25 Jan 1786
Potter Twp, Centre, Pennsylvania
30 Jun 1872
Pike, Clearfield, Pennsylvania
                   Albert Y Straw Genealogies (1931)  B also listed as Potter twp., Centre Pa
Some Genealogies and
       Family Records, Clearfield, Republican Press, by Straw, pg 151, 153 - Other information in this
       book:  "A well known and respected hunter and pioneer in Clearfield Co. His relationship with
       the local Indian Tribes was probably established during his first winter of their settlement, see
       recount under William Bloom, Sr.   John would go hunting with the Indians sometimes for
       several months at a time.   His muzzle loading rifle was handed down to his youngest son, John I.
This individual was found on GenCircles at:
Following information is from a book titled, "Some Genealogies and Family Records"   Albert Straw, pg. 151-152:

"The family of John and Susannah (High) Bloom follows:  Mary, born September 22, 1806, died November 7, 1876, married Thomas Spackman, died November 7, 1876; Effie, born July 17, 1809, died August 1900, married Peter Mayes; Catherine, born February 22, 1811, died December 1, 1859, never married; Alsam H., born May 30, 1813, died December 1, 1864, married Anna E. Kyler; Matthew, born May 12, 1816, died June 18, 1900, married, 1st Sarah Polhanus, 2nd Mary Buckholder; Margaret, born August 23, 1818, died December 25, 1886, married George Robins; George, born March 2, 1821, deid February, 1905, married, 1st Hannah Carson, 2nd Jane Reprogle; David, born May 13, 1823, died October 5, 1897, married Mary Sloss; Sophia, born April 8, 1826, died December 21, 1905, married 1st __________ Hoover, 2nd James Leech; Abigail, born July 12, 1828, died April 1918, married John B. Garrison; John I., born March 22, 1831, died 1916, married Mary Frantz."

"John Bloom, the pioneer ... was a large, powerfully built man, and a great hunter, an especial favorite of the Indians, with whom he would often go hunting for months at a time.  There were several tribes of them who roamed over Clearfield and other counties when John Bloom was a young man.  Many legendary adverntures full of thrills are yet related by his descendants that would make very interesting reading, but space will not permit.  After his marriage he purchased a section of land which included what is known as the John I. Bloom farm and the land which is included in the village of Bloomington, portions of which are yet occupied by his grandsons.  The family of his oldest daugther Mary, who married Thomas Spackman were two sons, William S. and Richard S.  William S. Spackman taught school for a time, later engaging in mechantile business with Ex-sherif, Edgar L. McCloskey.  He married a Miss Irwin and had one daughter.  He has been dead for many years.  Richard S. Spackman follwed farming most of his life.  He becameowner of the homestead of his father, Thomas Spackman, near Pine Grove, Lawrence Township, where he resided until a few years before his death, when he sold it to Con W. Spackman and moved to Curwensville where he died in 1917.  He married Amanda, daughter of John and Mary Ann Jordan ... they had no children. Effie, second daughter of John Bloom, who married Peter Mays, had the following family:  Isaac, Moses, George B., born 1839, Price, Mary, David, John, Hannah, born 1848, James.  The Mays family will be considered under another chapter."   (That is all of the photocopy)
McClure Cemeter Index
Bloom, John b. 1786 d. 30 Jun 1872
Susannah HIGH
27 Jun 1788
26 May 1874
22 Sep 1806
7 Nov 1876
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
17 Jul 1809
Aug 1900
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
Catherine BLOOM
22 Feb 1811
1 Dec 1859
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
30 May 1813
Curwensville, Clearfield, Pennsylvania
1 Dec 1864
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
12 May 1816
Pike Twp, Clearfield, Pennsylvania
18 Jun 1900
Clearfield, Clearfield, Pennsylvania
Abt 1876
                   Indivudal found October 2002 from his descendant Tim Daugherty at
23 Aug 1818
25 Dec 1886
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
2 Mar 1821
Feb 1905
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
Marriage date found Jan 2003 in the book "Marriage Records of Clearfield County, Pa." - unknown publisher or author
13 May 1823
5 Oct 1897
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
8 Apr 1826
21 Dec 1905
12 Jul 1828
Apr 1918
                   Individual found Jan 2003 on
Marriage date found Jan 2003 in the book "Marriage Records of Clearfield County, Pa." - unknown publisher or author
22 Mar 1831
25 Nov 1916
Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania
22 Aug 1854
Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania 
                   Clearfield Progress Tuesday, 28 Nov 1916, pg 4:
The funeral of John I. Bloom was held from his late home yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends, interment of the body was made in Bloomington cemetery.
Clearfield Progress Monday, 27 Nov 1916:
John I. Bloom, who had the distinction of being the eldest male of that name residing in Pike Township, if not in the county, and was highly esteemed by both relatives and friends, passed away at an early hour Saturday morning at his home near Bloomington, after an illness covering a period of several weeks, although he had been gradually failing in health since his return from the hospital, where he had gone for treatment, half a year ago.  Mr. Bloom, the deceased, was a son of John Bloom, and was born March 22nd 1831, and a grandson of William Bloom, who was one of the founders of this great family in this county by that name.  John I. Bloom, in boyhood days, attended a school at the "cross roads" which was located near the Price farm, the building having been constructed of logs and had very primitive accommodations.  Later he attended the Bloomington school for three winter terms.  After that he assisted his father and brothers to clear off the land and cultivate the soil.  Being the youngest son, he remained at home after his elder brothers had left the parental wing and founded homes of their own.  After his father had reached an age by which labor became a burden to him, the son assumed the management of the farm, and it was at thsi time when the present comfortable buildings replaced the old and original.  He always followed agriculture pursuits, during his whole life, with the exception of three years, two of which he was engaged in conducting the Susquehanna house - 1878-1879 - and one year he resided on Irvin Hill enjoying private life. During the progress of the civil war he was twice drafted, but each time was refused on account of physical disability.  On August 22, 1854, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Frantz (who survives him) a daugther of George and Eliza (Taylor) Frantz, a Clarion county lady.  Ten children was the fruit of this union, namely: J. Showers, Jefferson, Eliza, Alice, Blake, Lucy, Frank, Annie, Howard and Willard.  From this family of children eminated 14 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren.  During all the years of Mr. Bloom's long life he was a democrat of the old Jacksonian school and for sixteen years served his district as constable, performing his duty with fidelity and trust.  He was elected to and served in many other offices in the gift of the people of the township.  For many years he had been a consistant member of the Presbyterian church of Curwensville.  Mr. Bloom was a kind father and a faithful husband, and living the clean and untarnished life that he did, had the friendship and respect of his whole neighborhood.  He was very entertaining talker and told the writer many incidents happening in the early day some of which will be produced in The Progress at some future time.  At this writing, Sunday, the day and hour of the funeral could not be ascertained, as the family were waiting to receive word from a daughter who resides in Colorado.
Some Genealogies and Family Records by Albert Straw, pg 169:

