Johannes LUTHI, SR.

24 Jun 1857
Signan, Bern, Switzerland
29 Apr 1939
Freedom, Lincoln, Wyoming
17 Dec 1878
Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Ancestry World Tree
Ancestral File, version 4.19
Internet IGI, Dec 2007
Pedigree Resource File
                   Membership Records:  Freedom Ward, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
      Name:  John Luthi, Sen.
      Father's Name:  Mathison
      Mother's Name:  Annie Rindhisbacher
      Born:  14 June 1857
      Where:  Signan, Bern, Switzerland
      Baptism:  13 July 1883
      By Whom:  Rudolf Hockstraser
      Confirmation:  13 July 1883
      By Whom:  Rudolf Hockstraser
      Died:  Apr 19, 1939

      Freedom Ward Records, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
      Ordination - 6 Feb 1890, Fred Thurer, Elder, No. 181 - 349.
                   15 June 1924, Stephen L. Richards, High Priest, No. 339.

Obituary, Star Valley Independent:  Freedom Resident Answers Last Call - From the fast diminishing ranks of those who have endured the vicissitudes incident to piuoneer life has been removed the beloved and honored figure of John Luthi, who after a protracted illness succumbed Saturday, April 29, 1939 at the home of daughter mrs. Carl Robinson.
       John Luthi was born in Switzerland June 24, 1857, the son of Matthew and Johanna R. Luthi.  He married Rosina Swietzer in 1879 and with her and their family emmigrated to Utah in 1887, making their home in Providence, Utah until 1892 when they moved to Star Valley which has since been their home and where all his children respected and esteemed by their associates are living evidence of the integrity of their noble father.  For many years he has played the dual role of father and mother to his children since the death of the mother 28 years ago.
       He was a man in the highest sense of that word, honest and just in all his dealings.  Though of a retiring disposition in that he did not seek position in public life, yet his genial kindly sense of humor made him a most desirable companion, and no day was so dark but that the rays of his optimism would shine through to cheer those in sorrow or distress and so loved friend:
       "Green grow the turf above thee,
       Friend of my better days
       None knew thee but to love thee
       None named thee but to praise."
       Funeral services for John Luthi were held at Freedom Wednesday, May 3rd in the recently completed ward chapel, which only a scarce 8 months ago was the scene of a service which honored his son, John Luthi, Jr. and as then was filled to overflowing with relatives and friends come to honor one whom they loved and whose memory always would be cherished.  A profusion of floral tribute mutely testified to the esteem in which the family and the deceased are held.
       Processional music was played by Elmina Haderlie.
       Musical renditions were:  Mixed chorus, "Thou Dost Not Weep to Weep Alone" Lena Jenkins, Ressa Chadwick, Wilma Haderlie, Blanche Sibbetts, Earl Wixon and Charles Weber.  Trio "Goin' Home" Neva Humphreys, Hazel and Ruth Clark.  Duet, "O My Father" Alta Sanderson and Walter Brower.  Vocal Solo, "Across the Bridge of Years" by Ernest Turner.  Solo "Face to Face" by Ivan Gardner.
       Prayers were by President Clarence Gardner and Carl Erickson.
       Speakers were Jess Draney, Bp. D. J. Clark, J. W. Kirkbride, Charles Weber and A. F. Burton all of whom extolled the splendid characteristics that made him so desirable as a friend and associate.  The speakers referred to his faithfulness to temple work and that he has been instumental in having vicarious work done fo 2500 of his progenitors.  A beautiful tribute was paid to his honesty, his unfailing faith in the gospel for which he had renounced home and friends, to choose trial and sacrifice, but which had given him peace and comfort under its divine and inspirational standard.
       The speakers declared that his splendid family of sons and daughters all of whose lives are dominated by a spiritual philosophy, are fully worthy of the valiant man who was their father.
       Surviving him are the following sons and daughters:  Fred, Charles, and Bp. Henry Luthi, Mrs. Guy Robinson and Mrs. Reynold Robinson all of Freedom, Mrs. Franklin R. Gardner and Mrs. Carl Robinson of Afton, besides numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
       Interment was in the Freedom cemetery, where the prayer of dedication was offered by Wm. E. Jenkins.
11 Dec 1859
Rothenback, Bern, Switzerland
28 Mar 1911
Afton, Lincoln, Wyoming
Freedom, Caribou, Idaho
                   Membership Records:  Freedom Ward, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
       Name:  Rosina Luthi
       Father's Name:  Jacob Schweizer
       Mother's Name:  Magdelena Luthi
       Born:  11 Dec 1959
       Where:  Rothenback, Bern, Switzerland
       Baptism:  8 Feb 1884
       By Whom:  Rudolf Hockstraser
       Confirmation:  8 Feb 1884
       By Whom:  Rudolf Hockstraser

