Abt 1750
of Pitt, North Carolina
7 Mar 1800
Anson, North Carolina
Abt 1773
of Pitt, North Carolina
Ancestral File - Version 4.19 - nil
Pedigree Resource File
Internet IGI, Oct 2007
                   Served as private in the North Carolina troops during the Revolutionary War.
Historica Information included in notes.

Jehu served in the American Revolutionary War in the NC Militia from Pitt Co. Sources of his existence are proven by several census and deed records. Following are but a few of these: Deeds of Record of Pitt Co. NC., Vol. II, 1782-1801, Book O, page 284; dated Nov. 13, 1786: "Grantor-John Tison---Grantee-Jehu Tison, son; 166 Acres, Love and affection." Witness: Frederick Tison, Briget Tison, George Moye Jr.1790 US Census, Fayette District, Anson co. NC: "Jehu Tison--1 male over 16---2 females----6 males under 16." 1800 US Census, Anson Co. NC: Jehu Tison: 1 male under 10----1 female 15-26---2 males 26-45.Jehu and Mildred were large land owners and had many slaves. As was the custom, the land was left to the sons, and slaves were inherited by the daughters. Other personal property and money was parceled out as they saw fit. With this kind of arrangement, some of the original lands in NC still remain in the Tyson family. The Tysons of Pitt County had a genealogist, Mrs. A.J. St. Amands of Wilmington, NC., who assembled material for a book on the Tyson-May families. That group met every year for a reunion following Thanksgiving with 43 consecutive reunions. I do not know if they still meet or not.Jehu and his wife, Mildred, saw NC become the 12th state of the US in 1789. His service record was confirmed by the Archives, to the effect he was a soldier in the NC Militia from Pitt Co. NC. Another Society one is able to become a member of as a descendant of Jehu is the National Organization of Daughters of the American Colonies. Elsie Tyson Hughes national number to this organization is #18378.# The Tyson Coat of Arms was recorded in North Carolina by the John Tyson family in 1708. Elsie Tyson Hughes may have had it recorded in Texas or Oklahoma as this was her plans to do so.Following is a copy of Jehu's will found in Anson Co. NC in Will Book 2, page 172-173. It was probated April 1800."In the Name of God Amen, Jehu Tyson being his propr cences and of sound memory but calling to mind that it is apointed for all men to die I therefore recommend my Soul to God and my body to be Dessently bured in the Earth then Desire my lawful Debts to be paid and at my death I lend to my dearly beloved wife Mildred Tyson the plantation on Rode with won Hundred accors Land ajoining said plantation during her life or widowhood. Also three cows calves three year old and heffer won negro woman name Mol. two sows and pigs, also forteen pigs about the house and three fether peds and fonueture, fore sheep, half the puter knives and forks, won pot and oven, the Sorel mare. I desire that my beloved son Mason Tyson have the first colt that the sorel mare brings; and after deth or marage I give unto my beloved son John Tyson Mol, I give unto my beloved son Joel Tyson won hundred accors of Lan the remaining part of my estate Lent I desire may be equally devided betwen my two daughters Lucrectia and Betcy Tyson. I give unto my beloved son Jessey Tyson won Hundred and fifty accors of Land where on I now live with won forth of the mash. I give unto my beloved son William Tyson fifty accors of Land and won Sorel felley cow and calf sow and pigs I give unto my beloved son Mason Tyson won heffer and sow also fifty accors of land I give unto loving son John Tyson won heffer I give unto my loving son Uriah Tyson entry of three hundred accors of land, the remaining port of my estate not given away, I desire may be sold and debts paid and after my debts is paid the money arising from the sail may be equilly devided betwene Samuel and Uriah Tyson.I also constitute Samuel Tyson and Mildred Tyson executors to my last will and testament given from under my hand and seal this forth day March 1800."hisTest Jehu TisonmarkMatthew TurnerJohn HarrisonNorth Carolina April Session 1800Anson CountyThen the last will and Testament of Jehu Tison was duly proved in open court by the oaths of Mathew Turner and John Harrison subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.Tod Robinson Clk
Mildred MOYE
Abt 1752
of Pitt, North Carolina
22 Apr 1774
Pitt, North Carolina
21 Dec 1850
                   Historical information included in notes.

