Richard (Fossett) FAUSETT

Abt 1769
of Orange Co., North Carolina
28 Jan 1792
Maury, Tennessee
Maury, Tennessee
28 Jan 1792
Orange, North Carolina
                   U.S. Census, Orange Co. N.C. 1800 Phots. copy original Mg. rec. on debt bond
between David Fausett son Richard & Gov. N.C. for land in Orange Co.;Nauvoo Bp.
for d. Book pp 141-6 St. George Temple Rec. Boise Library #510768 4G.

JOHN FAWCETT/CLOGGER Records in Boise, Idaho Gen. Library.

submitted by Amy J. Doyle, 836 So. 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Abt 1774
of Orange Co., North Carolina
Maury, Tennessee
Maury, Tennessee
Orange, North Carolina
Mar 1874
25 Apr 1816
                   md Jane Park 25 Apr 1816
28 Mar 1800
Orange, North Carolina
12 Sep 1870
Orange, North Carolina 
23 Mar 1797
Orange, North Carolina
Abt 1800
Orange, North Carolina
Maury, Tennessee 
Abt 1802
Sumner, Tennessee
1 Aug 1846
20 Oct 1819
Maury, Tennessee 
22 Dec 1804
W. Gallatin, Sumner, Tennessee
29 Mar 1874
Midway, Wasatch, Utah
13 Mar 1856
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   Another record shows John McKee as being born in Montgomery, Middle Sumner,
6 Jan 1807
Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee
6 Sep 1896
Provo, Utah, Utah
of Nashville, Davidson, Tennes 

c/ck b-Sumner County, Tenn.?

SP:20 Oct 1937 LG.
5 Jul 1808
Sumner, Tennessee
7 Aug 1896
Scipio, Millard, Utah
Jun 1824
Maury, Tennessee 
                   PIONEER: 21 Sep 1848  Brigham Young Wagon Train.

Eliza and her husband were converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in early 1830.  Parley P. Pratt was one of the Elders who came to their home often and helped baptize some of her family.  They assisted him in his excape to Illinois after he was able to break out of jail in Missouri.

Eliza served as a midwife while at Winter Quarters and when crossing the Plains in Brigham Young's Wagon Company.  Her oldest son and two son-in-laws served in the Mormon Battalion.

After their arrival in the Great Salt Lake Valley, they spent the winter.  Then they moved to Bountiful and later to Provo where she served as a midwife and nursed the sick.  They were called to help settle Mt. Pleasant and later Scipio where she also met their needs as a midwife and nurse.

Eliza and her husband were involved in the incident that set off the Black Hawk War.  A squaw came to them to trade fish for sugar.  Eliza gave her what she thought was a fair trade.  As the squaw left, the waiting Brave began to beat her because she did not get more sugar.  Eliza called her husband who came running with his gun.  The Indian also grabbed the gun and their struggle broke the stock from the barrel.  James had the barrel and hit the Indian with it.  The Indian died.  After her husband was killed by the Indians in an early mornig raid on Scipio, Eliza continued to live there with her son, Alexander, until her death at age eighty-nine.
Daughters of the Utah Pioneers
Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude
page 1489

