17 Apr 1831
Clark, Arkansas
                   Clark Co, AR 1830 Census:  p. 198 Charles GOLLAHUR 211001-10101,
p. 201 John GALAHUR 0020001-00101, p. 202 Matiha (Martha?) GOLAHUR 200001-00001

Clark Co, AR 1829 Sheriff Census John GOLLIHAR, Missouri Twp.
No GOLLIHARS in 1823 Sheriff Census

Clark Co, AR Court.  11 Jan 1836 Motion of Charles GALLIHAR...certain road work
WILL:  Sanford R. BABBIT, d. 6 July 1842, pro. 26 Aug 1842, Bondsmen:  Charles
WILL:  Ephraim STANLEY, d. 2 Nov 1838, appraisers. . . Charles GALLIHAR
WILL:  Francis CHANEY, d. 24 Oct 1840, Sec. Charles GOLLIHAR

Clark Co, AR 1850 Census:
p. 217 Charles GALLIHAR 56 KY,
Margaret 42 IL,
Drewry 18 AR,
Isham C. 16 AR,
Nancy J. 16 AR,
John C. 13 AR,
Louisa E. 12 AR,
Margaret 10 AR,
Sarah Ann 8 AR,
Grandison D. 7 AR,
Charles 5 AR,
Laura O 1 AR
p. 218 #389 Matinda DUVALL 35 AR,
Margaret E.A. 3 AR,
Sarah A.J. 1 AR
p. 218 #390.  William GOLLIHAR 26 AR,
Elizabeth 21 LA,
William C.C. 4 AR,
Grandison D.R. 2 AR,
Isaac C.M. 3/12 AR,
Martha DUDLEY 22 AR

   Have copy of marriage license
Also 3 Aug 1840 Andrew GALLIHAR m. Louisa STROUD

Clark Co, AR 1860 Census:
p. 39 William GOLLIHAR 35 AR,
Nancy 24 AR,
Mary J. 6 AR,
John H. 4 AR,
James G. 3 AR,
Francis A. 4/12 AR---no other GOLLIHARS

Falls Co., TX 1860 Census.  Alto Springs
298/298.  Chas. GOLLIHAR 65 KY
     M.  51 MO
     Maggie 24 AR
     S.A.  18
     Granson 17
     Chas Jr. 14
     Laura 11
     Abner 9

   Clark Co, AR 1840 Census:  Andrew GOLLIHAR 011-001,

Added by CynthiaReese27  on 15 Jul 2007
My information says that Charles Gollihar who was born in KY 1794 was the son of CHARLES GOLLIAR who married 7 Dec 1790 Mercer Co.,KY to NANCY BUNTON born 1765 Mercer Co.,KY and died after 1837, and the daughter of WILLIAM BUNTON and MARY BYERS.
Charles Gollihar married 1st no name who was born 1791 and died before 1831 Clark Co.,AR. They had 3 sons 1. William Gollihar b.1824/25 2. Thomas Golligar b. 1821 3. Andrew Gollihar b.1826 the 3 children were all born in Clark Co.,AR. WILLIAM GOLLIHAR born 1824 Terre Noire, Clark Co.,AR was my ancestor.

This is by Terry Cowan, April 2008:

1. Charles1 Gollihar. Charles was born in 1794 at probably Mercer County, KY. He married ? (--?--) circa 1815. He married Margaret Hoofman at Clark County, AR, on 17 Apr 1831. Charles died between 1860 and 1870 at Wolf Creek Crossing, Burnet County, TX.

