Michael WITWER

Barn, switzerland
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Abt 1762
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Michael Witwer, our ancestor, as found on his tomb stone, died in 1778.  The name and date of death only appearing on the tomb stone; and on another stone dated 1739, Jacob Witwer, and one 1769, and mad out to be M- Witwer.  These last two were supposed to have been sons of the bachelor brothers of the ancestor, and is also handed down by tradition that they were bachelor brothers who came together from Switzerland in 1727.  The one was named Jacob Witwer, and the other sone was so worn but it was a name beginning with "M." and possibly was Martin Witwer, as there were some thinking this possible.
      We find the name of our ancestor, "Michael Wittwer," in a deed patent from William Penn to Jacob Sensenig, dated A.D. 1734, adjoining lands of Michael Wittwer, and describing boundaries, courses, and lines, quite lengthy and minutely.  THis deed is kept in a good state of preservation adn is in possession of John B. Senseig, of Earl township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.  It is plain that the Witwer and Sensenig connection were among the first settlers of Earl township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and settled there in the year 1727.
      The Witwer and Sensenig families settled along the Harrisburg and Downington turnpike road.  THis was the second road laid out in the county.  THis settlement is about 44 miles east of Harrisburg, the State Capitol, and about 50 miles wet of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  THe Wittwers, Sensenigs and others took up land along those beautiful living springs of cool refreshing and wholesome water which was abounding along this road, which was enticing of this settlement along there, and many of these beautiful springs are to this day offering an abundance of cool, refreshing water.  Some fine speckled trout are to be seen which abounded in an early day.  One of these spreings supplied sufficient water power to run a grist mill.  Jonas Wittwer built a grist mill here, about on-half mile from "The Wittwer Grave Yard," along the Harrisburg and Downington turnpike road.  This mill is still there, and is known as the "Martins Mill."  THis settlement was known for a long time as the "Wittwer Settlement," HAsel, Jonas, David and Daniel Wittwer, four brothers living here on adjoining farms.  All made fair improvements in buildings and clearing the lands, planting orchards and the like for the time in which they lived.
Description of the Wittwer Grave yard:  In Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa., as taken by George Witwer, of the fourth generation, on August 10, 1885.  The location is on the old WIttwer homestead, and is one-fourth of a mile south of the Harrisburgh and Downington Turnpike road.  Is fenced in with a good, substantial post and sail fence of the old Pennsylvania style, five rails high and panels twelve feet long, the posts morticed and the ends of the rails beveled and the ends sliped past each other into the mortice in the posts, thus to hold the rails firm in the post.  The ground inclosed is about 50 feet wide by about 80 feet long.  A weeping willow tree at one corner and a few locust trees surrounding.  There used to be quite a grove of nice locust trees surrounding this grave yard, but when the land became so valuable, the locust trees and also these trees were cut down to make fence posts, and the ground farmed.  The tomb stone in this grave yard are mostly plain white marble and a few of Pennsylvania sand and lime stone, with inscriptions so old that it is almost impossible to make out names, dates, and the like, on them.  Of some the oldest legible date next is dated 1769, M. Wittwer.  These were supposed to have been sons of our ancestor, Michael Wittwer, by the Rev. George Witwer, at the time the description was taken; but we have found quite conclusive proof that they were the bachelor brothers of our ancestor, Michael Wittwer, and their names were Jacob and Martin, respectively.  There was also a sister to these, which was married to Jacob Holl, and they are buried in this grave yard.  The next of the old tomb stones that is legible is that of our ancestor, Michael Wittwer, died 1778; this is all that is on this tomb stone, and is of Pennsylvania sand stone.  The oldest person buried in this grave yard is inscribed on a plain white marble tomb stone thus; Mary Weaver, born December  1784, died July 21, 1881, aged 96 years, 7 months, and 16 days.  She was the widow of Joseph Weaver, whose mother was Barbara Witwer, the daughter of our ancestor.
The Holl families have plain white marble tomb stones, quite a number of them all uniform in style and size.  Old Mother Holl was a sister to our ancestor.  Daniel Holl's tomb stone is the first that is legible inscribed; on the stone thus, Daniel Holl, born April 6, 1787, died April 21, 1868, aged 81 years and 15 days.  Lines on this tomb stone: Unveil thy bosom-faithful Tomb, Take our dear Father to thy Trust, And give these sacred relics room, Till God shall call him from the dust.