Born: December 30, 1802 Born: July 5, 1808
Died: June 10, 1866 Died: August 7, 1896
Sketch of Their Lives By Hettie H. Robins
There is documentary evidence that Ivye, Ivie, Ivy, and lvey are all of the same family. At the time there were no dictionaries, and the art of spelling was not highly developed. We find that most of the Ivies in the Southern and Eastern states have settled on spelling the name lvey. We find the lvey name in the United States as early as 1700. In the Revolutionary War the names of six soldiers are listed from Virginia and nine from North Carolina. In the Civil War there were hundreds, some of them in almost every Southern state and, perhaps, some listed in the Northern states.
Records show a Thomas Ivye or Ivie lived in Glocestershire, England, about 1425, also of Iveys coming to the United States from England as early as 1700, or even before. The above is sort of introductory of the Ivie family, the family tree, of which our early grandparents are a branch of James Russell, the son of John Anderson Ivie, who was the son of Anderson lvey. (James Russell was the brother of John Anderson, and son of Anderson.)
James Russell Ivie, son of John Anderson Ivie (see above) and Sarah Allred of North Carolina was born in Franklin County, Georgia, December 8, 1802. He was the second of nine children born to this union.
James Russell married Eliza McKee Faucett. She was born July 5, 1808, at West Columbia, Maury County, Tennessee, to Richard Faucett and Mary McKee. They were married about June 1824. The location of their marriage is not definitely known, though the belief is that it may have been in Tennessee, since that is where they were living at the time, and their first three children were born in that state. By the towns in which the other children were born, it is evident that they were moving from state to state - going further west. The family spent from 1830 to 1844 in the state of Missouri, living in Paris, West Paris (the family properties were closer to Florida, Monroe County), and Caldwell Counties. They moved, then, to Council Bluffs, Pottowattamie County, Iowa, where their 11th child was born in 1846. From there they moved to Salt Lake City, where another child was born, and then to Provo, where the next child was born. Thirteen children in all were born to this union.
It was in the early 1830's in Missouri, that the Mormon Missionaries came to the areas in Missouri where the Ivies lived. Parley P. Pratt was one of the elders who came so often to their homes. It was he who brought the Book of Mormon to them and taught them the Gospel, which converted them. He also helped to baptize them as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Thereafter, their homes were always homes for the traveling missionaries.

I would like to relate an instance that Great Grandfather told us -- not just once, but many times:

It happened some years after the Ivies had joined the Church. It was in November 1839, while the Elders were out preaching the Gospel that they were seized and put into prison without a hearing, or a trial. They were held prisoners from November 1839 to July 1840. Among them were Elder Parley P. Pratt, Elder Phelps, and others. The saints had planned a way of freeing the last three missionaries held prisoners. They had been changed from one prison to another during the seven months of confinement. At this time they were in Columbus, Missouri. The plan was worked out as Orson, brother of Parley P. Pratt, and others, had planned it, and happened on the eve of Independence day. The three prisoners, when their evening meal was served, crowded through the door and managed to evade the bullets fired at them, and, upon reaching the three horses, brought for them by their brethren, were helped to mount and advised to separate, each going in a different direction, then, to hide themselves, in a deep cave until dark. One of the three was captured and taken back to prison for a short time. Elder Phelps managed to make his escape and reach Illinois, several days later. Elder Pratt was less fortunate and, apparently, headed off in another direction. Finally he made for a vast forest of trees, making his way some distance from his horse to await darkness. He climbed into a huge tree, laid with his legs outstretched on top of the branches, locked his arms around two other limbs and, in this way, could not be so easily observed, had anyone come his way. After darkness, when he could no longer hear voices, he came down from his hiding place in the tree and went in search of his horse, which had broken loose and left him to make his way on foot.

