corporation in Mishawaka Ind.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
12 Feb 1853
Stark, Ohio
28 Mar 1872
Mishawaka, Indiana 
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. Mary Ann's first child died at 3 years old. There third child died at 20 years old an excellent musician and barber of typhoid fever.  The fifth child Lydia died at 1 years old. Mary Anne had a hardwork ethic and honest reputation. As written ....Mary Ann Witwer is an exemplary woman. She has always worked hard and she says she expects to as long as she lives, for she can not stand it see dirt unmolested as long as she is able to chase it and is ever busy chasing dirt one way or another, and to her cleanliness is before godliness. She is and honorable , upright , respectable woman and neighbor

3 May 1855
Summit, Ohio
21 Nov 1872
Plymouth, Indiana 
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.Elizabeth and John spent the first half of there marriage in many differnent town and many different jobs, John was a farmer a butcher and railroad worker a superintendent and so on. Finally he made his fortune and moved home to Elizabeths parents and bought there estate and opened a fishing resort. They were both good people and enjoyed fishing and the bible.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
1 Feb 1857
Summit, Ohio
1 Mar 1876
West Tp Marshall, Indiana 
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. John and Ellen had a tough life and un lucky. He worked for the railroads as a bridge carpenter. There house burned down in 1881. He was then struck by a batter post and was in coma with cracked skull for four days. Then he smashed his thumb and was out for 3 months. He then became to ill to work and had to finally just do odd jobs here and there.
24 Feb 1859
Marshall, Indiana
24 Feb 1895
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind. Her and her second husband Fred where in the hotel business and did well until a case of small poxs infected there second hotel. They soon just started having boarders as Amanda's health worsened.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
19 Jun 1861
Marshall, Indiana
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
29 Sep 1862
Marshall, Indiana
24 Sep 1882
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.They where farmers, they started in Illinois and then to Missiouri. They ended back up in Illinios were they prospered and were happy.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
29 Jun 1864
Marshall, Indiana
                      WITWER GEN. OF AMERICA. Compiled by Reverend George Witwer. South Bend, Ind.
Ananias Clime Witwer. Geneaologist. Mishawaka, Ind.
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Dr. Levi Sowers Witwer worked at home on the farm until he was 18 yrs. old,when a team ran away with him breaking his  right shoulder, and he was put under the care of the practical and noted Dr. Hoffman, of Philadelphia,Pa., and here, while under treatment by this noted doctor,Levi took the notion to become a
dr. himself and started to learn the profession and received his diploma in 1839.  Then he migrated to Stark Co. Ohio where he hung out his shingle and started his practice, and soon acquired the reputation of being a good  Dr. and had quite a large practice,and was being called from far and near.   miss Elizabeth Stambach caught his eye and  with her parents consent they were soon married. at Harrisburgh,Stark Co., Ohio. They live there until the spring of 1854,when they moved to East Liberty, Summit co., Ohio where he hung out his shingle again.  he did not seem to prosper so they moved to Marshall Co., Ind., where he bought 40 acres of land at wnat is now Twin Lakes, Ind.,where he hung out his shingle again and soon  acquired a good practice, and as his children were now grown they did the farming and clearing of the ground,  The Dr. prospered and took great pleasure in raising fruit trees.
FamilyCentral Network
Levi Sowers Witwer - Elizabeth Stambach

Levi Sowers Witwer was born at Lancaster, Pennsylvania 4 Sep 1818. His parents were Abraham Witwer and Elizabeth Sauer.

He married Elizabeth Stambach 5 Jul 1840 at Harrisburg, Stark, Ohio . Elizabeth Stambach was born at 14 Jan 1821 .

They were the parents of 14 children:
Samuel Witwer born 9 Sep 1841.
Allen Witwer born 2 Mar 1842.
Emiline Witwer born 4 May 1844.
Annetta Witwer born 6 Feb 1846.
Louisa Witwer born 17 Sep 1847.
Henry Witwer born 20 Apr 1849.
Elias Stambach Witwer born 17 Jun 1851.
Mary Ann Witwer born 12 Feb 1853.
Elizabeth Witwer born 3 May 1855.
John Wesley Witwer born 1 Feb 1857.
Amanda Witwer born 24 Feb 1859.
Abner Witwer born 19 Jun 1861.
Lucinda Witwer born 29 Sep 1862.
Minnie Witwer, Ellen born 29 Jun 1864.

Levi Sowers Witwer died 28 Jan 1887 at Twin Lakes, Marshall, Indiana .