Abt 1723
of Bath, North Carolina
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Internet IGI, Oct 2007
                   Historical information included in notes.

John Tyson was born in 1723 in Bath Co. NC. He died in 1787 in Pitt Co. NC, and is buried there. He married in 1743 to Bethany Hines, born 1725 and died 1792 in Pitt Co. NC. Her death was verified by Pitt Co. NC Deed Book O, page 121.John was a Colonel in the Pitt Co. Colonial Militia in 1773. At a council meeting held at Newbern in March , 1747, we find where John received a land grant of 350 acres in Bladden County. This was from Lord Granville Land Allotment. Following is a land deed found in the Pitt Co. NC Deed Book O, page 284, dated Nov. 13, 1786. "To all people to whom these presents shall come: I, John Tison of Pitt Co. send greeting in Our Lord God Everlasting. Know ye, that I the said John Tison for the natural love and affection I bair unto my son Jehu and towards his advancement in the worth doth give grant bargain sell alien afect and confirm unto ye said Jehu Tison and to his heirs and assigns forever, one tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty six acres lying and being in Pitt Co. and on both sides of the meadow branch, it being part of a deed obtained from Lord Granville the Sixth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fifty seven, beginning at a stake where the line crosses the main road running so. 46 East to a black jack thence So. two hundred and eighty pole to a pine on the south side of meadow branch from thence W cours of the giving line to the road on the south side to the first station, together with all houses clear ground woods waters and water courses and all other priviledges thereunto belonging to the said Jehu Tison his heirs and assigns forever, and to the only proper use to the said Jehu Tison his Heirs and Assigns forever and to for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever in witness whereof I have set my hand and fixed my seal this 13 day of Nov. 1786.John Tison (Seal) Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of usFrederick TisonBryant TisonGeorge Moye Jr. Pitt Co. Jan. Term 1799:This deed was proven in open court on Oath by George Moye as evidence thereto let it be registered. Henry Ellis, C. C.John Tyson was a Justice of the Peace. In Sketches of Pitt Co. by Henry T. King, we find this account: The Governor's Council met at Wilmington in 1764. Feb. 28, Edward Salter presented a remonstrance against the illegal conduct in office of John Hardee, John Tyson, George Moye and Abraham Tyson, all Justices of the Peace. George Moye made a counter remonstrance against Edward Salter, who was also a Justice of the Peace. This was referred to in the Court of the Justices at New Bern, and then dropped.John Tison, among others, was appointed by the Committee to help relieve and support the poor of Boston, and assist the gentlemen of the vestry of St. Michael's parish in collecting the support of the said sufferers in the town. He was accused with others of obstructing the contribution for the relief of the poor of Boston; and an order was given that the chairman address the said gentlemen, so that they may appear at the next meeting of the Committee and justify themselves in that particular situation. May 1, 1775; "It having been represented to this committee that John Tison hath frequently spoken disrepectively of the proceedings of the Congress in general and of this committee in particular, on a supposition that such charges is true, it must be owned that the said Tison highly deserves to be stigmatized; but as it is not yet reduced to a certainty whether he is guilty or not or if he is may have proceded from unguarded heat or ignorance and as it is the firm attention of this committee to proceed in their ensures with charity and circumspection, it is therefore ordered that Mr. George Evans, Mr. James Lockhart, and Mr. Benjamin May or either two of them do attend committee when it shall next sit on the 13th day of present Inst., then and there to answer the above charge. The committee met on the 13th and simply adjourned to the 20th, at which time it met and among other business, resolved that John Tison be advertized in the public papers."#At an Inferi
or Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for the Co. of Pitt, April term, 1775. Present, John Hardy, George Moye, and John Tyson--- a new commission of the Peace was produced and read in court, whereby it appeared that several of the most respectable gentlemen in the county aforesaid, who were in the former commission, were designedly omitted; for which reason every gentlemen nominated in the new commission aforesaid, then in court, except John Tyson expressly refused to qualify to the same, being all of opinion that such qualification would be a dastardly condescension which would for ever have disgraced them. December 22, 1775: "I John Tyson, from the fullest conviction, solemnly and sincerely declare that I have been pursuing mean____of the liberties of America in general, and ____of this colony, and truly conscious of the heinousness of my guilt____now publicly confess the same and solemnly promise that I will for the future support and defend the constitutional rights and liberties of America. John Tyson."
Bethany HINES
Abt 1725
of Pitt, North Carolina
Abt 1750
of Pitt, North Carolina
7 Mar 1800
Anson, North Carolina
Abt 1773
of Pitt, North Carolina 
                   Served as private in the North Carolina troops during the Revolutionary War.
Historica Information included in notes.