       Record of Deaths:  Freedom Ward, page 656, 657
       Rosin Luthi, Freedom, Female, Member, died 15 April 1911 of Scarlet Fever.
28 Jul 1880
Tracheswald, Bern, Switzerland
21 Feb 1955
28 Jun 1916
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Membership Records:  Freedom Ward, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
       Ordained a Seventy 26 Oct 1913 by Chester L. Campbell, page 302, No. 134.
       Ordained a High Priest 5 Nov 1927 by Heman Hyde, No. 383, page 1268.
15 Feb 1883
Bern, Zimmermatt, Switzerland
18 Oct 1938
Ogden, Weber, Utah
1 Apr 1908
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Membership Records:  Freedom Ward, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
       Name:  John Luthi Jr.
       Father's Name:  John
       Mother's Name:  Rosen Schwirtzer
       Born:  15 Feb 1883
       Where:  Zimmermatt, Bern, Switzerland
       Died:  October 1938

Ordination, Freedom Ward, Film #0034554
       Priest - 24 Apr 1904 by A. R. Clark, No. 270 - 278.
       Seventy - 4 Jan 1914 by Lewis J. Jenkins, No. 137 - 278

Deaths, 1938:  John Luthi, Jr., Seventy, married, 55 years 8 months, parents - John Luthi Sr. and Rosen Schweitzer, born - Bern, Switzerland 15 Feb 1883, died - 18 Oct 1938 of Pyloric obstruction of stomach, occupation - farming, No. 278, page 1117.
20 Aug 1884
Landiswil, Bern, Switzerland
30 Oct 1916
Freedom, Lincoln, Wyoming
10 Jun 1903
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Membership Records:  Freedom Ward, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
       Name:  Rosa Robinson
       Father's Name:  John Luthi
       Mother's Name:  Rosen Schweizer
       Born:  20 Aug 1884
       Where:  Landiswell, Bern, Switzerland
       Died:  Oct. 30, 1916

Record of Deaths, Freedom Ward:  Rose Robinson, Freedom, member, married,  age  - 32, born - Switzerland, born 20 Aug 1884, died 30 Oct 1916, cause - confinement, No. 352, page 992.
13 Dec 1886
Providence, Cache, Utah
16 Dec 1969
11 Oct 1927
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   Freedom Ward Records, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554 page 291
       Ordinations:  Elder, 30 Jan 1911 by John A. Wokandon, No. 88.

       Record of Missionaries, 1914:  Charles Luthi, Freedom, Elder, departed 26 May 1914 to California, No. 76, page 433.
       Charles Luthi, Freedom, Elder departed 24 May 1914 for California Mission, No. 76, page 948.
       Record of Missionaries, page 990:  Charles Luthi, Freedom, Elder, occupation - farmer, age 27, education - average, single, departed 25 May 1914, California, returned 8 July 1916.

Obituary, Star Valley Independent:  Funeral services were held Friday, Dec. 19 at 1 p.m. in the Freedom Ward Chapel, with Bp. Demar Hillyard of the Auburn Ward conducting, for Charles Luthi, 83, who died Dec. 16 1969 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gerald Putnam in Auburn, of a stroke.
       Burial was in the Freedom Cemetery, with military honors by VFW Post No. 4797.
       He was born Dec. 13 1886 at Providence, Utah, to John Luthi Sr. and Rosena Switzer Luthi.  He was the first child of his family born in the United States.  His early years were spent in Providence, then his family moved to Bedford, Wyo. when he was about six years old.  They later moved to Freedom, and when Charles became of age, he homesteaded some land which he later sold.  Then he purchased the land where he made his home and raised his family.
       A veteran of World War I, he served in France with the Allied Expeditionary Force.
       He married Carol Emily Hale October 11, 1927 in the Salt Lake Temple.  She died Dec 26, 1966.
      He was active in the LDS Church, serving a two-year mission to California, as a stake missionary, president of the 179th Quorum of Seventy, as a Sunday School teacher, ward teacher and as an MIA worker.  His church was important to him, and he read the scriptures regularly.
       He helped with rodeos that were staged in Freedom, helping to round up cattle and horses for bucking, and then worked in the arena.  He also worked on church building projects.
       He was a devoted father and his family always came first to him.  In winters, he worked in the canyons, and for years his place was identified as "the one with the big woodpiles."  He herded cattle in the hills near Freedom for many years.
       When his health failed him in 1961, he and whis wife moved to Salt Lake City, where he lived until about a year after his wife's death.  He then came back to Star Valley, where his family took care of him until his death.
       He is survived by the following sons and daughters; Mrs. Gerald (Charleen) Putnam, Mrs. Clyde (Genell) Bagley and Mrs. Clint (Gloria) Johnson, all of Auburn, Wyoming; Charles Kent Luthi, Freedom, Wyoming; and John William Luthi, Salt Lake City.  One daughter, a twin, preceded him in death.  Also surviving are 25 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Mr. Guy (Ida) Robinson and Mrs. Reynold (Eliza) Robinson, both of Freedom, Wyoming.
11 Nov 1888
Providence, Cache, Utah
12 Nov 1888
Providence, Cache, Utah
17 Oct 1890
Providence, Cache, Utah
14 Sep 1972
28 Sep 1911
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Baptism:  Freedom Ward Records, FHL #0034554, page 27. Ida Luthi daughter of John Luthi and Rosin Schweizer, baptized 29 Sep 1899 by Eugene Weber, confirmed 29 Jun 1900 by A. B. Clark.

