Needham BRYAN

11 Feb 1690/91
Isle of Wight, Virginia
2 Jan 1770
Snowfield Plantation, Lewiston Woodville, Bertie, North Carolina
24 Aug 1732
Snowfield Plantation, Lewiston Woodville, Bertie, North Carolina
Universal Genealogy, ALIAS: 5879-706, GENDB
The Bryan, Brienne Families of North Carolina, Ireland, Europe
Ancestry World Tree
Notable Southern Families, Vol. II, CS61 .A6
The Heritage of Johnston Co., North Carolina
Ancestral File
Internet IGI - Oct 2007
Pedigree Resource File
                   Historical information included in notes

CNIDR Isearch-cgi 1.20.06 (File: bryan.txt)

BERTIE COUNTY  WILL - Bryan, Needham - 1767

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Pauline Pierce

The below was found in the Bryan Family file in the NC State Archives in

Will and Settlement of Needham Bryan, Sr., Bertie County, NC.
      In the name of God Amen the Twentie Third day of September int he year
of Our Lord 1767, I Needham Bryan of North Carolina in the County of
Bartie farmer being very sick in body but of perfect mind and memory
Thanks be Given unto God for the Same and Caling to mind the mortality
of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do
make this my Last will and Testament. That is to say principally and
first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that
Gave it and for my body I recommend it to the Earth to be burid in a
Cristian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executors
nothing douting but that at the general Resurrection I shall Receive the
same again by the mity power of God and as Touchen such wordly Estate
whearwith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give and devise
and dispose of the same in the following manner and forme. Imprimis I
give and bequeath SARAH my dearly beloved wife one feather bed and
furniture the chose of all my beds one horse choise as she likes side
saddell and bridell and after her decease to go into the estate. Item I
give to my gran son WILLIAM BRYAN the son of my son WILLIAM my still and
my stock of smiths tools. Item I give and bequeath to my fore gran sons
WILLIAM hur first born each of them a cr[torn]lin and bequeath to SUSANA
HARRELL one [torn] called Anny ? Item and bequeath to young JACOB
JARNIGHAN three pounds out of my estate when sheared and after my debts
is paid. I do lend all my hole estate to my wife and my gran son WILLIAM
BRYAN that now lives with me and after my wifes widowhood to be eaqually
devided to my three children all but he has in razen? that his shear all
rest to my son NEEDHAM an WILLIAM and daughter RACHELL and my son
NEEDHAM nad son WILLIAM and my son in law WILLIAM WHITFIELD for every
one of them ot chuse them a man to vally and devide to three lots and
each to take their shear and I do make and ordain my two sons NEEDHAM
BRYAN and WILLIAM BRYAN my sole executors of this my last will and
testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revouk and disannull and all
and every other forms testaments and wills and legases bequeaths and
executors by me in any wise before this time named or ment. In witness
wheeof I have heir unto set my hand and seal this day and year above
ritten. Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by me the said
NEEDHAM BRYAN SENER as his last will and testament in the presents of us
the subscribers.
                          NEEDHAM BRYAN
William Turner Jurat
James Turner
Joseph Turner
Proved in March Court, 1770; Bertie Co., NC, Will Book 2, page 8.
************************************************************************** *****
      In Bertie, on 15 May 1777, Pursuant to the Dimentions of an order of
the Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions....the second Tuesday
in May [1777]... We the Subscribers met examined audited and setled the
accounts of WILLIAM BRYAN Exec. of NEEDHAM BRYAN deceased and find a
ballance due to the said deceaseds estate of four hundred and eighty and
eight pounds thirteen shillings and nine pence proclamation money -
which we have divided and set apart agreably to the last will and
testament of the said deceased to the administrator of NEEDHAM BRYAN son
of the said deceased for his part and shair of the said deceaseds estate
one hundred and sixty two pounds seventeen shillings & eleven pence...
and the same amount for their shares "To Rachel Whitfield daughter of
the said deceased". This is signed by Noah Hinton, Samuel Moore, and
Thomas House. We may assume the recent death of the elder Needham
Bryan's widow Sarah, in 1776 or early 1777, terminating her life
interest and allowing final settlement of the estate.

