Robert DAVIS

Abt 1700
North Ireland
Abt 4 May 1770
Waxhaw Settlement, Abbeville, South Carolina
Abt 1720
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   THE DAVIS FAMILY
                 With Crockett and Pickens connections.
                               compiled by
                               E. M. Sharp
                 From research done by Mr. D. L. McWhorter
                 of Bethel, North Carolina, in teh Archives
                 of the State of North Carolina, and in
                 Mecklenburg Co. North Carolina.
                 Researched on the Pickens family by E. M.
                 Sharp of Memphis, Tenn.
                           ROBERT DAVIS, SR.
       We know something of the Pickens family and the claims which are we
substantiated that several brothers came to Bucks Co. Penn. with their
parents who were William Henry Pickens and Margaret Pike Pickens.  The
brothers listed are: Thomas, Israel, Robert, John, Andrew, William and
Gabriel.  It is a well known fact that nearly all of those brothers or
their descendants lived at some time in Augusta County, Virginia and lat
went to Abbeville County S.C. by way of the Waxhaw settlements in
Mecklenburg Co. N.C. and Lancaster Co. S.C.
       Tradition has always affirmed that they had some sisters, whose nam
were not later remembered, nor who they married. After long search and
study of both facts and traditions it seems fairly well established that
two of the sisters were: Anne Pickens who married Robert Davis and Lucy
Pickens who married first Mathew Galaspey, and second, John Kerr.
       Traditions in the Davis family affirm that they are connected with
Pickens family. Also in the Pickens family this same tradtion prevails.
is known that there were several Later Pickens-Davis marriages, but the
traditions state that there was a still earlier connection and that Anne
Pickens, an older sister of the Pickens brothers was the wife of Robert
       It will be developed in the following paragraphs that Robert Davis
one of the earliest setlers on the Virginia frontier, and that he went t
the Waxhaw Settlements in N.C. and S.C. among the earliest pioneers,
probably with the Rev. Alexander Craighead congregation who fled from th
extreme frontier of Virginia in the Calfpasture area after the defeat of
Gen. Braddock. Robert Davis died in 1770 and his will was probated in
Mecklenburg Co. N.C. The orginal will and settlement papers are in the
Archives of N.C. at Raleigh.
       One account of the Davis family has been prepared by Mr. Robert
Lemuel Davis of North Belmont, N.C. (Gaston County) which addmittedly
contains many errors, some of them glaring errors, but there is still a
great kernal of truth in his genealogy.  He states that Robert Davis was
born in Noarth Ireland, where he was married about 1727 to Anne Pickens.
also states that he was the father of 22 children, the oldest being Will
Davis who was born in 1730 in County Tyrone Ireland, that he came first
Augusta county Virginia and later to the Waxhaw settlements in 1741. He
does not name all of the 22 children, claiming that many are unknown now
He does name, William, Mose, George, John and a daughter who married
Robert Crockett.  His treatment of the families of some of the sons of
Robert Davis is also faulty. Therefore one must take his account as the
work of an amateur who did not verify all of his facts and jumped to
conclusions, based on tradition and certain data that seemed to fit into
traditions. Never-the-less there is always that element of truth in all
traditon that can serve as a guide.  Through the aid of Mr. Davis L.
McWhorter, of Bethel, N.C. who is not a professional genealogist, but wh
has the professional attitude and technique we have the following facts.
ROBERT DAVIS * died in Mecklenburg Co. N.C. and his will is on record in
We know something of the Pickens family and the claims which are we substantiated that several brothers came to Bucks Co. Penn. with their parents who were William Henry Pickens and Margaret Pike Pickens.  The brothers listed are: Thomas, Israel, Robert, John, Andrew, William and Gabriel.  It is a well known fact that nearly all of those brothers or their descendants lived at some time in Augusta County, Virginia and lat went to Abbeville County S.C. by way of the Waxhaw settlements in Mecklenburg Co. N.C. and Lancaster Co. S.C.
Tradition has always affirmed that they had some sisters, whose nam were not later remembered, nor who they married. After long search and study of both facts and traditions it seems fairly well established that two of the sisters were: Anne Pickens who married Robert Davis and Lucy Pickens who married first Mathew Galaspey, and second, John Kerr.
Traditions in the Davis family affirm that they are connected with Pickens family. Also in the Pickens family this same tradtion prevails. is known that there were several Later Pickens-Davis marriages, but the traditions state that there was a still earlier connection and that Anne Pickens, an older sister of the Pickens brothers was the wife of Robert Davis.
It will be developed in the following paragraphs that Robert Davis one of the earliest setlers on the Virginia frontier, and that he went t the Waxhaw Settlements in N.C. and S.C. among the earliest pioneers, probably with the Rev. Alexander Craighead congregation who fled from th extreme frontier of Virginia in the Calfpasture area after the defeat of Gen. Braddock. Robert Davis died in 1770 and his will was probated in Mecklenburg Co. N.C. The orginal will and settlement papers are in the Archives of N.C. at Raleigh.