Obituary, Star Valley Independent:  Ida Luthi Robinson, 81, of Freedom died Thursday, September 14, 1972, of causes incident to age.
       Funeral services were held Saturday, Sept. 16 at 1 p.m. in the Freedom Ward LDS Chapel.  Burial was in the Freedom Cemetery.
       She was born October 17, 1890 at Providence, Utah, to John Luthi Sr. and Rosina Switzer Luthi, immigrants from Switzerland.  After living in Providence a few years, they moved to Bedford, Wyoming and later to Freedom, Wyoming.  There were 10 children born in her family.
       Ida's mother died when she was a young woman.
       She married Guy Robinson in the Logan LDS Temple September 28, 1911.  Four children were born to them.  Her husband became ill with influenza and died in 1920, leaving her with four small children.
       She moved to Freedom to live with her father, and later moved into a small home of her own.
       She held many positions in the LDS Church - counselor in Primary and Relief Society, teacher in Sunday School and other organizations.  She was a great lover of nature and had a beauatiful yard with lovely flowers, and raised a garden every year until her health prevented it.
      She is survived by a daughter and three sons, Mrs. Arthur (Mildred) McWherter, LeRoy and Elmo, all of Freedom, Wyoming, and Brent, Lancaster, California, a sister, Eliza L. Robinson, Freedom, 13 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
8 Feb 1892
Providence, Cache, Utah
Afton, Lincoln, Wyoming
6 Feb 1924
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
24 Sep 1893
Bedford, Lincoln, Wyoming
15 Dec 1940
Afton, Lincoln, Wyoming
28 Sep 1916
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Baptism:  Freedom Ward Records, Star Valley Stake, Wyoming, FHL #0034554, pg.
27.  Minnie Luthi daughter of John Luthi and Rosin Schwizer baptized 31 May
1902 by A. F. Braken, confirmed 9 June 1902 by G. A. Condie.
9 Dec 1895
Bedford, Lincoln, Wyoming
16 Aug 1942
26 Jun 1925
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Membership Records:  Freedom Ward, Star Valley Stake, Film #0034554
      Born:  Henry Luthi
      Father's Name:  John Luthi Sr.
      Mother's Name:  Rosa Schweizer
      Born:  9 Dec 1895
      Where:  Bedford, Unita Co., Wyo.
      Baptized:  4 Nov 1904 by A. F. Bracken
      Confirmation:  6 Nov 1904 by Arthur R. Clarkk
      Ordained:  Deacon 28 Oct 1907 by Ole Hokanson, p. 184
                 Teacher  13 Jan 1913  by A. F. Bracken
                 Priest 29 Dec 1914 by A. R. Clark
                 Elder 27 Mar 1916 by A. R. Clark, No. 189, page 980.
                 High Priest 6 Dec 1936 by John A. Widtsoe, No. 330, page 152.

       Record of Missionaries:  Henry Luthi, Elder, Rancher, 23, education - district, single, departure 26 Oct 1919, California, page 1370.
       Record of Missionaries:  Henry Luthi, Elder, Rancher, 23, education - district, single, departure -  Nov 1919, California, returned:  24 Nov 1921, California, page 1494 and page 1572.
        Deaths, 1942:  Henry Luthi, High Priest, married, 46 years 8 months, parents - John Luthi Sr. and Rosen Schweizer, born - Bedford, Uinta, Wyo. 9 Dec 1895, died - 16 Aug 1942 of Coronary Thrombosis, occupation - farmer, No. 2, page 892.

