25 Aug 1756
Augusta, Virginia
18 Jun 1843
Fayette, Illinois
7 Aug 1784
of District 96, Newberry, South Carolina
Some Pioneer Delaware Families, by Donald Odell Virdin, (FHL#929.273 V8166)
Probate Records of Fayette Co.,Illinois
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
Marriage Records of Warren Co.,Kentucky
Marriage Records of Newberry Co.,South Carolina
Land Records Of Newberry Co.,South Carolina
Land Records of Warren Co.,Kentuckey
Revolutionary War Pension Files
1820 Census Warren Co.,Kentucky
1840 Census Fayette Co.,Illinois
1790 Census Newberry Co.,South Carolina
1810 Census Newberry County,South Carolina
Internet IGI, Aug 2009
New.familysearch.org, Aug 2009
New.familysearch.org, Aug 2011
                   From Kent Haldorson:

James Virden and a brother, John Virden, are listed in the 1790 census of Newberry County, South Carolina.  James Virden served for 15 months (from June 1777 until September 1778) in the Revolutionary War.  He filed a pension application for that War from South Carolina in1790, No. W-22485.  He also filed a claim for a pension from Missouriin 1827, stasting that he had never filed a claim before.  However the Missouri claim indicates that it is an Original Claim.  In the claim filed from Missouri he stated that 6 children were living, all outside the state of Missouri.  In fact, there were 7 children living when he filed the application, probably all living in Illinois.  After James Virden died, his widow, Sarah Virden, filed a claim for a widow pension in the State of Illinois.

On March 17, 1846, Levi Verden and Isaac Verden, son of Levi filed a claim for benefits for the suriving children of Sarah Verden, a pensioner.  The surving children listed were:  (1) Elizabeth Davis, and (2) Radford Verden of Montgomery County; (3) William Verden and (4) Jane Gordon of Christian County; (5 James Verden and (6) Charity Cisco of Shelby County; and (7) Levi Verden of Fayette County, all of Illinois.


"Declaration to be placed on the pension list under the act of the 18th of March 1818.  State of Missouri, County of Scott, S.S.: On the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and twenty-seven personally appeared in open court in the County Court for the said County of Scott, being a Court f Record, and State aforesaid, James Verden, a resident of said County aged seventy three years who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order t obtain the provisions made by the acts of Congress on the 18th of March 1818 and the 1st of May 1820.  That said James 
Verden enlisted as a private for the term of fifteen months on or about the first day of June A>D> 1777 in the State of South Carolina and Charlestown in the company commanded by Frank Boykin the second regiment of Riflemen commanded by Colonel William Thompson in the line of the State of South Carolina in the continental establishment, that he continued to serve in the said corps until on or about the first day of September A.D. 1778 during the full term of fifteen months from the said time of his enlistment when he was honorably discharged from the service in Charlestown in the State of South Carolina.  That he hereby relinquished every claim whatever to a pension except the present, that his name is not on the roll of any State except that made by this application, and that the following are the reasons for not making earlier applications for a pension.  I livedwhere I could obtain but little information and did not know what to do to obtain a pension, thinking it more trouble and expense to take the necessary steps to obtain the pension than it would be worth.  But the increased feebleness of my body and debility owing to my more advanced age making me less able to supprt myself by manual labour compels me to endeavour to obtain the pension.

And in pursuance of the Act of the 1st day of May 1820, I d solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale, or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with the intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act  of Congress entitled An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land or naval services of the United States in the Revolutionary War, assed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property, securities, contracts, or debts me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed by me subscribed consisting of one horse of the value of thirty dollars and two heifers each of the value of five dollars lately bought and not by me or yet paid for.   That since the 18th of March 1818 the following changes have taken place.  I then owned one horse of the value of forty dollars and three cows each of the value of ten dollars, and I swapped the horse for the horse I now have when a colt and fifteen dollars, and from necessity have lived on the money as far as it went.  One of the cows died, another I killed for meat for the use of myself and family, the other from necessity I sold to one James Matley for ten dollars in meat for the use of myself and family.  That I am by occupation a farmer and that from my advanced age and unable to persue it, that I have a wife and six children all of whom are married and do not reside in this State and are not in a situation to assist me

Sworn and subscribed to in  open Court on the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and twenty seven

					Signed  James Verdin His Mark

(Note:  The file shows that his pension of $8.0 per month began November 25, 1828, and he was sent $26.63 on March 4, 1829.  The file also shows that his widow, Sarah Verden, received a pension of $50.00 per year after his death.  He died June 19, 1843.
Abt 1768
South Carolina
30 Sep 1845
Fayette, Illinois
                   NAME:  Cater/Cato

From Kent Haldorson

Sarah (Carter) Virden in her aplicatiopn for a pension after the death of her husband, James Virden, attached to her file a page torn from her bible in which were listed the names and dates of birth of all the above children except James Vrden (November 8, 1787) and hugh Radford Virden (1807).

