
User Submitted
William COX
Abt 1691
New Castle, Delaware
20 Jan 1767
Orange, North Carolina
                   LOUISE THIESSEN, "KENWORTHYS MARRY", PG 163; Prior to moving to NC, William
     lived in New Castle Co., DE, at Hockessin near the PA line. Part of his farm
may have been in PA. The house where he lived, and perhaps buit, is standing
today.  His initials remain carved in the main room of the original house
(W.C.C. 1726)
     The first mention of our William Cox is the Quaker records when his son,
John, was born 25 APR 1728 at Hockessin. It seems that William was the only one
who stayed close to the DE River. The other moved a few miles further inland to
the New Garden area of PA. Records show that that meetings for the Quaker
Church were held at his house as early as 1730.  We found no mention of the
death of his wife Catherine, but we believe it to be between 1744 and 1749 when
William had difficulties with the meeting. He was disowned and is not mentioned
again until 1757 when he makes an acknowledgement, "hoping for a prosperous
future through Divine assistance and to be more careful".
     William went to Cane Creek MM about 1758. His son John and his wife were the
last of his family to move to Cane Creek MM in NC in 1755.  His daughter was
the only child to stay in PA.
     Will of William Cox:  In the name of God Amen, I William Cox of Orange Co.,
in the province of NC, being sick in Body but in perfect senses, praised be
God, do make this my last will and testament. Imprimis, I give to my son,
HARMON COX, that whole tract of land, on the east side of Deep River, whereon,
he now lives, to him and his heirs forever. Item 1 - I give to my son, WILLIAM
COX, that whole tract of land called the Therehill or Thitherhill on the west
side of Deep River to him and his heirs forever.  Item 2 - I give to my son,
JOHN COX, part of the tract of land I now live on. Beginning for the division,
between him and my son, THOMAS, (legal property description) ... as also that
whole tract of land lying in the Mill Creek containing 225 acres above William
McFarson's land, both which pieces of land I give unto my said son JOHN to him
and his heirs forever.  Item 3 - I give to my son, SOLOMON COX, that whole
tract of land lying on little Brush Creek, where Benjamin's .. William formerly
lived, where my son, SOLOMON, now lives, to him and his heirs forever.  Item 4
- I give to my son THOMAS COX "The Miller" the remaining part of the aforesaid
tract of land, that I now live on. Divided from my son, JOHN, by a west line
from the sycamore as aforesaid, having the lower end including mills and
improvements there, and as also, 180 acres out of the tract my brothers
formerly lived. (property description) ... to him and his heirs forever.  Item
5 - I give to my 5 sons, HARMON, WILLIAM, JOHN, SOLOMON and THOMAS 2/10 of the
land, mines and tools equally divided, bying on Crawfords road on the round
mountain to them and their heirs forever.  Item 6 - I leave to my daughter
REBECCA DIXON in PA, 5 shillings sterling.  Item 7 - I leave to my daughter
MARY LINDLEY, wife to JAMES LINDLEY, 5 shillings sterling.  Item 8 - I leave
the living stock as they now are with those that has them a keeping.  Item 9 -
I leaving my daughter, MARTHA FERRELL, wife of WILLIAM FERRELL 3 pounds.  Item
10 - I leave my daughter, MARJORY NICHOLAS, wife of ISAAC NICHOLAS, 3 pounds.
Item 11 - I leave my daughter, CATHERINE HUNT, wife of ELEAZOR HUNT, 3 pounds.
Item 12 - I leave each of my 5 sons: HARMON, WILLIAM, JOHN, SOLOMON and THOMAS,
3 pounds each.  Item 13 - I leave the rest of my Estate, both real and personal
in this province or elsewhere, lands, goods and other effects after the payment
of my just debts, to the disposal of my executors and I do appoint my trusty
and well beloved son and cousin, WILLIAM COX and ISAAC COX, my sole executors
of this my last will and testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this 20 day of the first month 1767. Sealed, and Declard and
published by the within named WILLIAM COX for his last will and testament in
the presence of us. JOHN COX, WILLIAM MOFFITT and JOHN ALLEN.
    Proved at the Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter sessions on the 2nd Tuesday
in FEB, 1767
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