20 Jan 1843
Pike, Clearfield, Pennsylvani
                   Clearfield Progress 21 Jan 1925, pg 7
CURWENSVILLE - Yesterday, Enos Bloom, one of the few old members of Company K, Old Bucktails yet living, celebrated his 82d birthday anniversary at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Dr. Erhard.  He was born on January 20th, 1843, on what is now known as the Bloom-Dotts farm, near Bloomington, Pike Township.  His father was Wm. A. Bloom and his mother Nettie Rheams from Osceola section.  His grandfather was Abram Bloom whose father in turn settled on a piece of ground now known as the Pee-Wees Nest.  William Bloom, the father of Enos, was born October 1817 and for many years resided in Knox township.  Enose was married to a Miss Erhard, a daughter of one of the pioneer settlers in and around New Millport, she now being about 78 years of age.  This worthy old couple are yet hale and hearty, spending the winter months in Curwensville and the summer months in their commodious home in New Millport.  They have one daughter in their old age, Mrs. Dr. Parks, who makes her home with them.  In the Dr. Erhard home there are four generations living at present, Mrs. And Mrs. Enos Bloom, Mrs. Dr. Parks, their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Erhard, a granddaughter, and her children.  Mr. Bloom is an old time raftsman and lumberman as well as a hunter of note during his early life.  Although his will to follow the wild deer is as strong as ever, his physical condition does not permit him to roam the forest as in days of yore, when it was not much of a trick to slay a dozen or more deer in a weeks time.  Mr. Bloom has always been a Democrat and some years ago ran for office of sheriff but was defeated by his party by a ______ majority.  Had he not been betrayed at the last moment by some of his supposed friends he would have been elected as easily as a woodchuck diving in his hole.  May he and his worthy wife live to pass any more pleasant birthdays such as was enjoyed by them yesterday.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Enos Bloom - Erhard

Enos Bloom was born at Pike, Clearfield, Pennsylvani 20 Jan 1843. His parents were William A. Bloom and Lydia Nettie Reams.

He married Erhard .