27 Dec 1841
Schuylkill Co., Pennsylvania
18 Jun 1868
                   Individual confirmed Feb 2003, as a son of William B. and Nancy (Allvord) Sandoe from biographical sketch found on the Internet at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~tfisher/fphfairfieldbios.htm  which states:
"Sandoe, Rev. H.H., pastor of the Reformed church at Baltimore, Ohio was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, December 27, 1841; son of Rev. W.B. and Nancy (Allvord) Sandoe, the former of whom as been a minister of the Reformed church since 1851, and is still officiating as such in one of his former fields of labro, in Schuylkill County, Pennyslvania.  He was, during many years past, been stationed at various points in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.  Rev. H.H. Sandoe was a pupil of the common schools until reaching the age of sixteen, when, for some three years, he was engaged at farming and clerking in Elkhart County, Indiana, and at Signey, Shelby county, Ohio until August 1861, when he enlisted in Company B, Twentieth OVI and with that regiment participated in some thirty-nine engagements from Ft. Donaldson to the surrender of J.E. Johnston to General Sherman, near Raleigh, North Carolina, making the march to the sea, taking part in the grand review at Washington, and after four year's faithful service to his country, was mustered out at Camp Chase in July 1865.  In September of the following year Mr. Sandoe entered Heidelberg College at Tiffin, OH, remaining there four years and in February 1870 he was ordained to the ministry, "by a committee of Tiffin classics."  His first field was at Liberty Centre, Henry County, Ohio remaining there on year; and for a term of two years in Pulaski County, Indiana, following which he was stationed for the same length of time in Christian County, Illinois; also in Ashland County, Ohio for three and a half years, previous to coming to Baltimore, Fairfield County, in October 1878, where his charge consists of four different congregations, which, during the pastorate of Mr. Sandoe has been both spiritually and financially successful.  Rev. Sandoe was married June 18, 1868, to Miss Eliza M. Barton, of Monroe, Michigan.  Their union is blessed by one daugther and one son - Lydorah O., born in Tiffin, Ohio, October 6, 1868, now a pupil at Pleasantville Collegiate Institute; and Dee Nevin, born in Baltimore Ohio, March 16, 1882."

Individual confirmed Feb 2003, as a son of William B. and Nancy (Allvord) Sandoe from biographical sketch found on the Internet at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~tfisher/fphfairfieldbios.htm  which states:
"Sandoe, Rev. H.H., pastor of the Reformed church at Baltimore, Ohio was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, December 27, 1841; son of Rev. W.B. and Nancy (Allvord) Sandoe, the former of whom as been a minister of the Reformed church since 1851, and is still officiating as such in one of his former fields of labro, in Schuylkill County, Pennyslvania.  He was, during many years past, been stationed at various points in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.  Rev. H.H. Sandoe was a pupil of the common schools until reaching the age of sixteen, when, for some three years, he was engaged at farming and clerking in Elkhart County, Indiana, and at Signey, Shelby county, Ohio until August 1861, when he enlisted in Company B, Twentieth OVI and with that regiment participated in some thirty-nine engagements from Ft. Donaldson to the surrender of J.E. Johnston to General Sherman, near Raleigh, North Carolina, making the march to the sea, taking part in the grand review at Washington, and after four year's faithful service to his country, was mustered out at Camp Chase in July 1865.  In September of the following year Mr. Sandoe entered Heidelberg College at Tiffin, OH, remaining there four years and in February 1870 he was ordained to the ministry, "by a committee of Tiffin classics."  His first field was at Liberty Centre, Henry County, Ohio remaining there on year; and for a term of two years in Pulaski County, Indiana, following which he was stationed for the same length of time in Christian County, Illinois; also in Ashland County, Ohio for three and a half years, previous to coming to Baltimore, Fairfield County, in October 1878, where his charge consists of four different congregations, which, during the pastorate of Mr. Sandoe has been both spiritually and financially successful.  Rev. Sandoe was married June 18, 1868, to Miss Eliza M. Barton, of Monroe, Michigan.  Their union is blessed by one daugther and one son - Lydorah O., born in Tiffin, Ohio, October 6, 1868, now a pupil at Pleasantville Collegiate Institute; and Dee Nevin, born in Baltimore Ohio, March 16, 1882."
Henry is found on the 1880 Census for Baltimore, Fairfield, OH available at www.familysearch.org:
Henry Sandoe, age 38, born PA, occupation:  minister, father/mother born in PA
Eliza Sandoe, wife, age 35, born MI, father/mother born in MD
Dora Sandoe, daughter, age 10, born OH, father born PA, mother born MI
A note on Henry's birthplace noted in the biographical sketch, which states "Schuylkill Co., PA" - the family of George W. Sandoe had always had his birthplace noted as Shenandoah, Schuylkill Co., PA, which would seem to match.  However, this researcher contacted The Historical Society of Schuylkill County and received an answer dated 17 Dec 2002 stating:
"Shenandoah was formed out of Mahanoy Township about 1870.  Mahanoy was formed from Rush Township about 1843.  I checked the Rush Township census records for 1840 and 1850.  I was unable to locate the Sandoe name.  Counties were not required to maintain vital statistics until 1897.  Therefore, we must rely on Church records and newspaper articles for such information.  We have no records for Rush Township.  Signed:  H.T. Crown, Research Volunteer"
Shenandoah did not exist as a township at the time Henry and George were born.  Although Henry's biography notes his birthplace as Schuylkill County, the Historical Society there found no mention of the Sandoe surname in their records.
6 Oct 1869
Tiffin, Ohio
Hillsboro, Ohio 
                   Submitted by publication by Mark Kitrick for the CBA Bar BriefsCHAPTER SIX: SKETCHES OF INFLUENTIAL WOMEN OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, Part Two
(a search of "dora sandoe" on the Internet will bring up the site that this bio was on)