Jehu served in the American Revolutionary War in the NC Militia from Pitt Co. Sources of his existence are proven by several census and deed records. Following are but a few of these: Deeds of Record of Pitt Co. NC., Vol. II, 1782-1801, Book O, page 284; dated Nov. 13, 1786: "Grantor-John Tison---Grantee-Jehu Tison, son; 166 Acres, Love and affection." Witness: Frederick Tison, Briget Tison, George Moye Jr.1790 US Census, Fayette District, Anson co. NC: "Jehu Tison--1 male over 16---2 females----6 males under 16." 1800 US Census, Anson Co. NC: Jehu Tison: 1 male under 10----1 female 15-26---2 males 26-45.Jehu and Mildred were large land owners and had many slaves. As was the custom, the land was left to the sons, and slaves were inherited by the daughters. Other personal property and money was parceled out as they saw fit. With this kind of arrangement, some of the original lands in NC still remain in the Tyson family. The Tysons of Pitt County had a genealogist, Mrs. A.J. St. Amands of Wilmington, NC., who assembled material for a book on the Tyson-May families. That group met every year for a reunion following Thanksgiving with 43 consecutive reunions. I do not know if they still meet or not.Jehu and his wife, Mildred, saw NC become the 12th state of the US in 1789. His service record was confirmed by the Archives, to the effect he was a soldier in the NC Militia from Pitt Co. NC. Another Society one is able to become a member of as a descendant of Jehu is the National Organization of Daughters of the American Colonies. Elsie Tyson Hughes national number to this organization is #18378.# The Tyson Coat of Arms was recorded in North Carolina by the John Tyson family in 1708. Elsie Tyson Hughes may have had it recorded in Texas or Oklahoma as this was her plans to do so.Following is a copy of Jehu's will found in Anson Co. NC in Will Book 2, page 172-173. It was probated April 1800."In the Name of God Amen, Jehu Tyson being his propr cences and of sound memory but calling to mind that it is apointed for all men to die I therefore recommend my Soul to God and my body to be Dessently bured in the Earth then Desire my lawful Debts to be paid and at my death I lend to my dearly beloved wife Mildred Tyson the plantation on Rode with won Hundred accors Land ajoining said plantation during her life or widowhood. Also three cows calves three year old and heffer won negro woman name Mol. two sows and pigs, also forteen pigs about the house and three fether peds and fonueture, fore sheep, half the puter knives and forks, won pot and oven, the Sorel mare. I desire that my beloved son Mason Tyson have the first colt that the sorel mare brings; and after deth or marage I give unto my beloved son John Tyson Mol, I give unto my beloved son Joel Tyson won hundred accors of Lan the remaining part of my estate Lent I desire may be equally devided betwen my two daughters Lucrectia and Betcy Tyson. I give unto my beloved son Jessey Tyson won Hundred and fifty accors of Land where on I now live with won forth of the mash. I give unto my beloved son William Tyson fifty accors of Land and won Sorel felley cow and calf sow and pigs I give unto my beloved son Mason Tyson won heffer and sow also fifty accors of land I give unto loving son John Tyson won heffer I give unto my loving son Uriah Tyson entry of three hundred accors of land, the remaining port of my estate not given away, I desire may be sold and debts paid and after my debts is paid the money arising from the sail may be equilly devided betwene Samuel and Uriah Tyson.I also constitute Samuel Tyson and Mildred Tyson executors to my last will and testament given from under my hand and seal this forth day March 1800."hisTest Jehu TisonmarkMatthew TurnerJohn HarrisonNorth Carolina April Session 1800Anson CountyThen the last will and Testament of Jehu Tison was duly proved in open court by the oaths of Mathew Turner and John Harrison subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.Tod Robinson Clk
Samuel TYSON
Abt 1753
of North Carolina
Abt 1754
of North Carolina
Abt 1756
of North Carolina
Frederick TYSON
Abt 1757
of North Carolina
Abt 1758
of North Carolina
Susannah TYSON
Abt 1762
of Pitt, North Carolina
FamilyCentral Network
John Tyson - Bethany Hines

John Tyson was born at of Bath, North Carolina Abt 1723. His parents were Thomas Tyson and Sabra Mason.

He married Bethany Hines . Bethany Hines was born at of Pitt, North Carolina Abt 1725 .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Jehu Tyson born Abt 1750.
Samuel Tyson born Abt 1753.
John Tyson born Abt 1754.
Sabra Tyson born Abt 1756.
Frederick Tyson born Abt 1757.
Jacob Tyson born Abt 1758.
Susannah Tyson born Abt 1762.