Charles Gollihar was probably born in Mercer County, KY. (On the 1930 census returns, 2 of his children--Charles Ashley Gollihar and Laura Gollihar Snider--list their father's birthplace as Ireland. Laura even goes as far as to say it was Dublin, Ireland. This is undoubtedly incorrect, as Charles lists his birthplace as Kentucky on both the 1850 and 1860 censuses. What is more likely is that his father was born in Ireland and Charles was born soon after their arrival in America. This is supported by Laura's contention on the statement that her mother was born in Pennsylvania. Margaret Hoofman Gollihar was born in Illinois, but both of her parents were born in Pennsylvania.) His father is thought to have been Patrick Gallagher, though this is not for certain. His mother, according to Cowan descendants, was Choctaw.
By the mid 1820s, Charles Gollihar and his family had settled in the Terre Noir Township of Clark County, Arkansas, where they were to live for many years. The name of Charles Gollihar's first wife is unknown. She was living at the time of the 1830 census, and there were 4 sons and 2 daughters in the household. Mrs. Charles Gollihar apparently died soon afterwards, as he remarried on April 17, 1831.
The second wife of Charles Gollihar was Margaret Hoofman, daughter of neighboring settlers John Hoofman and Mary M. Plott Hoofman. The Hoofmans were "Black Dutch," or German. In 1837, they purchased a quarter-quarter of Section 3, Township 8 South, Range 22 West. This was not the only tract of land that Gollihar owned in Clark County.
In 1849, the Sheriff of Clark County assessed a fine against Gollihar, though the cause was not stated. In July of 1851, Gollihar received a license to "sell groceries and to retail spirits at his residence." Apparently, he operated a general store and tavern. In November of 1851, Charles Gollihar was called as a witness to the murder trial against John Stuart. In April of 1853, charges were brought against Gollihar himself for murder. While there are no particulars of either case, one wonders if both murder cases were somehow connected with the Gollilhar tavern Charles Gollihar was apparently incarcerated for some time awaiting trial, as several Clark County residents presents bills for guarding Gollihar. In October of 1853, jurors were chosen for the trial. Apparently Gollihar was acquitted. But also during that month, a charge was brought against Gollihar for "sabbath-breaking." Interestingly, his in-law, William M. Cowan, was called as a witness.
In July of 1854, Charles and Margaret Gollihar sold a quarter-quarter of Section 17 of Township 8 South, Range 22 West to their son Drury W. Gollihar. Sometime after this date, Charles Gollihar and family moved to Texas. At least one of his sons was in Texas as early as 1858. In 1860, Charles Gollihar was living in Falls County, in central Texas. The Gollihars did not live here long. It is thought that Gollihar moved to Burnet County, in the Texas Hill Country. There is one reference on the tax rolls during the 1860s to a "C. M. Golaher" in Burnet County, which may or may not be Charles Golliher.
A grandson, Patrick L. Cowan, remembered that his grandfather died from the result of an Indian attack at Wolf Creek Crossing. This is a low-water crossing on the Colorado River, about 7 miles west of the town of Marble Falls. Gollihar was injured in the attack, but was able to make his escape. He died after reaching home. It is ironic that Gollihar himself was half-Indian.
Patrick L. Cowan recalls that this attack was just before the Battle of Packsaddle Mountain (1873). This battle was the most famous Indian battle in that region of Texas, in not the entire state. It marked the beginning of the end of Indian troubles in the Texas Hill Country. Problems were especially severe in the years immediately following the Civil War. Once the war began, there were obviously no federal troops on the frontier. Texas rangers, loosely associated with the Confederate army, kept control during the war years. But once the war was over, this force was disbanded, and it was several years before U.S. army troops were stationed along the frontier. Also, neither Charles nor Margaret are listed on the 1870 Texas census. It is more likely that Charles Gollihar died in the period between 1865 and 1870.
Margaret "Peggy" (Marijot) HOOFMAN
25 Apr 1808
Adams, Illinois
Clark Co., Arkansas
Aft 1881
Caddo, Clark, Arkansas 
                   Temple work done as "Drenny"

Family info from Shirley Raymond, 517 S. Alaska, Spiro, OK  74959.  "Served in
the Civil War for the Confederate.  Enlisted in Sebastian Co, AR in Co. D 34th
Ark Inf.  Later deserted."

