Andrew "Drewey" Jackson GOLLIHAR

Aft 1881
Caddo, Clark, Arkansas
                   Temple work done as "Drenny"

Family info from Shirley Raymond, 517 S. Alaska, Spiro, OK  74959.  "Served in
the Civil War for the Confederate.  Enlisted in Sebastian Co, AR in Co. D 34th
Ark Inf.  Later deserted."

Deed from Drewey W. GOLLAHER of Sebastian Co., AR for $50 to John S. COWAN of
Pike Co, AR.  Land in Clark County, AR:  NE quarter of the NE quarter of D#17
Twp 810 R 22 W, 40 acres.  Signed by his mark

1870 Census, Sebastian County, Arkansas
Name: 	Andrew Gallagher
Estimated Birth Year: 	abt 1833
Age in 1870: 	37
Birthplace: 	Arkansas
Home in 1870: 	Center, Sebastian, Arkansas
Race: 	White
Gender: 	Male
Post Office: 	Greenwood
Household Members:
Name 	Age
Andrew Gallagher 	37
Martha Gallagher 	31
William Gallagher 	11
Jane M Gallagher 	3
John C Gallagher 	2

Cannot find in 1860 or 1880.

By Terry Cowan:  April 2008

8. Drury "Drewey"2 Gollihar (Charles1). Drury was born circa 1832 at Terre Noir Township, Clark County, AR. He married Martha Cowan, daughter of William M. Cowan and Mary Briant, circa 1860. He died at Le Flore County, OK.
Martha Cowan. Martha was born in 1839 at Coffee County, TN.

Martha Gollihar, wife of Drury Drewey" Gollihar is believed to be a daughter of William M. Cowan and Mary M. Briant Cowan. The family's absence on the 1850 census presents difficulties in proving this. A Doshier family researcher stated that the Cowans had a daughter named Martha. The death certificate for a son of Drury Gollihar and wife Martha, lists her maiden name as "Gowan." The Cowans and Gollihars lived close together in Clark County, Arkansas in the 1850s. Here, Drewery's sister, Nancy Jane Gollihar, married John S. Cowan.
In 1854, Charles Gollihar and wife, Margaret Hoofman Gollihar, conveyed 40 acres to their son Drury W. Gollihar, in Clark County. In December of 1857, "Drewry Gollahare" conveys this 40 acres to John S. Cowan, who is, of course, his brother-in-law.
By 1860, John S. Cowan and Nancy Jane Gollihar Cowan, along with his parents, had moved to Sebastian County, Arkansas. A daughter, Martha, is not listed with William M. Cowan and Mary M. Cowan on the 1860 census, which indicates that she had already married. But Drewery and Martha cannot be found on the 1860 Arkansas census, nor on the Texas census of that year, as his parents had relocated to that state.
In the Spring of 1862, "Drew Gollihire" was drafted into Co. D, 34th Arkansas Infantry. This indicates that he was probably in the Sebastian County area, as well. For that was the same company in which John S. Cowan and Abner J. Wilson (Mary's husband) served. There would seem to be no reason for Drewery to be in Sebastian County, as all the Gollihars were either still in Clark County, or in Texas. If he was married to a Cowan daughter, however, his presence there would make perfect sense. On December 27, 1862, Gollihar deserted the Confederate Army, at about the same time as did his brother-in-law, John S. Cowan. Drewery Gollihar may have followed them to Texas, though there is no proof. At the very least, he probably hid out in the Indian Territory until the end of the war.
Interestingly, years after the war, Gollihar presented a claim for corn confiscated by Federal troops during the war. The date given was the fall of 1863. In his petition, Golllihar claimed he was living in Polk County, near Waldron. The Cowan farm in Sebastian County was only two miles from the Polk County line.
In January 1868, "Drury Galaher" applied for 80 acres of government land, in Sec. 8, T 5 N, R 30 W. This land lay 2 miles due north of the Cowan place. In compliance with the homestead laws, Gollihar presented an affidavit in 1873, testifying to his residency on the land. The document records that he had built a dwelling house, two stables and cribs, and had set out an orchard.
In December 1877, the Gollihars sold 40 acres of their land to George Cook. They were still living in Sebastian County, Arkansas at the time of the 1880 census. By the mid 1890s, their children had started moving into nearby Choctaw Nation. It is unknown when Drewery and Martha died, or where they are buried, though it seems that they were deceased prior to 1900.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Andrew "Drewey" Jackson Gollihar - Blocked

Andrew "Drewey" Jackson Gollihar was born at AR 1832. His parents were Charles Gollihar and Margaret "Peggy" (Marijot) Hoofman.

He married Blocked 1859 at Caddo, Clark, Arkansas .

Andrew "Drewey" Jackson Gollihar died Aft 1881 .