Henry STURM, ** *

Rockingham, Virginia Colony
14 Jun 1832
Green Twp., Shelby Co., Ohio
Shelby Co., Ohio
                   Name, birth, marriage and death dates and places from Ancestral File 5/2001
Birth place, either Rockingham, Virginia Colony or Sharpsburg, Washington Co., Maryland from Sturm Genealogy and Family History      http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~sturm/sturm_gen.html

First Families of Green Twp, Shelby, Ohio
1814  The first family who attempted to establish a home in the area was Henry Sturm, who came from Clark Co., Ohio.  March 1815  Samuel robinson, who is a son-in-law of Henry Sturm

IGI - Henry Sturm born Sharpsburg, Washington, Maryland

       Henry Sturm Sr. was born in Virginia (Colony) in 1757. His people would have been farmers, perhaps having immigrated a few years before Henry was born.
       Although we are not sure about his parents, it is possible he had a sister Sarah Sturm who married Henry Weaver (1750-1802), brother of wife Elizabeth whom he married in 1786 at the age of 29. At the time of her marriage, she was 21, the daughter of Christopher Weaver and Elizabeth Anna Lintzin. She (Elizabeth) was born in Germantown, PA in 1765. They lived initially in West Virginia where their first son was born in 1786 (Matthias), after which they moved to Kentucky where Nicholas Sturm was born (1788) as was Henry Sturm (Jr.), born in Mason, Co, Kentucky (1791). In 1793, still in Kentucky, twins were born (Margaret and Elizabeth) followed by Jacob Sturm in 1799. Henry's brother in law, Henry Weaver reports that he, Henry Sturm (Storm) and William Weaver leased the south end of James Ralph's plantation in 'Canetocky'. They were 'to Cleare and Improve as they see fit for there own profit Said tennents is to heave Six Crops from the date hereof'. But on Jan. 7, 1796 the two Henrys transferred their right and title of the lease to William Weaver and Adam Allan. By 1807, four years after Ohio was admitted to the Union, the family had moved to Clark County, Ohio (with 8 yr. old twins, Henry age 16, Nicholas age 21) where Ephraim (b. 1807), twins George and John (1813) were born. Matthias, Nicholas and Henry all served in the war of 1812. Henry is listed as owning land in Shelby County Ohio before 1822.
       Notes in the History of Shelby County, Ohio report that "The first family who attempted to establish a home in the dense forest of Green Township were Henry Sturm and family," (p. 178). At that time, Henry was 57 and Elizabeth would have been 47. Henry soon became central to the early settlement, served as Justice of the Peace in 1820, having been a trustee of the town. There is an anecdote of the travails of one Allen S. Forsyth and his quest to find his real father. Having been living as a runaway child, "He stopped at a house, and asked to stay over night. The man asked him his name, and where he was going. He told him his name, and that he was goijng to find his father in Sidney. The man told him his father did not live in Sidney, but had moved on to a farm. this man was Henry Sturm, of Green Township. He took the boy in, kept him all night, and the next day (as it was rainy). The following day Mr. Sturm took his horse, and told the boy he would go with him, as there was no road and was woods all the way. Mr. Sturm went with the boy to within sight of home, when he left him." The concentration of Sturms in Ohio has left a mark, aside from the numberous descendants. There is a Sturms Creek, and even a Sturm Cemetery near the land of Henry and his descendants.
       There are indications that Ephraim was a troubled child, such that Henry, in his will gives him only a third of that given to other heirs "on account of His Disobedience to me as a Child." Henry's will is 1829, he died on June 14, 1832 (age 75) and Elizabeth eight years later on April 4, 1840 (also 75), both in Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio. By 1835 some of the family had moved to Stark Co. Illinois to take advantage of a federal land grant for veterans of the war of 1812. Many stayed behind in Ohio, others to Illinois and westward. Concentrations of the descendants of Henry and Elizabeth are in Kansas, Iowa, California, Montana, Washington and of course, Illinois.