Deed from Drewey W. GOLLAHER of Sebastian Co., AR for $50 to John S. COWAN of
Pike Co, AR.  Land in Clark County, AR:  NE quarter of the NE quarter of D#17
Twp 810 R 22 W, 40 acres.  Signed by his mark

1870 Census, Sebastian County, Arkansas
Name: 	Andrew Gallagher
Estimated Birth Year: 	abt 1833
Age in 1870: 	37
Birthplace: 	Arkansas
Home in 1870: 	Center, Sebastian, Arkansas
Race: 	White
Gender: 	Male
Post Office: 	Greenwood
Household Members:
Name 	Age
Andrew Gallagher 	37
Martha Gallagher 	31
William Gallagher 	11
Jane M Gallagher 	3
John C Gallagher 	2

Cannot find in 1860 or 1880.

By Terry Cowan:  April 2008

8. Drury "Drewey"2 Gollihar (Charles1). Drury was born circa 1832 at Terre Noir Township, Clark County, AR. He married Martha Cowan, daughter of William M. Cowan and Mary Briant, circa 1860. He died at Le Flore County, OK.
Martha Cowan. Martha was born in 1839 at Coffee County, TN.

Martha Gollihar, wife of Drury Drewey" Gollihar is believed to be a daughter of William M. Cowan and Mary M. Briant Cowan. The family's absence on the 1850 census presents difficulties in proving this. A Doshier family researcher stated that the Cowans had a daughter named Martha. The death certificate for a son of Drury Gollihar and wife Martha, lists her maiden name as "Gowan." The Cowans and Gollihars lived close together in Clark County, Arkansas in the 1850s. Here, Drewery's sister, Nancy Jane Gollihar, married John S. Cowan.
In 1854, Charles Gollihar and wife, Margaret Hoofman Gollihar, conveyed 40 acres to their son Drury W. Gollihar, in Clark County. In December of 1857, "Drewry Gollahare" conveys this 40 acres to John S. Cowan, who is, of course, his brother-in-law.
By 1860, John S. Cowan and Nancy Jane Gollihar Cowan, along with his parents, had moved to Sebastian County, Arkansas. A daughter, Martha, is not listed with William M. Cowan and Mary M. Cowan on the 1860 census, which indicates that she had already married. But Drewery and Martha cannot be found on the 1860 Arkansas census, nor on the Texas census of that year, as his parents had relocated to that state.
In the Spring of 1862, "Drew Gollihire" was drafted into Co. D, 34th Arkansas Infantry. This indicates that he was probably in the Sebastian County area, as well. For that was the same company in which John S. Cowan and Abner J. Wilson (Mary's husband) served. There would seem to be no reason for Drewery to be in Sebastian County, as all the Gollihars were either still in Clark County, or in Texas. If he was married to a Cowan daughter, however, his presence there would make perfect sense. On December 27, 1862, Gollihar deserted the Confederate Army, at about the same time as did his brother-in-law, John S. Cowan. Drewery Gollihar may have followed them to Texas, though there is no proof. At the very least, he probably hid out in the Indian Territory until the end of the war.
Interestingly, years after the war, Gollihar presented a claim for corn confiscated by Federal troops during the war. The date given was the fall of 1863. In his petition, Golllihar claimed he was living in Polk County, near Waldron. The Cowan farm in Sebastian County was only two miles from the Polk County line.
In January 1868, "Drury Galaher" applied for 80 acres of government land, in Sec. 8, T 5 N, R 30 W. This land lay 2 miles due north of the Cowan place. In compliance with the homestead laws, Gollihar presented an affidavit in 1873, testifying to his residency on the land. The document records that he had built a dwelling house, two stables and cribs, and had set out an orchard.
In December 1877, the Gollihars sold 40 acres of their land to George Cook. They were still living in Sebastian County, Arkansas at the time of the 1880 census. By the mid 1890s, their children had started moving into nearby Choctaw Nation. It is unknown when Drewery and Martha died, or where they are buried, though it seems that they were deceased prior to 1900.
Clark, Arkansas
9 May 1858
Gillespie, Texas 
                   marriage from tree.
Horton Hears a Who
Judith Horton.

