13 Jun 1752
20 Aug 1827
Cumberland, Kentucky
Bloomfield Baptist Church, Nelson, Kentucky
Abt 1770
of Kentucky
Family Records
Ancestry World Tree, Jul 2007
Will of Adam Guthrie (Ancestry), Jul 2007
1820 Census Cumberland County, Kentucky, Jul 2007
Internet IGI, Jan 2009, Jan 2009
                   Will and Deed of Adam Guthrie included in notes

(From a pedigree on Ancestry World Tree)
Throughout his lifetime, Adam's name was spelled Guthrie, Guthry, Guthery and Guthrey. It appears Adam Guthrie married Mary Anderson, daughter of George Anderson, about 1770. The marriage probably occurred in or near Augusta County, Virginia.In 1784, George Anderson's will was recorded in Augusta County, Virginia. In his will, he names his son-in-law Adam Guthery.Adam Guthrie (Guthery) was living in Fincastle County, Virginia in March of 1773 when a law suit was filed against him by James English (Ingles).Adam Guthrie (Guthrey) was living in the Western Territory (East Tennessee) in 1787. He was a signer of a petition to form a new state in 1787. In 1793, Adam received a land grant for 123 acres of land on the north bank of the French Broad River in Greene County, North Carolina (now Sevier County, Tennessee). The land bordered the land owned by Col. James Hubbert (Hubbard), a well known Indian fighter. James Hubbert was married to Elizabeth Anderson. It is my belief Elizabeth was a close relative of Mary Anderson, wife of Adam Guthrie.Deed Book 3 Page 45412 Jan 1793State of North CarolinaNo. 1234To all to whom these presents shall come greetings:Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our Treasury by Adam Guthrie have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Adam Guthrie a tract of land containing one hundred and twenty three acres lying and being in our County of Greene. Beginning at a post oak on the north bank of French Broad River on a corner of James Hubbards land, then north three hundred and twenty five poles with said Hubbards line to a stake standing thereon then due east until it strikes the river a persimon then down the meanders to the beginning. As by the plat hereunto annamed doth appear together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appurtinances to the said land belonging or appertaining to hold the saidAdam Guthrie his heirs and assigns forever yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as out general assembly from time to time may direct provided always that the said Adam Guthrie shall cause this grant to be registered in the registers office of the said County of Greene within the time limited by law otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our sellers to be made patent and our great seal to be hereunto affixed witness Richard Dobbs Spaight Esquire our governor Captain General and commander in Chief. At Newbern the 12th day of January in the 17th year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three.Richard Dobbs SpaightBy his exellence CommanderJ. Glasgow SecretaryRecorded in the Registers office in Greene CountyThe 23d day of October 1794 byJames Stinson Clk.By 1810, Adam Guthrie and his family had moved to Cumberland County, Kentucky. They owned land in the vicinity of Illwill Creek which is now in Clinton County, Kentucky. (NOTE: Clinton County was formed from Cumberland County in 1834.) Adam Guthrie was listed in the 1820 Census of Cumberland County, Kentucky.1820 Cumberland County, Kentucky Census(Page 157)Adam Guthrie1 male - age 45 and up,2 females - age 26 to 45(Page 157)George Guthrie1 male - age 26 to 45, 2 males - age 10 to 16, 2 males - age under 101 female - age 26 to 45, 2 females - age 16 to 26, 2 females - age under 10(Page 157)James Guthrie1 male - age 45 and up, 1 male - age 10 to 16, 4 males - age under 101 female - age under 10(Page 157)Thomas Guthrie1 male - age 26 to 45, 1 male - age 10 to 16, 4 males - age under 101 female - age 26 to 45, 1 female - age under 10WILL OF ADAM GUTHRIE (GUTHERY)ADAM GUTHERY, deceasedIn the name of God, amen, I, Adam Guthery, of the state of Kentucky and County of Cumberland, being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, Doth make and ordain this my last will and tes
tament that is to say Principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of almighty God, that gives, and my body I recommend to be buried with a decent christian burial at the direction of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the crown? I again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and dispose of in the following manner and form to-wit:I first give to my son JAMES GUTHERY, one gray mare that he has now in his possession and to GEORGE GUTHERY, one cow; and to THOMAS GUTHERY a plantation on which he now lives, and to POLLY and NANCY GUTHERY the Plantation on which I now live; also a plantation in east Tennessee on French Broad River on which I formally lived; also the balance of my stock, farming utensils and household furnature to be equally divided between E. Polly and Nancy and if anything can be recovered on an obligation I now hold on John Anderson of forty pounds, it is to be equally divided among all my children.I also appoint THOMAS GUTHERY and GEORGE C. CRAFT the executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly Disallow, revoke and Disannull all other testament, wills, legacies by me in anywise before made. Willing and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st day of May in the year of our Lord 1825.Adam Guthery (Seal)In Presence ofMichael CraftWilliam CraftState of Kentucky, Cumberland County Sct.I, Milton King, Clerk of the County Court for said county do certify that the within will of Adam Guthery, deceased, was proved in open court at the present August term by the oath of Michel Craft and William Craft, the two subscribing witness there to be recorded and I have truly recorded the same together with this certificate in my said office, this 20th day of August, 1827.Milton King
18 Mar 1744
Augusta, Virginia
18 Mar 1744
Augusta, Hampshire, Virginia
Abt 1772
of Kentucky
Abt 1840
New Jersey 
Elizabeth GUTHRIE
Abt 1778
of Tennessee
Abt 1779
of Tennessee
Abt 1781
of Tennessee
Abt 1787
of Tennessee
Abt 1789
of Tennessee
Harrison, Hamilton, Tennessee
FamilyCentral Network
Adam Guthrie - Mary Anderson

Adam Guthrie was born at Ireland 13 Jun 1752. His parents were James Guthrie and Elizabeth Dunlap.

He married Mary Anderson Abt 1770 at of Kentucky . Mary Anderson was born at Augusta, Virginia 18 Mar 1744 daughter of George Anderson and Elizabeth .

They were the parents of 7 children:
George Guthrie born Abt 1772.
James Guthrie born 1777.
Elizabeth Guthrie born Abt 1778.
William Guthrie born Abt 1779.
Mary Guthrie born Abt 1781.
Nancy Guthrie born Abt 1787.
Thomas Guthrie born Abt 1789.

Adam Guthrie died 20 Aug 1827 at Cumberland, Kentucky .

Mary Anderson died 1825 .