First Settlement
History of Shelby County, Ohio p. 178

"The first family who attempted to establish a home in the dense forest of Green Township were Henry Sturm and family, who came from Clark County, Ohio, some time during the year 1814, and made a settlement on the S. W. quarter of section 1. They had a family of twelve children, viz, Matthias, Margaret, Nicholas, Henry, Peter, William, Jacob, Frederick, Ephraim, Elizabeth, George, and John, all of whom are now deceased except George, who resides in Perry Township, Shelby County, and John, who owns and is residing on the old home farm where the family first settled. The next settlement was made by Samuel Robinson, a son in law of Henry Sturm's, who came from Champaign County, Ohio, with wife and two or three children in March, 1815, and settled on the N. W. quarter of section 19, where he made improvements and lived many years. The farm is now owned by George Ginn. In the year 1817 John R. and Abraham Medaris found their way to Green and made improvements on section 19. The two brothers purchased or entered the south part of the section. Abraham Medaris settled on the S. W. quarter and John Medaris on the S. E. quarter of the section. It was at the house of John R. Medaris that the first election in Green Township was held, in April, 1820.

The following has been generously provided by Laurence Weaver:
The last Will and Testament of Henry STURM, Senior, transcribed from a copy of the original contained in Estate File No. A72 in the probate records of Shelby County, Ohio:
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Henry STURM Snr of Shelby County and State of Ohio being in perfect Health and of Sound mind memory and understanding That is to Say

First and principally, I commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the Earth, to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors herein named

2nd I give and devise unto my beloved Wife Elizabeth all my real Property and farming Utensils, One Horse and four Cows; all my hogs, Sheep and geese during her life time. It is my Will that the remainder of my property after my Death Should be sold at public Sale with whatever Else my Wife sees proper to have Sold, and after Death of my wife Elizabeth STURM if my Two youngest Sons (viz) John and George STURM Should be of Age (If not that they till the place whereon I now live until they become of Age), and the place then be sold and the Money arising from the Sale of personal property and Lands to give unto my Sons, namely, William, Jacob, John and George STURM, Eighty Acres of Land Each, Except so much of the South West quarter of Section No. 1, Township No. 2 and Range No. 13 M.R. as lies North East of Mosquitoe Creek which Land I will and devise unto my Son Henry Sturm

and 31y (Thirdly) of the Money arising from Said Sale to pay unto Margaret Murphy's heirs (viz) Frederick, Sarah, and Thomas R. Robinson. my grand Children, I will and devise Twenty Dollars to be equally divided among them and, unto Matthias STURM My Eldest Son I will and devise Twenty Dollars, and to Nicholas as my 2nd Son I will Twenty Dollars, and to Henry STURM my 3rd Son I will Thirty Five Dollars, and to Elizabeth ROBINSON, my 2nd Daughter Fifteen Dollars, and to Ephraim STURM,I will and devise only Five Dollars on account of His Disobedience to me as a Child, and the Remainder of the Money Arising from Said Sale it is my Will that my Executors hereinafter named Divide Equally among my sons (viz) William, Jacob, John and George STURM

and Lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my Wife Elizabeth STURM, Matthias and Henry STURM My Executors of this my last Will and Testament Revoking and annulling all former Wills by me heretofore Made - - - ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament - - - in testamony whereof I Henry STURM Snr have set my hand and affixed my seal this the 14th day of September 1829---his mark
Henry STURM Snr

Signed Sealed published and
declared by Henry STURM Snr
as and for his last Will and
Testament in the presence of
us. Who at his request and
in his presence have Subscribed
our names as Witness thereto --

Adam Hall
Elizabeth WEAVER, ** *
Germantown, Pennsylvania
3 Apr 1840
Green Twp, Shelby, Ohio
                   Name, birth date and place, death date and place  from Ancestral file 5/2001

Changed birthdate and place according to Sturm Genealogy

Many birthdates for Elizabeth according to IGI
Rockingham, Virginia
1 Feb 1862
Elmira Twp., Stark, Illinois
4 Sep 1806
Champaign, Ohio 
                   Name, birth and death dates and places  and burial place from Ancestral file 5/2001

REFERENCE:  Enumerated the 9th day of Oct. 1850 by Thomas J. Henderson
34  531  558 Sturm              Matthias Senr. 65   M         Farmer  2,500     Virginia                      R/W X
   35  531  558 Sturm             Elisabeth           68   F                                      Virginia                      R/W  X
   36  531  558 Kirkpatrick    Hannah            35   F                                        Ohio           SCH       X
   37  531  558 Porter             Ira                     16   M         Farmer                 Ohio            SCH  X
   38  531  558 Kirkpatrick    Jane                  12   F                                        Illinois        SCH X
   39  531  558 Kirkpatrick    Morris             10   M                                        Illinois       SCH  X
   40  531  558 Kirkpatrick    William            28   M         Laborer                 Ohio
   41  531  558 Shaw              Melinda A.     19   F                                         Ohio          SCH  X
Mason, Kentucky
22 Dec 1869
Bradford Township, Stark Co., Illinois
                   Name, birth, death, married dates and places from Ancestral File - 5/2001

