3 Oct 1818
22 Jul 1905
St. Stephens Lutheran Church, Hickory, Catawba, North Carolina
                   Family listed in "Heinrich Weidner 1717-1792.  Catharina Mull Weidner 1733 -
1804 Through Four Generations."  Anne Williams McAllister. An excellent article on Abel Seitz by Vera Lee Seitz may be found in "The Heritage of Catawba County", edited by the Catawba County Genealogical Society.  From her records, [information on the children]"
     Marriage surety Moses B. WHITENER (with Mary M. WHITNER)
     Marriage surety David HAUN, witness R. WILLIAMSON (with Catherine GROSS)
     1850 Catawba County, NC Census, Newton Twp.
947.947 Abel Sides 31, farmer
Catharine (Gross) Sides 26
Labon Sides 8, at school
Emeline Sides 6
Jones Sides 3
Jane Sides 4 months old
     1852 April 27 Catawba County, NC Deed Book.
David Seitz conveyed to his son Abel Seitz 110 acres for $82.50
     1860 Catawba County, NC Census, Hickory Tavern Twp.
639.626 Abel Seitz 41, farmer, $2,000  $530
Catharine (Gross) Seitz 37
Labon Seitz 16
Emeline Seitz 14
Jones Seitz 10
Jane Seitz 8
Darious Seitz 6
Catherine Seitz 4
Eliza Seitz 4
     1870 Catawba County, NC Census, Hickory Tavern Twp.
4.4 Abel Seitz 51, farmer
Catharine (Gross) Seitz
Darious David Seitz 17
Catherine Seitz 12
Eliza Seitz 10
George Seitz 8
Hester Seitz 6
     1901 October 9, "The Hickory Times - Mercury.  The Seitz Family Reunion."
   Last Thursday, October 3rd, 1901, was a day which will long be remembered by the Seitz family.  It was the 83rd birthday of Mr. Able Seitz, of this city.  Hich children and grandchildren had planned to honor that day by giving him a surprise family reunion.  Their plans were crowned with a brilliant success.  The day was beautiful and there were no providential hinderances to mar the occasion.
   While Mrs. Seitz and her daughter had been apprised of it, yet it was kept a profound secret from Mr. Seitz.  Not until they began to drive in by wagon loads and to unload baskets and boxes well filled with all kinds of eatables, did he get the first and faintest idea of the pleasantness that was to so completely overwhelm him for the remainder of the day.  His cup of joy was full to overflowing.  The only regret was that all his children could not be present.
   By 10 o'clock, those who could come were present, viz: 7 children, 1 daughter-in-law, 4 sons-in-law, 34 grand and great-grandchildren and 8 visitors, which with Mr. and Mrs. Seitz, made a total of 56 persons.  Although most of them were children and 20 were boys and young men, yet we never saw a more quiet, orderly and well behaved gathering in all our life.  If there was one act or word spoken to mar the feelings of anyone, old or young, no one found it out. All were pleasant and seemed perfectly happy.
   The spreading and serving of the dinner was postponed until the noon train arrived, hoping that Rev. J.C. Moser, Mr. Seitz's pastor, who was attending a conference, could be present.  It was a disappointment that Mr. Moser could not return in time.
   Mr. A. McIntosh, the photographer, was present.  At the dinner table he presented Mr. Seitz with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which was placed on the table before him.  After dinner, Mr. McIntosh took two pictures of those present.  First a picture of the entire crowd, and second a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Seitz and the seven children. j Every family ordered a picture of each and then jointly ordered two pictures of each for their two brothers in Texas.
   The festivities of the day wound up with a watermelon feast.  Mr. Daniel Huffman brought several melons, and they were as nice as are generally found so late in the season.  After these were enjoyed, the family began to bid farewell to each other and drive out for their respective homes.
   Brief Historical Sketch
   We close this article with a brief historical sketch.  Mr. Seitz has been married three times.  His first wife was Miss Mary Magdalena Whitener, who died about a year after the marriage.  To this union was born one child, which also died.
   His second wife was Miss Catherine Gross.  To this union were born twelve children, eight of whom are still living.  We mention them according to age, as follows:
   Emaline Seitz married R.R.Hart, who lives near this city.  They had twelve children, eight of whom are living.
   Jones Seitz has married twice.  His first wife was Catharine Sherrill, a sister to his brother Laban's wife.  They had five or six children.  His second wife was a Miss Wilfong (sic Pierce).
   Jane E. Seitz married Dr. B.G. Flowers and lives in Caldwell County.  They had thre children and ten grandchildren.
   D.D.Seitz married Elizabeth Huffman.  They had two children, both living.  Mr. Seitz was killed by lightning while fishing in the Catawba River about twenty-two years ago.
   Catherine Seitz married Daniel Huffman, who lives near this place.  They have ten children, nine of whom are living.
   Eliza Seitz married E.L. Whitener, who also lives near this city.  They had eleven children, nine of whom are still living.
   George P. Seitz married Ellen Smyre and lives near Newton.  They had ten children, seven are living.
   Hester Seitz married M.M. Smyre and also lives near Newton.  They had three children; two living.
   Mr. Seitz's last and present wife was Mrs. Mary Payne.  To this happy union was born one child, who is now a young lady, Miss Pheribee, and who is the joy of her parents in their old age.
     1903 Feb 13 Catawba County, NC Will Book 3:396
The will of Abel Seitz was not probated.  The Executors were Macon Smyre and Luther Whitener; witnesses S.E. Killian and A.A.File.
     1905 July 26, Wednesday, "Catawba County News"
   Mr. Abel Seitz, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the time, passed away shortly before noon Saturday after a lingering illness of more than two months.  Mr. Seitz had reached his four score and six mark, and was therefore as old, if not the oldest man in the town.  He and his family had lived in Hickory the greater part of their life, his earlier days having been spent on the old plantation on the Catawba River.  But as the town grew up, he wished to go to town, and has been there ever since.
   Mr. Seitz was a sweet, lovable old gentleman, loyal to his neighborhood and friends, and thus gained a reputation that will wigh in the minds of his many friends as long as they live.  For over a month he had been unconscious, only at times and his attending physicians, and his friends, and relatives knew the end was not far distant.  But they had waited on him tenderly and were not thinking of his death when he passed away.  Thus gradually did the death angel come, yet the call came with a suddenness to all.  The interment was at St. Stephens E.L. Church yesterday where the reamins were taken for burial.
    1905 July 28, "Newton Enterprise"
   From the "Hickory Mercury" we learn that Mr. Able Seitz died in Hickory last Saturday, July 22, after a sickness of eight weeks, aged 86 years.  He was buried at St. Stephens church Sunday and the burial was attended by 1,000 people.  He was the father of Mr. George Seitz and Mrs. M.M. Smyre of near Newton.
Mary Henrietta MOORE
11 Dec 1842
4 Jan 1918
Old Grace Chapel, Caldwell Co, North Carolina
Heinrich Weidner 1717-1792, Catharina Mull Weidner 1733-1804 Through Four Generations, 446
24 Apr 1882
Catawba, North Carolina
7 Sep 1966
14 Aug 1902
FamilyCentral Network
Abel Seitz - Mary Henrietta Moore

Abel Seitz was born at 3 Oct 1818. His parents were David Seitz and Sarah Whitener.

He married Mary Henrietta Moore 1881 . Mary Henrietta Moore was born at 11 Dec 1842 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Sarah Pheribee Seitz born 24 Apr 1882.

Abel Seitz died 22 Jul 1905 .

Mary Henrietta Moore died 4 Jan 1918 .