13 Dec 1702
Charles, Maryland
7 Apr 1645
Otley Parish, Yorkshire, England
                   Name Suffix: Sr. REFN1288 JOHN COURTS (1614-CA. 1702) (10th Great-grandfather of Kelsey Elizabeth Denkers) immigrated f rom England to Charles County, Maryland during or before 1637, and married Margaret Robinso n in 1645. Descendants and relatives lived in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee a nd elsewhere. JOHN COURTS, the first of the Courts family in America was baptized on October 16, 1614 , in Otley Parish, Yorkshire, England. Yorkshire Parish Register Society, vol. 33.  The Parish Registers of Otley, County York . Part 1, 1562--1672 (Leeds, 1908), page 39.  1614, John son of Francis Coate of Caley, bapt . the 16th of October. The General Assembly of all Freemen of Maryland was called by order of Lord Baltimore t o meet at Saint Mary's, Maryland on January 25, 1637. In the first days of the proceedings o f this Assembly it was stated that JOHN COURTIS, Planter of Saint Mary's, Saint George's Hund red failed to appear or to make it proxy. This is the earliest known record found in Americ a of JOHN COURTS. On the second day of the Assembly January 27, 1637, it was answered for JOH N COURTIS that he could not appear for want of passage on Saint Georges River. On January 29 , 1637, Captain Fleet presented a proxy for JOHN COURTIS. In February, 1637, JOHN COURTIS wa s made a member of the Grand Jury. At the twelfth meeting of the Assembly March 13, 1637, JOH N COURTIS was on of thetwenty-three members present. J. Thomas Scharf in his HISTORY OF MARY LAND stated that "The Constitution of this Assembly is one of the most interesting factsin the hi story of the country and it is easy to see in it the germ of all subsequent political organiz ation." On February 21, 1638, the twenty Freemen of Saint Georges Hundred selected one of thei r number to represent them in the first House of Burgesses. JOHN COURTIS was one of the ninet een men who signed thereturns of election.     JOHN COURTIS dropped the "is" from the spelli ng of his name as a member of the General Assembly in 1642 and when sworn to the Oathof Feal ty on September 12, 1647, his name was spelled COURTS. On June 3, 1649,the Court held at Sai nt Marys, Maryland, granted a cattle mark to JOHN COURTS. JOHN COURTS while on a stay in England married MARGARET ROBINSON on April 7,1645, in Ot ley Parish, Yorkshire, England. Yorkshire Parish Register Society,vol. 33. The Parish Registers of Otley, County York , Part 1, 1562-1672, page 164. Anno Domini 1645 Renig Dni Caroli Regis nostri Anglie Scotie et Hibernie fidiei defensor ies etc. vicesimo primo April: JOHN COUTES and MARGARET ROBINSON7 mo. Thus we learn that on the seventh day of the month of April, 1645, took place the marria ge of JOHN COURTS and MARGARET ROBINSON. MARGARET ROBINSON wasbaptized in Otley Parish, Yorkshire, England, on October 1, 1620. Yorkshire Parish Register Society, vol. 33. The Parish Registers of Otley, County York , Part 1. 1562-1672, page 48. 1620 October, MARGARET, daughter of Anthonie Robinsonbapt. first day. MRS. MARGARET ROBINSON COURTS was not mentioned in the will ofher husband, JOHN COURTS , and it is assumed that she died before the writingof his will. The births of three children of JOHN COURTS are recorded in the "Maryland Genealogical B ulletin", vol. January 1, 1930, page 28. (A) JOHN COURTS, son of JOHN and MARGARET COURTS, born February 19, 1655. (B) ELIZABETH COURTS, daughter of JOHN and MARGARET COURTS, born May 16, 1663. (C) MARGARET COURTS,daughter of JOHN and MARGARET COURTS, born January 15, 1665. (A) JOHN COURTS II married Charity Henley. (B) ELIZABETH COURTS married James Keech. She died leaving a will in St. Mary's County , Maryland dated October 13, 1718. (C) MARGARET COURTS--no further record.  The will of JOHN COURTS, Senior, of Charles County, Maryland, was dated January 27, 1697 , and was probated on December 13, 1702. Land patents to JOHN COURTS, Senior, Francis Pope and JOHN COURTS, their patent, 200 acr es. Calls for Popes Spring, Second B
19 Feb 1655
Pyckawaxon, Charles, Maryland
14 Mar 1702
Charles, Maryland
Abt 1680
                   Name Suffix: II REFN644 JOHN COURTS II (9th Great-grandfather of Kelsey Elizabeth Denkers) married Charity Henley an d was referred to in the will of Robert Henley, dated February 15, 1683, in Charles County, M aryland as "my well-beloved son-in-law." JOHN COURTS II of Charles County, Maryland in September, 1689, was named in an ordinanc e for regulating civil affairs and was appointedone of the Justices of the Quorum. Sir Lione l Copley, the first Governor of Maryland, appointed by the Crown, arrived in St. Mary's, Mary land in 1691. Instructions to Gov. Lionel Copley, August 26, 1691---"Where being arrived yo u areforthwith to call together the members of our Council for that our Province andTerrito ry by name." Sir Thomas Lawrence, Kt. and Bart. Henry Jowles, John Addison, Nehemiah Blackist on, Nicholas Greenbury, Charles Hutchins, Charles Robotham, David Browne, Thomas Tench, Joh n Coates. James Frisby, Thomas Brooks, ESQ. In September, 1691, JOHN COURTS II was named "in ye list of good, honest, substantial Pr otestants in Maryland" sent to London and was recommended as a suitable person to be a membe r of the Governor's Council. He was selected and served as a member of the Council from 169 1 to 1702. The Honorable Captain JOHN COURTS was appointed by the governor on November 15, 1692, a s one of the Justices of a special court held at St. Mary's City which was the capital of Mar ylanduntil it was moved to Annapolis in 1695. William and Mary (Pickawaxon) Parishof the Church of England was established in 1692. I n the court records of Charles County, Maryland, it is recorded: "Bounds of Pickawaxon Parish . Beginningat the plantation of JOHN COURTS, Senior, and running with a straight line to th e plantation formerly Samuel Creesayes Landing, the said COURTS on the northside of the sai d line and the said Creesayes on the south side of the said line and bounding with the Potoma c River to the mouth of the Wiccocomico River and so up the Wiccocomico River to the head o f said river and with the branch thereof to the said COURTS Point." Colonel JOHN COURTS II  s erved from 1693 until 1697 as a Vestryman of William and Mary Parish, Christ Church, the Pari sh Church of William and Mary (Pickawaxon) Parish is located in Wayside, Maryland. On March 17, 1702, Governor Nathaniel Blackiston sent a bill to the Lower Housefor esta blishing religious worship in Maryland according to the Church of England. The Council record s show that on March 20, 1702, "Came Major Dent and Mr.Edward Lloyd from the House to desir e a conference of some members of their house with some members of the Council upon the bil l proposed for establishmentof religious worship within this province, which conference wa s readily granted when they shall see fit. Col. Addison, Col. COURTS, Mr. Brooks, and Col.Hammond appointed to confer with the members assigned by the House." JOHN COURTS II served from 1689 until 1695 as a Captain in the Colonial forces and fro m 1695 to 1702 as a Colonel. His will was dated March 14, 1702, in Charles County, Maryland . He owned some 2,260 acres of land.
Port Tobacco, Charles, Maryland
16 May 1663
Port Tobacco, Charles, Maryland
Margaret COURTS
15 Jan 1665
Port Tobacco, Charles, Maryland
FamilyCentral Network
John Courts - Blocked

John Courts was born at England 1614. His parents were Francis Coate of Caley and .

He married Blocked 7 Apr 1645 at Otley Parish, Yorkshire, England .

They were the parents of 4 children:
John Courts born 19 Feb 1655.
Hugh Courts born 1657.
Elizabeth Courts born 16 May 1663.
Margaret Courts born 15 Jan 1665.

John Courts died 13 Dec 1702 at Charles, Maryland .