1860 Medina, Peoria, Illinois Census, Ancestry Image 22, 15 June 1860, Rome Farms PO
Nicolas Sturm  m 71 VA  Farmer  $6000 $1400
Nancy               f  59  SC
Nicolas            m  17  IL
J... D...son       m  59  VA  farm hand
29 Jan 1791
Mason Co., Kentucky
8 Sep 1868
Elmira Twp., Stark, Illinois
Shelby Co., Ohio 
                   Name, birth and death dates and places and burial place and date   from Ancestral file 5/2001

The burial date is 4 years before death date.????

Name from Descendants of John Swiger

REFERENCE:  Enumerated the 9th day of Oct. 1850 by Thomas J. Henderson
28  530  557 Sturm          Henry          58   M         Farmer         800       Kentucky
   29  530  557 Sturm          Catharine      55   F                                  South Carolina               R/W  X
   30  530  557 Sturm          Nancy          16   F                                  Ohio                    SCH X
   31  530  557 Sturm          Margaret J.    12   F                                  Ohio                  SCH   X
   32  530  557 Sturm          Rachel A.      9    F                                  Illinois              SCH   X
   33  530  557 Phenix         Lydia P.       6    F                                  Illinois            SCH     X
There were other Phenix listed on an early page

       Henry Sturm Jr. was born in Mason Co., Kentucky in 1791, while his father and Henry Weaver were working land there. Kentucky became the fifteenth state in the Union June 1, 1792. They moved shortly after 1796, back to Shelby County, Ohio. Henry married Catherine Dalrymple in 1814 when he was twenty three and she was twenty. She was born in South Carolina Feb. 5, 1795, daughter of George Dalrymple and Ann Miller. Henry Jr. was appointed Constable of Perry Township in Shelby County, Ohio on April 6, 1818 by the trustees of the town, a group which included his father, Henry Sr. The pair had eleven children: George Dalrymple Sturm (1816); Peter Sturm (1817); Rebecca Sturm (1818); William Henry Sturm (who died, killed in battle in 1862) soon after moving to Shelby, Co. Ohio in 1822 where father Henry and mother had lived since 1807); Isaac Sturm (1824); Elizabeth Sturm (1827); Abner J. Sturm (1830); Catherine Sturm (1832) the same year grandfather Henry Sturm died; Nancy Sturm (1834); Margaret J. Sturm (1838, Ohio); and finally Rachel Sturm born (1841) in Stark Co. Illinois where the family had moved around 1836, Henry at the age of 45, Catherine 41. The move of the Sturms to Illinois went in phases, and since Matthias Nicholas and Henry all fought in the war of 1812, they were eligible for federal land in Stark County, Ill. The federal land records show several purchases of land by Henry (2); his son Isaac, John T (Ephraim's son); Joseph (Nicholas' son); Lervis (Lewis?,  Nicholas' son); Mathias and Matthias (5) and Nicholas (6) as well as Nicholas II (1) who bought a school in 1836. The election there in August of 1834 saw the name of one Lewis Sturm(s) added to this lists, since he seems to be the first of the Sturm men to settle in Stark County, Illinois. He was about twenty two years old, and he is probably responsible for bringning the rest of the family. By by the county election in August of 1836, of the fifty four votes polled, thirty one were new, including the names of Henry Sturm(s), Mathias Sturm(s) and Henry Seeley among others. Lewis Sturm is assumed to be Henry's nephew, son of Nicholas. The Stark County Illinois census for 1850 lists Henry Sturm, age 58, a farmer, his wife Catharine, age 55, daughter Nancy, 16, Margaret age 12, Rachel age 9 and Lydia P. Phenix age six. His son George D. Sturm is also listed with his family, as well as brother Matthias Sturm Sr. (age 65), Henry Seeley Sturm, age 41, Samuel Sturm (37) Peter, Simon, Abner, and Matthias Sturm Jr. are also listed as heads of families. In Stark County and its Pioneers the Sturms are remembered, many had for a time recorded their last name with an 's':
       "The Sturms family had some of them reached Seele's Point in 1834 and detachments continued to arrive from time to time, making claims near the south part of Osceola Grove, till they had a settlement of their own. They were regular frontier's men, every one "mighty hunters:" of tall stature, combining strength and activity in an unusual degree. Wearing an Indian garb of fringed bucksins, their feet encased in mocasins, with bowie knife at the belt and rifle on the shoulder; no wonder many a new comer started from them in affright, supposing they had encountered genuine "scalpers." But these men were by no means as savage as they seemed, but had hearts to which friend or stranger never appealed in vain. Very many old settlers yet remember they got their first slice of meat from a Sturm's pork barrel, their first meal of corn or potatoes from their fields. An as early as 1836 they had horses, cows, and hogs to sell, and in this way aided others not so well provided." (p. 32-33).
       The family of Matthias and his son Henry Seeley Sturm is remembered prominently in the history of Stark Co. Illinois. Of Henry Jr. there is only "Besides the large family of Matthias, senior, there was another Henry Sturms, brother of the former, whose children for the most part are residents of Stark County. Of this family, we have even less knowledge." (p. 255 see complete text). Henry Jr. died at age 77 six years after the death of Catherine who died in 1862 at age 67, both in Elmira, Stark County Illinois.
11 Mar 1793
Mason, Kentucky
                   Name, birth date and place  from Ancestral file 5/2001

