Jasper Carolina WADE

17 Feb 1866
Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia
2 Jan 1944
Kelsey, Upshur, Texas
4 Jan 1944
Kelsey, Upshur, Texas
20 Jul 1890
Menlo, Chattooga, Georgia
Ancestral File v4.19
Ancestry World Tree (ancestry.com)
Internet IGI - Sep 2007
Pedigree Resource File
                   REFN10 JASPER CAROLINA WADE (3rd Great-grandfather of Kelsey Elizabeth Denkers)and his family live d in the farming community of Sand Mountain, near Chavies,Alabama. He and his wife loved t o do nothing more than live on the farm, raise their family and grow cotton. He loved singin g and taught all his family toappreciate good music. JASPER WADE was a regular church-goer a nd lead his family to church, first as a Methodist, and later as a Baptist. His first contac twith the Mormon missionaries was made at Sand Mountain. JASPER WADE  was baptized May 26, 1 901 in Chavies Creek, a muddy little stream in Alabama. The missionaries encouraged them to m ove their family to Utah, so they sold their farm and began a nomad-type journey which was t o last 10 years. First moving to Bountiful, Utah, then to Dawson, Alabama with their 6 childr en. Then they continued their travels from Collinsville, Alabama, to Midland Indian Territory . Fromthere to Bunkersville, Nevada, then to Stratford, Oklahoma, to Gridley, California, ba ck to Oklahoma, then to Bountiful, Utah, to Guthrie, Oklahoma, and finally ending up in Kelse y, Texas.  Source of information: Eulogy of MAMIE ADELINE WADE FUTRELL  A BRIEF LIFE STORY OF JASPER CAROLINA WADE, by his oldest son,Chester King Wade.  JASPER CAROLINA WADE was born 17 February 1865 near Atlanta, Georgia. The son of Davis Cale b Wade and Parthenia (Tryphenia) Martin Wade.His home place was about half way between Atla nta and Roswell, Georgia on theRoswell Road, which is now Highway 19.  He lived in that comm unity near Dunwoody and Sandy Springs, this is also close to the Chattahoochee River, until h ewas grown.  Then by chance Dad and a boy friend of his as they were out ridinghorseback on e Sunday passed the Leake home and Miss Berta was on the front porch.  Said Dad to his friend , "There's my girl."  And later he made his acquaintance.  As best as I have been able to fin d out their courtship was short andthey were married 20 July 1890, near Menlo, Georgia. To t his union was born the following children: Pearl Eunice Wade, Chester King Wade, Clyde Sexto n Wade, Ethel Leotha Wade, Mamie Adeline Wade, Paul Wade, Howard Leonard Wade, JasperCliffor d Wade, Byron Asbery Wade, and Vera Esther Wade.  Their first home wasnear Menlo, Georgia o n the side of the ride known as Shinbone Ridge. The farmwas in a little valley, the house be ing on the ridge.  During the time they lived there Pearl, Chester and Clyde were born.  Afte r nearly four years they sold out and moved on to Sand Mountain near Chavise.  JASPER CAROLIN A and his wife loved to do nothing else but live on the farm and see cotton grow.  He wasa l over of singing and was a good singer and was a regular church goer.  He loved to be in churc h. He was first a Methodist and then a Baptist until he moved to Sand Mountain. While here so me Mormon missionaries visited our home and he soon joined this church, "The Church of Jesu s Christ of Latter Day Saints."When he was baptized it was an amusing sight to watch.  It h ad come a rain and the Chavise Creek was muddy and it was a creek with big round rock boulder sin it, and when it came time for Dad to be immersed, the elder, not knowing, had backed Da d against a rock boulder about 3 feet thick.  As Dad's head went down he kicked water everywh ere. His feet were up for he had been bent backwardsover that round boulder.  It had to be d one again, but this time they missedthe rock. The missionaries told him what a wonderful place Utah was and how fertile the land was t here so he sold his farm and began to move from one place to another, which he did for abou t 10 years, never staying in one place but oneor two years at a time.  While living on the m ountain he cleared the timber from some new land every winter and worked it the next year.  I t was terrible rooty to cultivate. He could hardly plow it for the roots in the ground fo r 3 years. This was done each year for the five years
Berta Adelaide LEAKE
1 Jan 1869
Cartersville, Bartow, Georgia
27 Feb 1955
Gilmer, Upshur, Texas
1 Mar 1955
Kelsey, Upshur, Texas
                   REFN11 MEMORIES OF HIS GRANDMOTHER WADE, BY MELVIN J. FUTRELL---------  My Grandmother Wade was a quiet and tender loving woman. She loved to cook and do housew ork. She enjoyed having any of her grandchildren at her house. We would haveour family reuni ons at her house. That seemed to be some of her happiest times. Those were some of my happies t times, also. She always put a lot of vegetables on her table. They came from her garden. On e of her favorite dishes was peach cobbler pie.
Pearl Eunice WADE
21 Jun 1891
Menlo, Chattooga, Georgia
9 Jul 1891
Menlo, Chattooga, Georgia
12 Aug 1892
Menlo, Chattooga, Georgia
20 Dec 1973
Mt. Pleasant, Titus, Texas
26 Oct 1894
Menlo, Chattooga, Georgia
4 Jan 1967
