Dec 1590
St Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
18 Sep 1677
Chateau Richer, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada
User Submitted
Sainte (Xainte) DUPONT
Saint Jean, de Mortagne, France
Saint Jean, Mortagne, Paris, France
14 Jul 1680
Chateau-Richer, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada
14 Jul 1680
La Visitation, Notre-Dame, Chateau-Richer, Quebec, Canada
                   	1  NAME Xainte /Dupont/
	2  SURN Dupont
	2  GIVN Xainte
	2  STAT Dead
	1  NAME Sainte/Xainte /Dupont/
	2  GIVN Sainte/Xainte
	2  SURN Dupont
	1  NAME Sainte /Dupont/
	2  GIVN Sainte
	2  SURN Dupont
	1  PLAC Mortagne, Perche, France
	1  NAME /Lermusier/

age 97 years

age 72 years

age 70 years

from Mortagne, Perche.

REFN: 1287

Person Source

   from fhc fiche 6016466-6016495

"about 97 when she died"

REFN: 990

REFN: 990

10th Great Grandmother of Alan Lamoureux

*Listed as 70 yrs old in 1666 census; 72 yrs old in 1667 census; and 97 yrs old at her death.

Sources: Other : TANGUAY: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: v. 1, p.132
16 Aug 1617
St Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
3 Feb 1708
Chateau-Richer, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada
29 Mar 1648
St-Barthelemi, La Rochelle, Ch 
                   	1  NAME Zacharie /CLOUTIER/
	2  GIVN Zacharie
	2  NPFX <12>
	2  STAT Dead
	1  GIVN Zacharie
	1  SURN Cloutier
	1  NAME Zacharie /Cloutier/
	2  SURN Cloutier
	2  GIVN Zacharie
	1  PLAC St Jean,Mortagne,Orne,France

9th Great Grandfather of Alan Lamoureux

Sources: Other : TANGUAY: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: v. 1, p. 20 Other : TANGUAY: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: v. 1, p.132 Other : JETTE: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: p. 260




age 77 years (Ch

age 76 years (Ch


Zacharie CLOUTIER was a carpenter(DGFQ Jette, Rene, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec des Origines a 1730 (Montreal, Quebec, Canada: University of Montreal Press, 1983), page 259.). He was baptised on 16 August 1617 St.Jean,Montagne, Sees(ibid.). He married Madeleine EMARD, daughter of Jean (Aymard) ESMARD and Marie BINEAU, on 4 April 1648 St.Barthelemi, Larochelle, Aunis(ibid.). He was enumerated in the census in 1666 Beaupre, (Chateau-Richer), Quebec(ibid.).

They had eight children.

at recs. 66, 67 and 81, in Beaupre; commis de la Communaute des habitants in 1648; carpenter.

Arrived in New France 6 APR 1634 was in Beauport in 1666&1667 "Commis de la Communaute des Habitants en 1648"

REFN: 78

10th Great Grandfather of Alan Lamoureux

Sources: Other : TANGUAY: Dictionaire Gen. des Fam. du Quebec: v. 1, p.132


in Beaupre 1666& 1667 "engage in Mortagne by Robert Giggard 14 MAR 1634" "concession de l'arriere-fief de LaCloutiererie dans Beauport 14 MAR 1634... ...vendu a Nicolas DUPONT 20 DEC 1670"

BIOGRAPHY: from St Jean de Mortagne, Perche

Zacharie Cloutier married Xainte (Sainte) DuPont, widow of Michel Lermusier, in Mortagne, Pershe, France in St Jean Parish in 1613.  In 1634, Robert Gifford began gathering people from the area of Perche for colonizing New France and in particular Beauport in the Quebec Province where he was Seigneur. He made an agreement with Zacharie Cloutier and Jean Guyon de Bussion Senior to go with to New France and in return they would receive a grant of arriere-fief at Beauport, New France. Each man took one son to help clear the land and do the other work involved in settling in a new land. The agreement was signed on March 14, 1634.  Zacharie, Xainte and five children arrived from France on August 8, 1634. The children were: Zacharie; Jean; Charles; Anne and Louise. They lived at Gifford Manor until they had built their own home. Zacharie received full possession of his land on February 3, 1637. Apparently the Cloutiers were energetic workers putting inlong hours each day. Zacharie and his family remained at Beauport until he sold the land on December 20, 1670 to Nicolas Dupont. Zacharie had received a land grant on July 15, 1652 at Chateau Richer in the Quebec Province from Governor DeLauson. He became established at Chateau Richer and remained there with his family. Zacharie was buried at Chateau Richer on September 17, 1677. Xainte was buried there on July 14, 1680. - ---------------------------------------------------