      The three principal heirs of Needham Bryan, Sr., as clearly indicated
in both the will and settlement, were sons WILLIAM and NEEDHAM, Jr., and
daughter RACHEL WHITFIELD. Payment to "the administrator of NEEDHAM
BRYAN son of the said deceased" indicates the death intestate of
NEEDHAM, JR., after date of the will, 23 Sept. 1767, and before the
settlement, in May 1777. This conflicts with 1784, given as year of
Needham, Jr's death by Zella Armstrong [see below]. The will does not
name the daughters who were mothers of "my fore Gran Sons", each of the
four being cut off with a crown sterling, thus disinheriting these
daughters and or their heirs and avoiding division of the estate per
stirpes. The executor's accounting, as approved by the commissioners in
1777, includes payments of five minor monetary bequests: For four
grandson, "To pay Ezekiel wimberly [sic] shi Legacy" and, tabulated in
immediate succession, "LEWIS GARDNER do do", "JOSEPH JERNAGAN do do",
and "WILLIAM BRYAN son of ANN BRYAN do do", each 8 chillings, 4 pence
[the equivalent then in local currency of a crown sterling]; to "JACOB
JERNAGAN, Jr. do do" 3 pounds [Bertie Co., NC Inventories and sales of
estates, 1775-1790, Part I, pp. 18-19, in NC Archives, Arleigh;
photocopy in compiler's possession]. Possibly JACOB JERNIGAN, Jr., is a
son-in-law. SUSANNA HARRELL, legatee in the will, may be a favored
niece, namesake, and or god-daughter of NEEDHAM'S second wife, said to
have been born SUSANNA HARRELL. The compiler is uncertain wheather one
of the above legatees and grandsons of NEEDHAM BRYAN, Sr., is really
EZEKIEL "WILLIAMS", as named in the will, or EZEKIEL "WIMBERLY", as
listed in the final accounting.

      Jewel Davis Scarborough, in a chapter on Bryans and Gardners of Bertie
[Southern Kith and Kin, vol. 2, The Davis Family and Their Connections,
1952, page 116-122], misinterpreted NEEDHAM BRYAN's will as though it
named three GARDNER grandson - EZEKIEL, WILLIAM and LEWIS GARDNER. With
inadequate justification, she then assigned these three as sons to
MARTIN GARDNER, Jr. of Bertie, although admitting that they are not
mentioned in the latter's will of 1784. LEWIS GARDNER appears in an
early Bertie record as a "headright', 9 Nov 1742: "WILLIAM GARDNER
black" [Bertie Co. NC Minute Book 1724-1743, pg. 193], presumably
WILLIAM as head of family, wife MARY, their four children, and a slave.
A conjecture, for further consideration, is that WILLIAM and MARY
GARDNER are son-in-law and daughter of NEEDHAM BRYAN, Sr., and LEWIS the
GARDNER grandson named in NEEDHAM's will. In 1793 a LEWIS GARDNER [died
1799] of Georgia gave ALEXANDER GARDNER power of attorney to sell two
tracts of land in Bertie (Columbia Co Ga, Deed Book B, pg. 202].

      Incomplete, and not altogether in agreement, are some published notes
on the Bertie County Bryans: J.R.B. Hathaway, "Bryan Record", North
Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 1, pg. 577-84; Worth
S. Ray, "The Bryan Family", Lost Tribes of North Carolina, pg. 655-58;
and Zella Armstrong, Notable Southern Families, vol. 2, pg. 50-57.
Malcolm E. Gardner
Arlington, Virginia
12 November 1969

__________________________________________________________________________ __________

CNIDR Isearch-cgi 1.20.06 (File: gray1726.txt)