Dora Sandoe Bachman was the first woman to graduate from a law school in Ohio, and the seventh woman admitted to the bar of this state. The firm of Bachman and Bachman was formed at the same time as his marriage to Miss Dora Sandoe in 1894, Mrs. Bachman having received her degree of LL. B. from Ohio State University the previous year. Mrs. Bachman was born at Tiffin, Ohio, but received most of her girlhood schooling at and near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She returned to Ohio to attend Ada Normal School and after teaching in Pennsylvania came to Columbus to attend Ohio State University. Mrs. Bachman was widely known in suffrage work and held offices in city, county and state organizations. In 1912 she was a representative at the Women's Suffrage Congress at Washington, District of Columbia. She was elected to the Columbus School Board in 1908 on an independent ticket, where she served for eight years. She was the first woman to be chosen to that body and the first woman to hold the office of president of that organization. Mrs. Bachman held various offices in the League of Women Voters and was honored in 1929 by being made a life member of the National Parent-Teachers Association. During the World War Mrs. Bachman was in complete charge of the Social Hygiene work in the Columbus district. She was recognized as an expert in legal matters of a domestic nature and was a candidate in 1928 for judge of the Court of Domestic Relations. In her connections with the Agricultural Extension Department of Ohio State University, she was a frequent speaker on the department's programs. She was a member of Kappa Beta Phi sorority and The Altrurian Club. After her husband's death, Mrs. Bachman carried on the firm of Bachman & Bachman alone until June of 1929 when their son, Robert E. Bachman, was admitted to the bar and joined her. She continued as senior member of the firm until her death in 1930. Young Mr. Bachman is still continuing in the firm name. Another son, Richard Sandoe Bachman, born April 25, 1912, survives, and is at the present time attending Ohio State University. He is a graduate of North High School. Mr. Robert E. Bachman was married in 1929 to Miss Gale Mary Roof, daughter of Charles and Cora (Gale) Roof. Mrs. Bachman is a granddaughter of the Hon. John T. Gale, a sketch of whom appears in this history. Mr. Bachman is a member of the Young Lawyers Club and Gamma Eta Gamma fraternity. He is a graduate of East High School and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Ohio State University in 1926, and his law degree from the same school in 1929.

Apr 2003 - website for "Genealogical Abstracts from the Mount Carmel LEdger Northumberland Co., PA" found at:
Friday, December 16, 1892
Miss Dora O. Sandoe, formerly of Mt. Carmel, not of Canal Winchester, Ohio recently passed a very creditable examination and has been admitted to practice at the Ohio bar.  Miss Sandoe may, possibly come back to Mt. Carmel to locate permanently .  her many friends would be pleased to have her practice her profession in Mt. Carmel and become one of the county's shining legal lights.
"Mount Carmel Ledger 1894 - part 2"
Sandoe, Dora O., former teacher at Mt. Carmel now an attorney in Columbus, Ohio, Oct 12, 1894
Sandoe, Dora O., of Columbus Ohio m. Oct 6, 1894, J.L. Bachman in Hillsboro, Ohio
Sandoe, Dora O., of Columbus Ohio turned 25 on Oct 6, 1894 the day she got married
Sandoe, H.H., of Hillsboro, Rev., father of Dora O. Sandoe, of Columbus Ohio he married her on Oct 6, 1894
Cemetery information found at:   http://dickbrowning.tripod.com/greenlawndata/b.txt
Bachman, Dora Sandoe (Cremains) 10/06/1869 - 01/01/1930 Sandoe, Henry H.
Bachman, Jacob Leo (Cremains) 10/11/1861 - 07/07/1920 Bachman, Jacob
The following was found on the internet "The Law Student's Helper, Vol. 1, No. 6, p. 140, June 1893"