Kiowa, Barber, Kansas
9 Jan 1897
Chavies, Dekalb, Alabama
17 Apr 1983
Gilmer, Upshur, Texas
14 Jan 1920
Gilmer, Upshur, Texas 
3 Nov 1898
Chavies, De Kalb, Alabama
12 Apr 1978
North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
14 Oct 1925
Kelsey, Upshur, Texas 
                   REFN5 MAMIE ADELINE WADE FUTRELL (Great-great grandmother of KELSEY ELIZABETH DENKERS) was str ictly a family and church-going oriented person. She loved to sing and play the organ and pia no by ear as she couldn't read music. Hard worknever frightened her, actually she thrived o n it. And she loved to travel. These things had been familiar to her as she was growing up. MAMIE was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Sa ints March26, 1917, by Leroy E. Marsh in Kelsey, Texas. MAMIE was now 18. On her 19th birthd ay, she celebrated it by picking 100 pounds of cotton for each year of herlife. She was plea sed with that accomplishment. She went from Kelsey, Texas toIndependence, Missouri and worke d in the Mission Home when Pres. Samuel O. Bennion lived there and while he presided over th e Central States Mission. She enjoyed working with the missionaries for nearly 2 years befor e being releasedand returning to Kelsey. Shortly after this, she met JAMES BRAXTON FUTRELL, courted with him for awhile and the y were married on Oct. 14, 1925, to start another courtship which was to last almost 40 year s and never really end even withhis death in 1965. It was only interrupted by 13 years unti l their reunitingon April 12, 1978. She was assured of this because of her life and the fac t that she was sealed to JAMES BRAXTON FUTRELL in the Salt Lake Temple on August 12, 1929, b y Elder George F. Richards.(BRENT DENKERS' GREAT GREAT UNCLE) MAMIE lived in Kelsey at a time when it was the only Mormon community in East Texas. Sh e met many men and women missionaries who were later to become leaders in thechurch--David O .McKay, Heber J. Grant, Elray Christiansen, Henry D. Moyle, tomention a few. They all influe nced her life. She was a loving and devoted mother to her 2 sons and enjoyed her role as a housewife. S he loved to dance andshe and her husband were in many exhibitions with 4 or 5 couples repres entingEast Texas at Gold and Green Balls. She enjoyed working in her garden. She andher hus band owned a dairy business on a 2 and a half acre farm in Texas whichthey sold when they we nt to Utah. Now, with World War II going, the Futrell family began their travels. First, to U tah in 1942, back to Texas, and then to California in 1944, where  MAMIE found herself livin g in Glendale and working near Lockheed. MAMIE and her family moved to Burbank and then to Hi ghland Park,where she and BRAXTON lived until he became disabled. MAMIE AND BRAXTON serveda full life, they had filled two stake missions and served seve ral other church assignments while living in Highland Park. After BRAXTON passed away in 1965, she lived in an apartment in Burbank, California unti l she fell and broke her hip in 1974. From that point her life changed to total dependancy o n others.She never fully recovered after being confined to the hospital for over a year. She 'd always look forward to attending church with her family every Sunday.This was the highlig ht of her life now. She seemed to be improving, but in trying to walk on her own she fell an d broke her arm. Her health steadily worstened; in her last days she was almost totally bedri dden.She had a surprise visitby her brother, J.C., from Texas just a week and a half befor e she died whichbrightened her life for a few days. MAMIE ADELINE FUTRELL leaves a heritage ofsimple quiet greatness for her posterity.  THESE WORDS WERE TAKEN FROM HER EULOGY AS WRITTEN BY HER SONS.  THE FOLLOWING IS A LETTER WRITTEN BY MAMIE FUTRELLTO HER GRANDDAUGHTER, GAIL FUTRELL ON MARCH 22, 1964.  Dear Gail, Hope you canread this story as it came to my mind I wrote it. Grandpaw said tell you he can't write so I put some of his history of life along in the letter. I'll l et him sine his name, its nice of you to want a history of us. Gail, I wish you could of come for a week. We would of went to conference. Tell all hell o. Love from Grandmaw  To my Granddaughter, Gail, A brief s
17 Nov 1900
Chavies, Dekalb, Alabama
6 May 1991
Ogden, Weber, Utah
5 Jun 1921
Kelsey, Upshur, Texas 
FamilyCentral Network
Jasper Carolina Wade - Berta Adelaide Leake

Jasper Carolina Wade was born at Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia 17 Feb 1866. His parents were Davis Caleb Wade and Tryphenia Martin.

He married Berta Adelaide Leake 20 Jul 1890 at Menlo, Chattooga, Georgia . Berta Adelaide Leake was born at Cartersville, Bartow, Georgia 1 Jan 1869 daughter of Moses Asbury Leake and Charlotte Lucinda Wofford .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Pearl Eunice Wade born 21 Jun 1891.
Chester King Wade born 12 Aug 1892.
Clyde Sexton Wade born 26 Oct 1894.
Ethel Leotha Wade born 9 Jan 1897.
Mamie Adeline Wade born 3 Nov 1898.
Paul Wade born 17 Nov 1900.

Jasper Carolina Wade died 2 Jan 1944 at Kelsey, Upshur, Texas .

Berta Adelaide Leake died 27 Feb 1955 at Gilmer, Upshur, Texas .