Bertie County NC Deed: William GRAY to Needham Bryan - 1726

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris

B131 Wm GRAY to Needham BRYAN 1726

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come I William GRAY of
Bertie Prec. Gent. In the name of God everlasting send greeting Now Know yee that
I the said Willm GRAY for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty pounds to me
in hand paid by Needham BRYAN of the afresd Prect planter the receipt whereof I do
hereby acknow and for divers other good causes and considerations me hereunto
moving have bargained
sold aliens ens___? and confirmed and by these presents doe bargain sell
aliene en___?
and confirm unto Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever acertain
plantation and part of a tract of land know by the name of Snowfield containing
two hundred and ten acres of ye sd tract lying in the woods betwixt Cashay and
Morrattock, beginning at a water oak in Flint Pocosan turning? thence with one of
the lines of the survey which crosses Falling Run in several places So25 ds wt320
pole to a small hickory a corner of sd survey standing of wt side of Falling Run
then along another of ye survey lines No 60ds wt 100pole to ye center of three
white oaks in the line then No25 ds Et 214 pole to a large sweet gum standing in a
slash or branch then down ye several courses of ye slash to a water oak standing
in ye slash near ye path then No 70 ds Et 50 pole to a red oak standing on
Alligater Marsh thence to the first station, to the use and behoof of him the said
Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever Together with all ye rights
priviledges and Immunities to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining. To
have and to hold ye sd plantation and percil of land unto the sd Needham BRYAN his
heirs and assigns forever and I the said Wm GRAY my Heirs Exr and Adm do covenant
promise and agree to and the ye sd Needham BRYAN his heirs Exec and Assigns by
these presents that sd Needham BRYAN his heirs Exe and assigns
may have hold occupy possess and enjoy ye sd plantation where he now lives
and percil of land and all the rights privileges and immuniteies forever with out
ye let suite trouble eviction or molestation of or from me ye sd Wm GRAY my heirs
Exe or assigns or of or from any other person persons claiming by or under me or
them or any or either of them and I the sd Wm GRAY do for myself my heirs Exe and
Adm further covenant promise and agree with the sd Needham BRYAN his heirs and
assigns by these presents and I Wm GRAY my heirs Exe and Adm shall and will ye sd
plantation and percill of land ag__? all or any person or person claiming any
right title or interest therein to or to any part or percill thereof unto the sd
Needham BRYAN his heirs and assigns forever warrant and defend. In witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and seal __th day of May and in twelveth year of ye
reign of our sovreign Lord George Britain France and Ireland King and inthe year
of our Lord God 1726.
                          Wm GRAY seal
In the presence of
J Wm Jon?

__________________________________________________________________________ __________

Col. Needham Bryan came with his parents to N. C. about the year 1722, and
settled in Bertie County until 1767. He was Justice of the Peace there in
1732, 1739, 1745 and 1746 and a member of the assembly from 1750-1759,
representing Johnston County. His will, dated dated 23-Sep-1767 and probated
in 1770 mentions his wife Sarah, and sons Needham and William. Sarah was his
third wife. Needham and all three wives are buried at Snowfield, Bertie Co.

__________________________________________________________________________ __________

Here's an excerpt from a Bryan/Bryant entry on pp. 490/491 in the publication "Genealogies of Virginia Families" from the Charleston (SC) County Public Library. I'll try to get author and publication dates and add to a later post...

"Needham Bryan Sr., son of William Bryan, was born in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, on February 23, 1690, and later moved to Snowfield, in Bertie County, North Carolina. On November 11, 1711, he married Annie Rombeau. On August 24, 1732, he married Susannah Harrell, who died in 1752. His third wife was Sarah Woodward. (N.C. Hist. and Gen. Reg., I, 4, p.577.) On March 30, 1721, he patented 640 acres on the Moratuck River (N.C. Colonial Records, II, p. 426.) On May 8, 1731, he was a Justice of the Peace for Bertie County (idem, III, pp. 223, 437.) He left 1. Rachel Bryan married on November 6, 1741, William Whitfield. 2. Needham Bryan Jr. married Nancy Smith, daughter of John Smith and Elizabeth Whitfield. 3. William Bryan.

Needham and Elias Bryan were executors, and John Bryan a witness of the will of Josiah Mohoon in Halifax County, North Carolina, on January 1, 1772.

William Bryan, son of Needham Bryan Sr., married in 1744, Elizabeth Smith, daughter of John Smith and Elizabeth Whitfield (N.C. Hist. and Gen. Reg., I, 4, p.577.) Their children were 1. William Bryan Jr. was born in 1747 and died in 1800. He married in 1788 Elizabeth Gray, daughter of William Gray and Frances Lee of Bertie County. 2. Hardy Bryan 3. Elizabeth Bryan 4. Susannah Bryan 5. Arthur bryan 6. Blake Bryan 7. Esther Bryan 8. John Bryan 9. Lewis Bryan married Nancy Hinton, daughter of Major John Hinton, of Wake County, North Carolina. ---- Hugh B. Johnston, Jr. Wilson, North Carolina."
Susannah HARRELL
Snowfield Plantation, Lewiston Woodville, Bertie, North Carolina
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Needham Bryan - Susannah Harrell

Needham Bryan was born at Isle of Wight, Virginia 11 Feb 1690/91. His parents were William Bryan and Alice Needham.

He married Susannah Harrell 24 Aug 1732 at Snowfield Plantation, Lewiston Woodville, Bertie, North Carolina .

Needham Bryan died 2 Jan 1770 at Snowfield Plantation, Lewiston Woodville, Bertie, North Carolina .

Susannah Harrell died 1752 at Snowfield Plantation, Lewiston Woodville, Bertie, North Carolina .