One account of the Davis family has been prepared by Mr. Robert Lemuel Davis of North Belmont, N.C. (Gaston County) which addmittedly contains many errors, some of them glaring errors, but there is still a great kernal of truth in his genealogy.  He states that Robert Davis was born in Noarth Ireland, where he was married about 1727 to Anne Pickens. also states that he was the father of 22 children, the oldest being Will Davis who was born in 1730 in County Tyrone Ireland, that he came first Augusta county Virginia and later to the Waxhaw settlements in 1741. He does not name all of the 22 children, claiming that many are unknown now He does name, William, Mose, George, John and a daughter who married Robert Crockett.  His treatment of the families of some of the sons of Robert Davis is also faulty. Therefore one must take his account as the work of an amateur who did not verify all of his facts and jumped to conclusions, based on tradition and certain data that seemed to fit into traditions. Never-the-less there is always that element of truth in all traditon that can serve as a guide.  Through the aid of Mr. Davis L. McWhorter, of Bethel, N.C. who is not a professional genealogist, but wh has the professional attitude and technique we have the following facts. ROBERT DAVIS * died in Mecklenburg Co. N.C. and his will is on record in
                 Book C. Page 12. His will was signed on May 4, 1770, and
                 probated some months later.
Executors: Son, GEORGE DAVIS, and son, ROBERT DAVIS, and WIFE, not named
Children named:
probated some months later. Executors: Son, GEORGE DAVIS, and son, ROBERT DAVIS, and WIFE, not named Children named:
                 1. George Davis
                 2. Robert Davis
                 3. James Davis
                 4. William Davis
                 5. Moses Davis
                 6. Catherine Davis who married Robert Caldwell.
               {ts note: number  6. Catherine Davis is crossed out}
       Tradition states that Robert Davis was born in North Ireland, where
was married to Anne Pickens. Some of their children were born in Ireland
and they are said to have come to America abound 1735 or a bit earlier.
known facts in America about them are as follows:
      Kegley's Virginia Frontier Records show that Robert Davis first
      received 400 acres in 1735 in South Garden, among the mountains of t
Tradition states that Robert Davis was born in North Ireland, where was married to Anne Pickens. Some of their children were born in Ireland and they are said to have come to America abound 1735 or a bit earlier. known facts in America about them are as follows:
Kegley's Virginia Frontier Records show that Robert Davis first received 400 acres in 1735 in South Garden, among the mountains of t
      Branches of Hardware River in Virginia. At that time all this territ
      was in Goochland County, and is located in what became the extreme
      southern end of Augusta county. The same year he received an additio
      400 acres in the same location. This section is actually in the
      Branches of James and Roanoke Rivers.
      Kegley, shows that in 1746 Robert Davis received a grant of 300 acre
      on the West side of the Blue Ridge.  On Nov. 22, 1746, one James Dav
      received a grant of 626 acres part of a larger grant of 8,100 acres
      Catawaba river.
      Kegley shows that in 1748 the Clerk's fee book in Augusta County,Va.
      shows that Robert Davis, along with many others, is "Not found". Thi
      says Kegley, is an indication of how restless the pioneers were on t
      frontier, moving from place to place and the county officials unable
      or unwilling to keep up with them.
       Tradition states that one of the older daughters of Robert Davis
married Robert Crockett, so we will bring in the Crockett records along
with the Davis records. Kegley shows that Robert Crockett received a gra
of 350 acres on Sept. 28, 1745 on Luney's Mill Creek. Prior to this howe
Robert Crockett had proved his importation with an affidavit in Orange C
Va. as follows:  "Robert Crockett, for himself, Margaret his wife, John,
Arshbell, Jane, Samuel and Robert."
       Chalkley's Annals of Augusta county show the will of ROBERT CROCKET
dated Nov. 16, 1746. He named, Wife - Margaret, Sons: John Asbal, Samuel
Robert, James, Alexander, and Jane. Executors were Wife and  ROBERT DAVI
Witnesses were: Thomas Gillham, James McCorkle, Robert Bratton. Proved b
all witnesses, Feb. 19, 1746.
       ROBERT DAVIS seems to have lived a fairly quiet life while in Augus
as there are relatively few records of him. He did not trade lands, but
witnessed a good many deeds for other people showing who his friends and
neighbors were: James Lynn, Patrick Campbell, David Moore, James Crawfor
James Caldwell, George Gardner, John Rutledge, James Trimble, David
Steward, James Miller, John Hutchingson, James McCorkel, John Brown, Jam
Cathey, John Crockett, Robert Bratton, Andrew Pickens, Robert McClenacha
John Ramsey,and others.
       Of the above list of people it is known that those who are also to
found in the Waxhaw are: John Ramsey, John Hutchinson, Robert McClennach
Robert Bratton, Andrew Pickens, the Caldwells, Crocketts, and others.
       Chalkley, Vol. I. p.   Aug. 20., 1746. Report as to a Road from top
