William Henry LEE

Abt 1715
of Virginia
12 Sep 1796
Sampson, North Carolina
Abt 1743
of Westmorland, Virginia
Research Citations:
  • Family Tree
  • Sources:
    Ancestral File - Version 4.19
    Internet IGI, Apr 2009
    Pedigree Resource File
    Ancestry World Tree
                       *AKA Henry
    Elizabeth Ann WESBROOK
    Johnston, North Carolina
    Research Citations:
  • Family Tree
  • Sources:
    Ancestry World Tree
    Sampson, North Carolina
    20 Aug 1828
    Washington, Wilkes, Georgia
    Abt 1767
    of Virginia 
        A full copy of the will is included in the PAF notes.
        Some unsourced notes state that he first married a cousin from Virginia with whom he had Alexander, but later married Geain Lee with whom the rest of the children were born.  This has not yet been verified.
    Washington COUNTY  GA Wills  Sampson Lee
    File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lindy Hard"  
    Table of Contents page: http://www.usgwarchives.org/ga/washington.htm
    Georgia Table of Contents: http://www.usgwarchives.org/ga/gafiles.htm
    SAMPSON LEE   will  Washington Co GA 6 Aug 1828
    In the name of God, Amen.  This Sixth day of August in the year of our Lord 1828, I Sampson Lee of the State of Georgia & county of Washington , being weak in body, but of perfect mind an memory, & calling to Mind the morality [sic] of my body, & knowing that it is appointed unto men to die, Do Make & ordain This my last will & Testament.
    (i.e.) Principally & first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it me, & my body I recommend to the Earth from whence it came, to be buried in a desent [sic] & Christian like manner at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the might power of God, and as touching worldly goods, wherewith it hath pleased God to bestow on me in this life, after my Just debts & funeral expenses being first paid, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner & form, To Wit:....
    I give & bequeathe unto my Son Silas Lee one tract of land in the State of Ga. & County of Washington [Washington marked out] Early in the fifth district & No 72 Containing two hundred & fifty acres, to him and his heirs forever.
    I give & bequeathe unto my Grand Son Elam Zadoc Lee two hundred dollars to be received out of the property belonging to my Estate, to him & his heirs forever..... 
    I give & bequeathe unto my Son Elias Lee one Negro man by the name of Crumwell, & my large Bible to him & his heirs
    I give & bequeathe unto my son Elam Lee one Negro boy named Rolley for the use of himself & his heirs forever..........
    I loan unto my Son William Lee during his natural life one Negro man named Farmer & one Negro boy named Simon, also one Serviceable horse, two cows & calves & one feather bed & furniture, and after his death my will is that the property loaned unto my son William Lee, be equally divided between by sons Elias Lee & Elam Lee [part of page-bottom -gone but therewere other names written *note by Kate Lee Roberts 1959]
    I give & bequeathe unto my Daughter Temperance Daniel one Negro boy named Isaac & one Negro woman named Roesan & her increase to her & her children forever.........
    I give & bequeathe unto my son in law Eden Dudley one note of hand given to me by sd Dudley the 6th of April 1814 for Sixty Seven dollars & fifty cent, also one dollar in Cash, to him & his heirs forever.........
    I give & bequeathe unto my son in law Elam Dudley one dollar in cash to him & his heirs forever..............
    I give & bequeathe unto my Grand Daughter Nancy Daniel & her children  the daughter of Eden Dudley, one Negro girl
    named Candie & her increase, to her & her children forever......
    My will is that the ballance [sic] of the Negroes of my Estate not here disposed of, be sold or divided as the heirs my agree between the following persons to wit: Elias Lee, Elam Lee, my daughter Temperance Daniel  & the ballance [sic] of my perishable property between Elias Lee,Elam Lee, Tempy Daniel, & my Grand Daughter Nancy Daniel, the daughter of Eden Dudley, to them & their heirs forever........
    I give & bequeathe unto my son Elias Lee all the interest that has occurred or may occur on any note I have against
    him so that nothing be demanded but the principal.........
    I desire also that immediately after my death my Executors take into their care my son William  & his property & manage it for him in a way most suited to his advantage.........
    And I do hereby nominate & appoint my son Elias Lee, and my son in law Joseph Daniel, my sole Executors, to this my last will & Testament, & I do hereby utterly disallow, Revoke & Disannull all other & every other, form Testament, will or wills, by me before named, willed or bequeathed......... Ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my last will & Testament.......
    In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal, the day & year above written.    [*Note by Kate Lee Roberts 1959- Balance of page gone- There seems to have been a signature- Sampson Lee- but just upper part of name appears]
    Notes by Submitter, Lindy Lee Hard: Current location of the original will is unknown.  The typed copy was distributed by Kate Lee Roberts of Shreveport, LA in 1959 to Lee researchers  with the following note by Kate Lee Roberts. This is a true copy of Photostat as received by me Nov. 9th, 1959 from Mrs. J. W. Daniel, of 531 Virginia Drive, Orlando, Florida.. A note at top of first page says that Negative Photostats were obtained November 3 1959 by Haven Blueprint 1211 Illinois Ave, Orlando, Florida for Mrs J W Daniel.  I also have a copy of the letter written 22 Sept 1959 to Mr Joseph William Daniel of Orlando in which Mrs Roberts first inquired about the will. Recorded records which substantiate that this is the true will of Sampson Lee:
    1)Washington Co GA Letters of Administration Guardianship and Testamentary 1829-1871 Bk A, p1---6 Jan 1829 Will
    recorded; Elias Lee & Joseph Daniel apptd executors
    2)1825 Tax Digest Washington Co GA--250 acres Early Co Ga land included as part of Sampson Lee property
    3)Early Co GA Deed Bk E, p113-- 7 Nov 1836 Silas Lee sells 1/2 #72 5th dist
    4)Toombstone of Elias Lee in Private Lee Family Cemetery, formerly Early, now Clay Co GA  has son of Samson as
    part of its inscription
    5)Early Co GA Deed Bk G, p371--2 Dec 1848  The seven children of Elias Lee, who is now deceased, sign that they received of Elam Lee $300 coming to us from Joseph Daniel as Guardian of William Lee (Lunatic)  Lat of Washing [sic]County state of Georgia deceased it being one third part of said Estate
    Smithfield, Sampson, North Carolina
    Richard Henry LEE
    Smithfield, Sampson, North Carolina
    Westbrook LEE
    14 Dec 1759
    Sampson, North Carolina
    Kesiah LEE
    Sampson, North Carolina
    FamilyCentral Network
    William Henry Lee - Elizabeth Ann Wesbrook

    William Henry Lee was born at of Virginia Abt 1715. His parents were William Lee and Rebecca Burchet.

    He married Elizabeth Ann Wesbrook Abt 1743 at of Westmorland, Virginia . Elizabeth Ann Wesbrook was born at Johnston, North Carolina 1718 daughter of John Wesbrook and Alice Cate .

    They were the parents of 5 children:
    Sampson Lee born 1746.
    Noah Lee born 1754.
    Richard Henry Lee born 1756.
    Westbrook Lee born 14 Dec 1759.
    Kesiah Lee born 1761.

    William Henry Lee died 12 Sep 1796 at Sampson, North Carolina .

    Elizabeth Ann Wesbrook died 1800 .