Obituary, Star Valley Independent:  Freedom Bishop Called by Death - In the chapel erected under his supervision, amid a profusion of floral offerings and surrounded by throngs of his loved ones, members of the ward over which he presided and friends from far and near, in beautiful services, a final tribute was paid to Bishop Henry Luthi of the Freedom ward, August 19, 1942.
       Death came peacefully, after a prolonged illness as the Sabbath day was drawing to its close August 16.
       The services conducted by second counselor, Wilford Jenkins, were presided over by first counselor C. R. Chadwick.
        The processional and recessional marches were played by Laura G. Draney.
       The invocation was given by Carl Erickson and the benediction by Alvin Robinson.
       Speakers, life long friends, or men associated with him in ecclesiastical affairs were:  Wm. E. Jenkins, Fred Weber, L. H. Haderlie, President Royle S. Papworth and C. R. Chadwick, all of whom in glowing terms extolled the character and spendid life of the deceased and to his faithfulness in every responsibility, "He gave all that a man of his years can give in service to his beloved church both monetary and spiritual.  The while he builded and lived a life worthy of emulation by any one who would one day achieve exultation, an inspriation to all who would follow.
       The speakers also paid high tribute to the wife who had given her encouragement to her husband in his many duties and admonished the children to heed her teachings and be guided by the sample set by their father.
       Musical renditions were:  "Sometime We'll Understand" by Freedom singing mothers chorus; "Face to Face" by W. I. Gardner, "Oh, My Father" by Mrs. Elno Draney and Mrs. Glen Milen; "A Perfect Day" by Mrs. R. B. Call; "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," by Alta Sanderson and Walter Brower.
       High Priests from throughout the Stake were seated in a body and Bishops from all the wards in Star Valley were present in tribute to one of their contemporaries.
       Pall bearers were brothers and brothers-in-law of the deceased, while the wealth of floral offerings were carried by nieces and friends of Bishop Luthi's young daughters.
       Henry Luthi was born in Bedford December 9, 1895, the son of John and Rosina Sweitzer Luthi.  At an early age he moved with his parents to Freedom which has since been his home.  He filled a mission to California in 1919-21.
       On June 26, 1925 he married Miss Jean Bollwinkle of Thatcher, Idaho in the Logan Temple.  To this union six children were born, all of whom survive. He has been identified with almost every organization in the church and participated actively in almost every position offered by these organizaions. He has been ward teacher, class teacher in the M.I.A. and Sunday School, Superintendent in each of these organizations, Ward Clerk and finally bishop to which position he was appointed in 1936 and which he held at the time of his death.
        Under his direction the building program begun by his predecessor was carried on to completion and the building dedicated by Elder Charles A. Callis of the council of the Twelve in June 1941.
        He was active in civic enterprises and at the time of his demise was a director of the Lower Star Valley Swiss Cheese Co.
        He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jean Bollwinkle Luthi, the following children:  LaRue, Fay, Roma, Joy, Karen and Cordell, besides two brothers, Fred and Charles Luthi, and three sisters, Ida L. Robinson, Eliza L. Robinson of Freedom and Mary L. Gardner of Afton.
        He was honored and beloved by all who knew him.  A man of sterling worth and high integrity, whose honor was unimpeachable and whose character unassailable.
       Truly it may be said of him, "None knew him but to love him; nor named him but to praise."
12 Dec 1898
Freedom, Caribou, Idaho
12 Dec 1988
San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California
28 Jun 1922
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Birth and Baptism:  Freedom Church Records, Star Valley Stake, Wyoming,  FHL
#0034554, pg. 27. Eliza Luthi daughter of John Luthi and Rosin Shweizer, born 12 Dec 1898, Freedom, Uinta, Idaho, blessed 5 Mar 1899 by L. Low; baptized
7 Jul 1907 by A. F. Bracken, confirmed 7 July 1907 by Albert Rolph.

Eliza Luthi, daughter of John and Rosena Schwizer Luthi, baptized 7 July 1907 by Bp. A. F. Bracken, confirmed 7 July 1907 by C. Hardman, page 180.
FamilyCentral Network
Johannes Luthi, Sr. - Rosina Schweizer

Johannes Luthi, Sr. was born at Signan, Bern, Switzerland 24 Jun 1857. His parents were Mathias Lüthi and Anna Rindlisbacher.

He married Rosina Schweizer 17 Dec 1878 at Bern, Bern, Switzerland . Rosina Schweizer was born at Rothenback, Bern, Switzerland 11 Dec 1859 daughter of Jakob Schweizer and Magdalena Lüthi .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Friedrich Luthi born 28 Jul 1880.
John Luthi, Jr. born 15 Feb 1883.
Rosa or Rose Luthi born 20 Aug 1884.
Karl or Charles Luthi born 13 Dec 1886.
Lena Luthi born 11 Nov 1888.
Ida Luthi born 17 Oct 1890.
Mary Luthi born 8 Feb 1892.
Minnie Luthi born 24 Sep 1893.
Henry Luthi born 9 Dec 1895.
Eliza Lüthi born 12 Dec 1898.

Johannes Luthi, Sr. died 29 Apr 1939 at Freedom, Lincoln, Wyoming .

Rosina Schweizer died 28 Mar 1911 at Afton, Lincoln, Wyoming .