REFN: 1286

Le 26 mars 1634, Zacharie, un maitre charpentier, et Jean Guyon, un maitre macon, allerent travailler au Canada d'apres un contrat ecrit par lenotaire Mathurin Roussel. Quand Zacharie a signe son engagement pour aller en Nouvelle-France, ildevait n'etre accompagne que par un de ses fils. Maisquand il s'embarqua a Dieppe au debut d'avril 1634, on le trouve accompagne deson epouse et leurs 5 enfants, 3 garcons et 2 filles. Au debut de juin, aQuottille des Cent-Associes sont recus parChamplain. Aussitot arrives, Zacharie Cloutier et Jean Guyon commencerent laconstruction du manoir de Robert Giffard. Mais Zacharie ne s'entendait pas avec leseigneur, refusant meme de rendre foi et h

On March 16 1634, Zacharie & Jean Guyon agreed to go and work in Canada, in a contract drawn up by notary Mathurin Roussel.  The former was a master carpenter and the latter a master mason, two essential trades in a new country. When Zacharie signed his engagement to leave for New France, he was to be accompanies by only one of his sons.  But, when he did embark at Dieppe at the beginning of April 1634, we find him accompanied by his wife and their five children:  three boysand two girls.   At Quebec, in early June, the four ships which made up the flotilla of the "Cent-Associes", were welcomed by Samuel de Champlain.  As soon as they had arrived, Zacharie Cloutier and Jean Guyon set about to work on the construction of Giffard's manor.  But the former did not get along with the seigneur, even refusing to render "faith and hommage" to Giffard, as was the custom, for his fief (la cloutiererie) that had been granted to him in the weks preceding hi

Le 26 mars 1634, Zacharie, un maitre charpentier, et Jean Guyon, un maitre macon, allerent travailler au Canada d'apres un contrat ecrit par lenotaire Mathurin Roussel. Quand Zacharie a signe son engagement pour aller en Nouvelle-France, ildevait n'etre accompagne que par un de ses fils. Maisquand il s'embarqua a Dieppe au debut d'avril 1634, on le trouve accompagne deson epouse et leurs 5 enfants, 3 garcons et 2 filles. Au debut de juin, aQuebec, les 4 bateaux formant la flottille des Cent-Associes sont recus parChamplain. Aussitot arrives, Zacharie Cloutier et Jean Guyon commencerent laconstruction du manoir de Robert Giffard. Mais Zacharie ne s'entendait pas avec leseigneur, refusant meme de rendre foi et h

Le 26 mars 1634, Zacharie, un maitre charpentier, et Jean Guyon, un maitre macon, allerent travailler au Canada d'apres un contrat ecrit par lenotaire Mathurin Roussel. Quand Zacharie a signe son engagement pour aller en Nouvelle-France, ildevait n'etre accompagne que par un de ses fils. Maisquand il s'embarqua a Dieppe au debut d'avril 1634, on le trouve accompagne deson epouse et leurs 5 enfants, 3 garcons et 2 filles. Au debut de juin, aQuebec, les 4 bateaux formant la flottille des Cent-Associes sont recus parChamplain. Aussitot arrives, Zacharie Cloutier et Jean Guyon commencerent laconstruction du manoir de Robert Giffard. Mais Zacharie ne s'entendait pas avec leseigneur, refusant meme de rendre foi et h

engaged 14 Mar 1634 Mortagne by Robert Giffard to come to Canada.

par Robert Giffard

concession de l'arri

engaged  in Mortagne Mar. 14, 1634 by Robert Giffard; given the arriere-fief LaCloutiererie in Beauport.

This marriage produced 6 children.

Person Source

Zacharie Cloutier (born 1590) married Xainte Dupont (born 1596) at St. Jean parish in Mortagne, Perche, France on July 18, 1616. He was the son of Denis Cloutier and Renee Briere. She was the widow of Michel Lermusier, her parents are unknown.  Zacharie and Xainte had five children before leaving France in 1634. Zacharie was a master carpenter and, as in the case of Jean Guyon, his contract stipulated that he would receive a tract of land.  He took possession of his land on the banks of Rivière du Buisson on the same day as Jean Guyon. The documents recording these takeovers are dated February 3, 1637 and reportedly both still exist in the Archives of Quebec Province.  They received their land from the seignior Giffard with whom they had the contract. Giffard seemed to have a lot of problems with the people with whom he contracted. Zacharie Cloutier disputed the amount of land that he received. Almost all the settlers disputed the ownership of hay in the meadowlands. It seems that in the neighboring seigniory of Beaupré, the seignior was sharing hay in common with his tenants while Giffard did not.  Zacharie Cloutier moved from his home (which was now called 'La Clouterie') in Be

REFN: 7070

   BIOGRAPHY: from St Jean de Mortagne, Perche

REFN: 979

REFN: 979
FamilyCentral Network
Zacharie Cloutier - Sainte (Xainte) Dupont

Zacharie Cloutier was born at St Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France Dec 1590. His parents were Denis Cloutier and Renee Briere.

He married Sainte (Xainte) Dupont . Sainte (Xainte) Dupont was born at Saint Jean, de Mortagne, France 1596 daughter of Paul Michel Dupont and Mrs Perrine Dupont .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Zacharie Cloutier born 16 Aug 1617.

Sainte (Xainte) Dupont died 14 Jul 1680 at Chateau-Richer, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada .