Ancestral File - Version 4.19
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Internet IGI, Aug 2007
Will and historical information included in notes Could not read or write. Known at the "Long Hunter of Kentucky". Went across the Cumberland Gap with Daniel Boone. Will dated Mar 15 1753 -- Probated May 29 1753 Info below found on the Internet at this site: http://home.dwave.net/~skeeter/genealogy/g0001752.html Abraham was one of two sons who carried forward the Bledsoe name in the United States. He lived in Northumberland County then in Lancaster County, then moved to Essex County about 1718 and lived in an area that became Spotsylvania County in 1721 and Orange County in 1734. All of these counties are in Virginia. About 1742 he moved to Edgecombe County North Carolina and was in Granville County when it was formed from Edgecombe in 1746. He died there in 1753. Abraham first appears in Northumberland County records on 18 March 1703 when his wife Katherine, "wife of Abraham Bledsoe," sued for a child's portion of the estate of her father Thomas Ball, dec'd. The Ball Museum in Lancaster, Virginia, has a list of Lancaster County Virginia for the year 1706 which contains the name of Abraham. Bledsoe with 4 tithes. He was on the Lancaster tithe list from 1706 until 1714. He was in Christ Church Parish where Thomas Ball appeared in 1700 on the tithe list. In the will of his father, Abraham was given a part of the land lying and adjoining John Nickless and running along the ridge next to the school house, and was one of the sons directed to keep his brother Thomas in school for three years. He was co- executor of the will along with his brother William. On 12 Feb.1706, Abraham Bledsoe of Wiccomico Parish, Northumberland County sold to John Burne for 9000 pounds of tobacco a tract of land near the head of Dividing Creek, being part of a larger tract, given him by his deceased father, George Bledsoe, in his last will and testament dated 23 Jan. 1705. That same day in Lancaster County, Virginia a deed from John Burne and Elizabeth his wife to Abraham Bledsoe, all of Northumberland County for all of the parcel of land known formerly as the Thomas Ball plantation. Abraham's first wife Katherine Ball has died and he is remarried to Sarah. This marriage took place about 1723. Perhaps it was just the adventuresome spirit of the day that motivated them. For what ever reason, they moved to North Carolina and were quite successful there. After 1746 Abraham Bledsoe appears in Granville County, North Carolina On the 1750 Granville Co. tax list: we find: Abraham Bledsoe with 2 tithes Henry Thornton (son in law) George Bledsoe (son) Jacob Bledsoe (son) Jonathan White (future son in law) The will was probated at a court held for Granville County at the Court House May 29, 1753. At the writing of the will Abraham Bledsoe was about 80 years of age and had led a long and active life. 1 Last Will and Testament of Abraham BledsoeIn the name of God, Amen: I, Abraham Bledsoe, being very sick and weak but in perfect sense and memory, Blessed be God for it, do make and appoint this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills and for my estate that God has blessed me, I do leave as follows:Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Isaac Bledsoe five shillings sterling.Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Abraham Bledsoe five shillings sterling.Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Thomas Bledsoe five shillings sterling. Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Jacob Bledsoe five shillings sterling.Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Moses Bledsoe my plantation whereupon I am now living, to him and his heirs forever lawfully begotten of his own body.Item: I give and bequeath to my well loved son Aaron Bledsoe the Negro girl, Pat, to him and his heirs forever, lawfully begotten of his own body and if both of my sons Moses and Aaron should die without issue the land or Negro girl or both shall be equally divided between my wife and children hereafter named.Item: I give the use of the rest of my estate to my wife, Sarah Bledsoe; during her natural life or widowhood and at the day of her marriage or death to be equally divided between the rest of my children.I do also appoint my son in law Henry Thornton and my wife Sarah executors for this my last Will and Testament as witness my hand and seal this fifteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty three.Abraham Bledsoe ( AB)Geo Underwood (mark)Richard Pinnell (RP)
He married Katherine Ball 18 Mar 1702 at Northumberland, Virginia . Katherine Ball was born at of Northumberland, Virginia Abt 1684 .
They were the parents of 6
Catherine Thorton Bledsoe
born Abt 1705.
Isaac Bledsoe
born Abt 1706.
Abraham Bledsoe
born Abt 1711.
William Bledsoe
born Abt 1715.
George Bledsoe
born Abt 1720.
Thomas Bledsoe
born Abt 1732.
Abraham Bledsoe died at Granville, North Carolina .