Marsh Mountain to William Kings and then the court house. ROBERT DAVIS,
Overseer, and those to be under him are: Andrew Pickens, Samuel Kincaid,
James Young, Robert McClellan, Hugh Young, James Clark and many others.
       Most other records of Robert Davis in Augusta are in connection wit
the settlement of the estate of Robert Crockett. A few years after death
Robert Crockett. His widow Margaret married John Ramsey. The following
records are to be found:
Vol. III, p. 7 - Aug. 19, 1747, Robert Crocketts inventory, was made by
Tradition states that one of the older daughters of Robert Davis married Robert Crockett, so we will bring in the Crockett records along with the Davis records. Kegley shows that Robert Crockett received a gra of 350 acres on Sept. 28, 1745 on Luney's Mill Creek. Prior to this howe Robert Crockett had proved his importation with an affidavit in Orange C Va. as follows:  "Robert Crockett, for himself, Margaret his wife, John, Arshbell, Jane, Samuel and Robert."
Chalkley's Annals of Augusta county show the will of ROBERT CROCKET dated Nov. 16, 1746. He named, Wife - Margaret, Sons: John Asbal, Samuel Robert, James, Alexander, and Jane. Executors were Wife and  ROBERT DAVI Witnesses were: Thomas Gillham, James McCorkle, Robert Bratton. Proved b all witnesses, Feb. 19, 1746.
ROBERT DAVIS seems to have lived a fairly quiet life while in Augus as there are relatively few records of him. He did not trade lands, but witnessed a good many deeds for other people showing who his friends and neighbors were: James Lynn, Patrick Campbell, David Moore, James Crawfor James Caldwell, George Gardner, John Rutledge, James Trimble, David Steward, James Miller, John Hutchingson, James McCorkel, John Brown, Jam Cathey, John Crockett, Robert Bratton, Andrew Pickens, Robert McClenacha John Ramsey,and others.
Of the above list of people it is known that those who are also to found in the Waxhaw are: John Ramsey, John Hutchinson, Robert McClennach Robert Bratton, Andrew Pickens, the Caldwells, Crocketts, and others.
Chalkley, Vol. I. p.   Aug. 20., 1746. Report as to a Road from top Marsh Mountain to William Kings and then the court house. ROBERT DAVIS, Overseer, and those to be under him are: Andrew Pickens, Samuel Kincaid, James Young, Robert McClellan, Hugh Young, James Clark and many others.
Most other records of Robert Davis in Augusta are in connection wit the settlement of the estate of Robert Crockett. A few years after death Robert Crockett. His widow Margaret married John Ramsey. The following records are to be found: Vol. III, p. 7 - Aug. 19, 1747, Robert Crocketts inventory, was made by
                   Henry Gay, John Gay and Wm. Elliott.
                   August 3, 1747,  Accounts of debts paid by Margaret
                   Crockett, part of estate of Robert Crockett.
Vol. I, p. 56 - Nov. 18, 1752. John Ramsey and Margaret his wife, the la
Crockett, part of estate of Robert Crockett. Vol. I, p. 56 - Nov. 18, 1752. John Ramsey and Margaret his wife, the la
                  Margaret Crockett.
          p. 59 - May 19, 1753 - Robert Davis, and Executor of Robert
                  Crockett, is about to leave the Colony and begs to be
                  released. John Ramsey who married Robert Crockett's wido
                  is summoned.
          p. 49 - Nov. 28, 1751 - Archibald Crockett, close Robert Bratton
                  and James McCorkle as guardians.  The above quardians
                  complain that John Ramsey who married Margaret, relict a
                  widow of Robert Crockett, father of Archibald are wastin
                  the estate.
          p. 51 - May 21, 1752 - Robert Bratton, guardian of Archibald
                  Crockett, against Robert Davis and Margaret Ramsey for
                  detaining part of the orphans estate.
       After Robert Davis's statement that he was about to leave the colon
in 1753, he was relieved and John Ramsey took over the duties. Futher da
pertaining to the Crocketts will be taken up in connection with Margaret
a possible daughter of Robert and Anne Pickens Davis.
       NORTH CAROLINA list of applications for land grants, show that on
October 1, 1751, the following applied for land:
After Robert Davis's statement that he was about to leave the colon in 1753, he was relieved and John Ramsey took over the duties. Futher da pertaining to the Crocketts will be taken up in connection with Margaret a possible daughter of Robert and Anne Pickens Davis.
NORTH CAROLINA list of applications for land grants, show that on October 1, 1751, the following applied for land:
               Robert Davis - for 600 acres.
               William Davis -  for 300 acres.
               Robert Caldwell - for 600 acres.
               Andrew Pickens - for 800 acres.
      (See: N.C. Colonial Records. Vol. 4, p. 1250-51.)
       North Carolina had a law granting land only to people who came into
the colony to live on the land. Applications, however were received in
advance of the actual removal.  We have noted that in 1753 Robert Davis
made the statement in Augusta county that he planned to leave the colony
It was about this d
Abt 1702
Tyrone, North Ireland
Aft 1750
Waxhaw Settlement, Abbeville, South Carolina
                   There is no definate notations on the date or the location of Ann
Pickin Davis death or burial. The records quoted are not specific and
were not prepared by this writer or the writer quoted. jcp1993
ID Number: 1124