On the third day of his escape he found himself in a neighborhood of settlers where he had some acquaintances years previously, and where once there had been a small branch of the church; but, the saints had moved west, having been driven out of the state with other members of their faith. Elder Pratt remembered there were families of Ivies who had lived on the road, and in some clearing in the timber: so, he decided to make his way to them, and told us, in his own words as follows:
Quote: "I was not sure if they were still friendly with the church, or if they had turned from it to avoid violence and being driven out. I hesitated, then decided to ask help from my Father in Heaven. I arose to my feet feeling much better. I asked in my prayers, that as I passed by the house, if they were still my friends, I would be recognized -- if not, that I might pass peaceably by. As I walked past their home that Sunday evening, about two hours before sundown, I got nearly by when the children playing in the front yard discovered me .and cried out with surprise and much joy: "There is Brother Pratt." At this, a young man came running out to me who proved to be one of my acquaintances, still a member of the church, and who had been driven with others from the upper valley. Instead of going to Illinois, he had come back to his old neighborhood. I asked about Mr. Ivy and he said that he and his wife had gone to a neighbor's home two or three miles away. He said "I am here on a visit." He also advised that they had just received the news of my escape and were sending out warnings to be on the lockout. I told him of my plight. I was hungry and faint and my feet were covered with blisters. He told me of one of his brother's wives and children who were also driven out of upper valley and were living in an obscure place in the woods, while the young man went in to see if it was all right. He came back with milk, cream, and bread. I ate of this and then went to the house. The wife said her husband would soon be home. I told her I was in constant fear of being found. She instructed the children not to say one word if anyone came, but to act like I was a total stranger. It was well she did, for just then a man came inquiring for her husband.- She told him he was away and to come back but. he said it was a matter of business he wanted to see her husband about and would wait After an hour the dog barked and they knew her husband was returning. The children rushed out to see their father, and to tell him not to recognize me, as there was a strange young man there to see him. As he came in he gave me a cold look and a "howdy stranger," and turned to the other fellow. He was quite friendly with him. The young fellow told the man of the house he had some business with him and would he step out for awhile. He had come to borrow his saddle. As soon as he had gone the man of the house came in and threw his arms around my neck and welcomed me to his house. We ate supper and I asked if he would exchange hats with me as it had been winter when we were arrested. He gave me a hat that fully disguised me. The good wife made a lunch for me and Brother Ivie placed his wife's saddle on her horse After farewells to his wife and brother we were soon on our way. He went with me until I was safe  way after midnight He bade me God speed and returned to his family." Unquote
This man and wife were James Russell Ivie and his wife, Eliza. I heard this story many times from Great Grandma and her son. Grandpa Ivie. Only, as I remember it, the side saddle and his horse got him well on his way, but the horse never found his way back.
I remember Grandmother telling: "I would go through the timber to a small spring for a pail of water. I was so frightened -- I could often hear the plaintiff cry of a panther or 'panter', as grandmother called it.
James Russell Ivie and Grandmother: Just where they met we don't know. This is the tale she told, only it has lost its soft southern accent that was so pleasing in the way she would tell it: "I was milking my father's cow one evening, the first time pop came a' calling on me. He says, Eliza, I've came a' courting you. I looked up and there I saw a boy plenty big enough to be wearing britches, and there he stood with a doe shirt on. I told him right out if I was to be his girl he better go home and ask his mother to make him some britches. The next time he came he wore britches-" (This was taken from Grandparents' Martin and Martha Ivie's family record.") His father, John Anderson Ivie, owned a large tract of land, or plantation, and with 75 negroes on it as slaves. When his son, James Russell, and family left to join the saints to come west, his father gave him a little negro boy. He was old enough to help Grandma with the smaller children When they reached Omaha and near getting their outfits ready to start out, they were told not to burden themselves with extra mouths to feed, other than their families. So Grandpa, James Russell, gave the little boy his freedom and told him he could go to live with another family, or find his way back to his family. As they left, the little fellow cried and said, "Who will take care of Missy, Betsy and Marie, I do love you Mama Ivie." Both Grandmother and Grandfather loved the negro boy and hated leaving him behind.
It was in the spring of 1848 in the month of May that the Ivies, James Russell, his wife and nine of their 11 children began plans for moving westward. Two of his sons were with the Mormon Battalion. Besides James Russell and family, two of his brothers, Thomas Isaac, or Kelton, and William Shelton, and families, got as far as Nerrion, Missouri, on their way to join the wagon train which would have soon headed for the west (Utah). So they dropped out of the company. There was something about one of William's girls marrying as a plural wife to a man by the name of Long. Both parents strongly opposed the marriage.