JOHN I BLOOM, the youngest son and eleventh child of John and Susannah (High) Bloom, resided on a portion of his father's original purchase of which he became owner, until his death in 1916, and which is at present owned by  his son, Blake W.  In 1853 he married Mary Frantz, who died in 1925, aged eighty-seven years, seven months and eight days.  John I Bloom was one of Pike Township's most dependable citizens, honored and respected by all who knew him, and raised a family of six sons and four daughters who have all followed his exemplary leadership.  His family were: Showers, born December 11, 1855; Jefferson, born July 26, 1857, Eliza, born June 8, 1861; Alice, born November 17, 1864; Blake W., born June 8, 1866; Frank born March 30, 1872; Lucy born March 29, 1870; Annie born March 9, 1876; Howard, born August 2, 1878, and Willard, born November 21, 1881.
Individual found on the 1900 Census for Pike, Clearfield Co., PA, dated 29 Jun 1900, sheet A-12, ED #94:
1) Bloom, John I., head, born Mar 1831, age 69, married 45 years, born PA, parents born PA, Occp: Farmer
2) Bloom, Mary M., wife, born May 1838, age 62, married 45 years, bore 10 children, 9 living, parents born PA
3) Bloom, Howard M., son, born Aug 1878, age 21
4) Bloom, Willard, son, born Nov 1881, age 18
Individual found on the 1870 Census for Pike, Clearfield Co, PA, dated 11 Jun 1870, page 22:
1) Bloom, John I., age 40, Occp: Farmer, Pers Prop value $700, born PA
2) Bloom, Mary A., age 32, born PA
3) Bloom, Joseph S., age 15
4) Bloom, Thomas J., age 13
5) Bloom, Eliza, age 10
6) Bloom, Alice, age 6
7) Bloom, Blake, age 4
8) Bloom, Lucy, age 2/12 (two months)
Individual found on the 1860 Census for Pike, Clearfield Co, PA, dated 1 Sep 1860, page 275:
1) Bloom, John I., age 29, Occp: Farmer, Real Estate value $2000, pers prop value $1000, born PA
2) Bloom, Emily, age 22, born PA
3) Bloom, Showers, age 4
4) Bloom, Jefferson, age 3

next  household:

1) Bloom, John, Sr., age 75, occp: Farmer, born New Jersey
2) Bloom, Susanna, age 73, born PA
3) Hoover, Cornelia, age 12, born PA
Individual found Jan 2003 on
FamilyCentral Network
John Bloom - Susannah High

John Bloom was born at Potter Twp, Centre, Pennsylvania 25 Jan 1786. His parents were Wilhelm Blum and Mary Mettler.

He married Susannah High 1805 . Susannah High was born at 27 Jun 1788 .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Mary Bloom born 22 Sep 1806.
Effie Bloom born 17 Jul 1809.
Catherine Bloom born 22 Feb 1811.
Abram High Bloom born 30 May 1813.
Matthew Bloom born 12 May 1816.
Margaret Bloom born 23 Aug 1818.
George Bloom born 2 Mar 1821.
David Bloom born 13 May 1823.
Sophia Bloom born 8 Apr 1826.
Abigail Bloom born 12 Jul 1828.
John I. Bloom born 22 Mar 1831.

John Bloom died 30 Jun 1872 at Pike, Clearfield, Pennsylvania .

Susannah High died 26 May 1874 .