Zacheus ROUTH

3 Dec 1717
Piscataway, Middlesex, New Jersey
North Carolina
Abt 1717
of Pennsylvania
Wiki Tree - GenForum
The Time of My Life (Routh Family Genealogy)
Find A Grave Memorials, names only no burial place or memorial biography
                   DEATH: possibly in Johnson Co., George or Randolph Co., NC
North Carolina
Randolph, North Carolina
29 Jun 1827
Jefferson, Tennessee
Randolph, North Carolina 
                   Thought to be buried at Rocky Valley Cemetery, Jefferson, Count, Tennesee

Buried at Rocky Vally Cemetery, Jefferson County, Tennessee.

       Jacob Routh's Will       Dated September 13, 1826

In the name of God Amen, I Jacob Routh of Jefferson County, Tennessee,Cabinet maker, being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanksbe given unto God, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowingthat it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this myLAST WILL AND TESTAMENT  that is to say principally and first of all.
I give and recommend my soul into the hands of ALMIGHTY GOD that gave it,and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christianburiel at the discretion of my Executers, nothing doubting, but at thegeneral Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty powerof God, and as touching such worldly estate, where with it hath pleasedGod to bless me in this life, I give, demise and dispose of the same inthe following manner and form.
FIRST, I give and bequeath to MARTHA, my dearly beloved wife my wholeestate during her life or widowhood. Also I constitute, make and ordainJOHN ROUTH, my son to be sole Executor of my this my LAST WILL ANDTESTAMENT, to manage and take care of my estate for the support ofMARTHA, his mother and at her death, divide the balance of my estateequally among all my children and I do utterly disallow, revoke anddisannul all and every other former WILL AND TESTAMENT & ratifying andconfirming this and no other to be my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. in witnesshere of, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th day of Septemberin the year of our Lord 1826.

In presence of us:
Zac's Routh Jr. (Zacheus)

   Jermiah Routh, Jr.       Signed: Jacob Routh

1790 Hillsborouh District-Randolph County, North Carolina

Jacob Routh 1-6-1-0-0    Page 99
James Routh 1-1-4-0-0    Page 99
John Routh  1-2-2-0-0    Page 99
Issac Redfearn 1-3-4-0-0        Page 99
Jacob Ruth 2-5-3-0-0              Page 99
Joseph Ruth 3-4-4-0-0            Page 99

It appears that there is a POSSIBILITY that ISAAC REDFEARN could be theFather of MARTHA (REDFEARN) ROUTH.

Minutes of Pawpaw Hollow Baptist Church, Sevier County, Tennessee (nearwhere Seiver Co. & Knox County join, list Jacob as one of the originalmembers in 1802, made a deacon in 1813 and again in 1821, His wife,Marthais also mentioned as a member in 1821, as were their son John Routh andhis wife, Elizabeth (Mashman) Routh and other members of Jacob's  familywere his brother Issac Routh and his wife Mary W, who were members untilthe were dismissed by letter in August 1821. Zacheus and wife, Nellyjoined in 1820, was made church clerk in1820, treasurer in 1821andtrustee in 1822, granted letters 5-4-1833 when they moved to Ray CO.,Missouri.

Jacob & Martha (REDFERN) Routh had 55 grandchildren and many, many Great-Great-Great-Great-Great--Great & etc.

       Jacob Routh The I was a cabinet maker. He moved from RandolphCounty, North Carolina To Jefferson County, Tennessee in 1792 when hebought land and built the Routh Mill
       He was a soldier in the state troop of North Carolina.
       The Rouths are thought to be Quakers.
       John Routh, son of Jacob I and father of Jacob II was born in NorthCarolina in 1782 and bought land on Dumplin Creek. He married ElizabethMashman, an orphan whose father was killed by Indians while on a hunt inTennessee mountains which flowed through the Routh farm.
       After their fathers death Jacob II and his brother Joseph  operatedthe grist mill.
       In 1845 Jacob built his Mother a fine home there, the home was soldin 1851 when the family moved.
       Joseph later did well selling cotton machinery in Butler Alabama.
       Joseph left with an immigrant party en route to Texas. they came inone, two horse wagon and one four horse wagon and a carriage driven by  aNegro named Jake and carring Elizabeth M. Routh and other Women.
       They left the Great Smoke Mountains and the second day passedthrough Knoxville a town of 2500 people. When they arrived in Memphisthey were loaded on a ferry and a week later were in Hot SpringsArkansas. They arrived in Texas after traveling 1000 miles in 40 days.Thetrip cost the Rouths $171.93,They spent the winter in Timber close toGarland Texas.
       Jacob bought land, a section and a half for his sons Jefferson andJoseph for two dollars an acre. His brother Washinton came a year laterand bought a half section.
       In the second year Jacob opened a merchandise store on a corner ofhis farm. He paid 42 cents a pound for 110 lbs. of feathers. The goodsarrived by freight wagons, in 1871 most of his stock was by stage coach.He operated a  site to feed the horses and men on the stage coach.Breakfast was furnished for 25 cents.
       Jacob built a small log cabin in 1853, he was married to LodemaCampbell. He also built a school close by and in 1874 he also built achurch the first one in Dallas County. He was finally called Rev. JacobRouth,and preached for several years. Jacob set aside a public burielplace, most of the early pioneers were buried there, It was the restingplace for Washington and Jefferson Routh The cemetery is still there butno markers.(B. C. Taylor) "my Fathers, Father is buried there"
       The Stately old Jacob Routh Mansion was built in 1861 and workedover in 1907. The house was just North of the General Expressway that hasbeen built. All the family has died and the land has been sold. Vandalshave torn the big two story home to pieces, it was a place of wealth. Itis a story of a pioneer family came from Tennessee to Richardson, DallasCounty, Texas. It was the family living quarters for a century twogenerations have occupied the home on the farm by Jacob Routh in 1950. hedied at his home in 1879 at the age of 61

Facts about this person:

Burial    June 1827
Rocky Valley Cemetery
Abt 1747
North Carolina
Aft 1792
Jefferson, Tennessee
North Carolina 
FamilyCentral Network
Zacheus Routh - Hannah Hammer

Zacheus Routh was born at Piscataway, Middlesex, New Jersey 3 Dec 1717. His parents were Lawrence Routh, II and Mrs Mehitable Routh.

He married Hannah Hammer at North Carolina . Hannah Hammer was born at of Pennsylvania Abt 1717 .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Isaac Routh born 1743.
Jacob Routh born 1745.
Joseph Routh born Abt 1747.