It was on the first of June 1848, that the Ivies left. Elkhorn in the company of the saints -- 1,229 souls and 397 wagons, headed for the Great Salt Lake Valley. They were in Brigham Young's second company. The Allred family, also, came at this time. Grandfather's outfit was well-equipped with a good wagon with teams. His son's Richard's wife. Elizabeth Dobson, was with them. The trip across the plains and mountains was made about, the same as most of them in the" company. Great Grandmother helped in cases of sickness and births In their company as well as others, where ever they were needed on their trip to Utah. The pioneers reached Great Salt Lake Valley about September 20, 1848. They must have spent the winter in Salt Lake City for on February 25, 1849, Grandma gave birth to a son whom they named Hyrum Lewis Ivie. From Salt Lake City they went to what was then called Rhodes, or Roade Valley, and later called Provo Valley. Here another son was born, November 19, 1852. He was named Heber Charles Ivie. Their eighth child, a son, named Joseph Ivie died the year before in 1851, he was 11 years old at the time.
From Provo Valley some of the Ivie family went to Weber County to what is now Kamas. However, they weren't satisfied with the outlook there, so they left and came to Mt. Pleasant. They had relatives there for a few years During the time they were in Mt. Pleasant and the- time they came to Round Valley (Scipio) in 1863, James Russell and some of his family and the Allred family, made a trip to Rose Valley, Nevada, with the expectations of locating there The Valley didn't meet their expectations -- others having already located there. They came back to Scipio in the late spring of 1863.  At that time the settlers were still In Graball or Robinville, where there was a branch of the church, the Ivies didn't go there to make their home, but went a little further south, up the Valley about two miles from Graball. This was where a little stream of water came from a small lake about seven or eight miles further south in the Valley. It separated into two streams The west stream went by the settlers at Graball, the east stream just running to waste It was on the east fork that James Russell and family stopped. It was known as Ivie Creek for years. Not long after this, President Young visited the people here, and advised them to locate closer together on a townsite in the Valley. It was called Round Valley, but later changed to Scipio
The Ivies were the first to build homes on the new townsite The first home built was a room put up of logs -- it was the old stable on the Joe Miller lot, built by William Franklin Ivie, a son of James Russell. His family lived there until he could get logs out to build a place for them to live in. This stable was used to keep a fine stallion in He had it brought here with the livestock, horse and cattle Grandfather James Russell built his home and they owned the old Joseph Stone lot -- it is on the northwest corner from the public square. In reading the record kept by the Branch Clerk, John Memmott, we find James Russell Ivie was interested both in his church and civil affairs. Both he and his son, William Franklin, were block teachers, and James Russell was President of the Field Committee, and Water Master He also was very interested in education. He helped with the loan of his teams to move the log school house from Graball to the new townsite
In the spring and summer of 1866 the Indians had become very hostile, and on the warpath; making raids on the stock owned by the settlers. A large band of Indians under Chief Black Hawk made a raid on a Sunday Morning, June 10, 1866, when Grandfather James Russell's favorite milk cow was to freshen. Grandfather rose early and walked down to the pasture lands a little north and west of the settlement, in what was called the pond field. As he neared the spot where the cow was, he heard an Indian War Hoop and the people in town also heard it. They rushed out to look for Grandfather and found his body already pierced with se
6 May 1810
nr. Columbia, Maury, Tennessee
24 Apr 1885
Tonto Basin, Gila, Arizona
12 Jan 1826
Maury, Tennessee 
nr. Columbia, Maury, Tennessee
Maury, Tennessee 
11 Jun 1813
nr. Columbia, Maury, Tennessee
16 Sep 1896
Maury, Tennessee 
                   B:22 Jan 1878
17 Jan 1815
nr. Columbia, Maury, Tennessee
7 Apr 1873
nr. Columbia, Maury, Tennessee 
                   B: 17 May 1881 SG
E: 25 May 1881 SG
Abt 1817
nr. Columbia, Maury, Tennessee
nr Columbia, Maury, Tennessee 
Abt 1819
nr Columbia, Maury, Tennessee
Maury, Tennessee 
FamilyCentral Network
Richard (Fossett) Fausett - Mary McKee

Richard (Fossett) Fausett was born at of Orange Co., North Carolina Abt 1769. His parents were David Fausett and Eleanor .

He married Mary McKee 28 Jan 1792 at Orange, North Carolina . Mary McKee was born at of Orange Co., North Carolina Abt 1774 daughter of Alexander McKee and Mary Bean .

They were the parents of 14 children:
Alexander Fausett born 1793.
David Fausett born 28 Mar 1800.
Eleanor Fausett born 23 Mar 1797.
Sarah Maria Fausett born Abt 1800.
Nancy Brown Fausett born Abt 1802.
John McKee (Faucett) Fausett born 22 Dec 1804.
William McKee Fausett born 6 Jan 1807.
Eliza McKee Fausett born 5 Jul 1808.
Amanda Armstrong Fausett born 6 May 1810.
Mary McKee Fausett born 1811/12.
Rebecca Stone Fausett born 11 Jun 1813.
Martha Spencer Fausett born 17 Jan 1815.
Harriet Berryhill Fausett born Abt 1817.
Catherine Fausett born Abt 1819.

Richard (Fossett) Fausett died 28 Jan 1792 at Maury, Tennessee .

Mary McKee died 1820/30 at Maury, Tennessee .