New date of birth and place from  Sturm web page  Margaret was a twin

	Spouse: 	Thomas Robinson  Disc #66 Pin #695455

	Marriage: abt 1801		Place: 	Mason County, Kentucky
Elizabeth STURM, ***
11 Mar 1793
Mason, Kentucky
                   Name and birth date and place  from Ancestral file 5/2001

From the History of Shelby County, Ohio, pp. 184-6.

A native of Pennsylvania was born in Bucks County, March 3d, 1780. He came to Ohio when a young man with his mother, his father being dead, and located in Clarke County, near Springfield, remained a few years then moved to Champaign County , where he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Sturm, then of Shelby County, born March 11, 1793. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson settled in Champaign County, remained until March, 1815, when he entered and moved his family on the land in Green Township, Shelby County, now owned by George Ginn, in section 19, where they passed the remainder of their days. Mrs. Robinson died Nov. 4, 1875, aged 82 years. Mrs. Robinson died March 31, 1876, aged 96 years. They reared a family of eight children, viz: Henry, Rebecca, Eliza, John, Mary, Rossiter, Elizabeth, and Lydia, all of whom are yet living except Eliza who died in August, 1881. All married and had families. Mrs. Robinson is said to have been the second settler in what is now Green Township, the first being Henry Sturm, the father-in-law of Mr. Robinson. His first improvement on his land was the erection of a log cabin, 14 by 16, one story high, which served them as a dwelling about ten years. Then, about 1825-6, he erected a hewed-log residence. He made clearing land and farming his avocation through life. Shortly after Mr. Robinson settled on his land, one day while walking in the woods he saw a black bear sitting in the forks of a large tree. In order to kill the bear he returned to his house to get the gun, but unfortunately there were no bullets run; so while Mrs. R. made the bullets, he went back to the tree to watch the bear. In a short time Mrs. R. came with the bullets. He loaded his gun and fired. the bear fell backwards; but instead of coming to the ground, it fell in the hollow of the tree, out of sight, and presently a young cub ran up the forks where the old bear sat, and looked down at Mr. R. He thought he had killed the old bear sure. He then cut the tree down, and found the old bear and all of her cubs were dead. But on examination he found his bullet had not touched the bear, but they were all killed by the falling of the tree.

In about 1830 a severe storm passed over the settlement, blew the roof off of Mr. R's house, another in 1834.

