Norman Byron ATKIN

27 May 1873
Harrisonville, Scioto, Ohio
8 Mar 1941
Richfield, Tehama, California
14 Jan 1895
Lakefork, Logan, Illinois
                   Remembrance of Pat Atkin,grandaughter of Norman.  "My grandfather was sort of an old hermit or loner.  He  lived between Richfield and Corning on 10 acres with no near neighbors.  He lived in a house with no running water or indoor plumbing.  The out house was a considerable distance from the house.  I'm not sure if he had electricity but I dont think he did,because I remember oil lamps.  His bed was quite sway backed and he didnt believe in sheets and pillow cases.  I don't remember much about his clothes but I don't think they were changed very often.  He always had several goats and an assortment of chickens,ducks etc.  The goats were used for meat and milk and maybe he sold some.  Once in a while he would take a load of chickens and ducks to RedBluff to China town to sell to the Chinese.  How they communicated I'll never know but they seemed to come to an agreement on price.  He only took me and Dewayne with him once and after he sold the chickens and ducks he took us to a Chinese store and bought us some chinese candy.. That was the only time that I ever remember him giving us anything.  He never showed any affection  to us but I know he loved us.  He ate lots of rice,with loads of sugar and goats milk.  That is all I ever remember eating when we visited him, which was seldom except when grandma would come home for a few days.  It seemed she never stayed very long.  She was loving and sang us all kinds of songs and told us storys.  We usually got to stay overnight.  One time  grandpa decided to raise bullfrogs so he enclosed a small pond with hog wire, I suppose to keep predators out.  he proceeded to stock the pond with bull frogs and they all escaped with in a few days.  So that is about the way I remember grandpa.  I clearly remember the day the car fell on him.   Grandma happened to be home or he might have laid there for days , before someone found him.  Pat also remembers that he always  ate rice with goatsmilk and lots of sugar on it.  This is also what he fed the kids.

Another Norman Byron Atkin is found in Deleware Co. N.Y. a son of John W. b. 1816. This Norman is  25 in 1880 census.

In 1920  census Twsp.17, Kern Co. Norman B. Atkin age 47, boarder,b. 1872,Ohio working as boiler washer
Also in calif. death records.
Emma Alice GARD
15 Jan 1874
Loraine, Adams, Illinois
16 May 1958
Red bluff, Tehama, California
Corning, Tehama, California
                   Info. from children of Emma.  Her mother died when she was 36 yrs old with typhoid fever.  The family was split up but not adopted.  When Emma was about 14 she had typhoid fever and lived with her "Uncle Phreme".   Emma lived with a Mrs. Whittle who had a son John Gillette (or Whittle)  She said money was left to her when she died but son would not let her have it.. Norman lived in the neighbourhood because he rode a horse over to see her.  When Mrs Whittle died they left and bought a piece of land.  She died after Conrad and Gladys were born.   Emma and Norman went to Okla. in a covered wagon.  Conrad and Norman went to Ore. and Emma took Wayne and Gladys back to Ill. till Norm. sent for them.  They lived in Salem about a year and then to Maricopa.  Info. from a dau.inlaw Ruth Atkin who said  Emma gave her this info. on her family. "mother,Shrilda Pryor,father Thomas Riley Gard, Grandparents;William Pryor,Phoebe Woodruff,Larry Gard and Sarah Sutton.  brothers and sisters;  1.Samuel Mailen Gard,wife Alice Meechem, had 11 children but only knew names of 6. Lorraine Grant,Thomas Gard, Claude gard, Mary Alice Beck,Florence and Frank Hyrum .2.Milton Osburn Gard,daus. Violet and Bessie,3.Jasper Joseph Gard,4.Annie Phoebe Gard,  sonsHenry Clark and Everett Mc.Kennie (married twice?).,5. Ida Dicks, daus.Pearl Parker and Ruth Earnest.6.Lena Allen.,7.Frank Gard"
Aunt Ruth said she got this info. from Emma  when she first married Uncle Wayne and felt it was correct.
In 1930 census Corning,Tehama,Ca. #1166-282-297 shows. Emma age 40,Conrad t. 22 b. Ill. Gladys T. 17,b. Ill, Wayne age 16, b. Oklahoma.
Poems she told to Boyd Sr. when he was a little boy;

Pollywog on a log                                                 When I was a little boy just so high
wiggle waggle tail                                                    Mother took a little stick and made me cry
Bumble Bee saw a flea hopping on a rail             Now I'm big and she can't do it
Yellow jacket made a racket                                So daddy takes a bigger stick and tends right to it
Made the hornets run
Butterfly hurt his eye
Looking at the sun.

