Spotsylvania, Virginia
10 Jan 1825
Madison, Georgia
Abt 1786
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
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Pedigree Resource File-nil
Internet IGI, Aug 2007
                   Historical information and will included in notes

His Will mentions two other children probably from his wife Martha. The two children's names are at the time of the writing of the Will are Elizabeth Strickland and Leonard Gholston.Madison County, GA, Will Book A 1811 - 1841.Pg. 25 Dabney Gholston 10 June 1824To my son Zachariah Gholston, my negro man named Leroy, a horse, saddle & bridle, a bed & furniture, the whole of which he has already received, also $10 to be paid from the estate. Also I place in the hands of my son Zachariah, one negro woman named Jane and her child named Serreny to be held by him during the life of my daughter Nancy Sisson, the proceeds arising from their hire for the support of Nancy & her children. Nancy to have no right to said property during her natural life but only the proceeds arising from the hire of said property, which she may have a right to demand from said Zachariah. If Zachariah should mismanage said property, then my daughter Nancy Sisson shall apply to the court of ordinary of Madison County, which court shall take possession of slaves and appoint another person to manage the slaves as herein before proscribed. At the death of my daughter NancySisson, the slaves to be equally divided or sold provided her eldest child be of lawful age, and the proceeds equally divided amongst all the children of Nancy Sisson as they come of age. Should Nancys eldest child not be of lawful age at the time of her death, then slaves to be hired out until the eldest child comes of age. Zachariah Gholston shall be held liable to the court at the death of my daughter Nancy Sisson to make just and true returns. The Slaves in no case to be sold until after the death of Nancy Sisson. To my son Benjamin Gholston, my negro man Peter and a horse, a bed & furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention which he has already received, also $10 to be paid by the estate. My desire is after my decease, my son Nathaniel Gholston take charge & care of my five youngest children, namely John, Richard, Harlow and William [sic], to be well educated, victualled and clothed, for which purpose I leave $100 for the use of my son John, $200 for the use of my son Richard, $150 for the use of my daughter Harlow, $250 for the use of my son James, $300 for the use of my son William. The whole of my property both real & personal, all stock & house & kitchen furniture with plantation tools to be equally divided amongst my six children, namely Nathaniel, John, Richard, Harlow, James, William. To my daughter Elizabeth Strickland, my negro woman Betty & her child Sarah, also other property which she has already received. Also $100 above which I have already given.To my son Leonard Gholston, my negro Cheney & her increase, a horse, bed & furniture, and other property which he has already received. Also a note of hand which I have on him for $300 with interest, I give to him.Also my daughter Nancy Sisson to be paid $10.To Miss Sarah Carrington, for attendance to me during my sickness and service to my family, $300.Exec: my son Nathaniel Gholston. Signed: Dabney Gholston. Witenss: J.H. Pryor, M.T. Wilhite, John McLeroy. 13 June 1824: Before assigned the $100 to my daughter Elizabeth Strickland; I countermand, say it may not be done, knowing that I have already given her more than her proportional share. She may have $10. Neither do I conceive that Benjamin Gholston has any right to more of my estate than what was mentioned. Also Zachariah Gholston has already received his proportional share and has no claim to more than what is within mentioned. Also Nancy Sisson I consider the same. Rec: 23 Mar 1825
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Dabney Golston - Blocked

Dabney Golston was born at Spotsylvania, Virginia 1759. His parents were Anthony Gholston, Jr. and Mary Sandridge.

He married Blocked Abt 1786 .

Dabney Golston died 10 Jan 1825 at Madison, Georgia .