Sir John de HYNTON

Huntingdon, England
                   Sir John de Hynton the Younger of Hynton-Woodford, on 23rd day of January, 1310, received from Edward II a grant of the reversion of the forestership in the Forests of Huntingdonshire granted for life by the late king (Edward I) to John Pycard, or as soon as, for any reasonable causes it falls into the King's leads [dwb: possesion]. Dated at Sheen Jany. 23, 1310. He is styled ...King's Yeoman... [dwb: yeoman is a farmer who cultivates his own land; king's yeoman is a subordinate official in a royal household]. [Calendar Patent Rolls 1307-13, p. 206]Next we have ...Grant for life of the forestership of the County of Huntingdon upon the surrender of that office by John Pycard to John de Hynton to whom the King had previously granted its reversion upon the death of the holder or upon its becoming vacant in any other way. Oct. 24, 1310.... [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1307-13, p. 286.] ...To the Sheriff of Huntingdon Order to cause 32 beasts received by him from John de Hynton, and John de Hanville, to be carried to Lincoln, there to be delivered to the Sheriff of Lincoln by Thursday after the feast of St. James , next [dwb: This is presumably James the Greater, apostle of Jesus, whose feast day is July 25.]. Dated at Westminster, June 28, 1316... [Calendar Close Rolls 1313-18, p. 298]. He was appointed an assessor and collector of Taxes for the Counties of Huntingdon and Cambridge. Dated at Thundersley, June 8, 1316 [Patent Rolls, 1313-17, p. 474].Next he was appointed ...Conservator... [now called justices] of the Peace for the County of Huntingdon June 14, 1316 [Calendar Patent Rolls 1313-17, p. 483]. Next - ...John son of John de Hynton, Knt. (see Generation 12) shows that John de Hynton had been knighted by Edward II as early as 1320; as the paragraph referred to bears date July 31, 1320 [Calendar Close Rolls, 1318-23, p. 481].Next - ...Commission to Emerie Le Zouch and John de Hynton to raise 500 men in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon dated at Pontefract March 25, 1322... [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1321-24, p. 96].Next - Commission to John de Hynton, Knight, as Captain for the Counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon. John de Hynton to be Leader; dated at York, May 16, 1322. [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1321-34, p. 124.]Next - ...Richard de Plays and John de Hynton, Knts. Captains for County of Cambridge, dated at Guildford, August 1, 1324... [Calendar Patent Roll, 1324-27, p. 9]. Again he was appointed Captain for the Counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Dated at Norwich, January 24, 1326 [Patent Rolls, 1324-27, p. 221]. John de Hynton, Knt. was appointed Captain for Huntingdonshire, dated at Eltham, May 18, 1329 [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1327-30. p. 431].Next - ...Exemption for life of John de Hynton the Elder, Knt. from being put on assizes [dwb: a trial session or judicial inquiry, civil or criminal, held periodically in specific locations, usually by a judge of a superior court. These exemptions may have been because of his duties as Conservator - or Justice - of the Peace.] or recognisances [dwb: or ...recognizanses,... a promise or obligation entered into before a court or a magistrate, binding a person to do a particular act], and from appointment as Mayor, Sheriff, Coroner or any other Minister of the King against his will. Dated at Guildford Feby. 28, 1330.... [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1327-30, p. 490.]Next - ...Robert de Wassingle and John de Hynton, Knt., Justices of the Peace and Quarter Sessions, County of Huntingdon, Dated at Windsor, Feby. 16, 1331... [Calendar Patent Roll, 1330-34, p. 136]. Sir John Hynton was appointed ...Justice of the Peace and Quarter Sessions, County of Huntingdon, dated at Waltham, Feby. 12, 1332... [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1330-34, p. 285]. And again at Westminster, March 21 and 23, 1332 [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1330-34, p. 294 and 296]. In 1320 John de Hynton and Petronilla his wife alienated in mortmaine [dwb: transferred in perpetuity] their Manor of Hynton-Woodford, County of Northampton, to Adam de Fleming for 200 marks. [Bridges' Northampton, Vol. I, p. 132-33].He married Petronilla d
e Massingham, daughter of Laurence de Massingham, High Sheriff of Huntingdon, and dying in 1332, left a son and heir, Sir John de Hynton 3rd of Huntingdon.
Petronilla de MASSINGHAM
Huntingdon, England
Huntingdon, England
                   Sir John de Hynton 3rd of Huntingdon, of whom very little is known: First, John, son of John de Hynton, Knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Forcestre of Hynton Co. Northampton, 50 marks to be levied, in default of payment on his lands and chattells [dwb: movable property, property other than real estate or buildings] in County of Northampton, dated at Westminster July 31, 1321 [Calendar Close Rolls, 1318-32, p. 481].Next - Grant for life to John, son of John de Hynton, Knt. the Bailiwick [dwb: a district in which a bailiff has jurisdiction; a bailiff is an officer similar to a sheriff] of the forestry of Huntingdonshire, if he survives his father, who holds the same for life, or if during his father's life time the office should fall into the King's hands. Dated at York. March 1, 1328. [Calendar Patent Rolls, 1327-1330, p. 239.]He was knighted at Antwerp by King Edward III in 1338. His name is on the Roll or List of Knights that were with Edward III at Antwerp in 1340; [GENEALOGIST MS.] and he served at Crecy 1346; he was in the retinue of Richard, Lord Talbot at Calais 12 July, 1347 [Williams Salt Publications, Vol. XVIII, p. 132].He married Margaret de Coteford, daughter of Henry de Coteford, and died in 1350, leaving:Henry, who married Isabel de Caustone and died in 1356, leaving: Edmund, son and heir, living as late as 9th Henry IV [dwb: sic]; he died unmarried.Isabel, Prioress of Bladsburg Priory, Middleton in Norfolk, from April 20, 1352 to her death, October 17, 1384.
FamilyCentral Network
Sir John de Hynton - Petronilla de Massingham

Sir John de Hynton was born at Huntingdon, England 1240. His parents were John de Hynton and Mrs Agnes de Hynton.

He married Petronilla de Massingham . Petronilla de Massingham was born at Huntingdon, England 1240 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
John de Hynton, III born 1260.