Found no extra fine or costly tomb stones, but quite a number of good plain white marble of uniform style and size.  Noah Wittwer and his sister Magdalena, tomb stones are good marble stones; also Isaac Wittwer and Frances, his wife, both on one block, with inscription, Isaac Wittwer died September 27, 1831, aged 40 years, 3 months, 4 days; Frances Wittwer died April 30, 1876, aged 86 years, 4 months, and 14 days.  Some of the Stauffers, Weavers, Holls, Ebys, and the like, all related to the Wittwers of the first and second generations, and quite a number of the old style lime and sand sone tomb stones are so weather beaten adn worn that names and dates are not legible.  From the date of the oldest stone, 1739, Jacob WIttwer, it presumed that this grave yard was laid out soon after the organization of Lancaster County, Pa, in 1729.  The large and beautiful grove of timberland that surrounded this grave yard in an early day is now all cut down and the land surrounding all nicely fenced and improved and quite a number of good dwelling houses, barnes, orchards, and other improvements have taken the place.
Abt 1743
of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend IndianaWITWER GEN. PG.14
24 Feb 1763
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
12 May 1845
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indianas M.FANNIE REIFE,7 CHILD.
Jonas Wittwer built a mill on the old homestead.  He was a miller and was noted as a good and respectable citizen, generous and liberal to a fault; yes, an excellent man.  He was a member of the Mennonite church.  Jonas Witwer and his wife are both buried in the family grave yard of Benjamin Eby (their son-in-law_, in Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County, Pa; their graves numbered with plain marble tomb stones.  Jonas Wittwer died, 1845, aged 82 years, 2 months and 18 days; his wife, Fannie died, 1842, aged 79 years, 8 months.  They were worthy and respected members of the Mennonite church.
May 1764
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
6 Nov 1765
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
22 Jan 1829
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
David Wittwer was a farmer and surveyor and noted as a man of considerable intelligence, taste, and activity in his day.  He and his daughters had much taste for vocal and instrumental music.  David, the father, was noted for being a special good singer, and he bought a piano for the family, which was considered rather tasty  and fast for that day and age among some of the old plain friends.  He died January 22, 1829, aged 63 years, 3 months and 16 days, and his wife, Maria, died February 16, 1845, aged 79 years, 2 months and 22 days.  They are buried in the Wittwer graveyard in Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa., and date of birth, dath and age entered on their tomb stones.  THeir farm and nice home, only about half a mile from the grave yard, has changed hands.  They were very active members in the Mennonite church, and very highly respected.
Aug 1762
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
We found in Daniel WIttwer's death record some variation on his tombstone, his age is 50 years, 6 months and 2 days.  Thus his death as Feb 1813, and as the record and tradition gives it that he died one year after his wife, Anna; she died in 1812, aged 42 years, as she was born in 1770.   The father, Daniel Wittwer had a very nice farm on the H. and D turnpike road, and the Witwer Grave Yard is on this farm.  He erected a good house and barn and made good improvements in his time; was a good and noted minister in the Mennonite church; died in the year 1813, again 50 years, 6 months, 2 days.  His wife preceded him just one year.  THey are both buried in the Witwer grave yard.  It is worthy to note that the three youngest sons of our ancestor married three sisters, Reife.  The Reife were among the first settlers in Lancaster County, Pa., in good standing and influential in society, and their properties numberous throughout the different parts of the United States.  Daniel Wittwer, after his first wife died, married again to a widow, Mrs. Winger, 54; she was an excellent woman.  He lived only about six weeks after his second marriage, when death called him away.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend IndianaM. MR. GIDINGER,SOME CHILDREN NO OTHER INFO.
25 Aug 1773
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
29 Aug 1856
Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
1 Jul 1794
                      1 JULY1794.M.JOHN HANS EBY.9 CHILDREN
Witwer genealogy of America by Ananais Clime Witwer and Rev. Geo. Witwer  1909 So. Bend Indiana
Maria Wittwer Eby died August 29, 1856, aged 83 years and 4 days.  They were worty and respected members of the Mennonite church.
FamilyCentral Network
Michael Witwer - Mary Sensenig

Michael Witwer was born at Barn, switzerland 1710. His parents were Hans Wittwer and Widow Gerber.

He married Mary Sensenig Abt 1762 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania . Mary Sensenig was born at of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Abt 1743 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Jonas Witwer born 24 Feb 1763.
Barbara Witwer born May 1764.
David Witwer born 6 Nov 1765.
Daniel Witwer born Aug 1762.
Fanny or Frany Witwer born 1770.
Anna Witwer born 1772.
Maria Witwer born 25 Aug 1773.

Michael Witwer died 1778 at Earl, Lancaster, Pennsylvania .