DORA O. SANDOE - Miss Sandoe is a native of Ohio, having been born in the city of Tiffin, October 6, 1869.  Her father was a preacher.  After leaving the public schools, she took a two years' course in the Collegiate Institute at Pleasantville, Ohio, followed by one year at Curry University, Pittsburgh.  Her education was chiefly in normal work.  She taught school one year in Butler County, Pennsylvania, and three in Mt. Carmel, Pennsylvania.  She received one term of schooling at Ada, Ohio, and is a graduate of Indianapolis School of Elocution.  She says she can not remember the time when she did not cherish an ambition of some day entering the profession of the law; and, after many obstacles had been overcome, began reading law privately, in the winter of '90-'91 and entered the State University at Columbus, Ohio in October 1891.  She has been admitted to the bar and has already made her first appearance in court.  Her intention, as expressed, is first to gain the experience incidental to a general practice, and then gradually devote herself to that branch of the law, which attracts her most.  THE COLLECTOR has had some difficulty in prevailing upon Miss Sandoe to furnish her portrait, which the readers of the THE COLLECTOR have the pleasure of looking upon, inasmuch as she, to use her own words, "disapproves of the Lydia Pinkham manner of advertising."   (According to the photo she was quite lovely.)
Submitted by publication by Mark Kitrick for the CBA Bar BriefsCHAPTER SIX: SKETCHES OF INFLUENTIAL WOMEN OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, Part Two
(a search of "dora sandoe" on the Internet will bring up the site that this bio was on)

Dora Sandoe Bachman was the first woman to graduate from a law school in Ohio, and the seventh woman admitted to the bar of this state. The firm of Bachman and Bachman was formed at the same time as his marriage to Miss Dora Sandoe in 1894, Mrs. Bachman having received her degree of LL. B. from Ohio State University the previous year. Mrs. Bachman was born at Tiffin, Ohio, but received most of her girlhood schooling at and near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She returned to Ohio to attend Ada Normal School and after teaching in Pennsylvania came to Columbus to attend Ohio State University. Mrs. Bachman was widely known in suffrage work and held offices in city, county and state organizations. In 1912 she was a representative at the Women's Suffrage Congress at Washington, District of Columbia. She was elected to the Columbus School Board in 1908 on an independent ticket, where she served for eight years. She was the first woman to be chosen to that body and the first woman to hold the office of president of that organization. Mrs. Bachman held various offices in the League of Women Voters and was honored in 1929 by being made a life member of the National Parent-Teachers Association. During the World War Mrs. Bachman was in complete charge of the Social Hygiene work in the Columbus district. She was recognized as an expert in legal matters of a domestic nature and was a candidate in 1928 for judge of the Court of Domestic Relations. In her connections with the Agricultural Extension Department of Ohio State University, she was a frequent speaker on the department's programs. She was a member of Kappa Beta Phi sorority and The Altrurian Club. After her husband's death, Mrs. Bachman carried on the firm of Bachman & Bachman alone until June of 1929 when their son, Robert E. Bachman, was admitted to the bar and joined her. She continued as senior member of the firm until her death in 1930. Young Mr. Bachman is still continuing in the firm name. Another son, Richard Sandoe Bachman, born April 25, 1912, survives, and is at the present time attending Ohio State University. He is a graduate of North High School. Mr. Robert E. Bachman was married in 1929 to Miss Gale Mary Roof, daughter of Charles and Cora (Gale) Roof. Mrs. Bachman is a granddaughter of the Hon. John T. Gale, a sketch of whom appears in this history. Mr. Bachman is a member of the Young Lawyers Club and Gamma Eta Gamma fraternity. He is a graduate of East High School and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Ohio State University in 1926, and his law degree from the same school in 1929.
Dee Nevin SANDOE
16 Mar 1882
Baltimore, Ohio
FamilyCentral Network
Henry H. Sandoe - Blocked

Henry H. Sandoe was born at Schuylkill Co., Pennsylvania 27 Dec 1841. His parents were William B. Sandoe and Nancy Allvord.

He married Blocked 18 Jun 1868 at MI .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Lydorah O. "Dora" Sandoe born 6 Oct 1869.
Dee Nevin Sandoe born 16 Mar 1882.