Down by the garden gate I met a little watersnake
I fed him so much jellycake,I made his little belly ache
28 Aug 1896
Lakefork, Logan, Illinois
8 Jan 1968
Martinez, Contra Costa, California
15 May 1920
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah 
                      Conrad met Luella while riding a train through Utah on the way to the oil fields in Wyoming.  They didn't talk to each other on the train but when he got off he gave her his add. and asked her to write to him. H e soon enlisted in the army and served during world war no.1.  They corresponded for 15 mos. while he was in the service and he went back to salt Lake City and married her.
      World War 1 civilian draft reg. database ;  Conrad T. Atkin b.Aug.1896 in Lake Forest Ill. He registered in  Converse, Wyoming.
Memories of Conrad and Boyd.   Going to the Naval boxing matches in 1932 in Long Beach. and when starting home on the seashore the earthquake hit.   Their dad sat them in the middle of a vacant lot , and went back to help others with a brick house that had crumbled.   They saw a dog tied to a car and he would run out to the end of the rope and then the swaying of the car would jerk him back.  The ground looked like it was rolling under the car.   They saw pigeons that would try land but because of the earths motion couldn't.  Their was oil running down the streets and some derricks burning.  They cooked out in front yard for a week.  The government sent out bricks of coal,like charcoal to cook with.   Remembers going to a river (The Colorado ) and bringing home a catfish and keeping it in the washing machine until someone put  carbide in it and killed the fish.  One time he took the boys to Mexico and as they were walkin down the sidewalk they saw a panhandler with his eye laying on his cheek.  In Vallejo . Boyd remembers staying with him while he was working there and Louella was still in Redding.  He remembers a man and woman fighting and they stopped and watched them and saw a man walk up to them and tried to stop them and when he did they both started beating on him.  And his dad said "let that be a lesson to you, and don't get involved in domestic fights."       Conrad remembers his dad taking them to a vacant field when Boyd was abt. 11/2 and paying a couple of dollars to take them for a ride.  He held Conrad by his ankles and Boyd on his lap in an open seated bi-plane.   Conrad remembers his mom  and dad taking them to  a restaurant in Salt Lake City and being scared by a man in a bear costume.
Lenore ATKIN
Lakefork, Logan, Illinois
Lakefork, Logan, Illinois
1 Apr 1900
Lakefork, Logan, Illinois
23 Sep 1982
Red bluff, Tehama, California
                   Obituary     Aunt Gladys is remembered well and was loved by her nieces and nephews.  She had been married 4 or 5 times before she married Bill. She tried very hard to have children but was never able to conceive.  When  Denise was born she jokingly offered us a new car for her. They lived in San Francisco.  She had been a beauty operator most of her life but in later years sold real estate.  They settled in Red Bluff when they retired and lived there until their deaths,close to Wayne and Ruth and their children.  All of the nieces and nephews gave them a 50th wedding Ann. party.
                   Information from son ,Dewayne Atkin of Paradise
FamilyCentral Network
Norman Byron Atkin - Emma Alice Gard

Norman Byron Atkin was born at Harrisonville, Scioto, Ohio 27 May 1873. His parents were Francis Clayton Atkin and Jane F Bonser.

He married Emma Alice Gard 14 Jan 1895 at Lakefork, Logan, Illinois . Emma Alice Gard was born at Loraine, Adams, Illinois 15 Jan 1874 daughter of Thomas Finelly Gard and Surrilda Pryor .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Conrad Thomas Franklin Atkin born 28 Aug 1896.
Lenore Atkin born 1898.
Gladys Tirzah Atkin born 1 Apr 1900.

Norman Byron Atkin died 8 Mar 1941 at Richfield, Tehama, California .

Emma Alice Gard died 16 May 1958 at Red bluff, Tehama, California .