Cannot find in 1860, 1870, or 1880 census.

By Terry Cowan:

9 ii. Isham Crittenden Gollihar. Isham was born circa 1834 at Terre Noir Township, Clark County, AR. He married Leoma Colbath on 9 May 1858 at Gillespie County, TX.

The marriage of Isham Crittenden Gollihar to Leoma Colbath in May, 1858 is the first record we have of the Gollihar family in Texas. Gillespie County is in the Texas Hill Country, west of Austin. The Colbaths were old neighbors in Clark County, Arkansas so these families may have migrated together. Isham was also listed as a signer of a petition in nearby Bell County prior to 1860. Neither Isham nor Leoma are listed in the 1860 or any subsequent censuses, of any state or territory. It is presumed that they died as young adults.
17 Nov 1836
Clarke, Arkansas
3 Jul 1908
Eden, Concho, Texas
21 Jul 1853
Clarke Co, Arkansas 
                   Grave marker:  N.J. COWAN, born 17 Nov 1836, died 3 July 1908.  Heaven now
retains our treasure, earth the lonely casket keeps, and the sunbeam long to
linger, where our sainted Mother sleeps.

Katie Alice Cowan Campbell, her granddaughter, said "she always wore black when she visited us.  She had a satchel with peppermint candy & cinnamon bark.  She seemed old."
Clark, Arkansas
                   Cannot find in 1860, 1870, or 1880 Census.
Grandison D. GOLLIHAR
Clark, Arkansas
Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas
                   Cannot find them in 1880 or 1900 Census

15 viii. Grandison D. Gollihar. Grandison was born circa 1843 at Terre Noir Township, Clark County, AR. Grandison died in 1864 at TX. He was buried at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, TX.

Grandison D. Gollihar enlisted on July 1, 1862 in Company D, 2nd Regiment of Texas Cavalry. He enlisted in San Antonio, Texas. In November, 1863 Gollihar was absent with leave, in Oakwood, Texas. This town is in Leon County, which is adjoins Falls County. This may indicate that his parents were still in that area at that date. Young Gollihar was on the muster rolls as late as February, 1864. He died later in 1864, and is buried with other veterans in Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Corpus Christi, on the South Texas Gulf Coast. If he were a Protestant, he would have been buried in the adjoining Protestant cemetery. Either the Gollihars had remained nominal Catholics (which is hardly likely on the Kentucky and Arkansas frontiers in the late 1790s and early 1800s), or as is more likely, young Grandison Gollihar converted to Catholicism in the short time he was in Corpus Christi prior to his death.
22 Dec 1843
14 Apr 1937
26 Nov 1865
Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas 
                   Nueces Co, Corpus Christi, TX 1880 Census:  15/46.  Charles GOLLAHER 34 AR,
Martha 29 TX, William 12 TX, Eliza 10 TX, Helen 8, Charles 6 TX, John 4 TX,
Edward 1 TX, 1 boarder

Nueces Co, TXs 1900 Census:  Charles GOLIHAR Dec 1848 51 AR, Martha Aug 1849
50 TX, Helen Jan 1873 27 TX, Charles Apr 1874 26 TX, John Oct 1876 23 TX,
Edward Dec 1878 21 TX, Martha Feb 1881 19 TX, Margaret Apr 1883 17 TX, Henry
Aug 1885 14 TX, Nelli June 1889 10 TX

Death Certificate gives father John GOLLIHAR, birth AR, informant Nellie Grant

Letter from Nora Gollihar, 625 Gregory #86, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (now
deceased) 6 May 1977.  She went to the cemetery and got information on children
of her grandparents Charles A. GOLLIHAR & Martha Jane RAINS.