There is no definite notations on the date or the location of Ann  Pickin Davis death or burial. The records quoted are not specific and were not prepared by this writer or the writer quoted. jcp1993
Margaret DAVIS
Abt 1721
                   There is some confusion as to Margaret 'ye Younger' and Margaret
'Davis'. We do know that Margaret DAVIS married a CROCKETT and then
married John RAMSEY. In Sharp's material; pg 3; he states:
"8. Margaret Pickens - 'ye Younger'. One account says she married a
QUESTION: Is Margaret 'ye Younger really Margaret Pickens DAVIS. Could
she have either been living with her cousins or did she married into
the family? ie: JOHN who married a Mary UN-NAMED.
ID Number: 11241
William DAVIS, MJR.
Abt 1724
Anson, North Carolina
                   ID Number: 11243
Abt 1725
Northern Ireland
                   according to researchers John was an elder son, probably from a first mar-
riage (not documented). I have put him here because I have not found his
ID Number: 11242

according to researchers John was an elder son, probably from a first marriage (not documented). I have put him here because I have not found his connection.jcp1993
Abt 1727
Anson, North Carolina
22 Apr 1815
South Carolina
                   ID Number: 11244
Abt 1730
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Abbeville, Abbeville, South Carolina
Abt 1765
Long Cane Creek, 96 District A 
                   ID Number: 11245
Robert DAVIS
Abt 1735
Abbeville, Abbeville, South Carolina
                   ID Number: 11246
Catherine DAVIS
Abt 1737
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   ID Number: 11247
Israel DAVIS
Abt 1740
Augusta, Virginia
26 Jan 1817
Abbeville, South Carolina
                   ID Number: 11248
George DAVIS
Abt 1744
Augusta, Virginia
                   ID Number: 11249
FamilyCentral Network
Robert Davis - Anne Pickin

Robert Davis was born at North Ireland Abt 1700.

He married Anne Pickin Abt 1720 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania . Anne Pickin was born at Tyrone, North Ireland Abt 1702 daughter of William Henry Pickin and Margaret Pike .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Margaret Davis born Abt 1721.
William Davis, Mjr. born Abt 1724.
John Davis born Abt 1725.
James Davis born Abt 1727.
Moses Davis born Abt 1730.
Robert Davis born Abt 1735.
Catherine Davis born Abt 1737.
Israel Davis born Abt 1740.
George Davis born Abt 1744.

Robert Davis died Abt 4 May 1770 at Waxhaw Settlement, Abbeville, South Carolina .

Anne Pickin died Aft 1750 at Waxhaw Settlement, Abbeville, South Carolina .