
                   Service number 13084491 rank of corporal residence was Sacramento, California
Veteran of WWII
Was shot and killed during the Korean War on 1 Jan 1951
Clearfield Progress 26 Mar 1952, pg 1:

CASUALTY OF KOREAN CONFLICT TO BE BURIED - Cpl. George B. Lansberry, 29-year-old Mineral Springs soldier killed in the Korean action in Jul 1951, will be buried with military rites from the Woodland Methodist Church Friday afternoon, March 28.  The body of the young infantryman was returned to this country March 15, aboard the Winthrop Victory.  The funeral services will be held from the church at 2 p.m. with Rev. David Reams officiating.  The Clearfield American Legion and VFW Posts and Military Police Unit of the Organized Reserves will be in charge of military honors at the graveside at Bradford Cemetery.  Friends may call at the Leavy Funeral Home Thursday afternoon and evening and at the church from noon Friday until time of the services.  Cpl. Lansberry was born in Mineral Springs July 16, 1922 the son of David and the late Mrs. Blanche Lansberry.  He served in the South Pacific during World War II from 1942 to 1945 and was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action.  He re-enlisted in the service in July, 1947, and was serving with Co. A of the 19th Regiment of the 24th Infantry Division when he was killed.  He had been reported missing in action July 25, but later this classification was changed to killed in action.  Surviving him are: his widow, Mrs. Erma Parks Lansberry and a nine-year-old son, David, of 509 Nichols street; his father, David Lansberry of Mineral Springs; and the following brothers and sisters:  Mrs. Margaret Hull and Mrs. Pauline Straw, both of California; Earl Lansberry, Clearfield; Mrs. Alice Peters, and Ray Lansberry of Beaver Falls; Marle Lansberry, Pittsburgh; Clair Lansberry, Mineral Springs, Mrs. Erma Shimmel, Philipsburg, T/Sgt. Robert Lansberry, U.S. Air Force; Sfc. Albert Lansberry, U.S. Army stationed in Germany; and David Lee Lansberry, Mineral Springs.
Clearfield Progress 16 Mar 1952, pg 1 and 2:
Body of Clearfield Soldier Being Returned for Burial - The U.S. Defense Department announced today that the body of Corporal George B. Lansberry, 27, of Clearfield arrived aboard the Winthrop Victory at San Francisco Calif., yesterday enroute home for interment.  Cpl. Lansberry, husband of Mrs. Erma L. Lansberry of Nichols street and son of David Lansberry of Bradford township was killed in action in Korea early in 1951.  The family was notified recently that Cpl. Lansberry's classification had been changed from missing in action to killed in action.  A veteran of World War Ii, he enlisted and had served in Korea since July 1905.  He was a member of the 24th Infanty Division.  His body was one of 133 Americans killed in Korea being returned for interment in this country.
Clearfield Progress 19 Dec 1951, pg 3:
Army Cpl. George B. Lansberry, 27, of Mineral Springs, son of David Lansberry and the father of one child, has been missing since January 1, 1951.
Clearfield Progress 27 Jan 1951, pg 1:
Mineral Springs Corporal Listed Missing in Action - MINERAL SPRINGS - Corporal George B. Lansberry, 27, of Mineral Springs is listed as missing in action in Korea, the, the Defense Department has notified his wife at their home here.  The telegram from the Defense Department gave no details except that Corporal Lansberry has been missing since January 1.  mrs. Lansberry said that she last heard from her husband last October.  A veteran of World War II, Corporal Lansberry re-enlisted at the close of the first service period and had been in Korea since last July.  He was a member of Company A, 19th Infantry Regiment.  He is the father of one son, aged nine, and has two brothers also serving in the army, Robert, stationed in Hawaii, and Albert in Germany.  His father, David Lansberry lives in Mineral Springs.
Clearfield Progress 22 Jun 1944, pg 7
The infantry combat expert pin has been awarded to Pfc. George Lansberry, according to recent word received fromhim by his father in Mineral Springs.  Pfc. Lansberry is serving overseas somwhere in the South Pacific.  He has three brothers who are serving in the  Armed Foreces.  Sgt. Robert C. Lansberry arrived home yesterday morning to spend a 22-day leave with his friends and relatives after having been stationed for some time in England.  He holds the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters and the Distinguished Service Flying Cross for extraordinary action in aerial mission over enemy occupied Europe.   The other two brothers Marl Lansberry Mo. M.M. 3/c and Clair Lansberry S2c are both on active duty with the U.S. Navy.  All four boys are sons of Mr. David Lansberry of Mineral Springs.
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