From Terry Cowan, April 2008
"Funeral rites for Charles A. Gollihar, 94, pioneer South Texas rancher, who died Wednesday afternoon, will be held Friday morning at St. Patrick's Cathedral. He came here with Green's Brigade at the close of the Civil War. Many years prior to establishing his own ranch south of here, Gollihar was active manager of a large tract of acreage on the famous King Ranch, and was well known throughout South Texas. Tall, gaunt and leather-skinned, he was a familiar figure on the streets of Corpus Christi several years ago when he drove through downtown traffic in a light buckboard behind a spirited bay mare. His sons only recently coaxed him into riding in automobiles. He considered them rattly, treacherous and too close to the ground. He retired from ranching several years ago and moved into town to live with his daughter, Mrs. Nellie Grant."
Charles A. Gollihar enlisted in the Confederate army on October 10, 1862 in San Antonio.
Feb 1850
Terre Noir, Clark, Arkansas
Aft 1937
San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Abt 1877
                   Cannot find in 1880 census

1900 United States Federal Census
Name: 	L Snider
Home in 1900: 	San Antonio Ward 1, Bexar, Texas
Age: 	50
Birth Date: 	Feb 1850
Birthplace: 	Arkansas
Race: 	White
Ethnicity: 	American
Relationship to head-of-house: 	Head
Father's Birthplace: 	Arkansas
Mother's Birthplace: 	Arkansas
Mother: number of living children: 	3
Mother: How many children: 	3
Marital Status: 	Widowed
Residence : 	San Antonio City, Bexar, Texas
Household Members:
Name 	Age
L Snider 	50
Maggie Snider 	22, Jan 1878, Wd., TX, TX, AR
Silas Snider 	19, Jun 1881, TX, TX, AR
Henry Snider 	17, May 1883, TX, TX, AR

CAnnot find in 1910 census or 1920 census.

1930 United States Federal Census
about Laura Snider
Name: 	Laura Snider
Home in 1930: 	San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Age: 	75
Estimated Birth Year: 	abt 1855
Birthplace: 	Arkansas
Relation to Head of House: 	Mother-in-law
Race: 	White
Household Members:
Name 	Age
Joseph M Boyd 	31, Head, m. 24, TX, IL, TX
Margaret Boyd 	44, wife, m. 15, TX, TX, AR
Edward R Boyd 	2 8/12, son, TX,TX,TX
Laura Snider 	75, mother-in-law, Wd, Arkansas, Ireland-Dublin, PA
Harman M Boyd 	83, father, Wd, IL, IL, IL
Silas N Snider 	22, brother-in-law, Wd, TX, TX, TX

I don't know what to make of the unusual ages for Laura and Silas.
Abt 1851
Clark, Arkansas
                   LaVaca, Texas 1870 Census
Clare, Thomas, 45, Frmer, MO
Ann e., 34, NC
James C., 10, TX
Lee S., 7, TX
Mary E., 4, TX
Ada C., 1, TX
Gollihar, Abner, 18, works on farm, AR image
FamilyCentral Network
Charles Gollihar - Margaret "Peggy" (Marijot) Hoofman

Charles Gollihar was born at KY 1794.

He married Margaret "Peggy" (Marijot) Hoofman 17 Apr 1831 at Clark, Arkansas . Margaret "Peggy" (Marijot) Hoofman was born at Adams, Illinois 25 Apr 1808 daughter of John Hoofman and Mary M. Plott .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Girl Gollihar born 1831.
Andrew "Drewey" Jackson Gollihar born 1832.
Isham C. Gollihar born 1834.
Nancy Jane Gollihar born 17 Nov 1836.
John C. Gollihar born 1837.
Louisa E. Gollihar born 1838.
Margaret Gollihar born 1840.
Sarah Ann Gollihar born 1842.
Grandison D. Gollihar born 1843.
Charles Ashley Gollihar born 22 Dec 1843.
Laura O. Gollihar born Feb 1850.
Abner Gollihar born Abt 1851.