LAST WILL and TESTAMENT of SAMUEL TYSON dated 5 October 1849.In the name of God amen I Samuel Tyson of the County of Ansonand State of North Carolina being at present in the enjoyment of areasonable portion of health and of a sound disposing mind andmemory Thanks to be God for the same and calling to mind theuncertanity of live & the certainty of death have made this mylast will and testament (revoking all other) in maner & form asfollows: 
1st I have already given to my son Lemuel Tyson a cietain tractor parcel of land situated lying and being in said County ofAnson on which he now lives which I value at five hundreddollars 
2nd I have already given to my daughter Nancy McLendon acertain tract or parcel of land situated lying in said County ofAnson now in the possission of her husband Jno McLendonwhich I also value at five hundred dollars3rd I have already given to my son Uriah Tyson now in the Cityof New Orleans five hundred dollars in cash in the place ofa tract of land4th I have already given to my son Samuel Tyson of Tennesseefive hundred dollars in cash in place of a tract of landwhich I gave other of my children5th I give unto my daughter Mary Tyson (after my decease) thetract of land on which I now live situated lying & being insaid County of Anson which I value at five hundred dollars Ialso give her the choice of all my horses with a bridle andsaddle one cow & calf one sow & pigs one choice bed &furniture one chest or trunk her choice with some otherarticles of household furniture -------------------------plates dishes &C6th I have already given to my son Merit Tyson a certain tractor parcel of land situated lying & being in said County onwhich he now lives the value of which I set down at fivehundred dollars7th I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Smith wife of D M Smithfive hundred dollars in place of land given to ------- of myother children bearing interest from 1st of January 1845 themoney to be paid over to her out of the proceeds of my otherproperty when sold & the money collected8th I give unto my grand Son Isaac Samuel Tyson of the State ofTennessee five hundred dollars to be paid over by myExecuter into the hands of a Guardian appointed for him outof the proceeds of the sale of my other property when soldand collected the amount subject to interest from the timethe sale money is due9th It is my will that my Executor as soon a practicable sellall the lands that I am seized with & possessed of at thetime of my decease & not otherwise given off on a credit oftwelve montha & grant title to the purchaser dividing it offin a manner that they may think best calculated to sell tothe best advantage as there are several tracts It is also mywish that all my remaining stock of horses cattle hogs sheep&C with my crop of corn fodder wheat cotton household andkitchen furniture farming utensils &C that is not otherwisedisposed of be sold with my lands and after paying off allmy just debts the balance whatever it is to be dividedbetween all my children10th It is my wish that if it shoud so turn out in the course ofprovidence that my Grand Son Issac S Tyson should not liveto be or arrive at the age of twenty-one or shoud diewithout issue then the amt given to him in another item tobe equally divided amoung my other heirs 11th It is my willthat my executors sell at the same time of my other sale myNegro woman Hannah which has been & is now in the possessionof D M Smith on the same credit and in case there should notbe a sufficiency of money arising from the sale of my otherproperty and the collection of all the debte due my estateto raise the amt of money called for in the several itemsmentioned before then sell one or more of such of my Negrosas will be sufficient to raise the amt12th It is my will that my friends Joseph Medley JonBroad----andMiles W Maske if they shou
29 Mar 1776
Pitt, North Carolina
16 Dec 1849
William TYSON
Pitt, North Carolina
1 Oct 1835
Abt 1781
of Pitt, North Carolina
Apr 1837
Abt 1782
of Pitt, North Carolina
Abt 1793
of Anson, North Carolina
FamilyCentral Network
Jehu Tyson - Mildred Moye

Jehu Tyson was born at of Pitt, North Carolina Abt 1750. His parents were John Tyson and Bethany Hines.

He married Mildred Moye Abt 1773 at of Pitt, North Carolina . Mildred Moye was born at of Pitt, North Carolina Abt 1752 daughter of George Moye and Elizabeth Gardner .

They were the parents of 6 children:
Samuel Tyson born 22 Apr 1774.
Uriah Tyson born 29 Mar 1776.
William Tyson born 1778.
Mason Tyson born Abt 1781.
John D. Tyson born Abt 1782.
Joel Tyson born Abt 1793.

Jehu Tyson died 7 Mar 1800 at Anson, North Carolina .

Mildred Moye died 1830 .