George Pinkney SEITZ

11 Dec 1861
Catawba, North Carolina
28 Nov 1908
St. James Lutheran Church, Newton, North Carolina
20 Jan 1881
Catawba, North Carolina
Heinrich Weidner 1717-1792, Catharina Mull Weidner 1733-1804 Through Four Generations, 447
                   Heinrich Weidner Etc:  3 December 1908 "Newton Enterprise"
     Mr. George Seitz died Friday night from injuries received on Thanksgiving day in attempting to stop a run-away team.  He was buried at St. James Church Sunday at 11 o'clock.  Friends from all over the county attended the funeral, it being one of the largest crowds ever seen at St. James.
     Mr. Sides was about 48 years old and leaves a widow and six children, three of the children being grown.  He was one of the most successful farmers in the county.  He and his brother-in-law, Mr. M.M. Smyre, farmer in partnership, living on opposite sides of the Newton and Charlotte road, about six miles east of Newton.  Their farm has been known, far and wide, as a model one.
     On Thanksgiving day, he and his son were hitching a colt and an old horse to a wagon.  Before they were ready to start, the colt took fright and broke away, taking the older horse and wagon with him.  As they circled around in the field, Mr. Seitz headed them off and endeavored to stop them by catching the rein of one of the horses.  He was knocked down and the wheels of the wagon, with great force, on account of the speed at which the horses were going, ran over his chest.
     The spinal column was broken and internal injuries inflicted.  He was completely paralyzed from the shoulders down, and Drs. Yount and Long, who attended him, could see no hope for him from the first.  he was conscious up to a short while before his death and realized his condition.
     [separate item in same issue of paper]  Mr. George Seitz, who was killed Thanksgiving day by a run-away team, carried $4,400 in life insurance.  We are told that he had several narrow escapes from accidental death, and of late years had a presentiment that he would meet a violent death.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
George Pinkney Seitz - Blocked

George Pinkney Seitz was born at Catawba, North Carolina 11 Dec 1861. His parents were Abel Seitz and Catherine Gross.

He married Blocked 20 Jan 1881 at Catawba, North Carolina .

George Pinkney Seitz died 28 Nov 1908 .