From Kent Haldorson:

James Virden and a brother, John Virden, are listed in the 1790 census of Newberry County, South Carolina.  James Virden served for 15 months (from June 1777 until September 1778) in the Revolutionary War.  He filed a pension application for that War from South Carolina in1790, No. W-22485.  He also filed a claim for a pension from Missouri in 1827, stating that he had never filed a claim before.  However the Missouri claim indicates that it is an Original Claim.  In the claim filed from Missouri he stated that 6 children were living, all outside the state of Missouri.  In fact, there were 7 children living when he filed the application, probably all living in Illinois.  After James Virden died, his widow, Sarah Virden, filed a claim for a widow pension in the State of Illinois.

On March 17, 1846, Levi Verden and Isaac Verden, son of Levi filed a claim for benefits for the suriving children of Sarah Verden, a pensioner.  The surving children listed were:  (1) Elizabeth Davis, and (2) Radford Verden of Montgomery County; (3) William Verden and (4) Jane Gordon of Christian County; (5 James Verden and (6) Charity Cisco of Shelby County; and (7) Levi Verden of Fayette County, all of Illinois.
4 Jul 1785
Newberry, South Carolina
Abt 1806
of South Carolina 
8 Nov 1787
Newberry, South Carolina
10 Jan 1859
Shelby, Illinois
South Carolina 
3 Nov 1789
Newberry, South Carolina
Abt 1810
of South Carolina 
                   Jane Virden (third child of James and Sarah (Cater) Virden) married John Gordon, probably in South Carolina or Kentucky, lived in Krntucky for awhile and then moved to Illinois between 1820 and 1825.   It is likely that they moved at the same time James Virden, her brother, moved to Illinois.  The 1830 Census showsa James Gordon with a wife and 5 sons and 2 daughters.  The 1840 Census shows Jane Gordon with 5 sons and 2 daughters.
28 Dec 1791
Newberry, South Carolina
Bef 1827
Warren, Kentucky 
23 Mar 1794
Newberry, South Carolina
7 Mar 1848
(Wd), Christian, Illinois
7 Mar 1816
Warren, Kentucky 
                   From Kent Haldorson:

William Virden (son of James and Sarah (Cater) Virden) was born in South Carolina, March 23, 1794.  He was in Illinois as early as 1815 and was listed in the 1820 Census of Bond County, Illinois, as was his brother, Levi Virden.  William Virden was also shown on the 1830 Census of Bond County, and on the 1840 Census of Christian Cunty, Illinois.  His will was dated March 7, 1848, naming his wife Nancy________Virden, four sons and seven daughters.  All of his children app[sarently were born in Illinois.
1/ 4 Apr 1796
Newberry, South Carolina
22 Sep 1875
Fayette, Illinois
30 Apr 1828
Shelby, Illinois 
Margaret VIRDEN
13 Jun 1798
South Carolina
Prior, Minnesota
Mary Merick VIRDEN
14 Oct 1800
South Carolina
5 May 1803
South Carolina
30 Nov 1853
Okaw, Shelby, Illinois
10 Jan 1822
Montgomery, Illinois 
Ann Cater VIRDEN
25 Sep 1805
South Carolina
Abt 1807
North Carolina
Bef 1880
Montgomery, Illinois
10 Apr 1828
South Carolina 
FamilyCentral Network
James Virden - Sarah Cater

James Virden was born at Augusta, Virginia 25 Aug 1756. His parents were Eugenior Virden and Jane .

He married Sarah Cater 7 Aug 1784 at of District 96, Newberry, South Carolina . Sarah Cater was born at South Carolina Abt 1768 .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Elizabeth Virden born 4 Jul 1785.
James Virden born 8 Nov 1787.
Jane Virden born 3 Nov 1789.
Sarah Virden born 28 Dec 1791.
William Virden born 23 Mar 1794.
Levi Virden born 1/ 4 Apr 1796.
Margaret Virden born 13 Jun 1798.
Mary Merick Virden born 14 Oct 1800.
Charity Cater Virden born 5 May 1803.
Ann Cater Virden born 25 Sep 1805.
Hugh Radford Virden born Abt 1807.

James Virden died 18 Jun 1843 at Fayette, Illinois .

Sarah Cater died 30 Sep 1845 at Fayette, Illinois .