From the Sidney Journal June 10, 1870, thanks to Martin Stewart:
"A correspondent in Greene township sends us a short history of Samuel Robinson, of that township, who has arrived at quite a ripe old age. He says that Mr. Robinson was born in Brush Valley, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, March 3, 1780. In 1795, he moved, with his parents, to Kentucky, and in 1801 came to Ohio and settled near Springfield. In 1809 Mr. Robinson married a daughter of Henry Sturm, and in 1815 they settled on the farm they now occupy in Greene Township, this county. they have had eleven children, eight of them still living. There are forty- nine grand children, and nine great grand children. Mr. Robinson is yet robust and healthy. He has been a professor of religion for sixty years, and has been a member of the Methodist church for fifty years. One of the editors of this paper is a native of Bucks county, but he does not remember such a place as Brush Valley. It is likely that the march of improvement has invented a new name for the place where Mr. Robinson was born. There is a place called Rush Valley, but our correspondent says that it is distinctly written Brush Valley a number of times among some old documents in the hands of Mr. Robinson."
Jacob STURM, * +
Mason, Kentucky
                   Name, birth and death dates and birth place  from Ancestral file 5/2001
Name and birth date and death date from Sturm web page
Peter STURM, ***
Abt 1794
Mason, Kentucky
Bef Sep 1829
                   Name, birth and death dates and birth place  from Ancestral file 5/2001
Frederick STURM, ***
Abt 1798
Mason, Kentucky
                   Name, birth  date and place  from Ancestral file 5/2001
Mason, Kentucky
19 Jul 1853
Allen, Indiana
3 Feb 1817
Champaign Co., Ohio 
                   Name, birth and death dates and places  from Ancestral file 5/2001
of Kentucky
Sep 1890
Shelby Co., Ohio 
                   Name, birth and death dates and places  from Ancestral file 5/2001
Name and birth date and death date from Sturm web page
31 Jan 1813
Clark Co., Ohio
28 Sep 1883
14 Mar 1833
Shelby Co., Ohio 
                   Name, birth. christening and death dates and birth, christening and burial places  from Ancestral file 5/2001

George and John were twins
31 Jan 1813
Mad River Twp, Champaign, Ohio
19 Oct 1884
Green Twp., Shelby Co., Ohio
29 Jul 1834
Green Twp., Shelby, Ohio 
                   John and George were twins

Name, birth and death dates and place  from Ancestral file 5/2001


From the History of Shelby County, Ohio pp. 187-88.

Mr. Sturm was born in Clarke County, Ohio, Jan. 31, 1813, and was brought to Shelby County by his parents, Henry and Elizabeth Sturm, in 1814, who settled in what is now Green Township, where they made improvements, and passed the remainder of their days. They were, as near as can be ascertained, the first settlers in Green Township, their nearest neighbors being six miles distant, and their home was what we can justly call a home in the woods, with no one except the Indians near them, and they were everyday visitors, calling to ask some favor of the whit man. they reared a family of twelve children, vis, Matthias, Margaret, Nicholas, Henry, Peter, William, Jacob, Frederick, Ephraim, Elizabeth, George and John. Matthias, Nicholas and Henry served in the war of 1812. All of the above named children are now dead, except George and John, twin brothers. George is now living in Perry Township, Shelby County, and John is living on the home farm in Green Township. Mr. Sturm died June 14, 1832, aged seventy-five years. His companion departed this life April 3, 1840, aged eighty-five years (sic). He had a wide reputation as an expert with his rifle, and was a successful hunter. Mr. John Sturm, the subject of this sketch, was reared a farmer, and spent his minority days on the farm, clearing, grubbing, and preparing the soil for cultivation. On the 30th day of July, 1834, he married Miss Rachel M. Barbee, by whom he reared six children, viz., Elias B., Julia A., John F., David I. Mary E. and Eliza J. Mr. and Mrs. Sturm settled on his father's home farm, where they have since resided.

Miss Barbee, wife of Mr. Sturm, was born in Butler County, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1817, and came to Shelby County with her parents, Elias and Mary Barbee, in 1834, who settled on the N. W. quarter of section 2, Green Township, where Mr. Barbee died Feb. 1, 1842. His companion died Oct. 17, 1871.
FamilyCentral Network
Henry Sturm, ** * - Elizabeth Weaver, ** *

Henry Sturm, ** * was born at Rockingham, Virginia Colony 1757. His parents were Peter Sturm and .

He married Elizabeth Weaver, ** * 1786 at Virginia . Elizabeth Weaver, ** * was born at Germantown, Pennsylvania 1765 daughter of Christopher Weaver, @ See Notes and Elizabeth Anna Lintzin, See Notes .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Matthais Sturm,, Sr. born 1786.
Nicholas Sturm born 1788.
Henry Sturm, Jr. born 29 Jan 1791.
Margaret Sturm born 11 Mar 1793.
Elizabeth Sturm, *** born 11 Mar 1793.
Jacob Sturm, * + born 1799.
Peter Sturm, *** born Abt 1794.
Frederick Sturm, *** born Abt 1798.
William Sturm born 1797.
Ephraim Sturm born 1807.
George Sturm born 31 Jan 1813.
John Sturm born 31 Jan 1813.

Henry Sturm, ** * died 14 Jun 1832 at Green Twp., Shelby Co., Ohio .

Elizabeth Weaver, ** * died 3 Apr 1840 at Green Twp, Shelby, Ohio .