Jechonias Richard WALDROP

Amelia, Virginia
20 May 1826
Rutherford, North Carolina
Sep 1826
Rutherford, North Carolina
Abt 1770
of Amelia, Virginia
                   Deed Book "C", page 40 from Ambrose Hudgens to Joseph Blackerby statesthat Jechonias was th
e son of Luke Waldrop. Jechonias may have used thenames Jack, John, and Richard and that his son John went by the nameRichard John. Jechonias Waldrop's will probated 26 Sep 1826 in RutherfordCounty NC. His wife Margaret's maiden name is not certain. MicrofischeRoll page 3, 197 for State of South Carolina Marriages and Births statesthat Margaret was born 1752 in Laurens County SC.

Ancestral File has Jechonias born in Amelia County VA.

See page 520, History of Clayton Co GA.
It appears that Jechonias Waldrop was sometimes called John even thoughhe had a brother who s given name was John. He was part of the Waldropsettlement in SC, and later removed to Rutherford Co NC, where he leftdescendants.

September Court 1826
North Carolina
Rutherford County
In the name of God, Amen. I Jechonias WALDROP Sero - being weakly in body but of sound mind and knowing that I appointed once to die do makethis my last will and Testament. First resign my soul to God and that mybody be decently buried and that my just debts be justly paid. Then Igive and bequeath to my beloved wife Margaret WALDROP the house andplantation whereon I now live, including three hundred acres land more orless, all the tract or parcel of land except two hundred fifty acresincluding the improvements where James SUMMERHILL lives and also theimprovement where Jeehonias WALDROP Junr now lives and including the landround the meeting house land crossing the creek at the old ford that ledto the meeting house and up the north prong of the said creek to wherethe hill (?) skirt (?) to the creek and then up the hill to the back lineof said tract or parcel which [illegible] first above mentioned threehundred acres including the building more or less I give and bequeath tomy wife, Margaret with the prvilege of four of my children having theirsupport on it by their labor and behavior and at my wife Margaret's deathto be equally divided among them four names as follows Richard, Mary,Mary Ann and Rebecca. The two hundred fifty acres above mentioned I giveto my two sons Luke & Jechonias by their paying one third part of thevalue of said land, which third part shall be divided as follows, to theheirs of my son Joseph WALDROP, Robert and Zachariah WALDROP and to mydaughter Margaret PETER and five dollars to the children, heirs of my sonJohn WALDROP. I further ? state ? that my sons Luke and Jechoni as shallhave two years after they get possession of said l and before they shallpay up to the other legatees. As to personal estate I give and bequeathunto my beloved wife Margaret during her natural life, except a cow andcalf or the value thereof to my three daughters, Mary, Mary Ann andRebecca and then to be divided as follows to Alfred HESTER if he stayswith the old woman until he is twenty one years old that he has a horseand saddle worth forty dollars and what remains at her death to be soldat twelve months credit and the money divided among the heirs of my sonJoseph, Robert and Zaehariah and Margaret PETER. I nominate and appointmy two sons Luke and Jechonias as executors to this my last will andtestament. Given under my hand and seal as my last will and Testament.Signed in the presence of us; May ye 20th day 1826

Jechonias WALDROP (seal)
Terrell WILKINS (Jurat)

~Jechonias WALDROP, 1826, Rutherford County, NC.

September Court 1826
North Carolina
Rutherford County
In the name of God, Amen. I Jechonias WALDROP Sero - being weakly in body but of sound mind and knowing that I appointed once to die do makethis my last will and Testament. First resign my soul to God and that mybody be decently buried and that my just debts be justly paid. Then Igive and bequeath to my beloved wife Margaret WALDROP the house andplantation whereon I now live, including three hundred acres land more orless, all the tract or parcel of land except two hundred fifty acresincluding the improvements where James SUMMERHILL lives and also theimprovement where Jeehonias WALDROP Junr now lives and including the landround the meeting house land crossing the creek at the old ford that ledto the meeting house and up the north prong of the said creek to wherethe hill (?) skirt (?) to the creek and then up the hill to the back lineof said tract or parcel which [illegible] first above mentioned threehundred acres including the building more or less I give and bequeath tomy wife, Margaret with the prvilege of four of my children having theirsupport on it by their labor and behavior and at my wife Margaret's deathto be equally divided among them four names as follows Richard, Mary,Mary Ann and Rebecca. The two hundred fifty acres above mentioned I giveto my two sons Luke & Jechonias by their paying one third part of thevalue of said land, which third part shall be divided as follows, to theheirs of my son Joseph WALDROP, Robert and Zachariah WALDROP and to mydaughter Margaret PETER and five dollars to the children, heirs of my sonJohn WALDROP. I further ? state ? that my sons Luke and Jechoni as shallhave two years after they get possession of said l and before they shallpay up to the other legatees. As to personal estate I give and bequeathunto my beloved wife Margaret during her natural life, except a cow andcalf or the value thereof to my three daughters, Mary, Mary Ann andRebecca and then to be divided as follows to Alfred HESTER if he stayswith the old woman until he is twenty one years old that he has a horseand saddle worth forty dollars and what remains at her death to be soldat twelve months credit and the money divided among the heirs of my sonJoseph, Robert and Zaehariah and Margaret PETER. I nominate and appointmy two sons Luke and Jechonias as executors to this my last will andtestament. Given under my hand and seal as my last will and Testament.Signed in the presence of us; May ye 20th day 1826

Jechonias WALDROP (seal)
Terrell WILKINS (Jurat)
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Jechonias Richard Waldrop - Blocked

Jechonias Richard Waldrop was born at Amelia, Virginia 1750. His parents were Luke Waldrop and Christian Trevillian.

He married Blocked Abt 1770 at of Amelia, Virginia .

Jechonias Richard Waldrop died 20 May 1826 at Rutherford, North Carolina .